     Monday - October 1, 2018
Issue # 334

Got some news or information you would like to get out to the storytelling community?
Contact Mark Goldman -x602-390-3858x - Mark@Storytellermark.com

                  There's a Whole Bunch of Storytelling Going On!

Jonesborough Festival - Live Streaming on Friday

This Friday, October 5
All Day - Live streamimg from the Library Tent

Sheila Arnold
Bil Lepp

Bill Harley 
MaryGay Ducey
Megan Hicks 
Donald Davis
Antonio Rocha
Diane Ferlatte
Chirine El Ansary 
John McCutcheon
Bil Lepp, Anne Rutherford, Jennifer Munro, Connie Regan-Blake, Tim Lowry, Chirine El Ansary, Alton Chung, John McCutcheon
Click to watch on Friday

Story The Future - BINGE WEEKEND!

Announcing the STORY THE FUTURE Binge Weekend
Join us from 3 pm EST Friday October 5 - midnight EST Sunday October 7
IT’S ALL ABOUT STORY.  We know you’ve got an insatiable curiosity to hear ALL our amazing content.  There’s so much to learn and so much to be inspired by…
75 international speakers, 42 hours of content, an amazingly rich community conversation 
Here's the link

Northlands Confabulation - Call for Proposals

Call for Workshops, Showcases & Fringes for the
2019 Confabulation!
in Madison, Wisconsin
April 26–28, 2019
Proposals Due October 15, 2018

In psychiatry, confabulation (verb: confabulate) is a disturbance of memory, defined as the production of fabricated, distorted, or misinterpreted memories about oneself or the world, without the conscious intention to deceive.
Don't let the above definition deter you! This is one of the most prestigious and well-run conferences in the storytelling community.
Download Guidelines Here

NSN J. J. Reneaux Mentorship Award Applications

Are you – or do you know – a talented younger storyteller who could benefit from a year’s work with an experienced professional mentor?

If so, NSN wants you to know that we are now accepting applications for the 2019 J. J. Reneaux Mentorship Award – a grant that provides $1250 to enable a year’s work between a storytelling mentor and a gifted younger teller (18-30 years old) (Yikes - That means I'm out of the running!).

Two of the past recipients are our own Dustin Loehr (2009) and Cassie Cushing (2015)!

Check out the award description and application instructions at https://storynet.org/about-nsn/awards/j-j-reneaux-award/j-j-reneaux-mentorship-award/.

DEADLINE for applications: MIDNIGHT (EDT), OCTOBER 26, 2018.

Please share this announcement far and wide!  Applicants need not be current members of NSN.

For more information, email Jo Radner at jradner@american.edu.

NSN 2019 Summit - Call for Presentations

The 2019 National Storytelling Summit Planning Committee invites you to submit proposals for consideration for the National Storytelling Network 2019 National Storytelling Summit. Please read the information below before proceeding to the proposal submission form. If you have any questions, please contact the NSN staff at events@storynet.org.

Theme for the Summit: Story Now!
Stories are powerful. Stories are persuasive. Stories, well told, can move people and change how they act, and how they think and feel about themselves and the world. Stories are now!
Now! From the boardroom to the classroom, and the page to the stage, personal stories and folktales are catalysts for change in nearly every aspect of our lives.
Now! We are witnessing the power of stories to tear down the walls that divide us, build bridges between people and cultures, and connect us, human-to-human.
Now! We invite you to join with other practitioners of this foundational art and share your expertise at the National Storytelling Summit – the premier annual gathering of the keenest minds in the world of storytelling. We are seeking proposals for presentations and workshops to:
Help tellers improve their artistic abilities, craft quality stories, and share them effectively;
  • Demonstrate effective ways to apply storytelling in fields such as healthcare, education, writing, technology, businesses, community development, etc;
  • Provide business/career advice for storytellers;
  • Share effective models to build bridges or create change through storytelling;
  • Showcase the intersections of storytelling with media and/or other art forms; and
  • Stretch the limits of storytelling, forecast new and exciting ways to use storytelling, or access new audiences.
  • Every story enthusiast is welcome! We need your expertise now!

Deadline:November 19, 2018


with Judith Black in Marblehead, MA 
Feb. 1-3, 2019

This full weekend, runs from 3 PM Friday to 4 PM Sunday, and includes warm-ups, workshops, targeted exercises, coaching, telling, and great food throughout! 

We are a human family. Our experiences, fleshed out, understood,  and reshaped for the hearts and minds of others, serves to create a template for that family to join around.

Creating these stories are much like re- authoring your own experiences. We often dig little trenches, telling and retelling that which we find, humorous, or wounding.

