     Monday, June 17, 2013
Issue # 60

Got some news or information you would like to get out to the storytelling community?
Contact Mark Goldman -x602-390-3858x - Mark@Storytellermark.com

Cassie Cushing Wins NSN Conference Scholarship

Congratulations to Cassie Cushing on receiving an NSN Next Generation Scholarship to the August 1st Storytelling Conference in Richmond, Virginia! Cassie is one of only two scholarship recipients that were granted for the conference.

Cassie has been working quite diligently since she moved to the Berkley, CA area a few months ago. She has been searching for a venue to house Kaleidoscope Coffee. This is Cassie's dream of running a coffee house that features storytellers and other performers. Finding the right place and getting funding is not easy, but Cassie is persistent. That's how it is when you have a dream.

In addition, she is already making a name for herself in the Bay Area storytelling community. She has performed along side veteran teller Tim Ereneta, and will soon be doing another storytelling performance with Tim and Colorado teller Pam Faro in July. Way to go Cassie!

June 30th Deadline for Conference 'Buddy Rate'

NSN is offering a $50 discount off of the regular conference fees (adult or senior/student rate) to anyone who comes as a "Buddy" of someone already attending.

The conference is August 1-4 and features a long list of great workshops, breakouts, concerts, story swaps and a fantabulous Story Slam! (See the schedule here)

You can be my "Buddy" and get this great discount for the conference. Call me (602-390-3858) or E-mail me and I will give you instructions for receiving the Buddy Rate.
This offer expires June 30, so let me know ASAP!
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Coming Up


AZ Republic Live Storytelling
Monday - June 24th
June's theme:
Suddenly everything was different - Leadership Turning Points

Valley leaders will share stories of turning points, moments when they overcame adversity of all kinds to create new futures filled with realized potential. You'll hear inspiring stories of triumph, stories that focus on the moment of empowerment that leads to growth, change and fulfilled promise.

Details: 7 p.m. – Monday, June 24: Upstairs ballroom at the Hotel Palomar at CityScape at First Street and Washington Avenue in Phoenix. $10. $5 for students. Admission is limited to 125.
Ticket purchase mandatory at brownpapertickets.com. A portion of the proceeds benefits Republic Charities.

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The Girl with the Lavender Hair

I see things that relate to story all the time. So I jot them down.

Sometimes I scribble on a small piece of paper or a napkin. Sometimes I use the notes section of my cell phone to make a note about something I saw, or want to remember. These are usually times I want to stay in the moment of what I am experiencing, but I need to remind myself for later. I want to make sure I capture a thought or a moment so I can refer back to it later.

Here's the problem: half the time, I can't read my writing; the other half, I don't know what it means!

I need to do two things: write better notes; and review them before the next day.

Take that extra moment to make a clear note. What is it you are trying to remind yourself of? What's the importance of that note? Where are you thinking you might want to use it; for what purpose?

Then, as soon as you can, review those notes; the sooner, the better. Reviewing in a timely manner helps to remember the image you had in your mind and what you were thinking. You should review no later than that night. If you wait too long, the images can get lost or mixed with other, less important thoughts and images. Sleep has allowed many great ideas to slip away into the vapor.

Revise and rewrite notes. Don't just re-read them and leave them in their original scribbled form. Give yourself the time to rewrite with purpose, so you know exactly what you wanted to say or remember. Even if it was a fleeting thought, with nothing concrete attached to it, then write that. Make the note clear to yourself that this could be anything.

Repetition and re-writing helps solidify the original thought, and can also lead to additional brainstorms. Using new language to describe what you saw or felt can spur other thoughts or feelings and might even lead to an additional story.

I wrote my notes quickly as I tried to eat my sandwich, there in the small town square. I fumbled, there was no place to put my sandwich. I had to balance it on my lap and be careful not to spill my drink. There was so much going on. I pulled out my small spiral notebook. I had to flip through other pages and lists of airline flights and Hostel bookings until I found a blank page to jot down all I saw. If I hadn't reviewed them quickly, I might have missed the story I wanted to tell...or wanted to begin to tell.

A blue gingham jumper
And small saddle shoes;
She used the steps as a chair.
What was her story?
Where did she come from?
The girl with the lavender hair.

More to follow...

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Yarnball Storytellers Mic
Every Wednesday at  8 pm - PHOENIX

Odyssey Storytelling
First Thursday of each month - TUCSON

East Valley Tellers of Tales -Storytellers Guild
Second Saturday of each month - SCOTTSDALE

West Side Story Tellers -Storytellers Guild
Second Saturday of each month - GLENDALE

Lit Lounge - Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art (SMOCA)
Fourth Friday of each month - SCOTTSDALE

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All Newsletter content ©Mark Goldman
Got some news or information you would like to get out to the storytelling community?

Contact Mark Goldman -x602-390-3858x - Mark@Storytellermark.com


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