     Monday - October 10, 2016
Issue # 232

Got some news or information you would like to get out to the storytelling community?
Contact Mark Goldman -x602-390-3858x - Mark@Storytellermark.com


                                        LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD


Think you can't propose a workshop or concert for a conference - YOU CAN! Last week's tip was about Just Doing It! If you have dreamed of presenting or telling at a major conference, even slightly...then look at the requirements for these Calls for Proposals! JUST DO IT! The best that cold happen is you could be accepted! Then what a story you would have to tell!

Northlands Confabulation - Call for Proposals

Confabulation! 2017

Posted Calls & Applications
POSTED: Workshop Proposals: due 10/20/16
POSTED: Call for Showcase Stories: due 10/31/16
POSTED: Call for Fringe Performance Submissions: due 11/20/16
New Voices Scholarship Apps: will be posted in November; due 1/20/17
The Northlands Storytelling Conference is seeking quality workshops and intensives for storytellers and those who use storytelling in their line of work, such as educators, librarians, healing, community, etc.
Members have noted that they are looking for sessions on Performance: emcee skills, physicality, mic use, etc.; Business: contracts, negotiation skills, bookkeeping, etc.; Permissions: copyright issues, author queries, editing/adapting copy, etc.; Education: applied storytelling, common core & STEM tie-ins, etc.; Technology: podcasting, website creation, eblast methods, etc.; Writing: story construction, publishing, etc. Also: Critique and/or coaching sessions; Panel presentations; Showcases of performance/dialogue. These are just a few ideas!
More info here

NSN - Conference & Call for proposals

       NSN National Storytelling Conference 2017

June 29-July 2, 2017
“All Our Voices: Stories of Immigration & Migration”
Kansas City Marriott, Country Club Plaza
Kansas City, Missouri
All Our Voices: Stories of Immigration and Migration
America is a country built on immigration and internal migration, both forced and voluntary.  People relocate involuntarily via human hand or natural disaster; they move purposefully to find jobs, escape conflict, be near family, to improve quality of life.  Currently in the U.S. and internationally, challenges continue to occur when immigration or migration stories collide with the stories of those previously established in a community.  
Whether we are first, second, or tenth generation, how can we include everyone’s stories?  What difficult stories need to be told?  What stories can we share to maintain our individual traditions?  What new stories can we formulate to further hope, peace and a place for all?  Through both personal and traditional-cultural stories, let’s hear “All Our Voices” at the 2017 National Storytelling Conference. 
Proposal Deadline: November 12, 2016, 5:00 pm EST
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This Week


Then It Got Spooky

Tuesday - October 11th - 8:00pm - 11:00pm
Crescent Ballroom
308 N 2nd Ave, Phoenix, Arizona 85003

Join host Marnee Burrus for a hilarious night of storytellers, comedians (& a historian) telling tales about life’s awkward (SPOOKY) moments. On this night you will hear from tellers who will be sharing creepy-funny stories. We hope to see you there because we would love to get spooky with you!

Featuring stories by Marnee Burrus, Melissa Dunmore, Rachel Eseoghene Egboro, Jeremie Bacpac Franko, Dan Hoen Hull, Alley Lightfoot, Matt Storrs, Nate Romero and The Hip Historian, Marshall Shore.
THEN IT GOT... WEIRD is a curated comedy storytelling show which seeks to explore and reclaim the awkward and embarrassing moments of life.
Get Tickets Here - $8

Full Moon Nature Walks and Stories!

Friday - October 14, 2016

Mark Your calendars for the Full Moon Nights at South Mountain Environmental Education Center!

Stroll along the paved half-mile trail; photo-hunt scorpions and hear stories from South Mountain Storytellers.

6:30pm - 8:00 pm - Recommended for ages 10 and older. Fee: $5 per person. No registration needed.

