     Monday - April 17, 2017
Issue # 259

Got some news or information you would like to get out to the storytelling community?
Contact Mark Goldman -x602-390-3858x - Mark@Storytellermark.com

April Showers

We have had a little more rain this year. We used to say:

If April Showers bring May flowers

What do May flowers bring?




Need Female for Storytelling England Tour - One Space Available

One female needed to round out accommodations.

Yes, I'm on track to take another group to England in May of 2017. This time, the plan is to also visit Dublin and some of the surrounding countryside, like Blarney Castle (kiss the Blarney Stone), the Cliffs of Moher; ride the storytelling bus in Dublin; visit many pubs in the Temple Bar district; and walk the historic grounds of Trinity College. That's in ADDITION to all the other cities and venues in England! London, Canterbury, Salisbury and Bristol!

Last year's tour was a great success. Mostly, we laughed! Everyone said it was a great tour and they loved it. Three students and two teachers from GCC had a great time on the scheduled events and were extremely happy about the large amount of "free time" that they had to explore on their own.

If you are a FEMALE and want to go - Let me know ASAP!
More info here

Rocky Mountain High

I'm off to the Denver area this weekend for the Rocky Mountain Storytelling Conference! I am honored to be presenting alongside such wonderful tellers as Janice Del Negro, Matthew Taylor, Karen Langford Chace, Pam Faro and Debra Olsen-Tolar. One of the great perks of being invited to present at conferences like this is that in addition to "schmoozing" with all these tellers and colleagues, I get to attend their workshops and concerts and learn so much from them.

This weekend will also be a bit nostalgic, as the conference is in Golden, Colorado. Many (that's MANY) years ago, I was touring with a National Company of Fiddler on the Roof. While in Denver, I was told to go to Golden, drive up the mountain and visit Red Rock Park. It is a gorgeous amphitheatre literally carved out of the red rock of the mountain. It was close to sunrise and the views were spectacular! I won't get there that early this time, but have arranged to arrive early morning and will return to one of the most beautiful sites I have ever visited.

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This Week


Late Entry Newsflash from Liz Warren

Wednesday - April 19th 6:30 pm

Phoenix Storytelling Enthusiasts! Please join me at 6:30 this Wednesday, April 19 at Burton Barr Library for "Kinder Wisdom" - personal stories of childhood and kindness. Our tellers will include Dianna M. NáñezLawrence RobinsonMaya Blanco, Kathryn Sheffield, and Sean George. It's free, but registratin is requested. 
Click here fpr registration

Celtic Earth Stories

Celtic Earth Stories:  Water from an Ancient Well
Friday, April 21, 2017, 7:00 pm
Community Christian Church

An evening of stories to connect heaven and earth with fertile imagination and ancient/modern folklore.

Storytellers:  Liz Warren, Doug Bland, Ken McIntosh, Cathy Eastman, Christie Dart. 

$5 donation at the door 

Verdant Paths: Celtic Spirituality for the Earth Workshop

Verdant Paths: Celtic Spirituality for the Earth Workshop
Saturday, April 22 - 9 am to 12 Noon 
Community Christian Church,   

Presenter Kenneth McIntosh is the author of Water from an Ancient Well: Celtic Spirituality for Modern Life, and Celtic Nature Prayers, and The Green Man: An Ancient Symbol for the Modern World. He’s also the General Editor for the Celtic Bible Commentary. He has presented retreats and seminars on Celtic Spirituality in the US and in the UK. He serves as a chaplain at NAU and pastor in Flagstaff, Arizona, and has been a vital part of the Forest Church movement.
Learn about: 
  • Why spirituality and sustainability are inseparable
  • Reading “God’s First Book”—which is Nature
  • Lessons from our furred and feathered friends
  • The Green Man, an ancient symbol of our oneness with Nature
  • Reading “God’s Second Book” (the Bible) in harmony with the natural world. 
Please RSVP to doug.bland@tempeccc.com for the Workshop.  
$15 suggested donation 

Storyfind Workshop/Reception

Saturday - April 22nd - 1:00pm - 4:00pm
SMCC - PAC 740

Storyfind is a monthly workshop designed to help storytellers build community and deepen repertoire. Each session will start with a short reception to welcome new participants to the community.

