     Monday, July 14, 2014
Issue # 116

Got some news or information you would like to get out to the storytelling community?
Contact Mark Goldman -x602-390-3858x - Mark@Storytellermark.com

Thelma Speed Now Telling On High

It is with great sadness that we report that Phoenix teller Thelma Speed has passed away from a stroke.

I loved Thelma's telling! She had a way of painting great images with simple stories of growing up in the southwest. Her stories of her childhood were my favorite.
Thelma attended many classes at SMCC, and I often joked with her that she always sat in the same seat in the classroom, no matter what the class was. I threatened to come in early and "steal" her seat to see what she would do...but I never did. She was quite sweet, but also strong in her opinions and convictions.
Thelma always talked about wanting to "get paid" for storytelling. A couple of years ago, she told at a mini-slam at the retirement home where my mother lives and was voted as the best teller. She won a cash prize of $25, and I gave her much praise for finally getting paid!
I had two favorite stories that Thelma told. One was about how she and her sisters would bring their horses into the house to play. Her horse's name was PF. She rode him everywhere. At the end of the story, we learned that PF stood for "palm frond".
The other story that I loved was the one about the medicine that her mother would give to her as a child. She delighted in the flavor and cherished getting spoonfuls of this magic elixir that mother kept high on the top of the refrigerator. One day, Thelma got on a chair and took the medicine and sat behind one of the cars. She drank as much as she could before her mother found her, and chastised her. The doctor was called, but said there would be little consequence of drinking so much, except that she might get a stomach ache. Years later, as an adult, she found a bottle of this same medicine and bought it in hopes of reliving the memory of its comforting taste. The result was far from pleasant. After one swig, she threw it out, wondering how the child in her could have loved such a vile taste.
Thelma and her storytelling will be greatly missed.

Still Time to Register for Thursday Afternoon Master Classes at NSN

Plucking Some Fruit from Our Neighbor’s Tree: 
Telling Tales from Cultures Other than Our Own
with Joe Hayes
Cultures have a way of overlapping—like branches from the trees in neighbors’ yards. It’s only natural to want to partake of, and share, some of the delicious stories we discover in the varied cultures that make up our community. In this session we’ll explore the process of embracing, honoring and telling tales from traditions other than our own.  Special attention will be given to the cultures of the American Southwest. Special care will be taken to avoid political complications.

Joe HayesJoe Hayes was an early pioneer of bilingual Spanish/English storytelling and is known for sharing tales from the Hispanic, Native American and Anglo cultures.  His books have received numerous awards, including two Land of Enchantment Children’s Book Awards, four IPPY Awards, and an Aesop Accolade Award. Joe has been the resident storyteller at the Wheelwright Museum of the American Indian in Sante Fe for many years, has been designated a New Mexico Eminent Scholar by the New Mexico Commission on Higher Learning and has received the New Mexico Governor’s Award for Excellence and Achievement in the Arts.  Joe is an NSN ORACLE Talking Leaves Literary Award recipient.  www.cincopuntos.com/authors_detail.sstg?id=19


Taking Your Story to the Stage 
with Connie Regan-Blake 

Come with a 10-12 minute story that is almost stage ready but has some room for growth and new perceptions.  During our time together, we will cover aspects of bringing the telling to life, including polishing the story and getting ready to perform it on stage, awareness of what works as well as developing and improving the storyteller’s connection to the audience, the story and themselves.  The goal is for the teller to take the stage with confidence and style.  During the last part of the workshop, four tellers (you’ll have the option to put your name in the hat!) will tell their story and receive appreciations and feedback.

Connie Regan-BlakeConnie Regan-Blake is one of America’s most celebrated storytellers.  She has captivated the hearts and imaginations of people around the globe with her powerful performances and workshops. Entertaining audiences in 47 states and 16 countries, she brings the wisdom, humor and drama of stories to main stage concert halls, libraries and into the corporate world. Connie has been featured on seven award-winning recordings – five audio and two videos produced by PBS. She has been a guest on NPR’s All Things Considered, ABC Good Morning America and CNN. Connie has been honored with NSN ORACLE awards for Circle of Excellence, Distinguished National Service, and Lifetime Achievement.  www.storywindow.com/


Speak Ye and the Page Appears! 
with Tim Tingle
Hoke, maybe it’s not quite that easy. But as storytellers, we already know the structure of a solid plot––a brief intro, a build-up of tension, and a powerful resolution. And who better writes dialogue than we who portray a multitude of intimate strangers on stage?  Expect a practical, you-do-the-work session, with ample Q/A time for the usual suspects: writer’s block, daily habits, finding publisher, agent, a writer’s group, how to begin or where do I go from here? 

From children’s illustrated, short stories, to YA and adult crossover novels, I’ve learned along the way––from St. Donald, St. Jackie, and St. Allyouguys. Be glad to share the pits and falls, the OMGs and LOLs of a life of writing that began when I was 6. 
For beginners and experienced writers. We can learn from each other.  

Tim TingleTim Tingle is an Oklahoma Choctaw award-winning storyteller and author. He performs for over 200,000 people annually and has been featured at the Kennedy Center and National Storytelling Festival.  Tim’s multiple book awards include American Library Association Notable Books, American Indian Library Association’s Best Children’s Book, New York Times Book Review Editor’s Choice, and most recently, the 2014 American Indian Youth Literature Award.  An NSN ORACLE Talking Leaves Literary Award recipient, Tim released his first adult novel, House of Purple Cedar, this year.  A former dancer, basketball player, milk truck driver, carpenter, coffee machine repairman…, Tim inspires future writers to never give up!  www.timtingle.com/


Crafting for Your Bread and Butter:  
Rocking School Assemblies with the Perfect Stories

with Donna Washington

Performing for schools can be a very profitable endeavor in more ways than one.  Schools represent a captive audience of future performers, listeners, and organizers.  Getting students hooked on storytelling early is a good way to increase our numbers on stage and in the audience. Donna Washington spends most of her time performing for elementary, middle and high school students.  One thing she’s discovered is that schools really appreciate when you offer them age appropriate and learning-standards targeted assemblies.  She’s been told that lots of artists talk a good game about offering different shows for different age groups, but lots of them do not deliver.  In this master class, Donna will share how she weaves crafting techniques, social and emotional development, and literacy building skills into successful storytelling sets for everyone from pre-K through high school. 

Donna WashingtonDonna is an award-winning storyteller, author, and recording artist.  Her CD awards include iParenting Media Excellent Product Award and multiple Parents Choice, Storytelling World and Children’s Music Web Awards.  Donna has performed at thousands of schools, libraries, and storytelling festivals across the country, including the National Storytelling Festival.  She offers workshops in storytelling, writing, education, and creative drama for librarians and educators and will travel the country to tell stories and give workshops for anyone willing to listen.  Donna has recently discovered the joys of blogging and invites you to follow her blog:  http://donnawashington.blogspot.com/.  http://donnawashington.com/

There is an additional $100 fee for any Master Class - Space is limited.

We Need Drivers! You Get Benefits!

Phoenix area Storytellers & Students: 

We ESPECIALLY Need Drivers Thursday Morning

E-MAIL Me if you are available at any of the following times:

Date Arrive Day Time   Date Arrive Day Time
7/22/2014 Tuesday 9:02 AM   7/23/2014 Wednesday 8:15 PM
7/22/2014 Tuesday 9:45 AM   7/23/2014 Wednesday 8:29 PM
7/22/2014 Tuesday 10:00 AM        
7/22/2014 Tuesday 12:15 PM        
7/24/2014 Thursday 9:10 AM   7/24/2014 Thursday 1:15 PM
7/24/2014 Thursday 10:10 AM   7/24/2014 Thursday 1:20 PM
7/24/2014 Thursday 11:50 AM   7/24/2014 Thursday 1:23 PM
7/24/2014 Thursday 12:25 PM   7/24/2014 Thursday 2:23 PM
7/24/2014 Thursday 12:30 PM        
7/24/2014 Thursday 12:50 PM        

Let me know if you have room for two or three coming in near the same time.

Want to spend time with a "seasoned" teller attending the conference?

Click on the link below to learn how you can get thirty minutes of "schmooze" time with many attendees by DRIVING THEM FROM THE AIRPORT to the upcoming NSN Conference, July 23-27!

Click here for all the info on Teller-2-Teller Connections!

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This Week


Free Workshop-Sneak Peak: Publish and Profit with Your Non-Fiction Book.

