5/19/2013 - England 2013
On the Road Again
Sunday - May 19

We gather our gear and head north. We are on our way to Devizes, a town we have been to before. Cookie knows a better (less hilly) way than we have taken previously. It's not terribly sunny, but it's quite pleasant. We stop at a small pub along the way for a light lunch.

We decide to head for a campground in Orchestron, about 4 miles from Stonehenge. This is a small, very nice campground with only about 15 pitches (places for campers or winnebagos). The folks who own the place are very nice. They always want to know where we are from, and are incredulous when they learn we are from Phoenix. "Oh, I don't know how you can get used to that heat!"

Late in the day it has turned sunny and a bit warm, actually. We set up our tents on a grassy area and break out the cooking paraphernalia to make an early dinner. The campground store had some frozen lamb patties that were "just OK". We do a little Internet tapping and then turn in. It's always a bit strange as the sun doesn't go down till 9:00 or even 9:30.

Our trip today was 18 miles. If you want to explore more of the route, click on the map at right. 

©Mark Goldman 2013

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For more information contact Mark Goldman - 602-390-3858 - Mark@Storytellermark.com


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