This month: TBA

Come network with many valley storytellers and participate in this month's workshop.
It's FREE - Just show up!

Loren R. Russell Tribute Concert

April 22nd - 2:00pm - 3:30pm
North Mountain Visitor Center
12950 N 7th ST., Phoenix

We’ve all lost a gentle upstanding Valley man and entertainer.
A tribute concert will be held to honor the life of Loren R Russell, a local Native American flute player, storyteller, member of the musical trio, Silverback, and an enrolled member of the Gila River Indian Community. Loren also told his stories and played Native American Flute at Wild Horse Pass Resort.
A suggested $10 or more donation for the 90 minute concert will benefit Loren Russell’s surviving family.
The concert will feature the music of Silverback, The Arizona Flute Circle, the West Side Story Tellers and other professional entertainers. Our M.C. will be the one and only Sule Greg Wilson, another great storyteller, teacher and musician.
Silverback currently consists of John Mahoney, percussionist/instrumentalist, and Eric Laubach, guitarist, pianist, singer/songwriter. All the storytellers and musicians that knew Loren will be participating in this concert. Every five minutes a different entertainer will pay tribute to this gentle soul. 18 magnificent 5-minute shows. If you would like to participate as a performer, contact John Mahoney ASAP.
Mark your calendars to come out and have a great time paying tribute to this gentle soul.  Even if you did not know Loren, you will leave this tribute a better person, and he’ll know you were there.
John Mahoney
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Coming Up


Arizona Storytellers: Our Family, Our Culture
Monday - May 2nd - 7:00pm
AZ Heritage Center at Papago Park

Growing up and adulting are two separate things. Join azcentral.com and The Arizona Republic for a night of stories about the funny, and sometimes poignant, leaps of growing and becoming a grown up.
Emcee: Megan Finnerty, founder of the Storytellers Project
Featured tellers:
Kara Kahnke
Dianna Nanez
Joe Finnerty
JJ Hensley
Reyna Montoya
Tiara Vian
Details: 6 p.m. check-in, stories 7-9 p.m.
$10, Students are $5. 602-444-8605, tickets.azcentral.com.
All Arizona Republic and azcentral subscribers receive a complimentary, gourmet brownie from Fairytale Brownies at check-in.
Accessibility Note: If you require ASL Interpretation Services for this event or a future Storytellers event, or if you require accommodations related to mobility or seating, contact Alexus Rhone at arhone@gannett.com.

Info & Tickets
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Start with Lessons Learned

An age-old question: "What makes a good story?" There are many parts to the answer, but one of the basic elements is that in a "story" someone or something changes. There is some knowledge gained; some lesson learned. This is especially important in personal stories. We are always looking for that thing that changed, that revelation or insight. The phrase that exemplifies that is, "Ever since that day, I always..." 

My students are always telling me, "I don't have any stories. My life is boring."

If we take change as a premise for storytelling, then we can look for a good story in those times in our lives when we did change, when we did learn a lesson. Think back for a moment and ponder all the things you may have experienced in your life when you learned something; when you had a great epiphany, or a small one. When the lightbulb turned on; when you actually, "Saw the light!"

What do you do differently now than you did in the past? When did you make that change? WHY did you make that change?

Look back to those times of change and lessons for inspiration in crafting a personal story. You may just help someone struggling with similar challenges.

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Did I Learn My Lesson?

Well...here's another way to look at "lessons" as a story...

I was living in Chicago, making the rounds of the casting calls for actors and dancers. Chicago is a big city, but the local theatre community was small. Many of us knew each other and saw each other at the same auditions over and over.

Occasionally, we would meet someone new - Carpe Diem! It was on the edge of winter; cold and slushy. I had trekked downtown for another "cattle call" audition, I can't remember for what. Maybe it was for a commercial, or a film, it mattered not. What mattered was that I met a girl. A brunette with soft eyes and an engaging smile. Somehow, I managed the courage to talk to her. I even asked if she wanted to get some coffee after the audition. I was surprised at myself for being so bold.

