     Monday, February 6, 2017
Issue # 249

Got some news or information you would like to get out to the storytelling community?
Contact Mark Goldman -x602-390-3858x - Mark@Storytellermark.com

NSN More Transitioning...and Some Tears

There's more progress in the NSN move to be based in Kansas City. This transition is a double-edged sword, and very sad. Karin Hensley, Kit Rogers and Elaine Kolp have worked so tirelessly over the past years to help make NSN a great organization. Their jobs will be phased out as the association plants a firm foothold in the new headquarters of Kansas City.

With that move comes the sad realization that we will lose these three great women who have helped and supported the Board and all the members for so long. They were there almost 8 years ago when I joined the association and long before that too. They have always been familiar and joyful voices over the phone, and in person. They have been the faces of NSN, and will be sorely missed!

In addition to managing the organization, every year they have organized and managed the annual Conference, no small feat! They have been there for everyone and have made our lives at the Conference and in the association MUCH EASIER. and have done it with great love and caring!

It is ironic that the three of them will be instrumental in the transition to a full-time staff in Kansas City, so their job is really to eliminate their roles in NSN.

If you have a moment, please E-mail or send a card to let them know what they have meant to you and the association.

Karin@storynet.org, Kit@storynet.org, Elaine@storynet.org

OR: P.O. Box 795, Jonesborough, TN 37659

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This Week


Arizona Storytellers: Love and Heartbreak

Wednesday - February 8th - TWO SHOWS - 6:30pm & 8:30pm
SMCC Performance Hall

Sometimes love ends with greater love; other times it’s just an awkward hug. Sometimes, love starts with a smile, other times, it’s pitcher of beer. Join azcentral.com and The Arizona Republic for a night of stories of puppy love and true love.
TWO SHOWS - One at 6:30pm and one at 8:30pm

Emcee: Megan Finnerty, founder of the Storytellers Project

Featured tellers:

Michael Heller
Tara Ijai
Jeffery Miller
Anel Arriola
Mario Avent and Chantel Freed
Forest Melton

Accessibility Note: If you require ASL Interpretation Services for this event or a future Storytellers event, or if you require accommodations related to mobility or seating, contact Alexus Rhone at arhone@gannett.com.

Info & Tickets

East Valley Tellers of Tales Guild Meeting

Saturday, February 11th ~ 10am - Noon
Join us to celebrate storytelling successes. 

East Valley Tellers of Tales is a Phoenix area guild of Storytellers and Storylisteners. A truly safe place to share your story! We are an affiliate of the National Storytelling Network. Come and find out what this means, and how it benefits you!

East Valley Tellers of Tales is looking at ways to create outreach, new ideas for the group, plans for the future and more. Join us and lend your talent and energy to help us grow.
Click here for details & info

Speakeasy - Poetry Open Mic

Saturday - February 11th - 4:30pm - 7:00pm
Speakeasy Open Mic
Soulful Expressions

Sean Buvala has alerted us to an open mic event at the Avondale Civic Center this Saturday. Hosted by Speakeasy, it's for folks 13 and up. Bring a friend, bring a lover!

It's FREE!

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Coming Up


Tattoo Stories
Sunday - February 12th - 7:00pm
Community Christian Church

Another in the series of stories from Doug Bland's Storytelling Church!

Stories of Tattoos

Lisa Tolentino
Julie Min
Keeley Bruner
Ashton Skinner
Kyle Mitchell
Lane Wilcken

SMCC Faculty Concert
Friday, February 17 - 6;30pm - 8:00pm
SMCC Performance Hall

SMCC Storytelling Faculty will be telling some of their favorite stories based on the theme: "Calling All Heroes"

Doug Bland,
Harriet Cole
Travis May
Kyle Mitchell
Marilyn Torres
Sylvia Torrey.

Admission: $10

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Great Myths of the Future

Lately, I've been thinking about "legacy". What is the legacy we leave behind for the future? So here's a REPRINT of a tip from May/2016 that I believe has some relevance.

This week's tip comes from colleague and Irish teller Yvonne Healy. Yvonne did a workshop on Family stories and I found one exercise particularly interesting and exciting. I believe it has many uses!

