National Storytelling Network (NSN) is offering Next Generation Conference Scholarships to young adults interested in using storytelling in their respective fields. Recipients of the scholarships will be paired with others at the conference that will act as guides and resources during the conference.
Judy Sima from the Conference Committee writes that, "There were nine applicants, but we only had enough money for two scholarships."
Make coffee home and YOU CAN HELP!
The cost per scholarship is $460. If 20 people donated $23 each (about the cost of three lattes), another applicant would be able to attend. You can send checks to NSN, P.O. Box 795, Jonesborough, TN 37659 or you could call 800-525-4514 to use a credit card.
You can send a check and designate it, "for general use", OR YOU CAN SUPPORT A SPECIFIC PERSON!
Do you know someone who has applied? Here in Arizona, our own Caleb Winebrenner is hoping to gather funds to attend. If you want to support Caleb, or another "youngster" you know who has applied, send a check with their name designated for the funds.
So put on a pot at home and start thinking of the story you will tell about how you helped one of our own!