Janie and I seemed to hit it off as we sat in a small coffee shop/deli downtown. She was going to college at the University of Chicago. She was trying to "break into the business". I, on the other hand, had been fortunate enough to have done some dinner theatre, and also taught dance. I surprised myself again when I asked her out to dinner - a date!. Perhaps even a bigger surprise was that she said, "Yes"! We made the plans, exchanged numbers and parted. I didn't care at all about that audition or whether or not I would get a "call-back". A date with Janie seemed even better.

Two days later I was dressed-to-the-nines, and went off to pick her up at her dorm on campus. It was raining, not hard, sort of medium. I entered the reception foyer and told the gal at the desk who I was there to see. She called up to her room and I waited. I waited a little more, and then...some more. I asked at the desk again, then waited, again. 

Eventually someone came down. She said she was Janie's roommate. She didn't know where Janie was. Apparently, she had gone somewhere earlier in the day and had not returned yet. I was immediately concerned about her safety, as it was raining. "Do you think she is okay?" The roommate responded, "I'm sure she is fine, but that's all I know." I wrote my number down for her - just in case Janie had lost it. "Please have her call me when she gets in." With a sad and worried heart, I drove back home in the rain. I called a couple of times that night, but the roommate said that she had not returned yet. Now I was really worried!

Just a note here: this was a LONG time ago...no cell phones, no message machines, no texting. Just a phone attached to the kitchen wall, with a long reciever cord.

The next day was Saturday and I had not heard from Janie. Mid-morning, I called. The roommate answered again and said that Janie had come back and that she had been given the message to call me. Hmmm. I wondered why she hadn't called. I still wondered if she was really okay. I reiterated the desire for her to call me so I would know what happened. There was no call the rest of Saturday.

On Sunday I tried again, with similar results. I was told that she had been given all the messages, but was not returning my calls. I even queried the roommate about her condition. "Was she okay? Was she in an accident?" No information was forthcoming. I called a few more times on Sunday, until...

Perhaps you are wondering how I could have been so stupid? Eventually, I wondered the same thing. "How did I not get it? What a fool. What an idiot!" How could someone who had been so nice and had such a cute name as "Janie" have stood me up? A "Tiffany" I might have understood, but "Janie"? I didn't understand why. Suddenly, I realized that I would never know why.

I'm almost at the end of the story now. You may be wondering, "What changed as a result of this? What lesson did I learn?"

Here's the answer, and sometimes, for a good story, it's okay to NOT learn a lesson.

Because in this story, I DIDN'T learn my lesson. Oh, I have been stood up many times since, but each time I, again, believed the girl had not brushed me off.  I always believed something "else" went wrong, or stood in the way. And yes, I was often wrong in my beliefs. But was I "wrong" to believe the best? Was I "wrong" for not having "learned my lesson - Once burned - twice shy?"

Maybe I actually DID learn a lesson, though; perhaps I learned that I have a "choice" as to whether to expect and see the best in people, or whether to "expect" to be stood up. When given the choice, I will always choose the former.

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------------------------------------THERE'S A LOT GOING ON EACH MONTH
---------------------------------CALL TO MAKE SURE THE EVENT IS STILL ON

Infuse Open Mic
Second Sunday of each month - Phoenix

Pink Slip Open Mic
Every Monday at  8 pm - PHOENIX

Chatterbox Open Mic
Every Wednesday at  8 pm - PHOENIX

FStorytellers - Female Story Tellers - Tucson
Usually sometime during the first week of the month - but check their website) at  7 pm - TUCSON

Odyssey Storytelling
First Thursday of each month (usually but check calendar) - TUCSON

Third Friday (usually) of each month - PHOENIX

Tucson Tellers of Tales - Storytellers Guild
First Saturday of each month (except July and August) - Tucson

West Side Story Tellers - Storytellers Guild
First Saturday of each month - GLENDALE *NO meetings in July & August

East Valley Tellers of Tales -Storytellers Guild
Second Saturday of each month - SCOTTSDALE - *NO meetings in July & August

Fourth Saturday of each month (usually - check calendar) - *NO meetings in June & July
SMCC Storytelling Institute
A monthly workshop designed to help storytellers build community and deepen repertoire.
See the Calendar

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All Newsletter content ©Mark Goldman
Got some news or information you would like to get out to the storytelling community?

Contact Mark Goldman -x602-390-3858x - Mark@Storytellermark.com


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