Friday - October 14, 2016
Friday - February 10, 2017
Saturday - March 13, 2017
Wednesday - April 12, 2017

Journeys Storytelling Workshop: Your Own Hero's Journey

Saturday - October 15th ~ 10:00 am - Noon
Saturday - November 12th ~ 10:00 am - Noon

Whole Life Center at Shadow Rock

Journeys Storytelling Workshops: Your Own Hero's Journey
The Whole Life Center at Shadow Rock
Journeys Storytelling Workshop Intensive:
with Liz Warren and John Genette
Perhaps our most treasured tales are those of a hero’s journey. Whether it’s Odysseus or Dorothy, their stories not only capture our imaginations, but also resonate deep within us - maybe because each of us has experienced our own version of that tale. 
Join Storytellers Liz Warren and John Genette this fall to identify and explore your own hero’s journey using Joseph Campbell’s Common Structure. Come and consider with us a time when you’ve followed your own call to adventure, found help, then reward, and ultimately your own way home to a new kind of normal, a bit older but also wiser for the journey.
$20 per session - or $50 for the series
Saturdays, 10 am - noon
September 17 with Liz Warren on Finding Your Story
October 15 with Liz Warren on Developing Your Story
November 12 with John Genette on Delivering Your Story
You will have the option to share your story at our next Journeys: Storytelling Night at The Whole Life Center on Friday, December 2 at 7 pm in Smith Hall. (See Events to reserve tickets for $10 each.)
More info and Registration

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Coming Up


Arizona Storytellers - Let's Get Political 2
Monday - October 17th - 6:30pm
Valley Bar

Join azcentral.com, The Arizona Republic and Alliance Bank of Arizona as we expand The Republic's coverage of Election 2016 with two live storytelling nights dedicated to illuminating how your vote matters and why the political process can be so maddening, exhilarating and confusing.
It will be funny; how could it not be? 
The night's theme is "If only they had listened to me." We'll hear from Republic reporters, politicians, community members impacted by laws and voters like you about the awkward, awful and sometimes funny parts about living in a functional democracy. Republic political reporters will be on hand to answer ballot questions and to demonstrate how to use AZ Fact Check. Voter registration also will take place. 
Co-emcee: Yvonne Wingett Sanchez
Featured tellers:
Ed Montini, Republic news columnist
Mary Jo Pitzl, Republic state government reporter
Mare Schumacher
Evan Wyloge
Robert Leger 
NOTE: The Valley Bar venue requires patrons to be at least 21+ years old to enter their establishment.
Accessibility Note: If you require ASL Interpretation Services for this event or a future Storytellers event, or if you require accommodations related to mobility or seating, contact Alexus Rhone at arhone@gannett.com. 
Info & Tickets

Storyfind Workshop/Reception - Story Kinship: Exploring Connections
Saturday - October 22nd
1:00pm - 4:00pm

Story Kinship

Exploring and understanding your personal connections
to non-personal tales
Veteran Storyteller Susan Klein says,
“When something within a folktale resonates with your own story...that’s when the responsibility begins. You do whatever you need to do to get to the root of what it means to you and the truth that resides in the story.”
This session will assist you in exploring and understanding your personal connections to your selected traditional or fact-based story. You will discover ways to use these connections to make the story “your own”.
Storytelling students are encouraged to bring a story, engage in this discovery process, and then practice telling.
Mark Goldman will facilitate. He is a Storyteller, Coach, Adjunct Professor of Storytelling at Glendale Community College and Author of the book, Storytelling Tips: Creating Crafting and Telling Stories.
It's FREE - Just show up!

Ghost Stories at Rail Yard: A Storytelling Concert for Grown Ups
Sunday - October 23rd - 4:30pm - 6:30pm
610 S Park Ave, Tucson, AZ 85719

Ghost Stories at the Rail Yard

A storytelling concert for grown that will send shivers up your spine!

