     Monday - November 7, 2016
Issue # 236

Got some news or information you would like to get out to the storytelling community?
Contact Mark Goldman -x602-390-3858x - Mark@Storytellermark.com

                                Tomorrow - VOTE!

                                                                   'nuf said

Just a Reminder

Don't Be Left Out - Want to Present at the NSN Conference?

                                                     June 29-July 2, 2017 

“All Our Voices: Stories of Immigration & Migration”
Kansas City Marriott, Country Club Plaza
Kansas City, Missouri
At least - send in a proposal! 
Proposal Deadline: November 12, 2016, 5:00 pm EST
More info here

Kansas City, Missouri The Fringe @ the NSN is back for its 11th Season!
Explore the limits of storytelling at the National Storytelling Conference.
Want to present 55 minutes of your most compelling, riskiest, experimental or work in progress storytelling? How about a mini-fringe event with you and a friend in a pair of shorter performances? Just think of the possibilities: 55 minutes of autobiography, performance art, folktales, stand-up, puppetry, dance or your favorite long form story!
What is the Fringe? The NSN Conference Fringe follows the Fringe Festival model giving artists freedom to create and audiences "the ability to decide for themselves the truly great productions from the deliciously good, the passably bad and the gloriously disastrous." In keeping with the Fringe principle of an un-juried selection process, Fringe performers for the 2017 National Storytelling Network Conference will be selected by public lottery. 
Growing networks of performance venues all over the world have adopted this model and many storytellers are taking advantage of these venues to reach new audiences. The Conference Fringe encourages more storytellers to participate in American and Canadian Fringe Festivals by providing the opportunity for you to experience many aspects of a typical Fringe Festival including the selection process and performance framework.
Deadline: November 12, 2016

NSN Auction - - ONLY 3 MORE DAYS! Thru November 10th

The National Storytelling Network Auction is only available for THREE MORE DAYS! The auction supports the NSN Member Grant Programs. These programs are awarded throughout the year for the development of individual work, collaborative projects, community-based storytelling programs, or for scholarly research. In the past, two of our own Phoenix storytellers, Cassie Cushing and Caleb Winebrenner have been recipients of member grant awards.

Items up for bid include registrations and passes for several Festivals and/or Conferences; coaching with Kim Weitkamp, Bill Harley, Antonio Rocha, Soug Lipman and severeal others; Book Publishing Consultation with Parkhurst Brothers, Inc. Publisher, Ted Parkhurst; 2 Nights Accommodation at Liz Weir's Storytelling Barn in Northern Ireland; many different autographed CDs; gift certificates from August House and many, many, great hand crafted items!
Click to go to the Auction site
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This Week


Journeys Storytelling Workshop: Your Own Hero's Journey

Saturday - November 12th ~ 10:00 am - Noon

Whole Life Center at Shadow Rock

Journeys Storytelling Workshops: Your Own Hero's Journey
The Whole Life Center at Shadow Rock
Journeys Storytelling Workshop Intensive:
with Liz Warren and John Genette
Perhaps our most treasured tales are those of a hero’s journey. Whether it’s Odysseus or Dorothy, their stories not only capture our imaginations, but also resonate deep within us - maybe because each of us has experienced our own version of that tale. 
Join Storytellers Liz Warren and John Genette this fall to identify and explore your own hero’s journey using Joseph Campbell’s Common Structure. Come and consider with us a time when you’ve followed your own call to adventure, found help, then reward, and ultimately your own way home to a new kind of normal, a bit older but also wiser for the journey.
$20 per session - or $50 for the series
You can attend this sesion even if you haven't attended the others!
November 12 with John Genette on Delivering Your Story
You will have the option to share your story at our next Journeys: Storytelling Night at The Whole Life Center on Friday, December 2 at 7 pm in Smith Hall. (See Events to reserve tickets for $10 each.)
More info and Registration

East Valley Tellers of Tales Guild Meeting

Saturday, November 12thh ~ 10am - Noon
Join us to celebrate storytelling successes. 

East Valley Tellers of Tales is a Phoenix area guild of Storytellers and Storylisteners. A truly safe place to share your story! We are an affiliate of the National Storytelling Network. Come and find out what this means, and how it benefits you!

