     Monday, October 19, 2015
Issue # 182

Got some news or information you would like to get out to the storytelling community?
Contact Mark Goldman -x602-390-3858x - Mark@Storytellermark.com

NSN Proposals Due in November


No Gatekeepers. No Trends to Watch.  
Just You and an Audience for 55 Minutes
It’s the 10th Anniversary edition of the NSN Fringe! 
Don’t miss out!  Deadline: November 14, 2015
Eligibility and Application Information: http://www.storynet.org/conference/fringe.html


The call for Workshop Proposals for the 2016 National Storytelling Conference, July 21-24 in Kansas City, MO will open within the next few days and be due November 18
This year’s Conference theme is:  Spotlight on Storytelling.
The proposal and reference forms with full details are available at www.storynet.org/conference.
Questions?  Contact karin@storynet.org or call 1-800-525-4514, ext. 303.
Deadline: November 18, 2015, 5 pm EST.  Good luck!

Exciting New Book from Sean Buvala & Wife!

Cut-paper and cloth illustrations by a former elementary-school teacher, a rare, seldom-heard fairytale recreated by a professional storyteller...this is the new "Apples for the Princess" book for kids. A joint project by the husband and wife team of Sean and Michelle Buvala It's a story about kindness and honesty intended for both little and big kids. Kindle and Paperback, now officially launched. 

Teaching the Values of Kindness and Honesty!
"Well as you say, so it is." Is this a warning or a blessing from of the old wizard that our young our heroes encounter on the road to the castle, home of the very sick princess? Use this book, with its adaptation of a classic Grimm fairytale, to explore the values of honesty and kindness. 


Watch the Video Trailer for the Book
How should we treat others? Find out as three boys discover that it is important to treat all people with respect and courtesy. When they forget, frog-filled, pig-packed chaos ruins their great plans to bring the healing apples to the princess! Will any of them succeed on their journey? 
This is a “read it with me!” book for younger children. For older independent readers, we think you'll find this book is best for those 8 years old and beyond. 

Two More Two-Saturday Classes

There are just TWO MORE Two-Saturday courses coming up at SMCC Storytelling Institute:

Storytelling in Interpretive Settings (STO289AD): 10/31/2015 & 11/07/2015
Take two Saturdays to learn the basics of storytelling in an interpretive setting – including how to assess the story potential of your site, and then to craft and tell stories that will engage your visitors deeply. Museums, parks, and gardens are where we collect, preserve, and share the objects, organisms, and places that we value most as a society.  While some of the visitors may come for the facts, most want to hear the story behind the object: they want to hear why it matters!  Storytelling is the key to creating meaning in context. Taught by Storytelling Institute Director, Liz Warren.

Storytelling in Business Settings (STO289AB): 11/14/2015 & 11/21/2015
The ability to craft and tell stories is an essential in the toolkit of every business person, entrepreneur, and leader.  Storytelling is the current buzzword in advertising, and entrepreneurial circles because of its power to engage and inform listeners and clients. In this class you will learn the basics of finding, crafting and telling stories and then adapting them to meet a range of applications.  Taught by Storytelling Institute Director, Liz Warren.

These are 1-credit classes that pack a lot of information into two days! The fees are VERY affordable at just under $100. To register, call the registration office at SMCC - 602.243.8330
Click here for the SMCC class listings

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This Week


Joyce Story at White Tank Mountain Regional Park

Joyce Story will be telling at the Nature Center of the White Tank Mountain Regional Park.

Joyce tells mesmerizing nature stories. They are all original, fact-based stories about the flora and fauna of the Sonoran desert.
White Tank Mountain Regional Park
20304 W. White Tank Mountain Rd, Waddell, AZ 85355
Here is the schedule:

Tales of the Sonoran Desert: Nature Center

Tuesday, Oct. 20, 11 a.m.
Tuesday, Nov. 3, 11 a.m.
Tuesday, Nov. 17, 11 a.m.

Spooky Stories around the Campfire
          Friday, October 30, 7-9 p.m.: Area 4


Storyfind Workshop with Mark Goldman

Saturday, October 24th - 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
SMCC PAC 740 - Part of the SMCC Storyfind Series! - FREE

                    STORYFIND and SMCC present a free workshop with Mark Goldman
          Good stories are not merely linear — point “A” to point “B”
Like a river or stream, good stories have an ebb and flow; changing speeds, rushing rapids, pools of calm, bends and falls.
In this workshop, Storyteller, Author and Coach Mark Goldman walks you step-by-step through this tested “flow map” method of plotting out and crafting your story. More than storyboarding: This process allows the teller to make conscious decisions regarding scenes, characters, POV, and the best structure for a given audience and environment!
Bring a story - we'll be working with both personal and traditional stories!
What you will learn:
  • What sequence of events works best for your story
  • How to expand or contract your story based on time frames and audience
  • What characters are needed and how they relate to each other and the story
  • How to use “backstory” elements to enhance your story
  • And more!
Comments from the workshop recently done in Tucson:

What a great workshop! I loved all the examples you shared with us. I came home trying to re-configure an old story that I have always loved, but haven't felt worked. Many thanks for being with us.
Jean B.

[I Learned] ways to tell the same story from a different point of view, depending on the audience and the message.
Gloria M.

The workshop was wonderfully informative and beautifully delivered. I haven't seen our group so energized in a long time...you have set a high bar for our future workshops. [Your] workshop provided insight about the art of sharing a story that even the folks who do not call themselves storytellers found interesting and useful. This is the sign of a true communicator!
Glenda B.











Mark Goldman brings a lifetime of talent to his current work. He has been an actor, dancer, director, stage manager, magician, psychodrama therapist, and a mediator! He is the Arizona state liaison for the National Storytelling Network, has performed all across the country and teaches Storytelling at Glendale Community College.

Get a copy of Mark's Book (a $17 value) for $12!
Storytelling Tips: Creating, Crafting and Telling Stories

Click here for a map

Click Here for the FB Page and let us know if you are attending!

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Coming Up


Arizona Storytellers - Fall Frights
Monday - October 26th
Renaissance Phoenix Downtown - Skyline Room
50 E. Adams
Phoenix AZ 85004 US

Fall Frights - Join azcentral.com, The Arizona Republic and Alliance Bank of Arizona under the stars at Skyline - the fifth-floor rooftop patio - for a night of frightening, unnerving and even spooky true stories. From ghosts and specters to the kind of quiet terrors that keep us awake at night. 
Featured Storytellers:
Rachel Egboro 
Ryan Sadler 
Diana DeLugan
Dan Hull
Anel Arriola
Kyle Mitchell 
Jill Ressler
Registration begins at 6 p.m., 
Stories begin promptly at 7 p.m. 
Sign Language Interpretation Services Available!
If you require ASL Interpretation services for this event or a future Storytellers event you plan to attend, please contact Melissa Farley at Melissa.Farley@ArizonaRepublic.com with your request. 

For more details & Tickets

Haunted - Underground Stories
Thursday, October 29th 7:30pm at Valley Bar, downtown Phoenix

Join Dan Hull and friends for this month's Storyline edition with some dark, haunting stories!

Dan always has a great line-up of tellers with stories that are sure to please and intrigue the listeners. 

Tickets are just $5 and the event will be at the Valley Bar in downtown Phoenix.
Basement, 130 N Central Ave, Phoenix
Click for map
Click here for tickets

Spooky Stories & Dinner on the Docks - Tucson
Friday, October 30 - 6 pm until the lights go out!
Tellers of Tales in Tucson will share spooky stories on abandoned freight docks downtown on Friday, October 30, 6 pm until the lights go out. (There will be an open mic after the TOT storytellers finish their part of the show.)  

Dinner on the Docks is located on 2 abandoned freight loading docks between 6th Street and Franklin Street, Stone Ave and 9th Ave downtown next to the railroad tracks. Bring a picnic and join us for some spooky fun! 
This link  will take you to the Dinner on the Docks FB page for more info: 
We have been posting photos of the TOT storytellers on our October 30 lineup.
Tucson Tellers of Tales: https://www.facebook.com/TucsonTellersofTales

Taking the Stage: A Five-Session Workshop w/ Dan Hoen Hull
Tuesdays, November 3, 10, 17, & 24 with a performance on December 1

Dan Hoen Hull takes you through the method creating an engaging, performance based, 6-8 minute story. Through writing, collective workshopping, and rehearsing, he will fast track you through the process of development so you can get to your destination by the end of the course: a live performance of your story.
Cost: $100 for five sessions, includes performance.

Tucson Tellers of Tales - New Meeting Site
Saturday, November 7th - 9:30 am - 11:30 am

Tellers of Tales in Tucson announces a new meeting site starting on Saturday, November 7 (9:30 am to 11:30 am). This will be our new meeting venue for the regular first Saturday gathering each month until further notice.
The Unscrewed Theater
3244 E Speedway 
Tucson, AZ
The Unscrewed Theater is a great place for TOT to meet. It is located across the street from The Loft Theater in a strip mall next to Walgreens. There is plenty of parking in the back of the building, and the entrance to the theater is next to the parking lot.