Our work will be to dislodge the experience from the trench, explore it through new eyes, and recreate a tale that speaks to a broader population. This work will be useful to therapists, social workers, teachers, clergy, and tellers of all stripes who want to mine their own lives for stories that will resonate with a broader audience.                        Limited to 8 participants
More information Here - Full Flyer

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This Week


Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson - Big Brother

Thursday, October 4th - 7:00 pm
The Sea of Glass Center for the Arts
330 E. 7th Street

Odyssey Storytelling Presents:  Big Brother

Curated by Mollly McCloy
$10 General / $7 Students
7-9pm Doors open at 6:30

Storytellers include:
Leigh Spencer
Tiffany Palmer
Abby Louise Jensen
Gina Roone

and more!

Click here for details & info

Tucson Tellers of Tales - Guild Meeting

Saturday, October 6th, 2018
9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
At the Harmony Meeting Room:
1200 N Eldorado Place, Suite B-200 in Tucson

Join this vibrant group of tellers for great stories, training and community involvement!

More info, please contact:
Glenda Bonin
(520) 235-4171 

Visit Their Facebook Page

West Side Story Tellers Guild Meeting

Saturday, October 6th ~ 10am - Noon
St. John's Lutheran Church
7205 N. 51st Ave., Glendale.

The West Side Story Tellers monthly guild meeting will be from 10 am to Noon. 
First hour: Business Meeting
Second Hour: Storytelling

For more information, contact their president, Mark Compton at: WestSideStoryTellers@Yahoo.com.
Check out their website!

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Coming Up


East Valley Tellers of Tales
Saturday, October 13th ~ 10am - Noon
Scottsdale Public Library 
Civic Center Drive, Scottsdale
Downstairs in the Gold Room

Join us to celebrate storytelling successes!

East Valley Tellers of Tales is a Phoenix area guild of Storytellers and Storylisteners. A truly safe place to share your story! We are an affiliate of the National Storytelling Network. Come and find out what this means, and how it benefits you!

East Valley Tellers of Tales is a group that provides a safe place to hear and tell stories, to learn about stories and storytelling, and enjoy fellowship with others. We support the personal and professional development of members, preserve and promote storytelling, and provide information about storytelling opportunities and events

Each month, our goal is to tell stories, listen to stories and celebrate. Join us!

Lunch Note: After the meeting, many of us gather for lunch. We invite all attendees to join us at Randy's Restaurant, NW Corner of Hayden & Chapparal in the Safeway Center.
Click here for details & info

Saturday - October 13th 2:00 pm - 4:15 pm
Doors open at 1:30
222 E 14th St, Tucson
Armory Park Neighborhood

Join Glenda Bonin, Ethel Lee-Miller & Debra Olson-Tolar for 90 minutes of entertaining folktales, traditional and contemporary storytelling. There will be a brief intermission, & time for hospitality after the show – ending around 4:15 p.m. Gather with us in this beautiful "garden" for 90 minutes of wisdom, humor, entertainment. Light refreshments. Suggested Donation: $10.00.

TENWEST Festival - Discover Local Days - Tales of the Future
Sunday Oct. 14th 10 a.m.- 2:00 pm  
at the Tucson Museum of Art court yard. 

ATTENTION STORYTELLERS: Sustainable Tucson will be hosting a small storytelling stage, Discover Local Days, (during TENWEST). Festival attendees will be encouraged to tell impromptu 2-3 minute stories on the theme of envisioning Tucson Sustainable in 2038. "Tales of the Future!" is the theme. Here is an example prompt: "You travel to Tucson in 2038. What do you see? What would you do when you get back to 2018?) 

For more information, contact Jana Segal-Stormont janasegal@aol.com – or checkout the website for Sustainable Tucson: Sustainablelivingtucson.org



Saturday, Oct. 20 10 AM-11:30 AM
Viscount Suite Hotel 4855 E. Broadway Tucson  85711  

Hosted by Tucson Sisters in Crime. 
Speaker: Ethel Lee-Miller 
Why, What, How, When to blog with the purpose of expanding, entertaining, and/or informing your audience. Give me 60 minutes I’ll share 60 tips about blogging in today’s writing, speaking, and publishing arena. Plus a workable schedule to give you time to blog AND still have time and sanity for your creative crime writing. Q&A welcome. More info to come.
Contact Ethel or Tucson Sisters in Crime http://www.tucsonsistersincrime.org/events/ 
Fee: $20 for members, $25 for guests.
surround parking. Lunch included

Ojai Storytelling Festival
October 25-28, 2018
Libbey Bowl and Ojai Art Center
Ojai, California

The 18th Annual Ojai Storytelling Festival will feature acclaimed storytellers:  Diane Ferlatte, Kevin Kling, Willy Claflin, Clare Murphy, Glenis Redmond (poet extraordinaire), Scott Ainslie (blues musician), the Chameleons (mimes), and Moth Winners from Los Angeles.

