The SMCC Storytelling Institute presents
"Writing as a Second Language" - With Master Storyteller, Donald Davis
Saturday, October 18th, 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
"Writing as a Second Language" is for anyone who loves story and is fascinated by the connections between the spoken and written word.
Teachers, parents, storytellers and writers will all benefit from the day.
Donald Davis' emphasis in the workshop will be on the whole oral and kinesthetic package which is our spoken language. Davis will teach that we must step back into our familiar first language – the spoken word – as our creative medium and learn to "translate" into that new language called writing. Years of experience has shown him, and the teachers he works with, that oral language and storytelling
are the keys to success in written language.
Hey folks, this is from me (Mark Goldman). This is an eye-opening workshop that can't be beaten for the price! It's a MUST ATTEND for all storytellers.
$50 fee includes lunch
(a link to Brown Bag Tickest will be available soon)