     Monday, January 13, 2014
Issue # 90

Got some news or information you would like to get out to the storytelling community?
Contact Mark Goldman -x602-390-3858x - Mark@Storytellermark.com

Last Three Days to Save on NSN Conference

SAVE on Pre-EARLYBIRD Registration
DEADLINE is WEDNESDAY - January 15th!

  • Become a member of NSN for $60
    ---You can save 10% ($6) if you are a paying Guild member
    ---(in Phoenix, it's EVTOT or West Side Story Tellers)
    ---AND you get a free book from August House! A GREAT VALUE!
    ---FULL TIME STUDENTS with ID - You can join for $30!
              Some restrictions apply for students
    ---Members get a $100 discount off of the conference price of $430
    ---Seniors and Students with IDs get an additional $75 off!
  • SAVE EVEN MORE - Sign up for PRE-Earlybird Registration
    ---Register by January 15, 2014, and save an additional $15 off the standard early-bird price.
  • SPREAD OUT PAYMENTS - By registering early, you also may elect to pay in 6 monthly installments January–June, 2014
                  Having trouble sorting out your options?                   
      Call Mark Goldman BEFORE WEDNESDAY! - 
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This Week


AZ Rep @ Crescent Ballroom - Mondays

Every Monday in January, the Arizona Storytellers Project takes over the Crescent Ballroom. 
On the first three Mondays, a mix of musicians and those in the Valley's music industry will tell a story about their lives in the Valley's rock, jazz, blues, rap and electronic scenes. The musicians will also perform a song, VH1 Storytellers-style. 
On the last Monday, they will host a big night on the ballroom stage with musicians and industry-insiders focusing stories on the theme: New Year, New Risks - Stories of daring behavior and dramatic changes.
Featured tellers include: 
Jan. 13 
Michael Heller
Paul Gurvitz and The New Army 
Robert Leger of Ocotillo
Jan. 20 
Ed Masley of The Breakup Society
Gabe William of Bears of Manitou
Jan. 27
Ryan Sadler of Sad Mariachi
Nicole Laurenne of The Love Me Nots
Danny Zelisko of Danny Zelisko Presents
Maya Anjelica Murillo

Full bar and dinner menu available. 
Details: Each night runs from 7 to 9 p.m. Crescent Ballroom, 308 N. 2nd Ave, Phoenix.
For more, visit azcentral.com/storytellers or crescentphx.com

FST! - Female Storytellers - Tucson

Wednesday - January 15th - 7pm
FST! was founded in 2012 as a creative outlet for women to have a voice in Tucson. Each month FST! invites four or more women to write and perform personal stories based on a set prompt or theme. With each person's individual perspective on the theme, each FST! performance is uniquely unpredictable, often inspiring much laughter and the occasional tear from the audience. As passionate as FST! members are about storytelling, FST! also focuses on supporting the local community by raising funds for arts and community organizations.
This month's theme: Next Chapter
Sometimes we decide to turn the page and start our Next Chapter. Other times life decides for us. Regardless of the circumstances, we've all started a New Chapter. Come listen to some eloquent and delightful women talk about their experience with the Next Chapter. You might just leave ready to write your own! 

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Coming Up


Women Storytellers
Saturday - January 18th - 10am-Noon
Anne McDowell has organized another event: Out of the Box Storytelling - Women Storytellers. A place for Christian women to get together to hear and tell of the wonders that God has done in their lives or (with permission) in the lives of others.  This is a fun, exciting new way to hear six 8-10 minute personal, uplifting, faith-promoting stories about the wonders of God, and enjoy a delicious brunch! They offer fun, laughter, and a chance to win door prizes!

It's at Dobson’s Restaurant at Dobson Ranch Golf Course in Mesa from 10am - 12 Noon.
Click here for details

Faculty Concert - SMCC Storytelling Institute
Save the date - Wednesday - January 22 - 7pm
Join the faculty of the South Mountain Storytelling Institute for a great evening of stories! Liz Warren and Marilyn Torres lead the pack of instructors as they share tales that will stir your heart and soul.

NSN Fringe Lottery Drawing
During the concert, there will be a lottery drawing for slots to showcase Fringe performances at the July National Storytelling Conference for NSN. Twelve slots will be drawn from the 37 applicants, and twelve "alternates" will be drawn in case of drop out or unavailability.
Check out the calendar section for more details.

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Rejection is Good

In 2014, I am looking for lots of rejections. Last week I got my first!

Let me clarify. I have submitted proposals to several storytelling conferences and festivals for the coming year. Last week, I got my first rejection: 

"Thank you for your proposal. . .we had so many fine submissions. . .there are many factors that the selection committee must consider. . .we regret to inform you that your proposal was not accepted."

Years ago, I was selling big-dollar sponsorships for several conventions that our company was producing. I hated "cold calling." I would get a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach every time I picked up the phone, in fear that I would get a NO. Consequently, I was reluctant to make the calls and would put them off. A sales consultant came to the office to discuss the process and said,

"If you're not getting NOs, you're not making enough calls!"

I finally got it. It was a numbers game! I had to go through MANY calls with a NO in order to get to the few ones that said YES. I started seeing the NOs as a means to get to YES.

Many writers experience the same thing. Storyteller and children's book author Antonio Sacre talks about the many, many rejections he got before he finally found a publisher for his books. If he had stopped submitting after the first few NOs, he would never have had the success of The Barking Mouse, A Mango in the Hand and My Name is Cool.

It's the same with storytellers. The business side (as Sean Buvala continually reminds us) is an integral part of being a storyteller. We must sell ourselves. No one else will do it.

I must send out as many proposals as I can. . .
to get as many rejections as I can. . .
to eventually get to a YES.


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What (and where) Do I Need to Improve?
Storyteller and colleague Limor Shiponi from Israel has a most fascinating "Storytelling Agora" blog! Her posts are very insightful, and sometimes controversial. She has no problem speaking her mind or calling out pundits where she believes misinformation is being spread.

A recent post for the new year speaks about how a storyteller may need to "improve", and what it really takes to BE a storyteller. She includes a link to an earlier post where she gathered a "list" from contributors about what qualities a storyteller should possess.

Both of these posts (and her others too) are great reads and resources for tellers!
Check out the blog

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------------------------------------THERE'S A LOT GOING ON EACH MONTH
---------------------------------CALL TO MAKE SURE THE EVENT IS STILL ON

Homebase Poetry
First Sunday of each month - Phoenix

Infuse Open Mic
Second Sunday of each month - Phoenix

Yarnball Storytellers Mic
Every Wednesday at  8 pm - PHOENIX

FStorytellers - Female Story Tellers
Every Second Wednesday (usually but check calendar) at  7 pm - TUCSON

Odyssey Storytelling
First Thursday of each month (usually but check calendar) - TUCSON

Storyline: Origins
Fourth Friday of each month - PHOENIX

Lit Lounge - Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art (SMOCA)
Fourth Friday of each month - SCOTTSDALE

Tucson Tellers of Tales - Storytellers Guild
First Saturday of each month (except July and August) - Tucson

East Valley Tellers of Tales -Storytellers Guild
Second Saturday of each month - SCOTTSDALE

West Side Story Tellers -Storytellers Guild
Second Saturday of each month - GLENDALE

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All Newsletter content ©Mark Goldman
Got some news or information you would like to get out to the storytelling community?

Contact Mark Goldman -x602-390-3858x - Mark@Storytellermark.com


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