     Monday - December 17, 2018
Issue # 345

Got some news or information you would like to get out to the storytelling community?
Contact Mark Goldman -x602-390-3858x - Mark@Storytellermark.com

Happy Birthday Glenda!

Happy Birthday to our Tucson colleague, the wonderful Glenda Bonin! Glenda is a major force in the Arizona/Tucson Storytelling Community.

She is a puppet master, storyteller and magician with many other talents. Glenda has been the president of Tucson Tellers of Tales and has presented workshops around the country, as well as at the NSN National Storytelling Conference. A current focus for Glenda is presentations at Senior communities and living centers. 

She is pictured at right with one of her furry friends.



ETSU Opportunities

Masters Degree in Storytelling
A special opportunity for all NSN members Looking for a Master’s Degree in storytelling? NSN has an arrangement with East Tennessee State University (ETSU) to offer NSN members in-state tuition when attending classes in storytelling.

This means if you live in Oregon, for example, you can now attend the summer institutes and regular classes in the storytelling program at ETSU for Tennessee tuition rates – a significant savings! Visit the ETSU website for information on the Storytelling Program at ETSU. Apply for admission and sign up for your classes through ETSU. Complete the Contract Voucher and send it to the NSN office. The form may be submitted electronically or printed and mailed to the address listed on the form.

Enjoy the classes!

Faculty Position Open in Storytelling
The Department of Communication and Performance at East Tennessee State University seeks an Assistant or Associate Professor of Storytelling and Storytelling Program Coordinator. This position carries full-time, tenure-track status starting August 15, 2019, pending availability of funds.
We seek an energetic and inspiring faculty member with strong academic credentials and proven storytelling performance experience. This faculty member will contribute to our Communication & Storytelling Studies master’s degree program by training students in the art & craft of storytelling. We aim to hire someone who understands, and will help our students understand, storytelling not only as folk and traditional art, but also as contemporary practice with socially transformative potential. We seek someone with a strong commitment to interdisciplinarity, intersectionality, cultural equity, and ethics of storytelling practices.

Click here for more info

New Voices Northlands Confabulation Scholarships

Conference Scholarships to Northlands' Confabulation!
Madison, WI - April 26-28, 2019

Northlands Storytelling Network is offering “New Voices” Conference Scholarships to anyone 18 years and older who is new to storytelling and is interested in improving their skills and/or using storytelling in their respective fields.

Recipients of the scholarships will be paired with others at the conference who will act as guides and resources during the conference. Up to four scholarships may be awarded. Members of the Northlands Scholarship Committee will judge applications and determine scholarship winners. Winners will be notified as soon as possible after the application deadline.

Who May Apply:

• Adults ages 18 year and older, interested in using storytelling in their respective fields, i.e., education, psychology, museum education, environmental education, healing arts, law, religion, business, theater, freelance storytelling, library services, etc. • Recipients may only receive the scholarship twice within a five-year period. Winners Receive: • Free conference registration. • 2 nights (Friday & Saturday) shared lodging with another scholarship recipient. • Friday lunch and dinner and Saturday lunch and dinner (complimentary breakfast at hotel)

• Membership to Northlands Storytelling Network for one year. Additional Requirements: • Must provide own transportation to/from conference.
• Meet with the New Voices coordinator and other scholarship recipients over breakfast Saturday morning. Application:

Please provide the following information:
• Name, Address, City, State, Zip
• Telephone Numbers (home and cell)
• Email Address
• Employer/Job Title
• Year of Birth
• Answer the following questions:
   1. How did you hear about the New Voices Scholarship?
   2. Why are you interested in attending the Northlands Storytelling Conference?
   3. Have you ever received a Northlands Scholarship? If so, in what year?
   4. Have you ever attended a regional or national storytelling conference?
       If so, in what year and the name of the conference?
   5. Describe your experience with storytelling and/or story listening.
   6. How can storytelling be used in your present or desired line of work?

Email your application to: northlands.storytelling@gmail.com List “Scholarship” in subject line

Application Must be Received by: January 31, 2019 


NSN Summit - Fringe Performance Opportunity

The Fringe @ the NSN is back for its 13th Season! Explore the limits of storytelling at the National Storytelling Summit. July 25-27, 2019 Fremont, California 

Want to present 55 minutes of your most compelling, riskiest, experimental or work in progress storytelling? How about joining forces with a friend(s) to create an ensemble performance event? Think of all the possibilities: 55 minutes of autobiography, performance art, folktales, stand-up, puppetry, dance or your favorite long form story!

What is the Fringe? The NSN Fringe follows the standard Fringe Festival model by providing the opportunity for you to experience many aspects of a typical Fringe Festival including the selection process and performance framework. In keeping with the Fringe principle of an un-juried selection process, Fringe performers for the 2019 National Storytelling Summit will be selected by lottery.

Deadline for submission: Midnight on January 31, 2019 CST
Click here for more info

Next Generation NSN Summit Scholarships

The National Storytelling Network (NSN) is offering Scholarships to students and young adults interested in attending our 2019 National Storytelling Summit. Recipients of the scholarships will be paired with others at the Summit that will act as guides and resources during the Summit. For more information contact Judy Sima (judy@judysima.com or 248-644-3951).

Who May Apply?
Adults ages 18-35 (graduated or no longer attending high school), interested in using storytelling in their respective fields (i.e., education, psychology, museum educator, environmental educator, healing arts, law, religion, business, theater, freelance storytelling, etc.)

Click here for more info

Storyrise in Goodyear! More Opportunities to Tell

From Sean Buvala: More Tellers Wanted!

Hello all. In association with the Goodyear Arts & Culture Commission, my company The Small-Tooth-Dog Publishing Group is returning with another season of StoryRise this winter through spring.

I am in need of additional tellers for each night. We are actively seeking out a range of diversity and experience for these events.

Please also note that we have lined up a series of great workshops, presented by nationally-experienced leaders.

>>> If you'd like to tell or teach, would you please make contact with me at "staff @ smalltoothdog. com." The shows are curated and I will work with you to get your spoken-word or storytelling piece ready.

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This Week


Arizona Storytellers Project - Holiday Spectacular

Wednesday December 19th - Arizona Biltmore 
Thursday December 20th - Arizona Biltmore 

TWO NIGHTS of Holiday Spectacular

On this night, we celebrate the stories that unite our communities, faiths and families. Join azcentral.com and The Arizona Republic for a night of holiday cookies, cocoa and tales in the beautiful Grand Ballroom.

Megan Finnerty, Director of the Storytellers Brand Studio and founder of the Storytellers Project.
Kaila White, Reporter for the Arizona Republic

Ernesto Ortiz
Anwar Newton
Elizabeth Montgomery
Teresa Strasser
Click here for more info

South Mountain Aglow

Saturday - December 22 -5:30 pm -9:30 pm
South Mountain Environmental Education Canter
10409 S. Central Ave - 
Phoenix AZ 85042

Once again, we light up the darkest night of the year, the Winter Solstice, with a beautiful half-mile, luminaria walk along our Judith Tunell sidewalk trail, featuring artwork from local youth, with entertainers, food trucks, and a vendor market for last minute gifts!

FREE for all ages!
This year, for Storytelling, we're going to be gathering around an actual fire to tell our stories! The theme for the stories is going to be "Don't let the Light Go Out" with the usual time parameters of between 5 and 10 minutes. We're pretty informal -- no master of ceremonies, just a "who wants to tell next" approach. If you are interested in telling a story or two at this event let either Phyllis Ralley pralley@msn.com or Harriet Cole hcdove@gmail.com 


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Coming Up


Storyrise - Workshop & Concert!
Thursday, January 3rd - 6:00 pm
Goodyear Branch Library
14455 W. Van Buren C-101, Goodyear

Sean Buvala presents StoryRise - A workshop and a concert.

6:00 pm - 6:45 pm:
Exploring the Abstract Through Concrete Poetic Detail

with Tomás J. Stanton
In this workshop, participants will learn to express the abstract (Love, Faith, Fear, Joy) through concrete imagery and poetic devices. In addition, we will explore how poetry and narrative structure connect to create poetic narratives.

7:00 pm - 8:45 pm: Turn the Page
Free outdoor storytelling performance. It's time for new beginnings or old endings. Flip over a new leaf in your old book. It's time to see what has been and wonder about the future. It's time to make plans that may or may not be broken. In this storytelling performance for adult audiences, our tellers will tell both true and should-be-true tale and personal narratives. Held outdoors so dress warmly. Tellers include Tomás J. Stanton, Mark Goldman, Sean Buvala and others.

Story Kinship - Tucson Workshop
Saturday - January 5th - 9:30 am - 11:30 am
Harmony Meeting Room
1200 N El Dorado Place, Suite B-200. Tucson

Ring in the New Year with a Workshop by Mark Goldman

Tucson Tellers of Tales will host Mark Goldman with an exceptional workshop focusing on traditional tales!

Story Kinship: Exploring Your Personal Connections to Non-personal Tales

Storyteller Susan Klein says, “When something within a folktale resonates with your own story...that’s when the responsibility begins. You do whatever you need to do to get to the root of what it means to you and the truth that resides in the story.” This session will assist you in exploring and understanding your personal connections to your selected folktale; fairytale; fact-based or other non-personal tale - Making the story uniquely yours!

Join us for this unique workshop that was a great success at the Rocky Mountain Storytelling Festival in 2017 and the Tejas Storytelling Festival in 2018.

Phoenix Peeps: I've got TWO seats open if you want to drive down with me. Or maybe we can make our own "caravan"! Email me if you are interested: mark@storytellermark.com.

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Building Your Repertoire

a stock of plays, dances, or pieces that a company or a performer knows or is prepared to perform.

In light of the TIDBITS below, I am reposting this TIP from 2016.

When we start out as a storyteller, we usually begin slowly, choosing stories one at a time. Finding stories that we "love" isn't always easy to do. I remember taking days of searching and reading stories on line and in books until I found the first story that I liked and thought I could tell.

Just a note here: In storytelling class, we begin with Folktales or Fairytales because they already have the basic structure that beginners need to learn. Next come Legends that still have a structure but deal with larger concepts and archetypes. Then, we progress to Fact-Based where we need to choose and add structure to the "elements" of the story. Personal stories come last (even though we think they are the easiest to tell) as they need more structure and attention to theme and emotions.

By the end of our first course, we should have 4-5 stories that we are "ready to tell" when the need arises, or the call comes in. Aye, there's the rub... when the call comes in... what then? What if the client wants a set of stories that we don't have? Christmas stories; Earth Day stories; stories for children; stories of exploration or adventure; etc. Whoa...now what? Time to start building our repertoire!

What kind of stories might we get a call for? Since Christmas is almost here, let's start with Holiday stories. What stories will fit a particular season or time? Christmas; Hanukkah; Easter; Thanksgiving; Memorial Day; Earth Day; Sadie Hawkins Day (look it up); etc. Remember that some stories can fit into several categories. For instance, a story about what we are thankful for might fit BOTH Thanksgiving and Christmas. An Earth Day story might also fit into stories about Values or Making Choices.

While searching for stories you "love", remember that you must also have some sort of affinity for the potential audiences you might have. If you DON'T connect with a particular audience or "type" of story, then DON'T tell that story, and don't tell to that audience. Pass the gig along to a colleague. I don't do Sacred Stories. I would pass that along to Sean Buvala or Donna Martin. I would pass on Irish stories and pass the gig to Liz Warren, or Laura Rutherford. But when the Jewish Community Center calls...I am there in a heartbeat!

Don't forget that listening to other tellers is a great way to gather stories. You certainly will not want to tell a story the same way that someone else does but find a way to make the story your own. Find three or four different versions of the story, then pick and choose which parts you like. Delve into why you love this story, what connections to your own life can you discover? Then you are ready to claim it and make it yours.

Make sure you find a way to keep a list, or keep track of all the stories you tell, and the ones in progress. You can use a simple pencil and paper, a Word document, an Excel spreadsheet, etc.

You may want to try my Storytellers Database. This is an online program that allows you to keep track of all your stories, when and where you have told them, and what the themes and content of the stories are. Check it out, there are short video tutorials to walk you through the process step-by-step. Here's the link: Storytellersdb.com.

As you move along in this process, you will be building your repertoire with many different stories that will fit for many different situations. Your "blocks" will begin to be different from each other, and they will begin to pile high.

Two things to remember as you add one block, one story at-a-time. to your collection - my first two rules of Storytelling:

  1. Tell stories that you love!
  2. Tell stories that you believe your audience will love!
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Csenge Zalka - That's A Lot of Stories!
How many new stories did you read in the last year? Ten; twenty; more? One new story a week would be 52 stories!

Storyteller, author and scholar Csenge Zalka read 3439 folktales from 47 European countries! That's almost TEN a day! She is doing a "Following folktales around the world" challenge. And meeting that challenge, I would say. Next year, she tells us that she is headed for Africa!
You can find all the blog posts organized by country on her blog here.

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******************************* THERE'S A LOT GOING ON EACH MONTH ***************************

---------------------------------CALL TO MAKE SURE THE EVENT IS STILL ON

The Chatterbox Open Mic
Every Wednesday - 8:00 PM
Fair Trade Cafe
1020 N 1st Ave, Phoenix

Infuse Open Mic
Second Sunday of each month - Phoenix

FStorytellers - Female Story Tellers - Tucson
Usually sometime during the first week of the month - but check their website) at  7 pm - TUCSON

Odyssey Storytelling
First Thursday
 of each month (usually but check calendar) - TUCSON

Tucson Tellers of Tales - Storytellers Guild
First Saturday of each month (except July and August) - Tucson

West Side Story Tellers - Storytellers Guild
First Saturday of each month - GLENDALE *NO meetings in July & August

East Valley Tellers of Tales -Storytellers Guild
Second Saturday of each month - SCOTTSDALE - *NO meetings in July & August

Fourth Saturday of each month (usually - check calendar) - *NO meetings in June & July
SMCC Storytelling Institute
A monthly workshop designed to help storytellers build community and deepen repertoire.
See the Calendar

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All Newsletter content ©Mark Goldman
Got some news or information you would like to get out to the storytelling community?

Contact Mark Goldman -x602-390-3858x - Mark@Storytellermark.com


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