Debra Olson-Tolar, Raymond Hyde and Glenda Bonin

Rail Yard is an artist collective in the row of warehouses across from the rail road tracks on 16th Street (you cannot get to Rail Yard on Park, although their address says Park). Debra Olson-Tolar is the producer. For more details, please call her on her cell phone: 818.403.8331
Doors open at 4pm. 
Suggested donation $8 (proceeds go to the artists)
Entrance to Rail Yard is on 16th St., east of Barrio Brewing.

S'more Stories - Returning This October

The flicker of the campfire, the smell of burning wood as the smoke and stories rise from the flames to fill the air with fright and delight!

Join us for S'more Stories in Sally Borg's back yard (around the fire pit)! Date and exact time to be determined - but get your stories ready!

Want to tell your story around the campfire? Contact Mark Goldman: mark@storytellermark.com

You bring a chair, we'll provide the campfire, the stories and the fixin's for S'mores!

Set in the back yard of storyteller Sally Borg, conveniently located near 56th street and Thomas, right on the edge of Phoenix and Scottsdale.

We'll have contests for the best Kid's costume and the best Adult costume, so dress up and show us your best!

More info coming soon...
Click here to view the stories from the 2011 event.

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The Last Thing They Hear

Recently, I have been working with my students on "endings". I thought it would be a good idea to re-print this Tip from two years ago.

In the early days of movies, they put "THE END" up on the screen. This way, everyone in the theatre knew the movie had ended; the story (or at least that part of the story) was over. 

As time went on, movie makers realized that there might be better ways to end the story. Many had what became known as a "tag" line. The last sentence uttered tried to "put a button" on the whole story.

"Louis, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship."

Back to the Future:
"Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads!"

At some point, dramatic images either told us what the protagonist was feeling, or answered the question that we were all asking. Case in point: Planet of the Apes

Like beginnings, there are some traditional endings that can work well:

  • And they all lived happily ever after.
  • That's my story and I'm stickin' to it.
  • And from that day on, the monster (giant, devil, ogre) was never heard from again.
  • ...but that's a story for a different time.

But is there a different approach the storyteller can take, other than merely telling us, "That's the end of my story"?

Endings in storytelling are crucial. They're almost more important than beginnings, as it is the last thing the audience hears. So, first of all, make sure we HEAR the ending. Don't let your voice trail off into the vapor.

Crafting an ending is not always easy. Here are some things to think about when pondering the end of the story

  • Tell us how the character felt
    • I finally learned what it was like to have the shoe on the other foot!
  • Tell us how the character(s) changed
    • From that moment on, Truth and Story always walked hand-in-hand.
  • Reveal the answer to the question we have been asking
    • The baker shall be paid with the sound of the coins.
  • Reveal the "surprise" we have been waiting for
    • And on their backs...each of the wives were carrying...their HUSBANDS!
  • Give us a glimpse of the future
    • So he promised that every day he would tell her stories. And every day she listened, laughed and loved him even more.

​Think about your story. What's it about? What did you want the audience to know or feel? What can you say to us that will wrap up the story? Not necessarily in a pretty pink ribbon. But what will help give the audience closure, or at least closure for the moment. What will make us think about how the future will be?

Sometimes, be very careful here, you can ask the audience to decide: "And what do you think was in the boy's hand?" Make sure this type of ending question will not make them angry and wishing you had just told them.

And as always, PRACTICE your ending, out loud, over and over again.

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A Personal Note - Just Do It!
WARNING: Graphic descriptions may cause severe squirms and reactions.

The theme last week and this week has revolved around "just doing it" Here's another take on the subject that's connected to me.

When I was a younger man, like many young men, I believed I was invincible. Not like Superman, or some other Super Hero, but just that nothing could really harm me or affect me in a major way. Teenagers have this attitude, and mine stayed with me for many years. If I twisted an ankle, I believed it would get better by itself; no need to go to the emergency room. I would be fine!

But as I got older, I recognized that some things needed more immediate action. Some things could not be ignored until later.

  • A year ago in May, when my knee began to hurt, I immediately went to the doctor and discovered I had a torn meniscus. I had the surgery the following week.
  • Just over a year ago at the NSN Conference, I woke up and the left side of my face was "drooping" and I couldn't control my muscles. I immediately went to the emergency room in Kansas City. I had Bell's Palsy. Thankfully, with meds and some time, it went away within a month. 
  • Last year, on December 4th, I woke up feeling like some huge steel bands were wrapped around my chest and were slowly being tightened. Once again, I went to the ER and discovered that I had had a "silent" hear attack and underwent surgery to clear blockage in my heart and insert a stent.

Then, two weeks ago, I was having some severe lower intestinal problems. I went to my doctor who IMMEDIATELY ordered me to go to a specialist for an exam, who IMMEDIATELY told me I needed to get the dreaded ".....oscopy". For the uninitiated, that's colonoscopy. The mere mention of the term sends waves of terror through most men - me included! Males are urged to get the exam once they reach the age of 50. My fear of the exam itself stopped me from getting one then. That was 18 years ago! (Yes, I am 68!)

Now, although the fear still "gripped" me, I knew I could wait no longer. But here's the rub: the whole thing was NO WHERE NEAR as painful as what I had expected! I thought I would have to choke down some vile tasting, chalky substance and then endure great pain as the doctor performed the procedure...well, you get the picture. Instead, the prep the night before was merely drinking a lot of flavored liquid that induced diarrhea (to clean oneself out). My biggest problem...I had to keep pressing the pause button on the remote every 10 minutes to run into the other room. Not that big of a deal!

Then, at the time of the exam, they put me out with anesthesia. HOW WONDERFUL WAS THAT? I woke up feeling great, and rested. All-in-all, my fears were quite unfounded. 

Why am I telling you this story in such detail (trust me, I could get even more graphic)? I don't want ANYONE to let fear stop them from having this (or any other) exam, when it could truly save your life! The consequences of not having early detection of possible complications should not outweigh the decision to move forward. 

And if one can do it with a sense of humor, so much the better!

For all who may be wondering 
About that little exam of mine
The prep was worse than the actual test,
Butt everything came out fine!

I sat on the throne for half the night,
And in the morning they put me to sleep.
I am sure the doctor felt worse than I
When he shined that scope so deep.

He took out some polyps and said I was fine
“It's normal, come back in three years.”
The stories I heard had scared me so,
Butt they were all unfounded fears.

My advice to all as you get on in years;
It’s advice from me, your friend –
Don’t delay this exam; it could save your life,
And it will all come out in the end!

And thankfully, the polyps he removed turned out to be benign!

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------------------------------------THERE'S A LOT GOING ON EACH MONTH
---------------------------------CALL TO MAKE SURE THE EVENT IS STILL ON

Infuse Open Mic
Second Sunday of each month - Phoenix

Pink Slip Open Mic
Every Monday at  8 pm - PHOENIX

Yarnball Storytellers Mic
Every Wednesday at  8 pm - PHOENIX

FStorytellers - Female Story Tellers - Tucson
Usually sometime during the first week of the month - but check their website) at  7 pm - TUCSON

Odyssey Storytelling
First Thursday of each month (usually but check calendar) - TUCSON

Third Friday (usually) of each month - PHOENIX

Tucson Tellers of Tales - Storytellers Guild
First Saturday of each month (except July and August) - Tucson

West Side Story Tellers - Storytellers Guild
First Saturday of each month - GLENDALE *NO meetings in July & August

East Valley Tellers of Tales -Storytellers Guild
Second Saturday of each month - SCOTTSDALE - *NO meetings in July & August

Fourth Saturday of each month (usually - check calendar) - *NO meetings in June & July
SMCC Storytelling Institute
A monthly workshop designed to help storytellers build community and deepen repertoire.
See the Calendar

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All Newsletter content ©Mark Goldman
Got some news or information you would like to get out to the storytelling community?

Contact Mark Goldman -x602-390-3858x - Mark@Storytellermark.com


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