Saturday - November 14th - Glendale Library
5959 W. Brown St.
Glendale, AZ 85302

Click here for map

South Mountain Storytelling - TELLABRATION!™
Friday, November 20, 2015 - 6:30pm - 8:30pm

Another "Celebration" of storytelling. Join South Mountain Storytelling Institute Faculty and Students for a great night of storytelling.
This is a TELLABRATION!™ event (see Tidbits below) and another great happening in a series of storytelling gatherings to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the South Mountain Community College Storytelling Institute!
Click here for map
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The First Skill - Listening

This is a reprint of a tip from May 5, 2015

The best way to learn about storytelling is to first listen.

Listen to other tellers tell their stories...as many as you can. By listening (and watching) you will see and hear what the good tellers do. You may also watch and hear some not-so-practiced tellers. This is good too, Your job in listening is to start to understand what the great tellers do that makes them great, and what mistakes many unpracticed tellers do that get them in trouble.

When you listen to a teller, ask yourself some questions:

  • How did they make me feel? - How did they do that?
  • Did they paint a picture that I could see in my mind? - How did they do that?
  • Did I understand the essence and the flow of the story? - How did they do that?
  • Did the beginning engage me? - How did they do that?
  • Did the ending come to a clear conclusion and satisfy me? - How did they do that?
  • What parts of themselves did they use most? - How can I find the best parts of me to use?
  • Did they lose the audience at some point? What was needed to hold the audience's attention?

Listening to as many tellers as you can will be an education in itself. If you didn't like what they did, study it. Understand how you can avoid their pitfalls. If you LOVED them, study that part. How can you learn from that, and use yourself to develop your own successful storytelling space?

Listen to other kinds of speakers too. Newscasters, commentators, video bloggers, TED talk presenters, etc. What do these people do (or not do) that engages their listeners? Your answers will surely relate to the craft of telling stories.

I said in an earlier tip (Learn From The Masters)
Picasso did not paint like the Grand Masters that came before him, but rest assured that he studied them closely before he developed his own unique style.

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TELLABRATION!™ is a worldwide benefit evening of storytelling. It creates a network of storytelling enthusiasts bonded together in spirit and is (generally) held at the same time and on the same weekend across the country, and around the world.

In 1988, storyteller J. G. Pinkerton envisioned an international event as a means of building community support for storytelling. The first event was launched by the Connecticut Storytelling Center in six locations across the state. A great success, TELLABRATION!™ extended to several other states the following year, and then, in 1990, expanded nationwide under the umbrella of the National Storytelling Network, who holds the trademark.
In 1995, for the first time, there was a TELLABRATION!™ in Japan, brought there by Japanese storyteller Masako Sueyoshi, who had been a part of TELLABRATION!™ when she lived in Connecticut for several years. By 1997, there were TELLABRATION!™ events on every continent but Antarctica. 
TELLABRATION!™ is traditionally held on the Saturday night before Thanksgiving. Some events, however, may be at an alternate time during the same weekend.
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------------------------------------THERE'S A LOT GOING ON EACH MONTH
---------------------------------CALL TO MAKE SURE THE EVENT IS STILL ON

Infuse Open Mic
Second Sunday of each month - Phoenix

Pink Slip Open Mic
Every Monday at  8 pm - PHOENIX

Yarnball Storytellers Mic
Every Wednesday at  8 pm - PHOENIX

FStorytellers - Female Story Tellers - Tucson
Usually sometime during the first week of the month - but check their website) at  7 pm - TUCSON

Odyssey Storytelling
First Thursday of each month (usually but check calendar) - TUCSON

Third Friday (usually) of each month - PHOENIX

Tucson Tellers of Tales - Storytellers Guild
First Saturday of each month (except July and August) - Tucson

West Side Story Tellers - Storytellers Guild
First Saturday of each month - GLENDALE *NO meetings in July & August

East Valley Tellers of Tales -Storytellers Guild
Second Saturday of each month - SCOTTSDALE

Fourth Saturday of each month (usually - check calendar) - SMCC Storytelling Institute
A monthly workshop designed to help storytellers build community and deepen repertoire.
See the Calendar

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All Newsletter content ©Mark Goldman
Got some news or information you would like to get out to the storytelling community?

Contact Mark Goldman -x602-390-3858x - Mark@Storytellermark.com


 Comments about this edition of the newsletter: