     Monday, December 30, 2013
Issue # 88

Got some news or information you would like to get out to the storytelling community?
Contact Mark Goldman -x602-390-3858x - Mark@Storytellermark.com

-------------------------Happy New Year!

-------------May it be filled with great stories!

Storytelling Continues to Grow in Arizona

A year ago, I reported that in 2012 there were over 100 storytelling events in Arizona. This year, we have surpassed that number by well over fifty percent! That's right, in 2013 we had more than 150 events. . .and that's just public events! Add into that the classes at all of the Maricopa Community Colleges and private parties featuring storytelling and you've got a plethora of parables, personal stories, fables, fairytales, myths and mysteries!

Some of the highlights: a week with Connie Regan-Blake; The third annual Return to the African Village; Tucson Festival of Books; AZ Republic's Live Storytelling; Folktales for Grownups; Stories at Community Christian Church; The Lit Lounge; Yarnball Storytelling; The Greek & Roman Myth Throwdown; Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson; workshops with David Novak and Donald Davis; Group Coachig with Sean Buvala and Out of the Box Storytelling for Women - just to name a few!

Got a storytelling event? Make sure you fill out the form so I can put it on the calender, and maybe even highlight you in the Newsletter.

2014 Promises to continue the upsurge in storytelling. Check the calendar for all the upcoming events, especially the Annual NSN Storytelling Conference, July 24-27! 

Looking forward to more great stories in 2014!

NSN Conference - Updates

Where: Mesa, Arizona
When: July 24-27, 2014
Theme: Fire & Light 
Storytelling illuminates who we are as individuals and as a community.  Stories spark deeper understanding; they enlighten our minds and hearts. Stories light the fire of joy and laughter.  

Become a member of NSN and SAVE BIG BUCKS on Early Bird Conference Fees -
PLUS - We've got some creative ways for our Phoenix Tellers, Students & Community to get to know the long-time tellers who will be attending from out of town! COMING SOON!

Fringe performasnces are chossen by LOTTERY at the Faculty Concert of SMCC on January 22, 2014

Click here for info on the FRINGE RFP

SMCC Spring Classes Start in Two Weeks!

Classes start the week of January 13th, so make sure you register now! PLUS - tell your friends and colleagues who keep saying to you, "I should really take a class there."
Here is the current lineup of classes:

The Art of Storytelling 
Using Storytelling in A Variety Of Settings 
Using Storytelling in Educational Settings 
Using Storytelling in Healing Settings 
Multicultural Folktales

Classes are filling up, dont get left out!
Do you live in a different part of the valley? Are the SMCC classes full? Don't forget that there are storytelling classes at many of the other Maricopa Community Colleges. You can also use the link below to check them out. Just change the protocols and checkmarks on the left side. (E-mail me if you ahve trouble finding a class)
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Coming Up


Rising Tide Workshop CANCELLED
Due to unforeseen circumstances, the Rising Tide workshop on January 11th  has been cancelled.

Your Phoenix Area Storytelling Guilds
East Valley Tellers of Tales and West Side Story Tellers are your Phoenix area Storytelling Guilds. They meet on the second Saturday of each month from 10am - Noon, and are open to all who are interested in storytelling.

Both groups have short business meetings to discuss projects and storytelling events in the Valey, and both provide a safe place for members and/or guests to tell stories.

Check out their websites for more details:

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Make a List & Check it Twice - For Your Gig!

A few tips for doing a solo gig. This list is by no means complete. Add your own items that make sense to you. It always helps to make a list and check it. . .twice.
  • Double/Triple check the date, time, and place.
  • Have contact names and phone numbers
  • Know your audience
  • Know your time limits
  • Select your stories; plan the order; plan the transitions;
  • Have an "extra" story in your pocket as a filler or as an "encore"
  • Plan what you will wear: costume; street clothes; fancy? Make sure it is appropriate for what you have been asked to do.
  • Have you discussed how many people? Do you need a PA system? If so, double/triple check it.
  • Get there early - plan for traffic
  • To eat or not to eat
    - Know yourself (and your system!). Will eating make you bloated; not as sharp as you need to be? Do liquids "go right through you"? If so, plan accordingly. Moderation is the key.
  • Do you need time to "warm-up" your voice and body? Take the time you need. It might have to be in the car, on the way, or in the restroom when you arrive. Be ready to go when they say "you're on".
  • Know your role:
    If it's a party where you are providing some entertainment, make sure you are clear about the protocols: Are you "talent" and should not mingle? Are you an "invited guest, and are expected to mingle, eat and join in?
  • Are there other performers there along with you? Storytellers, musicians, singers, magicians? If so, try to acknowledge them when you perform. Give them a "nod".
  • Plan for contingencies. The lighting sucks. There is no PA. How will you deal with venues where attendees can come and go at will; or are they eating and talking while you are telling? The organizer wants their little Suzy to tell a story.
  • Always thank the host/producer in some way, publicly if possible and when appropriate.
  • Be gracious in all settings and situations.
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Reach to Your Roots for Inspiration

I discovered this video story by Leonard Nimoy explaining how he found the classic "V" hand gesture greeting for Vulcans. It was not created by the writers or the director. As the character of Spock in Star Trek, Nimoy felt that there should be some ritual "greeting" when Vulcans meet, similar to a handshake or a salute. The answer came to Nimoy from his childhood, from deep within the roots of his Jewish upbringing.

This is a great story. It not only tells about the origin of the classic "Live long and prosper" symbol, but also shows the process of the actor thinking, struggling, questioning; the process of "crafting".
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------------------------------------THERE'S A LOT GOING ON EACH MONTH
---------------------------------CALL TO MAKE SURE THE EVENT IS STILL ON

Homebase Poetry
First Sunday of each month - Phoenix

Infuse Open Mic
Second Sunday of each month - Phoenix

Yarnball Storytellers Mic
Every Wednesday at  8 pm - PHOENIX

FStorytellers - Female Story Tellers
Every Second Wednesday (usually but check calendar) at  7 pm - TUCSON

Odyssey Storytelling
First Thursday of each month (usually but check calendar) - TUCSON

East Valley Tellers of Tales -Storytellers Guild
Second Saturday of each month - SCOTTSDALE

West Side Story Tellers -Storytellers Guild
Second Saturday of each month - GLENDALE

Storyline: Origins
Fourth Friday of each month - PHOENIX

Lit Lounge - Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art (SMOCA)
Fourth Friday of each month - SCOTTSDALE

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All Newsletter content ©Mark Goldman
Got some news or information you would like to get out to the storytelling community?

Contact Mark Goldman -x602-390-3858x - Mark@Storytellermark.com


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