Ojai is about a two-hour drive north of Los Angeles

This year's festival will be overflowing with entertainment: music, poetry, mime, scary stories, and humor. With Halloween just around the corner, it's the perfect place to be. Whether it's a night of hilarious laughter, a journey of imagination, a tale filled with suspense and mystery, a program your children will never forget, a ribald night of tales for adults, or a workshop that inspires, the 18th Annual Ojai Storytelling Festival has something for everyone. Come join us for a weekend of riveting tales under the oaks and beneath the stars.

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First Person (and 2nd Person) Elevate Fact-Based (and traditional) Tales

An update of a Tip from a few years ago.

In my Art of Storytelling classes at Glendale Community College, we are about to tell Fact-Based stories. At first look, this genre seems to be one of the more difficult ones for students (and some seasoned tellers) to get their heads around. The trick here is, how does one make this story more than just a "report" or a mere "list of events"? One of the best ways to do this is to change the POV to first person.

I've written about "point of view" before. Here's a bit more about the first person POV.

In a biographical story, one could choose to tell from the point of view of the central character; be Ben Franklin, Einstein, Edison, Tesla. Another way is to choose some other character in the story to tell from their POV. Tell from the POV of the Parent, Lover, Partner or Teacher of the central character. Tell the events of a historical story from the point of view of a, seemingly uninterested, bystander or observer of the incidents. Perhaps the Butler, Carpenter or even the pet belonging to one of the characters.

A few semesters ago, one student told the story of the Twin Towers in Manhattan, but not about the attack. He told the story of how the Towers were built, from the POV of a steelworker that had helped to build the towers. He told of his pride in building the towers and at the end, his sadness at their destruction. It was brilliant. 

Another student told the story of Mark "Marky-Mark" Wahlberg...from the point of view of his Mother. This was a great choice. We hear of his turbulent youth and how he went to jail, as his mother lovingly said those ubiquitous words, "But he's really a good boy!" This showed us not only the "events" of his life, but his mother's struggle to deal with his self-destructive behavior, and eventually her pride and love at his success as an actor.

A gifted student told from "second person". He told from the POV of a close friend, attending the funeral of the "main" character. He was talking to his deceased friend, "Johnny" and told of the good times and difficult times they had together. It was heartfelt, emotional and very compelling!

And recently, a student told the story of Persephone from first person. It was filled with emotion. She really showed her feelings being torn apart between loving her mother and loving Hades. The level of intensity could not have been reached by telling from the POV of the Narrator.

Telling from the first person can lend a creative element to the story and bring the audience closer in to the experience. Especially in a case where they may not relate to the main character, they may be able to relate to the character telling the story. Try it and see. Who else might be in the story that would "tell" it from an interesting point of view?

Addendum to this tip - 

When I re-post a tip from an earlier issue, I worry somtimes that folks will say/think, "Oh yeah, I read that before. So how about a NEW tip?" That was before I got this message from Tom Tjarks in Colorado. Obviously, he wasn't a subscriber when the tip was originally posted:

I read your newsletter every week.  The tips are great.
I have been wanting to tell history stories but couldn't get them above being a report for school.  This week's Tips explained how to do this.  My favorite example of using someone else to tell the story is "Ben and Me".  I look at that story in a new way now.  I will use the suggestions in this week's newsletter to develop some history stories.  There are many good true stories waiting to be told.
Thank you
Thanks Tom (and thanks for permission to share)! So glad the tip was useful, that's what I am always hoping for!
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The San Diego Connection
Welcome to Storytellers of San Diego 

Eclipse October "Spooky Tales to Tell in the Dark," October 3rd, 7:00pm at Eclipse Chocolate Bar and Bistro, South Park

Storuytellers of San Diego tell traditional tales, literary works, and personal stories, hosted by Marilyn McPhie, at Eclipse Chocolate Bar and Bistro, 2145 Fern Street, (Fern and Ivy) 7:00 - 9:00, Suggested donation $5
Eclipse website                                Event poster (.pdf)

Storytelling Institute Storytelling Institute, Encinitas Library, October 8, 15, 22, 29, November 5, 19, 5:00-6:30pm