Quite often, people don't believe that they have done anything worth "telling" about. They feel their lives are "ordinary" vs. extraordinary. This exercise in a group, or with a person you are interviewing can put a whole new perspective on that concept. And... it forces the teller to use their creativity!

Interview a family member and have them tell you something they did. It could be something simple that they feel may not be very "interesting", but have them tell it anyway.

OR - in a group, partner up and have your partner tell you something they did that seemed extremely mundane, like putting away the dishes, or dusting the shelves.

The next step is to project yourself 5000 years into the future. What would the world be like? Now tell the story back to the family member (or partner) but tell it as a GREAT MYTH. How did that one thing that they did affect the world in the future? How might they be remembered in the folklore of the future?

A long, long, long time ago, Mary dusted the shelves in her house, and did a particularly good job. So good, in fact, that when her friend Jane came over, she noticed the excellent job Mary had done. She was also so pleased that there was no dust in the house as Jane had such bad allergies. Jane told so many people about Mary dusting the shelves and how wonderful it was, that they all decided to follow suit and do the same in their own houses. They even took it a step further and cleaned and scrubbed everything. Each time someone visited a home, they marveled at the cleanliness and vowed to clean their own homes and office spaces with great energy and pride. This spread far and wide, across the country and eventually, around the world. And that is why the earth is such a clean place today, in the year 7016!

There is great creativity in this exercise for the teller, finding a way to frame the story in a different way (and time). And there is great power in having that person hear their tale as a Great Legend, or Myth of the future!

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Prompts...and Echoes
Like the "Tip" above, there are many different kinds of "prompts" for storytelling. A prompt is just something that gets your mind and imagination going. You can go to a time in your life, a person, a place or a feeling. Eventually, you will get to an image; something that you will then describe to the audience as you reveal your story.

At East Valley Tellers of Tales (EVTOT) we have been doing "Improv Stories" that begin by having group members "prompt" the teller with three words that they must then incorporate somehow into their impromptu story. Some folks make up completely new stories, and some, Like Maya Jones incorporate those words into her personal stories; not an easy feat!

Back in 2006, I took a poetry class at Scottsdale CC. The teacher gave us an assignment to write a poem and incorporate eight words that she gave us. I can't find my original notes, so I don't remember all the words, except two, "blueberry" and "echo". Here is the poem I wrote.


Just below the cliff’s edge now.
Breathe in. Breathe out. Suspended,
Almost motionless.
Weaver’s Needle looms in the distance
As the desert bowl of dust
Fills the vastness below.
A soaring eagle calls out,
Like the voice inside that spurs you on.
And you can taste
The echoes of morning’s dewy blackberries.
Reading it again, now, I think perhaps I might extend it into a story...hmmm.
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------------------------------------THERE'S A LOT GOING ON EACH MONTH
---------------------------------CALL TO MAKE SURE THE EVENT IS STILL ON

Infuse Open Mic
Second Sunday of each month - Phoenix

Pink Slip Open Mic
Every Monday at  8 pm - PHOENIX

Chatterbox Open Mic
Every Wednesday at  8 pm - PHOENIX

FStorytellers - Female Story Tellers - Tucson
Usually sometime during the first week of the month - but check their website) at  7 pm - TUCSON

Odyssey Storytelling
First Thursday of each month (usually but check calendar) - TUCSON

Third Friday (usually) of each month - PHOENIX

Tucson Tellers of Tales - Storytellers Guild
First Saturday of each month (except July and August) - Tucson

West Side Story Tellers - Storytellers Guild
First Saturday of each month - GLENDALE *NO meetings in July & August

East Valley Tellers of Tales -Storytellers Guild
Second Saturday of each month - SCOTTSDALE - *NO meetings in July & August

Fourth Saturday of each month (usually - check calendar) - *NO meetings in June & July
SMCC Storytelling Institute
A monthly workshop designed to help storytellers build community and deepen repertoire.
See the Calendar

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All Newsletter content ©Mark Goldman
Got some news or information you would like to get out to the storytelling community?

Contact Mark Goldman -x602-390-3858x - Mark@Storytellermark.com


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