East Valley Tellers of Tales is looking at ways to create outreach, new ideas for the group, plans for the future and more. Join us and lend your talent and energy to help us grow.
Click here for details & info

Glendale TELLABRATION!™ - Stories From The Heart of Arizona

Saturday - November 12th - Glendale Library ~ 1:00pm - 4:00pm
5959 W. Brown St.
Glendale, AZ 85302

Join the West Side Story Tellers for this great celebration all-day Saturday!

Tellabration™ storytelling festival is a celebration of the art of story with featured tellers, workshops, an open mic stage and a fun kids area with stories and crafts. 

Mark Goldman, Sean Buvala, Doug Bland, Dorothy Daniels Anderson, Jay Cravath, Loren Russell, Joyce Story, Sandy Oglesby, Elly Reidy

Click here for a Schedule of Events
Click here for map

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Coming Up


Arizona Storytellers: Food and Family
Thursday - November 17th - 6:30pm
The Farm at South Mountain

Join azcentral.com, The Arizona Republic and Alliance Bank of Arizona under the stars at the Farm at South Mountain for a night of stories about families, food and the ways these two things often come together to shape us. (DRESS WARMLY; we'll be outside!)
Note: Salads and sandwiches of all kinds, fabulous pastries and cookies, as well as wine and non-alcoholic beverages are available for purchase. Dining is picnic-style on tables out on a lawn or a little patio. It's unbelievably charming. 
Co-emcee: Republic restaurant critic Dominic Armato
Featured Storytellers:
Chef Christian A. Movassaghi of the Arizona Room Patio Grill at Casino Arizona, member of the Navajo Nation
Lizbeth Congiusti, family cook
Diana Brandt, Arizona Foodie at azfoodieblog.com
Bar Master Brian Goodwin of The Gladly
Chef Jeremy McMillan of Michael Mina’s Bourbon Steak at Fairmont Scottsdale Princess
Chef Felicia Cocotzin Ruiz, plant-based, indigenous foods chef 
Pat Christofolo, owner of The Farm
Become a subscriber: All Arizona Republic and azcentral subscribers receive a complimentary, gourmet brownie from Fairytale Brownies at check-in. Click here to learn about other great subscriber perks.
Accessibility Note: If you require ASL Interpretation Services for this event or a future Storytellers event, or if you require accommodations related to mobility or seating, contact Alexus Rhone at arhone@gannett.com.

Info & Tickets
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First Person (and Second Person) Elevate Fact-Based Tales

An update of a Tip form two years ago.

In my Art of Storytelling classes at Glendale Community College, we are finishing our section on Fact-Based stories. At first look, this genre seems to be one of the more difficult ones for students (and some seasoned tellers) to get their heads around. The trick here is, how does one make this story more than just a "report" or a mere "list of events"? One of the best ways to do this is to change the POV to first person.

I've written about "point of view" before. Here's a bit more about the first person POV.

In a biographical story, one could choose to tell from the point of view of the central character; be Ben Franklin, Einstein, Edison, Tesla. Another way is to choose some other character in the story to tell from their POV. Tell from the POV of the Parent, Lover, Partner or Teacher of the central character. Tell the events of a historical story from the point of view of a, seemingly uninterested, bystander or observer of the incidents. Perhaps the Butler, Carpenter or even the pet belonging to one of the characters.

A few semesters ago, one student told the story of the Twin Towers in Manhattan, but not about the attack. He told the story of how the Towers were built, from the POV of a steelworker that had helped to build the towers. He told of his pride in building the towers and at the end, his sadness at their destruction. It was brilliant. 

Another student told the story of Mark "Marky-Mark" Wahlberg...from the point of view of his Mother. This was a great choice. We hear of his turbulent youth and how he went to jail, as his mother lovingly said those ubiquitous words, "But he's really a good boy!" This showed us not only the "events" of his life, but his mother's struggle to deal with his self-destructive behavior, and eventually her pride and love at his success as an actor.

This semester, a gifted student told from "second person". He told from the POV of a close friend, attending the funeral of the "main" character. He was talking to his deceased friend, "Johnny" and told of the good times and difficult times they had together. It was heartfelt, emotional and very compelling!

Telling from the first person can lend a creative element to the story and bring the audience closer in to the experience. Especially in a case where they may not relate to the main character, they may be able to relate to the character telling the story. Try it and see. Who else might be in the story that would "tell" it from an interesting point of view?

