     Monday, October 22, 2012
Issue # 26

Got some news or information you would like to get out to the storytelling community?
Contact Mark Goldman -x602-390-3858x - Mark@Storytellermark.com

-------------------------------CELEBRATING SIX MONTHS
---------------Today marks the six-month anniversary for this newsletter.

I can't believe it's been twenty-six weeks! Six months ago, I added this Newsletter section to my website. I foolishly decided to post content every week. Little did I know what I was getting myself into!

My goal was to let tellers in the Phoenix area know about what was going on with storytelling in our state, and also to try to shed some light on the process of storytelling. So, in addition to the local News, each week I posted Tips and Tidbits, things I thought would be of interest to all tellers.

I discovered several things with this venture:

  • Setting a weekly post schedule forced me to write, and try to improve each week. Many blurry-eyed, late-night-Sundays in front of the computer screen forced me to focus in, when I thought I couldn't.
  • Coming up with content for the Tips and Tidbits sections meant I had to think carefully about what I was posting and make sure it had value to others.
  • I learned from the process!
    In my life, anytime I have taught dance, acting, psychodrama, mediation, I became better at each of those endeavors. I believe that in formulating each Tip and Tidbit, I am learning more about my own storytelling. As a teacher/coach, I must try to lead by example, and thus try to practice what I preach. My goal is to help people improve. When I do that, I improve too.

I'm extremely grateful for all the feedback, and appreciations from my colleagues. You have all enriched my life and my storytelling!

I am especially grateful to Liz Warren for her encouragement and ongoing support of my storytelling, and the newsletter. She and the SMCC Storytelling Institue have made it possible for me to bring important information to our storytelling community, and make it easier for us all to network and learn from each other. Thanks so much, Liz!

To mark this event, I have posted my favorite Tip and Tidbit from the last six months. Do you have a favorite? Did one of the pieces from the issues jump out at you? If so, I would love to know. Post it in the COMMENT section below.

Once again, my thanks to all who have followed these posts and supported me, and storytelling, not only in our Arizona community, but far beyond.

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This Week


Items of Note

-- Check out teacher and storytelling colleague Johnny Janezic's blog Storytelling Hunters. It has some great stuff. 

-- If you haven't seen Cassie Cushing's Spooky Brews, she will be doing her final performance at Squash Blossom Coffee Shop this Friday. Check the calendar section for details.

-- This Friday is also another edition of Lit Lounge at Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary art (SMOCA). Check out this eclectic melange of stories and musings. Check the calendar section for details.

-- And if you have a desire to get wet, join me this Friday or Saturday on Tempe Town Lake for a Halloween Moonlight Paddle and Stories. Rent a sit-on-top kayak, paddle in the moonlight, then gather up under the Mill avenue bridge for some haunting tales. Check the calendar section for details.

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My Favorite Tip - Salt to Taste

I just talked about this concept last week with a colleague. Of all the Tips, I think this one sums up some best advice and best practices. There is no ultimate recipe, only a list of ingredients that need your tender loving care as a storyteller.

Here's another cooking metaphor that I love, and use for both life and storytelling. Tellers often ask me: How loud should I be? Where should I stand? Should I get closer to the audience? Should I move around? Should I do lots of gesturing? Should I spend more time introducing the story? Etc., etc., etc.

Storytelling is different in every situation. You are different, the audience is different, and the story becomes a litte different each time. What do you do? Remember this mantra: Salt to taste!

Just as in cooking, you don't add salt if the food already has a high salt content. You adjust accordingly. If you don't have a mic, you may have to speak louder. If the mic is too "hot", you may need to back off a little, and even adjust your projection. If you are "popping your Ps" you should probably back away from the mic. If the audience is on three sides, vs. all in front of you, you will need to find a way to let everyone see your face and make contact with all listeners.

We've all read instructions on pre-packaged food that says, "Microwave on high for 3 minutes." But depending on the power of your microwave oven, you may need to add or reduce the time. 

So upon arriving at your venue, check out the oven, the burners on the stove, the lights, the mic, and the audience. You know how to cook your story...now just salt to taste!

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My Favorite Tidbit - Bill Harley at TEDx

I go back to this video about The Power of Storytelling time and time again. It is so rich, I see and learn something new each time.

I love listening to Bill Harley tell stories. He's a kid at heart, and that shines through everything. But underneath his playful nature is a deep and studied teller. This TEDx Talk is my favorite Tidbit, and one of my favorite videos, In just under fourteen minutes, Bill talks about the power of story in helping a young boy in making sense of the death of his father. He also tells about his own spontaneity and openness during a set that led to a very sweet, and now, memorable moment. 

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East Valley Tellers of Tales -Storytellers Guild
Second Saturday of each month - SCOTTSDALE

Storytellers Open Mic
First Sunday of each month - PHOENIX

Odyssey Storytelling
First Thursday of each month - TUCSON (NO SESSION IN OCTOBER)

Lit Lounge - Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art (SMOCA)
Fourth Friday of each month - SCOTTSDALE


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All Newsletter content ©Mark Goldman
Got some news or information you would like to get out to the storytelling community?

Contact Mark Goldman -x602-390-3858x - Mark@Storytellermark.com


 Comments about this edition of the newsletter: