     Monday, November 12, 1210
Issue # 29

Got some news or information you would like to get out to the storytelling community?
Contact Mark Goldman -x602-390-3858x - Mark@Storytellermark.com

Great Holiday Items at NSN Online Auction

There are some great items to bid on at the online NSN Auction. Want a collection of autographed Bill Harley CDs? How about Three Nights Lodging in Albuquerque for the Balloon Festival? Or a two night stay in Northern Ireland with Liz Weir? There are lots of craft items, coaching packages by seasoned teller/coaches, attendance at The Jonesborough Festival, an iRobot Roomba vacuum cleaner and much more. You can even bid on performances by several great tellers!

All proceeds go to benefit the NSN Member Grant Programs that help both individual members and regional organizations move forward in storytelling. The online Auction closes on Thursday, November 5th at 5 pm Eastern Standard Time.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to get some great items priced below their actual value, and help our National Storytelling Network,and our members at the same time!

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This Week


Arizona Republic Live Storytelling

AZ Rep Live Storytelling - 7:00 pm

Theme: Family Dinner: Stories of the lessons, love and tempests at the table.
On this night, we explore the magic of the family dinner table. Whether the table is in a home filled with relatives, or in a swanky restaurant with friends who just feel like family, it's where we pass judgments as much as we pass condiments. At the table, we come together to share food and to share of ourselves.

Where: The Saguaro Hotel, Scottsdale

Other Concerts & A Workshop

You can't say there's not enough storytelling around!

A busy time this week, with seven events slated:
Monday - Arizona Republic Live Storytelling
Tuesday - Sean Buvala's Coaching Workshop is SOLD OUT
--Make sure you sign up early for the next one
Wednesday - A Tellebration concert at Phoenix College
Wednesday & Thursday - The West Side Storytellers
Friday - A Tellebration event at SMCC
Saturday - the Pine/Strawberry Tellebration

Check the calendar section for details

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The George Costanza Effect

In one episode of Seinfeld, George decides that he will begin doing the complete opposite of what he would do normally. Amazingly, this method worked to George's advantage. . .for a time. Sometimes, this can work in storytelling too.

This past week, while telling at East Valley Tellers of Tales, I decided to try something different. (NOTE: EVTOT is one of the safest places to try out your story or try something new and get feedback from the group.) I was telling my original fairytale, The Princess & the Storyteller Frog. At the end of the story, the frog does change into a prince. In the past, I have always made this section like an explosion, quick and more energetic. My voice gets faster, louder, I am more animated. The language supports this, "In an instant, the frog transformed into a handsome prince!"
This time, I made a conscious decision to do the opposite, to go against tempo. I slowed my pace, I took an extra long pause before revealing the transformation. I spoke slowly and deliberately, "And indeed. . ." I looked around at the audience. Then slowly, while smiling, "The small frog was transformed into a tall, handsome prince." I could feel the difference it made, and the group confirmed that it was a better choice.
This is not to say that you should always do the opposite. But just for fun, for exploration of your story, once in awhile, try being George.
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Keynote from Bill Harley
Bill harley is one of the pioneers of our current community of storytellers. His childlike demeanor and antics, sometimes belie his profound understanding of the craft, and the current state of storytelling as an art form. At last June's NSN Conference, Bill gave the closing keynote address titled: Where Do We Go From Here? The state of storytelling – my perspective

This extremely insightfull talk is available in both audio and PDF format. I highly recommend listening to it, or reading it.

Kudos to Bill for sharing his thoughts.

Click here for audio version
Click here for the PDF

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East Valley Tellers of Tales -Storytellers Guild
Second Saturday of each month - SCOTTSDALE

Storytellers Open Mic
First Sunday of each month - PHOENIX

Odyssey Storytelling
First Thursday of each month - TUCSON

Lit Lounge - Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art (SMOCA)
Fourth Friday of each month - SCOTTSDALE


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All Newsletter content ©Mark Goldman
Got some news or information you would like to get out to the storytelling community?

Contact Mark Goldman -x602-390-3858x - Mark@Storytellermark.com


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