Saturday - July 19th
Sean Buvala has done it again...made a great workshop offer - for FREE

Your own non-fiction book is your new business card. Your book will create opportunities, secure contracts and spark new relationships in your specialized niches as a storyteller. Please understand that this isn’t about 1970’s photocopied “books” or vanity-press nonsense. We’ll explore the methods, challenges and rewards of contemporary self-publishing. You’ll leave this workshop with your ten-week plan to get your book from idea to reality. 90 minutes and we start exactly a 10:30AM. Doors open at 10AM. Come early.

About: This workshop is the same workshop that Sean will be presenting at the National Storytelling Network's Annual Conference that will be held in Mesa July 23-27. Come attend this workshop and free up some time space at the workshop for another workshop :-) . NOTE: You do *not* have to be registered for the NSN conference to attend this Saturday workshop. 

There is no cost for this workshop BUT if you want to be sure that you get copies of the handouts, then RSVP here https://www.facebook.com/events/1515309072014907/?source=1

Donations will be accepted at the door.

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The BEST Tip I Can Give You

I've written over 100 tips in the past two years. In fact, I will have a new book out shortly compiling 101 of those Storytelling Tips. Some of the best are: Get Coaching, Practice, Listen to Other Tellers and Learn from the Masters. Guess what? ---The NSN Conference is one of the BEST places to do ALL of these things!

Arizona tellers and students have one of the greatest opportunities starting in 10 days. Hundreds of seasoned professional tellers, coaches and master teachers will descend into our desert climate to present and share at the NSN Conference. Without having to pay for long-distance travel, this is the BEST opportunity to meet and learn from this many great tellers.
At MINIMUM, if you are here on Thursday, you MUST attend the FREE opening session at 7:30 pm. Lead by our own Liz Warren, Director of the SMCC Storytelling Institute, a distinguished panel will discuss Kindling Community Connection through Story - with local pastor/teacher/teller Doug Bland, Queen Nur and Kiran Singh Sirah, new Director of the International
Storytelling Center in Jonesborough, Tennessee. This program event is supported by a grant from the Arizona Humanities Council. 
If you are available you can pick up incoming tellers at the airport and “talk story” as you provide transportation to the hotel…AND get paid for it too!
If you are in town, I cannot encourage you enough to attend SOME part of this conference. If you can’t afford some sessions, you can always just come to the hotel and “hang out”. You could help staff the East Valley and Tucson Tellers of Tales Sponsor Table while you meet, greet and schmooze with conference attendees. If you’re UP for it, there are sure to be several Late-Night ROOM concerts (unlisted) that will be popping up each evening.
In short, THIS will be the place to be this July 24th-27th.
Don’t miss this great opportunity to mingle with some of the best minds in the global storytelling community. Feel free to contact me with any questions you might have.
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A Little Turn and Voila!

Here's a little something I discovered on the Internet some time ago. Besides being an incredibly "cool" table design, I thought, "How does this relate to storytelling?"

How many times have you had to "expand" or "contract" your story? Add a little here or remove a little there?

This video helps remind me that there are always ways to change your story, while keeping the essence in tact!

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------------------------------------THERE'S A LOT GOING ON EACH MONTH
---------------------------------CALL TO MAKE SURE THE EVENT IS STILL ON

Homebase Poetry
First Sunday of each month - Phoenix

Infuse Open Mic
Second Sunday of each month - Phoenix

Yarnball Storytellers Mic
Every Wednesday at  8 pm - PHOENIX

FStorytellers - Female Story Tellers - Tucson
Every Second Wednesday (usually but check calendar) at  7 pm - TUCSON

Odyssey Storytelling
First Thursday of each month (usually but check calendar) - TUCSON

Storyline: Origins
Third Friday (usually) of each month - PHOENIX

Lit Lounge - Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art (SMOCA)
Fourth Friday of each month - SCOTTSDALE

Tucson Tellers of Tales - Storytellers Guild
First Saturday of each month (except July and August) - Tucson

East Valley Tellers of Tales -Storytellers Guild
Second Saturday of each month - SCOTTSDALE

West Side Story Tellers -Storytellers Guild
Second Saturday of each month - GLENDALE *NO meetings in June, July & August

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All Newsletter content ©Mark Goldman
Got some news or information you would like to get out to the storytelling community?

Contact Mark Goldman -x602-390-3858x - Mark@Storytellermark.com


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