     Monday, July 15, 2013
Issue # 64

Got some news or information you would like to get out to the storytelling community?
Contact Mark Goldman -x602-390-3858x - Mark@Storytellermark.com

SMCC Fall Classes Start In Five Weeks!

Classes start August 17th, so make sure you register now!

Here is the current lineup of classes:
   Art of Storytelling I
   Art of Storytelling II
   Creating and Telling Personal Stories
   Multicultural Folktales II
   Establishing a Family Storytelling Tradition (NEW!)
   Volunteerism for Education: A Service Learning Experience

Classes are filling up, don't get left out!
Do you have one of those friends who is always saying, "That storytelling stuff sounds interesting. I think I could do that." Why not get them involved and recommend taking one of the above classes?

Another Announcement About Storytelling Classes

About the only thing I love more than telling stories is TEACHING storytelling.
That's me, doing a happy dance! --------------------------------------------->

I am very excited to announce that I will be teaching The Art of Storytelling at Glendale Community College this fall. I will be teaching an afternoon class on Tuesdays & Thursdays, and an evening class on Tuesdays.

The good news/bad news is: both classes are full! For those who may want to take a beginning course in Storytelling, there are still openings in the classes at SMCC (see above).

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Coming Up


AZ Rep Live Storytelling Celebrates Two Years!
July 22nd is a very special night for AZ Rep Live Storytelling Nights. Megan Finnerty has worked tirelessly for the past two years to find interesting venues and great tellers from around the valley. The two-year anniversary takes place where it all began, at La Bocca Pizzeria in Tempe. 

Join the fun next Monday night as many of the tellers who have graced prior events will share their stories of those awkward moments when you were pretty sure you knew exactly what you were doing… only to realize, you’d made an unfortunate miscalculation.
Info & Tickets

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A Superlative Prompt

Two weeks ago I talked about using superlatives in describing the characters in your story (read the tip). But what if you don't have a story, or THINK you don't have one to tell?

Often, we use "prompts" to help us get started on a story, i.e., a time you were frightened; your first day of school; the day you got married. These questions are meant to prompt a story to come forth within you.

Superlatives can be an even greater trigger for stories. Once again, good stories are about taking ordinary events and finding the extraordinary in them.

Consider the following possible prompts -

What was the WORST/BEST
Date you ever went on? - Meal you ever ate? - Job you ever had? - Vacation you ever had? - Day in your life? - Person you ever knew? - Advice you ever got?

What was the MOST/LEAST
Expensive thing you ever bought for yourself. - Money you ever made? -  Glamorous Job you ever had? - Confidence you ever had? - Frightened you ever were?

Here are more ideas. Put the left and the right column together in different ways to prompt a story:

  • Tallest; Smallest
  • Smartest; Dumbest
  • Poorest; Richest
  • Kindest; Meanest
  • Brightest; darkest
  • Best; Worst
  • Easiest; Hardest
  • Person I ever knew
  • Thing I ever did
  • Moment in my life
  • Relationship I ever had
  • Teacher I ever had
  • Boss I ever had
  • Decision I had to make

Mix and match, come up with your own lists. As an exercise, put each single, superlative on a small slip of paper into a small bowl. Write each event/action on a piece of paper and put it into another bowl. Take one from the superlative bowl, then one from the times/action bowl and craft a story based on that. Rinse and repeat!

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The 'Eyes' Have It
Have you ever felt like a teller was speaking just to you? Did you feel as if their eyes met only yours, if even for a breif moment? And in that moment, did you feel so connected, that the feeling stayed with you forever?

Just in time for this week's newsletter, Sean Buvala has posted a great story about just such an experience, and has incorporated this into a tip about eye contact while telling.

As always, it is inviting, intriguing and Sean's advice is solid!

Note: Don't stop at the end of Sean's article. Read on to learn more about storytelling from his earlier posts. You'll get a real education in telling!
Click to read Sean's post

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Odyssey Storytelling
First Thursday (usually - but check calendar) of each month - TUCSON

East Valley Tellers of Tales -Storytellers Guild
Second Saturday of each month - SCOTTSDALE

West Side Story Tellers -Storytellers Guild

Second Saturday of each month - GLENDALE

Lit Lounge - Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art (SMOCA)
Fourth Friday of each month - SCOTTSDALE

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All Newsletter content ©Mark Goldman
Got some news or information you would like to get out to the storytelling community?

Contact Mark Goldman -x602-390-3858x - Mark@Storytellermark.com


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