     Monday, October 8, 2012
Issue # 24

Got some news or information you would like to get out to the storytelling community?
Contact Mark Goldman -x602-390-3858x - Mark@Storytellermark.com

Happy Birthday Doug!

Yes, our own Storyteller, Teacher, Pastor and self-confessed introvert, Doug Bland is one year older today!

Doug was my first teacher at SMCC and I am thankful for all I learned from him, not only in that class, but from all my interactions with him since. He is a master storyteller, and I learn more each time I hear him tell.

Happy Birthday Doug! May today and all your days be filled with marvelous stories. . .we know they are.

Thoughts on Jonesborough

The 40th annual Jonesborough Storytelling Festival has come and gone. This is the first time in three years that I have not attended, due to both finances and family commitments.

Many of you are aware of the controversy that has surrounded the festival and the National Storytelling Network. NSN is no longer a "partner" in the festival, and this is sad. Many of our distinguished tellers and colleagues have chosen not to attend, due to the friction and politics. I would have attended if I could have.

Each time I was there, for the last three years, I have received a great education. I studied 30 plus tellers to see how they made it look so easy. I soaked up the culture of the historic town that helped launch the resurgence in storytelling. I met new friends and colleagues, and I told at the Swapping Ground.

The fact that I couldn't attend this year has given me pause. I am thinking not just about the tellers I have seen and learned from, I am thinking more about who I am as a storyteller. How will I spend my time in the upcoming months? Where will my storytelling dollars go? How will I maximize my potential as a storyteller, coach and consultant? What roads and paths are beyond Jonesborough, and where do they lead? The furue awaits. . .for all of us.

DIxie Waljasper and Joan Misek were there. They took lots of pictures and posted on Facebook. Let's hope they come back with lots of stories of their experience.

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This Week



"Unconditional" - Based on the myth of Echo and Narcissus, Dustin Loehr weaves myth, tap-dancing, and personal story for an enchanting update on the classic story. Dustin Loehr is a 5th generation Arizona Native whose work has been seen all across the valley. Dustin's artistic roots are planted in his solo work fusing the art of tap dancing and spoken word to create personal dance narratives.
In the SMCC Performance Hall at 6:30 pm -FREE.

Group Coaching with Sean Buvala

Sean Buvala is doing another Group Coaching session tomorrow evening. Limited to 4 participants. The sessions are at Gangplank Avondale. The cost is an incredible $19 per person!

Two More Concerts

Friday: Cassie Cushing presents another Coffee, Corpses, and Cauldrons...oh my....! 

Saturday: Mark Compton, Cassie Cushing, Chris Danowsky, Laura Rurtherford, Liz Warren and Sean Buvala at The Trunk Space with Train Wreck in Progress.

Click here for details & info

EVTOT - This Saturday

This Saturday, October 13th ~ 10am - Noon

East Valley Tellers of Tales is a Phoenix area guild of Storytellers and Storylisteners. We are an affiliate of the National Storytelling Network. Come and find out what this means, and how it benefits you!

We meet the second Saturday of each month to hear great stories and celebrate Storytelling Successes. Everyone is welcome; all tellers and listeners. Afterwards, many of us meet for lunch at a nearby restaurant. Everyone is welcome to join us.

ELECTION TIME - In November, vote in the national election. In December, vote for a new EVTOT Board. The EVTOT Board serves from January through December. It's time to nominate new officers, or throw your own storytelling hat into the ring! We'll start the nominations at this week's meeting and vote at the December meeting. No political parties to banter about, just enthusiastic tellers!
Click here for details & info

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Coming Up


Donald Davis
Next week, Donald Davis will be here for three concerts and two workshops! Thursday is the deadline to register for his Saturday workshop on Writing as a Second Language. The fee is $50 for an all-day workshop that includes lunch. 
See the calendar for all events and registration links
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Are YOU Having Fun?

Is stage fright (story fright) stopping you from being your best?

Several weeks back, while attending the Timpanogos Storytelling Festival, I had an epiphany. As I watched and listened to teller after teller, I realized something important. All these tellers were having fun. Even with the dark or haunting stories, it was clear that each teller loved what they were doing, and were having fun doing it.

Michael D. McCarty, along with many other seasoned tellers, offers the advice, "Tell stories you love." It should follow that if you do, you should love telling them. Too often, we get caught up in our stage fright and allow it to take over. Don't let it consume you!

Remind yourself that this is what you have chosen to do - tell stories. Remind yourself that you have chosen a story that you love. Remind yourself to have fun!

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East Valley Tellers of Tales -Storytellers Guild
Second Saturday of each month - SCOTTSDALE

Storytellers Open Mic
First Sunday of each month - PHOENIX

Odyssey Storytelling
First Thursday of each month - TUCSON (NO SESSION IN OCTOBER)

Lit Lounge - Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art (SMOCA)
Fourth Friday of each month - SCOTTSDALE


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All Newsletter content ©Mark Goldman
Got some news or information you would like to get out to the storytelling community?

Contact Mark Goldman -x602-390-3858x - Mark@Storytellermark.com


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