Addendum to this tip - 

Hi folks, just a quick thought on Tuesday morning: When I re-post a tip from an earlier issue, I worry somtimes that folks will say/think, "Oh yeah, I read that before. So how about a NEW tip?" That was before I got this message from Tom Tjarks in Colorado. Obviously, he wasn't a subscriber when the tip was originally posted:

I read your newsletter every week.  The tips are great.
I have been wanting to tell history stories but couldn't get them above being a report for school.  This weeks Tips explained how to do this.  My favorite example of using someone else to tell the story is "Ben and Me".  I look at that story in a new way now.  I will use the suggestions in this weeks newsletter to develop some history stories.  There are many good true stories waiting to be told.
Thank you
Thanks Tom (and thanks for permission to share)! So glad the tip was useful, that's what I am always hoping for!
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Based on A True Story
I checked, and it was just one year ago that I wrote a tidbit about films that were "Based on True Stories." Interestingly enough, I have recently viewed several more films in the same category. These films are a great way for storytellers to get a glimpse of how other folks deal with "fact-based" stories. There are many ways to enhance a story, including those tales that grew out of a real event or person. One must always be careful about altering any facts and remember that the goal is to "serve the story".

These "fact-based" films are interesting for storytellers, as they give us a glimpse into the mind of the filmmaker. What do they believe the story is about, and what images do they choose to relate the story to the viewer? The best films are not just about the events, but they are about how the people involved experience the events. That's what viewers can relate to and connect with; just like in any good story.

Three recent films as examples:

Deep Water Horizon
On April 20th, 2010, one of the world's largest man-made disasters occurred on the Deepwater Horizon oil drilling rig in the Gulf of Mexico. This story honors the brave men and women whose heroism would save many on board, and change everyone's lives forever. The story is about how the disaster occurred, but more than that, it's about the lives of the people involved. An extremely intense film; I found myself on the edge of my seat, waiting for the next explosion that would present more hurdles for the crew to overcome.

Another masterful performance from Tom Hanks, this time as Captain "Sully" Sullenberger, who glided his disabled plane onto the frigid waters of the Hudson River, saving the lives of all 155 "souls on board." Here, the filmmaker shows us the events surrounding the incident, but even more gripping is the story of the aftermath; how Sully's actions are questioned by the National Transportation Board, and how Sully begins to question himself. Hanks' portrayal of the pilot/captain as he "replays" the events, over and over in his mind and then even doubts himself is subtle but compelling.

This film recounts Deborah E. Lipstadt's legal battle for historical truth against David Irving, who accused her of libel when she declared him a Holocaust denier. In the English legal system, in cases of libel, the burden of proof is on the defendant, therefore it was up to Lipstadt and her legal team to prove the essential truth that the Holocaust occurred. Rachel Weisz almost disappears in the role of Lipstadt and shows her frustration with not only her adversary, but also her lawyer. It's hard to prove someone is "lying" if they truly "believe" what they are saying is true. A visit to the ruins of Auschwitz are difficult scenes to watch.

There are many more movies of this genre coming up soon. Check the listings for your favorite theatre, and go learn how great movie makers present great stories, through the medium of film!

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------------------------------------THERE'S A LOT GOING ON EACH MONTH
---------------------------------CALL TO MAKE SURE THE EVENT IS STILL ON

Infuse Open Mic
Second Sunday of each month - Phoenix

Pink Slip Open Mic
Every Monday at  8 pm - PHOENIX

Yarnball Storytellers Mic
Every Wednesday at  8 pm - PHOENIX

FStorytellers - Female Story Tellers - Tucson
Usually sometime during the first week of the month - but check their website) at  7 pm - TUCSON

Odyssey Storytelling
First Thursday of each month (usually but check calendar) - TUCSON

Third Friday (usually) of each month - PHOENIX

Tucson Tellers of Tales - Storytellers Guild
First Saturday of each month (except July and August) - Tucson

West Side Story Tellers - Storytellers Guild
First Saturday of each month - GLENDALE *NO meetings in July & August

East Valley Tellers of Tales -Storytellers Guild
Second Saturday of each month - SCOTTSDALE - *NO meetings in July & August

Fourth Saturday of each month (usually - check calendar) - *NO meetings in June & July
SMCC Storytelling Institute
A monthly workshop designed to help storytellers build community and deepen repertoire.
See the Calendar

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All Newsletter content ©Mark Goldman
Got some news or information you would like to get out to the storytelling community?

Contact Mark Goldman -x602-390-3858x - Mark@Storytellermark.com


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