     Monday, August 12, 2013
Issue # 68

Got some news or information you would like to get out to the storytelling community?
Contact Mark Goldman -x602-390-3858x - Mark@Storytellermark.com

NSN 2013 Conference Review

It's been a week since I got home from the 2013 NSN Conference. It was great fun to see old friends, make new ones, learn from all the sessions and hear some great storytelling. I could write a "report" on all the things I did and saw, but I didn't want just a "laundry list" of what happened (plus, it would take me days to write it all out). Instead, I offer these photos and this one-minute and ten second Conference "sing-a-long!"

Sherry Norfolk, Lyn Ford, Jane Stenson
At the YES Workshop

Kim Weitkamp
Marketing Workshop

Christopher Agostino Story Face Painting
Cassie Cushing at right

Cassie Cushing
Telling at the Fairy Tale Swap

Regina Carpenter
At an After Hours Concert

Mark Goldman
What NSN has meant to me

August 29th Deadline for AZ Teaching Artist Roster "Intent"

The Arizona Commission on the Arts maintains a Teaching Artist Roster. This roster is a directory of Arizona teaching artists representing a variety of diverse artistic disciplines. Teaching Artists on the Roster maintain active careers as teaching and professional artists, and have particular expertise in collaborating with communities and schools to engage individuals in learning experiences in, through, and about the arts.

The roster is for a three-year period, after which you must re-apply. There are several steps:
You must file an "intent to apply" which must be submitted by August 29th.
The deadline for actual applications is September 19th.
There are many hoops you must jump through, so it is important to go to the site and read through ALL the documentation so you understand what to do. There are video tutorials there too.


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This Week


Storytelling Workshops at Lawn Gnome

This Wednesday, Dan Hoen Hull and Aaron Hopkins-Johnson are hosting the first of a three part workshop on storytelling at Lawn Gnome Publishing. The ENTIRE THREE WEEK WORKSHOP is only $15 and limited to 10 participants.

Dan Hull is an experienced storyteller, having participated in Moth and Jokeless events from Phoenix to New York. He is host of Yarnball, a storytelling open mic that runs weekly on Wednesday nights from August 28th to the end of April.
Aaron Johnson is an experienced writer and literature performer, having competed in literature interpretation competitions for eight years and competed in international poetry slams for six years.
If you have questions, contact Aaron Johnson (602) 682-5825
Check out their Facebook page

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Coming Up


AZ Republic Live Storytelling
Monday - August 19th - One Week from Today!
Rock and Roll Will Save Your Life

Celebrate rock and roll from the white-hot glare of the stage to the sweaty frenzy of the mosh pit to the fan-filled, oh-so-distance nosebleed seats. We'll hear stories from the bands and the fans, from the music makers to the concert promoters and album sellers and everyone in between.

Details: Stories begin at 7 p.m., Monday, Aug. 19, Crescent Ballroom, 308 N. 2nd Ave., Phoenix. $10. $5 for students. Buy tickets at brownpapertickets.com. A portion of the proceeds benefits Republic Charities.
Purchase Tickets

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No Coach Available? - Reverse Roles

You all know I am a big proponent of coaching. Not just because I coach people myself, but because I have been coached...and it always helps.

But what do you do if it's 11:00 pm and it's too late to contact your coach? Or the coach you want to contact is in a completely different time zone? - You ROLE REVERSE with them!

The term Role Reversal actually came from Psychodrama, an action oriented therapy. Role reversal is more than "walking a mile in someone else's shoes." It is really getting into the role of the other, and understanding what it is like to be them. Then, speak to yourself as that coach!

If you have been coached by Sean Buvala, you know how he responds to you and gives feedback. Take a moment to really feel what it is like to be Sean, coaching you. Then, give yourself feedback the way Sean would. Have you been coached by Doug Lipman? You know he starts off with tons of appreciations first. Then, before making suggestions, he asks you specific questions (you may remember my Tip about a Dose of my Own Medicine).

If you live in Phoenix, perhaps you have been coached or guided by Liz Warren or Marilyn Torres from SMCC. You know how they teach and give feedback. Perhaps you have a trusted friend who has given you "constructive" feedback. Maybe you have a "Story Buddy" that you use as a sounding board? In any case, take a moment to role reverse and get into being that person. Take a deep breath. Look at yourself the way they would. Get that expression on your face, the way they do. Then...give yourself some feedback!

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Storytellers Hired This Morning From Facebook!
Another sort of "Tip-Bit".
Last week, my Tip was about Networking and Connections that will increase your reach and visibility.

Then this happened just this morning! A librarian in Florida went on one of the Facebook groups and posted this question:

Are there any Florida Storytellers here? My library is looking for two. If not does anybody know anyone or have any recommendations? Thanks!

In the next two hours, five colleagues responded with recommendations and links to other sites where she could find Florida tellers. Then she reposnded:

Thanks, everyone we have 1 booked and waiting to hear back from a couple others!

WOW! One storyteller booked and two others most likely - all from being connected! What's the lesson? You need to be connected, and have a web page! It was not the Florida tellers specifically who responded (maybe they were all out working this morning) on Facebook, it was their colleagues! They gave her names and links. She then went and searched for the tellers. 

You MUST have a web page or listing. If you can't afford a domain and page design, get listed on a "storyteller site." Sean Buvala has Storyteller.net that has been listing tellers for over 25 years! There are both free and premium pages (at reasonable rates). This is one place that people go to find tellers.

So get out there and get connected!

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Odyssey Storytelling
First Thursday (usually - but check calendar) of each month - TUCSON

East Valley Tellers of Tales -Storytellers Guild
Second Saturday of each month - SCOTTSDALE

West Side Story Tellers -Storytellers Guild

Second Saturday of each month - GLENDALE

Lit Lounge - Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art (SMOCA)
Fourth Friday of each month - SCOTTSDALE

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All Newsletter content ©Mark Goldman
Got some news or information you would like to get out to the storytelling community?

Contact Mark Goldman -x602-390-3858x - Mark@Storytellermark.com


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