     Monday - August 20, 2012
Issue # 17

Got some news or information you would like to get out to the storytelling community?
Contact Mark Goldman -x602-390-3858x - Mark@Storytellermark.com

Story Retreat Inspires Awesome Telling

Six tellers joined me in the cool pines of Flagstaff, Arizona for a wonderful weekend of storytelling. A cozy off-the-grid, solar powered, cabin was the setting for telling, coaching, games and sharing. Pictured here, left to right: Cassie Cushing, Laura Rutherford, Mark Compton, Bryan Lee, Ruth Shaw and Lu Swart all gathered to work on their stories. The relaxed setting provided a space where everyone gained much insight, and made great strides in mastering their craft. The intensive weekend also helped people to hone their listening skills, and both give and receive positive feedback. The many group exercises afforded everyone a chance to increase their creativity and spontaneity. Oh yeah, and my dog Ginger enjoyed having six more folks to play catch with and cuddle.

Storytelling Institute Classes Start This Week!

Yes, classes start this week at SMCC, but there's still time to make that last minute decision to attend! Check out the courses online then call the office (602-243-8026) and discuss your options with institute Director, Liz Warren!
Check out the classes
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This Week


Sold Out Lit Lounge - Plan Ahead for Next Month!

Don't get left out of experiencing the new, innovative Lit Lounge at the Scottsale Museum of Comtemporary Art. This month's event is sold out, but you can reserve your spot for next month. The fourth Friday of each month is the setting for some of the most engaging writers and performers in Arizona, and the nation, sharing their funny, compelling and TRUE stories fused together by kicky, live music! Mark your calendar now!
Check it out

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Coming Up


Timpanogos - Catch a Bundle of Great Tellers
There's still time to make plans to attend the Timpanogos Storytelling Festival on Labor Day Weekend, August 30 through September 1st, in Provo Utah. There will be some GREAT tellers there, like Bill Harley, Clare Murphy, Antonio Sacre, The Storycrafters, Dovie Thomason, Kim Weitkamp, Donald Davis & more!
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Just Folks

Donald Davis has said that good storytelling is "Just folks." Casual, like sitting on the front porch and sharing. When you are in the audience, do you feel like the teller is talking just to you? A great teller can give you the feeling that they are speaking only to you.

Most of the time, we stress the importance of "performing" the story. Practice standing up; imagine you are in front of a large crowd; project your voice. Sometimes, "less is more." A great way for tellers to practice is to tell your story to just one person, sharing your tale across the kitchen table, or sitting on the couch. That type of intimate setting often helps you get away from the common "stage fright" that can adversely affect even your rehearsing. Take your time as you tell, focus on making sure that your one listener really sees the images you are painting. Just the two of you...just folks.

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Tellers - Teachers - Learners
Great storytellers teach AND learn. It is enlightening and encouraging to know that many of the great tellers that I have heard, still believe they can learn from others. At the recent NSN conference, I saw many of the top tellers in the industry attending sessions facilitated by other tellers. How delightful to see the respect they have for one another. 

One such Teller/Teacher/Learner is Heather Forest. It was quite inspiring, and a great pleasure to meet her in one such session at NSN. Heather's telling has great depth and draws the listener in with her soft, intense voice, her singing, and her powerful images. Listen and watch her haunting Sealskin story on youtube.

Heather also has an incredible website. Story Arts Online is a great resource for tellers. Among the many sections of the website, are two of my favorites: Lesson Plans and Activiies; and the Story Library. The first has some great exercises that work well for groups, but can also be used individually to aid the teller in story exploration. The Story Library has links to more stories and resources, and a wonderful section called, Stories in a Nutshell. These are "bare bones" plots  (5-6 sentences) of stories that tellers can use to to expand on, using their own creativity. Visit her site and browse around. I guarantee you'll learn and be inspired!

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East Valley Tellers of Tales -Storytellers Guild
Second Saturday of each month - SCOTTSDALE
Scottsdale Public Library (Civic Center Branch)
10:00 am - 12 Noon
Gold Room

Storytellers Open Mic
First Sunday of each month - PHOENIX
Resuming on October 7th

Terra Java Coffeehouse - 3619 E. Indian School Rd. in Phoenix 
1:30 pm - 3:00 pm

Odyssey Storytelling
First Thursday of each month - TUCSON
Fluxx Studio and Gallery, 416 E. 9th St., Tucson, $7 - 
7:00 pm

Lit Lounge - Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art (SMOCA)
Fourth Friday of each month - SCOTTSDALE
It’s a little bit This American Life and a little bit rock-n-roll! Every fourth Friday, some of the most engaging writers and performers in Arizona, and the nation, will share their funny, compelling and TRUE stories fused together by kicky, live music!
7:00 pm

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All Newsletter content ©Mark Goldman
Got some news or information you would like to get out to the storytelling community?

Contact Mark Goldman -x602-390-3858x - Mark@Storytellermark.com


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