Focusing on creating and polishing personal stories, participants may attend all six or any individual sesssion. Storytellers of San Diego stalwarts: Marilyn McPhie, Linda Whiteside, Aunt Li-Anne, Jim Dieckmann, Patti Christensen, and Mindy Donner will guide the classes. FREE, more information: email Marilyn               Institute flyer .pdf

Detailed descriptions of sessions and presenters .pdf

Twisted Horn "Norse Deams and Autumn Nightmares," October 17th, 7pm, The Twisted Horn,Vista

Storytellers of San Diego's "Third Wednesday at the Twisted Horn," hosted by Aunt Liu-Anne, 7-9:00pm, Twisted Horn Mead and Cider, 1042 La Miranda Ct., Vista, 92081, 21+, Donations
Twisted Horn website 

Aunt Li-Anne Aunt Li-Anne , "Storytime", Encinitas Library, 11:00am, October 1, 8, 15, 22

540 Cornish Dr., Encinitas FREE   

Patchwork Players Patti Christensen and James Nelson-Lucas, "Slightly Spooky Stories," Carlsbad City Library, October 25th, 7pm

1775 Dove Lane, Carlsbad, 92011, information: (760) 602-2047, FREE  Patchwork Players website

Day of the Dead"Dia de los Muertos," City Heights, October 27th, 11:00am-6:00pm

Family friendly all-day celebration with foklloric dancers, puppets, music, Fern Street Circus and more, Officer Jeremy Henwood Memorial Park3795 Fairmont, CityHeights, 92105, FREE
event poster (Spanish and English) .pdf

Tellebration 2018 Tellabration 2018: "The Sea Less Traveled," November 10th, 7:30pm, Bethany Lutheran Church, Ocean Beach


Annual Tellebration: A Worldwide Celebration of Storytelling, with Eric George Tauber, Aunt Li-Anne, David Schmidt, Jessica Baris, Patti Christensen, Leo Baggerly, Marilyn McPhie and Fred Laskowski, 2051 Sunset Cliffs Blvd., Ocean Beach, Ages 12+, $15 
Event Poster (.png)        Event Poster .pdf (B&W)     Link to Storyteller Biographies

Harlynne Geisler Harlynne Geisler, October 17h, 10:30am, "Preschool Stories and a Craft," University Community Library 

Every 3rd Wedneday, 4155 Governor Dr., San Diego, (858) 552-1655, FREE
Harlynne's website


Open Mic Storytelling


"The Narrators" at Tiger, Tiger Tavern, North Park, October 9th, 8:00pm

Topic: "'Guts"  at Tiger, Tiger Tavern, 3025 El Cajon Blvd, North Park, tavern website
FREE for participants and listeners, to share a true personal story.  Signup online at:
"The Narrators" website
More information contact Robert email

Storytellers of San Diego

"4th Wednesday Open Mic"
September 26th, 7:00pm

All tellers and listeners are welcome to attend at the Barnes and Noble, 10775 Westview Parkway, San Diego 92129.
Contact Marilyn McPhie for more information call (858) 484-1325 or email mmcphie@gmail.com

Long Story Short

"Long Story Short", October 4th, Rooted Kava Bar, Hillcrest, 7:00pm

Topic: "Misfits,"  7:00-9:00pm, Open to one and all to tell a five minute story without notes on the theme: Suggested donation $5

Rooted Kava Bar
1731 University Ave, (parking in back)
Long Story Short website


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******************************* THERE'S A LOT GOING ON EACH MONTH ***************************

---------------------------------CALL TO MAKE SURE THE EVENT IS STILL ON

The Chatterbox Open Mic
Every Wednesday - 8:00 PM
Fair Trade Cafe
1020 N 1st Ave, Phoenix

Infuse Open Mic
Second Sunday of each month - Phoenix

FStorytellers - Female Story Tellers - Tucson
Usually sometime during the first week of the month - but check their website) at  7 pm - TUCSON

First Thursday of each month (usually but check calendar) - TUCSON

Tucson Tellers of Tales - Storytellers Guild
First Saturday of each month (except July and August) - Tucson

West Side Story Tellers - Storytellers Guild
First Saturday of each month - GLENDALE *NO meetings in July & August

East Valley Tellers of Tales -Storytellers Guild
Second Saturday of each month - SCOTTSDALE - *NO meetings in July & August

Fourth Saturday of each month (usually - check calendar) - *NO meetings in June & July
SMCC Storytelling Institute
A monthly workshop designed to help storytellers build community and deepen repertoire.
See the Calendar

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All Newsletter content ©Mark Goldman
Got some news or information you would like to get out to the storytelling community?

Contact Mark Goldman -x602-390-3858x - Mark@Storytellermark.com


 Comments about this edition of the newsletter: