Newsletter Index - Scroll to view dates & Topics
Date Category Title
6/22/2019 News Run, Run, Run, as fast as you can!
6/7/2019 News In a Funk
This Week Tucson Tellers of Tales - Rescheduled Guild Meeting
Coming AZ Storytellers Project - My Culture - My Identity
5/27/2019 News Summer Classes Start This Week!
This Week Tucson Tellers of Tales - Guild Meeting
This Week West Side Story Tellers Guild Meeting
Coming Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson - Dissent
This Week KJZZ Arizona Storyfest & Author Showcase
Coming AZ Storytellers Project - STYLISH STORIES
Tips Memorialization
Tidbits A Sense of Humor
Coming Ron Lancaster
5/20/2019 News I Have A Confession
News Summer Classes Start Next Week
This Week A Slice: Stories and Cake - Mothers and Strong Women
Tips The Golden Triangle - Know Your Audience
Tidbits Another Tip-Bit - What would you do?
Coming Ron Lancaster
5/15/2019 News You're All So Patient
This Week AZ Storytellers Project - STYLISH STORIES
This Week The Moth - MAMA RULES
Coming A Slice: Stories and Cake - Animals
Tips Using Action in Story Coaching and Practicing Your Stories
Tidbits Focused Action Coaching on the Cutting Edge of Storytelling World
4/29/2019 News The Soup was 'Just Right'
News EVTOT To End Monthly Meetings
News Congrats to Two of My Students!
This Week Public Speaking for the Terrified
This Week Chatterbox Open Mic - The LAST Show
This Week Chandler Storytelling Showcase
This Week Storyrise - Workshop & Concert
This Week Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson - Heroes & Villains
This Week The Whole Story
This Week Tucson Tellers of Tales - Guild Meeting
This Week West Side Story Tellers Guild Meeting
Coming East Valley Tellers of Tales
Coming AZ Storytellers Project - STYLISH STORIES
Coming The Moth - MAMA RULES
Tips The Language of Latka
Tidbits The San Diego Connection
4/22/2019 News Stone Soup - Not Just a Story, but a Festival Too
This Week A Slice: Stories and Cake - Animals
This Week The Moth - BAMBOOZLED
This Week Storyline Slam - GROW
Coming Public Speaking for the Terrified
Tips One of These Things is Not Like the Others
Tidbits What Would You Do?
4/17/2019 News Too Many Bagels
This Week Storyfind - STORY DIVINING
Coming The Moth - BAMBOOZLED
Coming Storyline Slam - GROW
Coming Public Speaking for the Terrified
Tips Tell Stories You Love - But Wait, There's more
Tidbits Liz Warren Garners Another Award
4/8/2019 News April Fools Prank Nets a Few
News This is NOT Fake News
News Bagels Every Day!
This Week Storyrise - Workshop & Concert
This Week AZ Storytellers Project - GROWTH
This Week East Valley Tellers of Tales
Coming Storyfind - STORY DIVINING
Coming The Moth - BAMBOOZLED
Coming Storyline Slam - GROW
Tips Rhyme, Rhythm and Meter
Tidbits Ode to Ginger
4/1/2019 News Beyond My Wildest Dreams!
News Andy Hurlbut Writes a Great Newsletter
This Week Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson - Extra
Coming Storyrise - Workshop & Concert
Coming East Valley Tellers of Tales
This Week Tucson Tellers of Tales - Guild Meeting AND Workshop
This Week West Side Story Tellers Guild Meeting
Coming AZ Storytellers Project - GROWTH
Tips Shame on Me for Not Turning it Into a Story
Tidbits The San Diego Connection
Tidbits Google Tulip
3/25/2019 News One Week Away!
This Week Chatterbox Open Mic
Coming Tucson Tellers of Tales - Guild Meeting
Coming West Side Story Tellers Guild Meeting
Tips Connections to Stories - Pick a Time or Event
Tidbits Only 2 Spots Left - Reserve Now!
3/18/2019 News Get your blog ideas ready
This Week Storyline Slam - DARE
This Week Storyfind - Secrets of the Celtic Masters
Tips Don't Wait for a Story to Find You
Tidbits Only 3 Spots Open - Reserve Your Spot Now!
3/12/2019 News No More Red-Eyes!
News A Day with Jim May & Mark Goldman CANCELLED
News Get your blog ideas ready
This Week The Moth - MAGIC
Coming Storyline Slam - DARE
Tips Where are you? BE you can begin.
Tidbits Only 3 Spots Open - Reserve Your's Now!
3/4/2019 News SAVE THE DATE - SATURDAY - MARCH 23rd
News 10th Annual A to Z Blog Challenge
This Week Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson - Magical
This Week East Valley Tellers of Tales
Coming Arizona Storytellers Project - Home
Coming The Moth - MAGIC
Coming Storyline Slam - DARE
Tips Beginnings
Tidbits Your're Invited!
3/1/2019 News Did You Miss Me?
News Tucson - Festival of Books
News 10th Annual A to Z Blog Challenge
This Week West Side Story Tellers Guild Meeting
Coming East Valley Tellers of Tales
This Week Tucson Tellers of Tales - Guild Meeting
Tips Want Some Great Tips and Stories?
Tidbits The San Diego Connection
2/18/2019 News Tucson - Festival of Books
This Week AZ Storytellers Project - Tucson
This Week The Moth - Love Hurts
This Week Storyfind - Body Language & Movement
Coming A Slice: Stories and Cake - Twitterpation
Coming Tucson Tellers of Tales - Guild Meeting
Coming West Side Story Tellers Guild Meeting
Tips What Might Have Been
Tidbits Only Two Months Away!
2/11/2019 News Your're Invited!
This Week Arizona Storytellers Project - Romance... or Not
This Week Storyline Slam - Crushing It
Coming The Moth - Love Hurts
Coming Storyfind - Body Language & Movement
Tips Do Not Saw The Air Too Much With Your Hand
Tidbits Laura Packer Crushes it - from A to Z!
2/4/2019 This Week Storyrise - Workshop & Concert
News Your're Invited!
This Week SMCC Faculty Concert - A Seat at the Table
This Week East Valley Tellers of Tales
Coming Arizona Storytellers Project - Romance... or Not
Coming Storyline Slam - Crushing It
Tips Create Your Own Stage! - A How To Guide
Tidbits The San Diego Connection
1/28/2019 News New Voices Northlands Confabulation Scholarships - LAST CHANCE
News NSN Summit - Fringe Performance Opportunity - Last Chance
This Week The Moth - Intentions
This Week The Moth - Main Stage
This Week Tucson Tellers of Tales - Guild Meeting
This Week West Side Story Tellers Guild Meeting
Coming TOT Story Swap - Tucson
Tips Metaphors
Tidbits How the States Got Their Abbreviations
1/21/2019 News Celebrate Martin Luther King JR. Day
News New Voices Northlands Confabulation Scholarships - TWO WEEKS LEFT
News NSN Summit - Fringe Performance Opportunity - Two Weeks Left
News Next Generation NSN Summit Scholarships
This Week Arizona Storytellers Project - New Beginnings
This Week Arizona Storytellers Project - New Beginnings
This Week A Slice: Stories and Cake - Home
This Week Two Spirit Project
Coming The Moth - Intentions
Tips Lift Up Your Audience!
Tidbits Talking Stories
1/14/2019 News What the heck happened to Mark and his Newsletter?
News New Voices Northlands Confabulation Scholarships - TWO WEEKS LEFT
News NSN Summit - Fringe Performance Opportunity - Two Weeks Left
News Next Generation NSN Summit Scholarships
This Week Storyline Slam - MUSIC
Coming Arizona Storytellers Project - New Beginnings
Tips Use Your Turn Signal...or Don't
Tidbits Here's Some Great Creativity!
Coming Storyfind
1/7/2019 News Tucson TOT Growing by Leaps and Bounds
News New Voices Northlands Confabulation Scholarships
News NSN Summit - Fringe Performance Opportunity
News Next Generation NSN Summit Scholarships
News Storyrise in Goodyear! More Opportunities to Tell
This Week East Valley Tellers of Tales
Coming Storyline Slam - MUSIC
Tips Trust Yourself
Tidbits School Starts Next Week
12/31/2018 News ETSU Opportunities
News New Voices Northlands Confabulation Scholarships
News NSN Summit - Fringe Performance Opportunity
News Next Generation NSN Summit Scholarships
News Storyrise in Goodyear! More Opportunities to Tell
This Week Storyrise - Workshop & Concert!
This Week Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson - Magical
This Week Story Kinship - Tucson Workshop & TOT Guild Meeting
This Week West Side Story Tellers Guild Meeting
Coming East Valley Tellers of Tales
Tips Tally Ho!
Tidbits The San Diego Connection
t West Side Story Tellers Guild Meeting
12/24/2018 News It's Christmas Eve - Happy Hannukah to All!
News ETSU Opportunities
News New Voices Northlands Confabulation Scholarships
News NSN Summit - Fringe Performance Opportunity
News Next Generation NSN Summit Scholarships
News Storyrise in Goodyear! More Opportunities to Tell
This Week Storyline Slam - Transitions
Coming Storyrise - Workshop & Concert!
Coming Story Kinship - Tucson Workshop & TOT Guild Meeting
Coming West Side Story Tellers Guild Meeting
Tips Here's a Holiday Gift for You All
Coming Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson - Magical
Tidbits A Christmas Tradition from David Letterman & Jay Thomas
12/17/2018 News Happy Birthday Glenda!
News ETSU Opportunities
News New Voices Northlands Confabulation Scholarships
News NSN Summit - Fringe Performance Opportunity
News Next Generation NSN Summit Scholarships
News Storyrise in Goodyear! More Opportunities to Tell
This Week Arizona Storytellers Project - Holiday Spectacular
This Week South Mountain Aglow
Coming Storyrise - Workshop & Concert!
Coming Story Kinship - Tucson Workshop
Tips Building Your Repertoire
Tidbits Csenge Zalka - That's A Lot of Stories!
12/10/2018 News Happy Birthday Melvil
News ETSU Opportunities
News 2019 New Voices Application - Stone Soup Storytelling Festival
News New Voices Northlands Confabulation Scholarships
News NSN Summit - Fringe Performance Opportunity
News Next Generation NSN Summit Scholarships
This Week The Moth - Instincts
Coming Arizona Storytellers Project - Holiday Spectacular
Coming South Mountain Aglow
Tips Re-Charge Your Storytelling Engine
Tidbits Your're Invited!
12/3/2018 News It is December!
News New ONLINE VIRTUAL Storytelling Guild & Open Mic
News 2019 New Voices Application - Stone Soup Storytelling Festival
News New Voices Northlands Confabulation Scholarships
This Week Storyrise - Workshop & Concert!
This Week Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson - Mortified
This Week East Valley Tellers of Tales
Coming The Moth - Instincts
Coming Arizona Storytellers Project - Holiday Spectacular
Coming South Mountain Aglow
Tips What's in Your Pocket? Ornaments and Tinsel?
Tidbits TheSan Diego Connection
11/26/2018 News Insight Landed on Mars...
News New ONLINE VIRTUAL Storytelling Guild & Open Mic
News 2019 New Voices Application - Stone Soup Storytelling Festival
This Week The Moth - Beginnings
This Week Tucson Tellers of Tales - Guild Meeting
This Week West Side Story Tellers Guild Meeting
Coming Storyrise - Workshop & Concert!
Coming Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson - Mortified
Coming East Valley Tellers of Tales
Coming South Mountain Aglow
Tips What's Your Light in the Window?
11/19/2018 News DUE TODAY: NSN 2019 Summit - Call for Presentations
News 2019 New Voices Application - Stone Soup Storytelling Festival
News New ONLINE VIRTUAL Storytelling Guild & Open Mic
This Week Storyline Slam - Holidaze
Coming The Moth - Beginnings
Tips Thanks. . .for All The Story Possibilities
Tidbits Thanksgiving Fun
11/12/2018 News NSN 2019 Summit - Call for Presentations
News 2019 New Voices Application - Stone Soup Storytelling Festival
This Week AZ Storytellers Project - Food and Family
This Week Mexican Lizard Music Gathering (with stories too!)
This Week A Slice: Stories and Cake - Food & Feasts
This Week Snap Judgement
This Week Tucson Tellers of Tales - Story Swap
This Week Tucson Tellers of Tales - TELLABRATION! TM
Coming Storyline Slam - Holidaze
Coming The Moth - Beginnings
Tips Insert Tip Below
11/5/2018 News NSN 2019 Summit - Call for Presentations
News 2019 New Voices Application - Stone Soup Storytelling Festival
News Storyrise in Goodyear! Opportunities to Tell
This Week Stew and Stories
This Week West Side Story Tellers at Glendale Library
This Week Wordplay Cafe - Mesa
This Week East Valley Tellers of Tales
This Week Solo Showcase
Coming AZ Storytellers Project - Food and Family
Coming Mexican Lizard Music Gathering (with stories too!)
Coming Snap Judgement
Tips Borrow Carefully
Tidbits A Way to Do Your Homework for Life ANYWHERE!
10/29/2018 News Wednesday is Halloween!
News Rocky Mountain Storytelling Conference - Proposals
News NSN 2019 Summit - Call for Presentations
News 2019 New Voices Application - Stone Soup Storytelling Festival
News Storyrise in Goodyear! Opportunities to Tell
News About TELLABRATION!™ Events
This Week Free Workshop
This Week StoryRise: Adult Storytelling Concert
This Week Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson - Deal Breakers
This Week Tucson Tellers of Tales - Guild Meeting
This Week West Side Story Tellers Guild Meeting
Coming Stew and Stories
Coming East Valley Tellers of Tales
Coming AZ Storytellers Project - Food and Family
Tips Homework for Life - Develop Your Storytelling Lens
Tidbits The November - San Diego Connection
10/22/2018 News Tejas Call for Proposals
News NSN J. J. Reneaux Mentorship Award Applications
News Rocky Mountain Storytelling Conference - Proposals
News NSN 2019 Summit - Call for Presentations
News 2019 New Voices Application - Stone Soup Storytelling Festival
News Storyrise in Goodyear! Opportunities to Tell
This Week A Slice: Stories and Cake - Spooky Spinechillers!
This Week The Moth - Disguises
This Week Ojai Storytelling Festival
Coming Free Workshop
Coming Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson - Deal Breakers
Coming StoryRise: Adult Storytelling Concert
Tips Your Work Is the Only Thing That Matters
10/15/2018 News Northlands Confabulation - Call for Proposals
News Tejas Call for Proposals
News NSN J. J. Reneaux Mentorship Award Applications
News NSN 2019 Summit - Call for Presentations
News 2019 New Voices Application - Stone Soup Storytelling Festival
News Storyrise in Goodyear! Opportunities to Tell
This Week The Moth - Disguises
This Week So You Want To Publish Your Book
This Week Storyfind - Finding and Telling Scary Stories
Coming Ojai Storytelling Festival
Tips Be Vewy, Vewy Careful
Tidbits Immitate the Swagger
10/8/2018 News Northlands Confabulation - Call for Proposals
News Tejas Call for Proposals
News NSN J. J. Reneaux Mentorship Award Applications
News NSN 2019 Summit - Call for Presentations
News 2019 New Voices Application - Stone Soup Storytelling Festival
This Week Storyline Slam - Haunted
This Week East Valley Tellers of Tales
Coming TENWEST Festival - Discover Local Days - Tales of the Future
Coming So You Want To Publish Your Book
Coming Ojai Storytelling Festival
Tips As Everyone Knows...
Tidbits Storyrise in Goodyear! Opportunities to Tell
10/1/2018 News Jonesborough Festival - Live Streaming on Friday
News Story The Future - BINGE WEEKEND!
News Northlands Confabulation - Call for Proposals
News NSN J. J. Reneaux Mentorship Award Applications
News NSN 2019 Summit - Call for Presentations
This_week Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson - Big Brother
This Week Tucson Tellers of Tales - Guild Meeting
This Week West Side Story Tellers Guild Meeting
Coming East Valley Tellers of Tales
Coming TENWEST Festival - Discover Local Days - Tales of the Future
Tips First Person (and 2nd Person) Elevate Fact-Based (and traditional) Tales
Tidbits The San Diego Connection
Coming Ojai Storytelling Festival
9/24/2018 News Story The Future
News Northlands Confabulation - Call for Proposals
News NSN J. J. Reneaux Mentorship Award Applications
This Week Myth Informed: Warriors, Women, and Fools in Celtic and Norse Story
This Week A Slice: Stories and Cake - Work & Labor
This_week Storyscope - Facilitator Training
Coming Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson - Big Brother
Coming Tucson Tellers of Tales - Guild Meeting
Coming West Side Story Tellers Guild Meeting
Coming TENWEST Festival - Discover Local Days - Tales of the Future
Coming MAKING STORIES FROM YOUR LIFE - A weekend in Marblehead, MA
Tips The Golden Triangle - Know Your Audience
Tidbits The Storyteller Knows Me
9/17/2018 News Story The Future
News Sharing the Fire - Call for Proposals
News Northlands Confabulation - Call for Proposals
News NSN J. J. Reneaux Mentorship Award Applications
Coming A Slice: Stories and Cake - Work & Labor
This_week Storyscope -Two Story Circle Events
This Week Storyfind: How to Tell a Story from Real Life
Tips Great Myths of the Future
Coming Myth Informed: Warriors, Women, and Fools in Celtic and Norse Story
Tidbits MIT's Media Lab - Mind Boggling Inventions of the Future!
9/10/2018 News Dagnabit!
News Sharing the Fire - Call for Proposals
News Northlands Confabulation - Call for Proposals
This Week AZ Storytellers Project - Our Family, Our Culture
This Week Storyline Slam - Skool'd
This Week Tucson Story Swap CANCELLED
Tips Research for storytellers is not an option, it's a responsibility
Tidbits She's Baaaack!
Coming Myth Informed: Warriors, Women, and Fools in Celtic and Norse Story
9/3/2018 News Three Score and One Decade Ago
News Oh Yeah, The Stupid Contest Answer
News Sharing the Fire - Call for Proposals
News Northlands Confabulation - Call for Proposals
This_week Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson - BRANDED
This Week Tucson Tellers of Tales - Guild Meeting
This Week East Valley Tellers of Tales
Coming AZ Storytellers Project - Our Family, Our Culture
Coming Storyline Slam - Skool'd
Tips Don't Stop Till You Get Enuf
Tidbits The San Diego Connection
8/27/2018 News Guild Meetings Back in Swing!
News Turning the Contest Upside Down
News Northlands Confabulation - Call for Proposals
This Week West Side Story Tellers Guild Meeting
Coming Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson - BRANDED
Coming Tucson Tellers of Tales - Guild Meeting
Coming East Valley Tellers of Tales
Tips An Actress Prepares
Tidbits Beyond Beyond the Border
8/20/2018 News This is What You've All Been Waiting For!
News Northlands Confabulation - Call for Proposals
This Week AZ Storytellers Project - Our Family, Our Culture
This Week The Moth - Collaboration
This Week A Slice:Stories and Cake - New Beginnings
Tips Where do Stories Come From?
Tidbits Whiskey Tango Foxtrot!
8/13/2018 News Storytelling Classes Start in ONE WEEK
News Summer Coaching Sale! - Three More Weeks Left
News Sean Buvala August Coaching Sale
Coming AZ Storytellers Project - Our Family, Our Culture
Coming The Moth - Collaboration
Coming A Slice:Stories and Cake - New Beginnings
Tips It's Right In Front of You
Tidbits Remember This Sound
8/6/2018 News Storytelling Classes Start in TWO WEEKS
This Week Storyline Slam - Vacation
This Week AZ Storytellers Project - Our Family, Our Culture
Coming A Slice of Life: Stories and Cake - New Beginnings
Coming The Moth - Collaboration
Tips What's The Best Camping Stove?
Tidbits The Moth Comes to the Summit and Micaela Too
7/30/2018 News It Takes A Tribe…
This Week Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson - RED FLAGS
Coming AZ Storytellers Project - Our Family, Our Culture
Tips Connecting
Tidbits The San Diego Connection
7/23/2018 News Another Crazy Week
This Week The Moth - Age
This Week A Slice of Life: Stories and Cake - Nature's Wonder
Coming Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson - RED FLAGS
Tips Cat Videos & Stupid Pet Tricks
Tidbits Monopoly and WW II POWs
7/16/2018 News Kudos to My Students
This Week AZ Storytellers Project - Stories About Stories (It's Their 7th Birthday!)
Coming The Moth - Age
Coming A Slice of Life: Stories and Cake - Nature's Wonder
Tips Personal Intro to Traditional Story Can Help Bridge Gap
Tidbits Who Let The Dogs Out?
7/9/2018 News A Warning for This Coming Friday - Beware - TGIF
News Don't Let the Summer Slow You Down
This Week Chatterbox - INDEPENDENCE
This Week Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson - SUMMER
This Week Storyline Slam - LUCK
Coming AZ Storytellers Project - Stories About Stories (It's Their 7th Birthday!)
Coming The Moth - Age
Tips When I use a word...
Tidbits Till The End of Time - Or at Least Closing
7/2/2018 News 2018 National Storytelling Summit!
This Week Wednesday is INDEPENDENCE DAY!
Coming Chatterbox - INDEPENDENCE
Coming Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson - SUMMER
Coming AZ Storytellers Project - Stories About Stories (It's Their 7th Birthday!)
Tips Why, Why, Why?
Tidbits Ethel Lee Miller - Writer In Tucson and On the East Coast
6/25/2018 News Tejas Storytelling Conference in Fort Worth
news Three Common Mistakes - Free Webinar
This Week Build Your Business with Better Storytelling
This Week The Moth - Endings
This Week A Slice of Life: Stories and Cake - Great Men
Coming Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson - SUMMER
TIps Paradigm Shift - Your POV Changes Everything
Tidbits A Great Fact-Based Story
Tidbits Another Story About Paradigm Shifts
6/18/2018 News Early Bird Registration for the 2018 National Storytelling Summit!
This Week The Great Storytelling Mashup of 2018
Coming Build Your Business with Better Storytelling
Coming The Moth - Endings
Coming Stories and Cake - Great Men
Tips Create Your Own Stage! - A How To Guide
Tidbits Dreams or Reality?
6/11/2018 News Summer Coaching Sale!
This Week AZ Storytellers Project - Away We Go
Coming Build Your Business with Better Storytelling
Coming The Moth - Endings
Coming Stories and Cake - Great Men
Tips Poetry and Storytelliing: Making a Language to Explain Things -
Tidbits Storybook Houses
6/4/2018 News New 'Spooky' CD from Rona Leventhal
This Week Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson - DIFFERENT
This Week East Valley Tellers of Tales
Coming AZ Storytellers Project - Away We Go
Coming Mark Your Calendars - Build Your Business with Better Storytelling
Tips Appreciations: How We listen and Observe
Tidbits Science Fiction Becomes Reality
5/28/2018 News Summer School Starts Wednesday! - Join Me
Coming Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson - DIFFERENT
This Week Tucson Tellers of Tales - Guild Meeting
This Week West Side Story Tellers Guild Meeting
Coming East Valley Tellers of Tales
Coming AZ Storytellers Project - Away We Go
Tips Say YES More
Tidbits The San Diego Connection - Summer Sun, Sand, and Storytelling
5/21/2018 News Early Bird Registration for the 2018 National Storytelling Summit!
News Mark Goldman to Receive NSN ORACLE Award
This Week The Moth - Busted
This Week Bad Buddhist Film Viewing & Party
Tips There's a Story Behind That - Perhaps Several
Tidbits We All Have Different Talents
5/14/2018 News Whirlwind Weekend of Wonderful Storytelling
This Week AZ Storytellers Project - Growing Up - Two Shows
This Week Talk Story with Pam
This Week Storyline Slam - Service
Coming Bad Buddhist Film Viewing & Party
Tips The Airport - A Great Place for People Watching
Tidbits Shocking,,, Absolutely SHOCKING!!!!
5/7/2018 News Early Bird Registration for the 2018 National Storytelling Summit!
This Week NEW STORY SERIES - Stories and Cake
This Week East Valley Tellers of Tales
This Week Storyfest At Mesa Convention Center
This Week Pam Faro House Concert
Coming AZ Storytellers Project - Growing Up - Two Shows
Coming Talk Story with Pam
Tips What Happens Next?
Tidbits It's Not That Spicy
4/30/2018 News Spring/Summer Coaching Sale!
This Week Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson - FAKE!
This Week SMCC Storytelling Graduation
This Week The Whole Story - Part VI
This Week Tucson Tellers of Tales - Guild Meeting
This Week West Side Story Tellers Guild Meeting
Coming East Valley Tellers of Tales
Coming Storyfest At Mesa Convention Center
Coming Pam Faro Coming to Phoenix
Tips Connections to Stories - Pick a Time or Event
Tidbits The San Diego Connection
4/23/2018 News The Moth is Here!
News Early Bird Registration for the 2018 National Storytelling Summit!
News Spring/Summer Coaching Sale!
This Week AZ Storytellers Project - Home at Taliesin West
This Week Moon Walk
Coming Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson - FAKE!
Coming SMCC Storytelling Graduation
Coming The Whole Story - Part VI
Coming Tucson Tellers of Tales - Guild Meeting
Coming West Side Story Tellers Guild Meeting
Tips Where Do YOU Fit in Your Traditional Story
Tidbits Mark Your Calendars
4/16/2018 News Early Bird Registration for the 2018 National Storytelling Summit!
This Week AZ Storytellers Project - Movies, Music and Me
This Week Storyline Slam - Spring
This Week Storyfest Training - Telling for Children
This Week Storyfind: Telling Your Story – For Mother Earth
This Week Wordplay Cafe - Mesa
Coming AZ Storytellers Project - Home at Taliesin West
Tips Build Your Story from the Inside Out
Tidbits Action Helps to Concretize Choices
4/9/2018 News Liz Warren Wins Prestigious Humanities Award
News Early Bird Registration for the 2018 National Storytelling Summit!
News Storyfest At Mesa Convention Center
This Week Barflies
This Week East Valley Tellers of Tales
Coming AZ Storytellers Project - Movies, Music and Me
Coming Wordplay Cafe - Mesa
Tips Creating Stories...from Nothing (Actually from Something)
Tidbits A Third Of Millennials Aren’t Sure The Earth Is Round
4/2/2018 News Happy Passover and Easter
News Early Bird Registration for the 2018 National Storytelling Summit!
News BIG NEWS Storyfest At Mesa Convention Center
This Week Storytelling at Sandy Oglesby's
This Week Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson - Mythic
This Week Tucson Tellers of Tales - Guild Meeting
This Week West Side Story Tellers Guild Meeting
Coming East Valley Tellers of Tales
Tips Patterns
Tidbits The San Diego Connection
3/26/2018 News Early Bird Registration for the 2018 National Storytelling Summit!
This Week Got an Event? Let Me Know
Coming Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson - Mythic
Coming Tucson Tellers of Tales - Guild Meeting
Coming West Side Story Tellers Guild Meeting
Tips The Storyteller’s Crucible: Finding a Personal Story
Tidbits Potato Latkes...Feed Your Soul!
3/19/2018 News Sean Buvala's REBOOT
News Mazel Tov Megan!
This Week Storyline Slam - Home
This Week Storyfind: Awaken Your Inner Traditional Storyteller
Tips What Stories May Come...
Tidbits Do Pandas Have Guns?
3/12/2018 News ORACLE Award Submissions Due March 15th
News ORACLE Award Submissions Due THURSDAY March 15th
This Week AZ Storytellers Project - TUCSON Storytellers: Love & Heartbreak
This Week AZ Storytellers Project - Stylish Stories
This Week Love, Loss & The Stories We Tell - with Laura Packer - A Teleconference
Coming Storyfind: Awaken Your Inner Traditional Storyteller
Tips TWO MINUTES of Your Life
Tidbits The $64-Dollar Question
3/5/2018 News ORACLE Award Submissions Due March 15th
This Week Flutterfest - Storytelling About Pollinators
This Week East Valley Tellers of Tales
Coming AZ Storytellers Project - Stylish Stories
Coming Love, Loss & The Stories We Tell - with Laura Packer - A Teleconference
Tips Two Visits
Tidbits The San Diego Connection
2/26/2018 News Call for Proposals - DUE WEDNESDAY!
This Week Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson - Sidekicks
This Week Myth Informed CANCELLED
This Week Jim May WORKSHOP in Tucson!
This Week Carpool/Caravan to see Jim May?
Coming Flutterfest - Storytelling About Pollinators
Coming East Valley Tellers of Tales
Tips Word-Play for Story Creation
Tidbits And the Children Shall Lead Us
2/19/2018 News Call for Proposals - Kansas City, Here I Come
News 2018 Historical-Hysterical Storytelling Tour - New Itinerary!
This Week Stories on the Outskirts of Ableism:
A Storytelling Workshop on Giving Voice to Disability
This Week Kevin Kling in a Free Concert
This Week Storyline Slam - Choices
This Week Telling Tales - Learning Lessons - Tucson Concert
Coming Myth Informed CANCELLED
Coming Jim May Coming to Tucson!
Coming Flutterfest - Storytelling About Pollinators
Tips Metaphors
Tidbits From Donna Washington - Language, Literacy and Storytelling
2/12/2018 News Call for Proposals - Kansas City, Here I Come
News 2018 Historical-Hysterical Storytelling Tour - New Itinerary!
This Week Maybe It's Time
Coming Stories on the Outskirts of Ableism:
A Storytelling Workshop on Giving Voice to Disability
Coming Kevin Kling in a Free Concert
Coming Telling Tales - Learning Lessons - Tucson Concert
Coming Jim May Coming to Tucson!
Tips What Story Did I Tell Last Month at the Open Mic?
Tidbits Storytelling and Spoken Word...Not So Far Apart
2/5/2018 News Call for Proposals - Kansas City, Here I Come
This Week PostSecret: The Show
This Week Playback Theatre
This Week AZ Storytellers Project - Romance - or Not
This Week East Valley Tellers of Tales
This Week Masterclass & Open Mic
Coming Stories on the Outskirts of Ableism: A Storytelling Workshop on Giving Voice to Disability
Coming Kevin Kling in a Free Concert
Tips My FIRST Tip in the Newsletter
Tidbits San Diego Connection
1/29/2018 News Win a FREE Book or AN HOUR of Coaching!
News Call for Proposals - Kansas City, Here I Come
This Week Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson - You Don’t Know Me
This Week Tucson Tellers of Tales - Guild Meeting
This Week West Side Story Tellers Guild Meeting
Coming PostSecret: The Show
Coming Playback Theatre
Coming AZ Storytellers Project - Romance - or Not
Coming Stories on the Outskirts of Ableism: A Storytelling Workshop on Giving Voice to Disability
Coming Kevin Kling in a Free Concert
Coming East Valley Tellers of Tales
Tips How DO the Pros Do It?
Tidbits Laura Packer - Coach...and More
1/22/2018 News Open to ALL READERS of This Newsletter!
This Week AZ Storytellers Project - New Beginnings
This Week Storyline Slam - Music
This Week Open Mic - House Concert with Sean Buvala: Leadership
Coming Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson - You Don’t Know Me
Coming Tucson Tellers of Tales - Guild Meeting
Coming West Side Story Tellers Guild Meeting
Coming Stories on the Outskirts of Ableism: A Storytelling Workshop on Giving Voice to Disability
Tips What's The Story?
Tidbits Kevin Kling - A Preview
1/15/2018 News Something Special This Way Comes
This Week All God's Critters
Coming Storyline Slam - Music
This Week Storyfind at SMCC - Focus on the World of Your Story
Coming AZ Storytellers Project - New Beginnings
Coming Two-Day Mid-Winter Story-Speakers' Retreat
Coming Open Mic - House Concert with Sean Buvala: Leadership
Tips Rhyme, Rhythm and Meter
Tidbits Martin Luther King Jr. Day
1/8/2018 News Something Special This Way Comes
News Tellers of Tales in Tucson - New Officers
News Storytelling Classes Start in ONE WEEK
This Week East Valley Tellers of Tales
Coming All God's Critters
Coming Two-Day Mid-Winter Story-Speakers' Retreat
Coming Open Mic - House Concert with Sean Buvala: Leadership
Coming AZ Storytellers Project - New Beginnings
Tips That Moment When...
Tidbits San Diego Connection
1/1/2018 News Storytelling Classes Start in TWO WEEKS
News San Diego Connection
This Week Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson - Memory
This Week The Whole Story - Part V
This Week Tucson Tellers of Tales - Guild Meeting
This Week West Side Story Tellers Guild Meeting
Coming East Valley Tellers of Tales
Tips The FIRST Tip for Storytellers
Tidbits What Happened?
12/25/2017 News Happy Holidays to All!
This Week Storyline Slam - Winter
Coming Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson - Memory
Coming The Whole Story - Part V
Coming Tucson Tellers of Tales - Guild Meeting
Coming West Side Story Tellers Guild Meeting
Tips Everyone Has Their Own Truth
Tidbits Sixty Years Later...the Words Have Different Connotations
12/18/2017 News Rocky Mountain Storytelling Conference - Proposals DUE IN 4 DAYS
news For the Holidays, Why Not Give the Gift O' the Green?
This Week Arizona Storytellers: Holiday Spectacular
This Week Storytelling at Phoestivus Open Air Market
This Week Music & Stories with Sule Greg Wilson
Tips Storyseeds...A Different kind of Prompt
Tidbits Light in the darkness.
12/11/2017 News Call for Proposals - Rocky Mountain Storytelling Conference
News Nancy Hicks - Now Listening on High
News Open Enrollment for Healthcare - DEADLINE is FRIDAY!
This Week Storytelling at Phoestivus Open Air Market
This Week Winter's Light - 20th Year!
Coming Arizona Storytellers: Holiday Spectacular
Coming Music & Stories with Sule Greg Wilson
Tips Holiday Stories
Tidbits Nativity Gone Wong - No Room at the Inn
12/4/2017 News Open Enrollment for Healthcare - Only 12 Days Left!
News Build-A-Skill Workshop
News The Uncalled for Christmas Tour
This Week More Than Speaking - Workshop
This Week Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson - Tripping
This Week East Valley Tellers of Tales
Coming Winter's Light - 20th Year!
Coming Arizona Storytellers: Holiday Spectacular
Coming Music & Stories with Sule Greg Wilson
Tips Say YES more
Tidbits The Path to YES
11/27/2017 News Mazel Tov!
News What's Wanting?
This Week AZ Storytellers Project - New Veterans' Narratives
This Week Historias del taller escritura creativa en español PARTE 2
This Week Tucson Tellers of Tales - NO Guild Meeting in December
This Week West Side Story Tellers - NO MEETING in December
This Week Tales of Fire and Ice: Myths, Legends, and Epics of Iceland
This Week Storyfind at SMCC - The Christmas Story – A Time, A Place Long, Long Ago
Coming More Than Speaking - Workshop
Coming Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson - Tripping
Coming East Valley Tellers of Tales
Coming Winter's Light - 20th Year!
Tips Discovering Another "P"
Tidbits In Space - Be Afraid - Be Very Afraid
11/20/2017 This Week Storyline Slam - Holidaze
Coming AZ Storytellers Project - New Veterans' Narratives
Coming Historias del taller escritura creativa en español PARTE 2
Coming Tucson Tellers of Tales - NO Guild Meeting in December
Coming West Side Story Tellers Guild Meeting
Coming Tales of Fire and Ice: Myths, Legends, and Epics of Iceland
Coming Storyfind at SMCC - The Christmas Story – A Time, A Place Long, Long Ago
Tips Measuring Success
Tidbits Bouncing Back with Younn Borgeois
11/13/2017 News Open Enrollment for Healthcare - Time Limit
news Why Not Give the Gift O' the Green?
This Week More Than Speaking - Workshop
This Week Monday Night Melodies
This Week The Beaded Lizard Gathering
This Week Coffee House Program at Glendale Public Library
This Week AZ Storytellers Project - Food & Family
This_week Storyscope - Story Circle
This Week CANCELLED - Stories of Hospitality: From Good to Gasping
This Week Tellabration™ in Pine/Strawberry
Coming Storyline Slam - Holidaze
Coming AZ Storytellers Project - Food & Family
Coming Tales of Fire and Ice: Myths, Legends, and Epics of Iceland
Tips Hot, Ooey-Gooey, Cheese That Stretches
Tidbits Celui Qui Tombe
11/6/2017 News About TELLABRATION!™
News England - Ireland - Scotland - Summer 2018!
News Check That Calendar
This_week Storyscope - Story Circle
This Week East Valley Tellers of Tales
Coming More Than Speaking - Workshop
Coming Storyscope - Story Circle
Coming AZ Storytellers Project - Food & Family
Coming Stories of Hospitality: From Good to Gasping.
Tips I Promptly Prompt
Tidbits Time Waits for No Storyteller
10/30/2017 News Spoiler Alert - Student Research Uncovers the Truth About Snow Treasure
This Week 4th Annual Stew & Stories
This Week Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson - Chemistry
This Week Tucson Tellers of Tales - Guild Meeting
This Week West Side Story Tellers Guild Meeting
Coming East Valley Tellers of Tales
Coming More Than Speaking - Workshop
Coming AZ Storytellers Project - Food & Family
Coming Stories of Hospitality: From Good to Gasping.
Tips When The Clock is Ticking - Less May Be More
Tidbits November's San Diego Connection
10/23/2017 News Sean Buvala Brings a Boon to the Valley
This Week Sips & Stories (Sort of A Story Slam)
This Week The Storyline Slam
This Week Music in the Mountains & Ghost Stories Too
Coming Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson - Haunted
Coming Tucson Tellers of Tales - Guild Meeting
Coming West Side Story Tellers Guild Meeting
Tips The Endowment Exercise
Tidbits Why Not Give the Gift O' the Green?
10/16/2017 News England - Ireland - Scotland - Summer 2018!
This_week AZ Storytellers Project - Saving Arizona's Kids
This_week Family Storytelling
Coming Storyfind at SMCC
Coming Sips & Stories (Sort of A Story Slam)
Coming The Storyline Slam
Coming Music in the Mountains & Ghost Stories Too
Tips Music Hath Charms
Tidbits Storyscope - Open, Inviting, Comforting
10/9/2017 News Last Two Weeks to Get your Sh_t Together!
News A Warning for This Coming Friday - Beware - TGIF
This_week AZ Storytellers Project - Work Stories
This_week Storyscope - Story Circle
This_week East Valley Tellers of Tales
This_week Art and Stories
Coming Family Storytelling
Coming Storyfind at SMCC
Tips Stand On Your Ground!
Tidbits Just in Case You Missed It!
10/2/2017 News It's October!
News The San Diego Connection
This_week Storyscope - Story Circle
This_week Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson - Haunted
This_week Shining Stars Talent Show - Fundraiser
This_week The Whole Story - Part IV
This_week Tucson Tellers of Tales - Guild Meeting
This_week West Side Story Tellers Guild Meeting
This_week Celebrating Doug Bland - Retiring at the end of October
Coming AZ Storytellers Project - Work Stories
Coming Storyscope - Story Circle
Coming East Valley Tellers of Tales
Tips The Wisdom of the Crowd
Tidbits A Crowd Sourced Story?
9/25/2017 News Calls for Proposals - STF & Northlands
This_week AZ Storytellers Project - Outdoor Adventures
This_week TELL IT! Presentation Skills for Writers
This_week San Diego - Storytelling Workshop with Robert Kikuchi-Yngojo
Coming Shining Stars Talent Show - Fundraiser
Coming The Whole Story - Part IV
Tips The Language of Latka
Tidbits Knock, Knock, Who's There? - William Shakespeare - Who'd o' Thunk It?
9/18/2017 News AZ Storytellers Casting Call
News Calls for Proposals - STF & Northlands
This_week Storyscope Story Circle Facilitator Training
This_week Shining Stars Talent Show - Fundraiser
This_week Thanks for the Mammaries - Tucson
This_week The Storyline Slam
This_week Storyfind at SMCC
Coming AZ Storytellers Project - Outdoor Adventures
Coming San Diego - Storytelling Workshop with Robert Kikuchi-Yngojo
Coming TELL IT! Presentation Skills for Writers
Tips Smell, Taste, and Touch - The Forgotten Senses
Tidbits What will your verse be?
Tidbits GCC Storytelling Students
9/11/2017 News This Day - Frozen in Our Memories
News Storyscope Story Circle Facilitator Training
News Shining Stars Talent Show - Fundraiser
News AZ Storytellers Casting Call
Coming Thanks for the Mammaries - Tucson
Coming The Storyline Slam
Coming Storyfind at SMCC
Tips There's No Crying in Baseball... or Storytelling
Tidbits Maybe so... maybe not, we'll see.
9/4/2017 News What A World!
News Northlands Confabulation - Call for Proposals
This_week Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson - NEW LOCATION
This_week Tucson Tellers of Tales - Guild Meeting
This_week East Valley Tellers of Tales
This_week West Side Story Tellers Guild Meeting
Coming Thanks for the Mammaries
Tips Nuance Over Novelty
Tidbits The San Diego Connection
8/28/2017 News Shared Birthdays!
News Storytelling Workshops for Seniors
This_week AZ Live Storytelling
Coming Tucson Tellers of Tales - Guild Meeting
Coming East Valley Tellers of Tales
Coming West Side Story Tellers Guild Meeting
Tips What's in a Name?
Tidbits Trivia!
8/21/2017 News Don't Get Eclipsed!
News Storytelling Workshops for Seniors
This_week Storyfind Resumes This Month at SMCC
This_week Two Free Workshops inTucson
Coming AZ Live Storytelling
Coming Tucson Tellers of Tales - Guild Meeting
Tips When I use a word...
Tidbits Tidbits
8/14/2017 News Storytelling Classes Start in ONE Week
News Dog Days of Summer
Coming AZ Live Storytelling
Tips Advice for Writers and Storytellers Too
Tidbits The Day the Nazis Came
8/7/2017 News 2018 Historical-Hysterical Storytelling Tour - New Itinerary!
Coming AZ Live Storytelling
Tips Abraham Begat Isaac; and Isaac Begat Jacob etc., etc.
Tidbits More from Other Tellers.
7/31/2017 News The San Diego Connection
This_week Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson
Coming AZ Live Storytelling
Tips Back to basics - How to Tell A Story
Tidbits Working for Nothing - For a Reason
7/24/2017 News School's Out!
News Summer Storytelling Camp - Without the Camping!
Tips Creativity is the Storytellers' Forge
Tidbits Storyteller on a Tight? Rope
7/17/2017 News Summer Storytelling Camp - Without the Camping!
Tips Sum...mer...time... and the Livin' Is
Tidbits Why Doesn't Someone Tell Them?
7/10/2017 News Summer Storytelling Camp - Without the Camping!
This_week Arizona Storytellers: Stories About Stories
Tips Stories Help the Healing Process
Tidbits And Now for Some Good News
7/3/2017 News NSN Conference - A Gathering Together
This_week Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson
Coming Arizona Storytellers: Stories About Stories
Tips Give Me a Number Between 1 and 3
Tidbits Rest Now...No More Struggles
6/26/2017 News Tribe Gathers in KC
This_week Arizona Storytellers: Stories About Stories
Coming Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson
Tips Dialogue - Use It to Show.
Tidbits Warning, Will Robinson, Danger!
6/19/2017 News It'll Be A Hot Time in the Old Town Tonight (Today)
News Storytelling Hotel - If You Build It, Will They Come?
News Poem Tells the Story of a Storyteller's Journey
Coming Arizona Storytellers: Lessons Learned
Tips Say it in One Sentence
Tidbits As Told by Emoji - Disney's New Digital Short-Form Stories
6/12/2017 News News from Tucson
News The San Diego Connection - Concerts and Open Mics Away from the Phoenix Heat
News Andy Hurlbut - Editor Extraordinaire
Tips Use and Trust Your Image Engine
Tidbits Story Cubes Inspire EVTOT Tellers
6/5/2017 News June is Bustin' Out All Over
This_week East Valley Tellers of Tales - Last Meeting for the Summer
Tips Start With Stories
Tidbits Remind Me Again, Please
5/29/2017 News You're Not Dreaming
News Sunny Days Abound on England/Ireland Tour
This_week West Side Story Tellers Guild Meeting
This_week Tucson Tellers of Tales - Guild Meeting
5/15/2017 News Hogwarts...Here We Come!
News Three Seats Left for My Class at GCC
This_week The Storyline - Unpacking
Tips Drop Your Hat...Please
Tidbits Willing Suspension of Disbelief
5/8/2017 News Playback Theatre - A Must See!
This_week East Valley Tellers of Tales Guild Meeting
Coming The Storyline - Unpacking
Tips Find Your Walden
Tidbits A Little Birdie Told Me
5/1/2017 News It's May!
News SMCC Graduation!
This_week Arizona Storytellers: Our Family, Our Culture
This_week Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson - Fundraiser
This_week Cinco de Mayo in San Diego
This_week Tucson Tellers of Tales - Guild Meeting - FREE WORKSHOP
This_week West Side Story Tellers Guild Meeting
Coming East Valley Tellers of Tales Guild Meeting
Tips Story Kinship
Tidbits Bobby Norfolk Uses All of Himself
4/24/2017 News Never Forget
News Hats Off to RMS
This_week WOW Story Swap in Tucson
Coming Arizona Storytellers: Our Family, Our Culture
Coming Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson - Fundraiser
Coming Tucson Tellers of Tales - Guild Meeting - FREE WORKSHOP
Coming West Side Story Tellers Guild Meeting
Tips The Only Constant is Change
Tidbits The San Diego Connection
4/17/2017 News April Showers
News Need Female for Storytelling England Tour - One Space Available
News Rocky Mountain High
This_week Late Entry Newsflash from Liz Warren
This_week Celtic Earth Stories
This_week Verdant Paths: Celtic Spirituality for the Earth Workshop
This Week Storyfind Workshop/Reception
This_week Loren R. Russell Tribute Concert
Coming Arizona Storytellers: Our Family, Our Culture
Tips Start with Lessons Learned
Tidbits Did I Learn My Lesson?
4/10/2017 News Director of ETSU Storytelling Heads Across the Pond!
This_week Arizona Storytellers: Our Family, Our Culture
Coming Celtic Earth Stories
Coming Verdant Paths: Celtic Spirituality for the Earth Workshop
Coming Loren R. Russell Tribute Concert
Tips Explain Yourself!
Tidbits When Was Your First Time?
4/3/2017 News April - The Cruelist Month?
This_week Myth Informed - Defenders of the Earth: Lovers in a Dangerous Time
This_week Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson
This_week East Valley Tellers of Tales Guild Meeting
Coming Arizona Storytellers: Our Family, Our Culture
Coming Loren R. Russell Tribute Concert
Tips Story Preparation Worksheet
Tidbits Logic vs. Imagination
3/27/2017 News Moving on to Colder Pastures
This_week WOW Story Swap in Tucson
This_week Arizona Storytellers:Stylish Stories
This_week Tucson Tellers of Tales - Guild Meeting
This_week West Side Story Tellers Guild Meeting
Coming Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson
Coming East Valley Tellers of Tales Guild Meeting
Coming Loren R. Russell Tribute Concert
Tips Like - You know...
Tidbits Lin Manuel-Miranda on Sondheim and Rap
3/20/2017 News Today is the First Day of Spring
This_week Book Signing and Fundraiser
This_week The Grail Storytelling & Workshop with Liz Warren
This Week Storyfind Workshop/Reception
Coming Arizona Storytellers:Stylish Stories
Tips Drowning in Emotions
Tidbits The Heart is a Very, Very Resilient Little Muscle.
3/13/2017 News This Week - Time for a Little Breather!
Coming The Grail Storytelling & Workshop with Liz Warren
This_week StoryRise in Avondale
Coming Arizona Storytellers:Stylish Stories
Tips Decisions - Decisions - Decisions
Tidbits The Dance General
3/6/2017 News Services for Loren Russell
This_week East Valley Tellers of Tales Guild Meeting
Coming StoryRise in Avondale
Tips Build Your Story from the Inside Out
Tidbits Four Sentence Storytelling
2/27/2017 News ...And Flights of Angels Sing Thee to Thy Rest.
This_week Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson
This_week 3-Day Storytelling Workshop at Pima Community College
This_week Tucson Tellers of Tales - Guild Meeting
This_week West Side Story Tellers Guild Meeting
Coming East Valley Tellers of Tales Guild Meeting
Coming StoryRise in Avondale
Tips And the Oscar DOESN'T Go To...
Tidbits All I Have Are Stories...I Know It Is Not Enough - Donna Washington
2/20/2017 News NSN Conference ~ Earlybird Registration
This Week Storyfind Workshop/Reception
This_week Tucson Storytelling Concert - Stories at the Rail Yard
Coming Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson
Coming 3-Day Storytelling Workshop at Pima Community College
Coming Tucson Tellers of Tales - Guild Meeting
Coming West Side Story Tellers Guild Meeting
Tips Warts and All
Tidbits Focus on Action, Not Just Awareness
2/13/2017 News A Great Conversation with Liz Warren
This_week SMCC Faculty Concert
Coming Tucson Storytelling Concert - Stories at the Rail Yard
Coming West Side Story Tellers Guild Meeting
Tips Don't Wait for a Story to Find You
Tidbits How Will This Story End?
2/6/2017 News NSN More Transitioning...and Some Tears
This_week Arizona Storytellers: Love and Heartbreak
This_week East Valley Tellers of Tales Guild Meeting
This_week Speakeasy - Poetry Open Mic
Coming Tattoo Stories
Coming SMCC Faculty Concert
Tips Great Myths of the Future
Tidbits Prompts...and Echoes
1/30/2017 News DEADLINE TOMORROW - Performance Opportunities at NSN Conference
This_week Arizona Storytellers: Estamos Aqui
This_week Myth-Informed: African Myths and Legends of Impeccable Leadership
This Week Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson
This Week Tucson Tellers of Tales - Guild Meeting
This Week West Side Story Tellers Guild Meeting
Coming East Valley Tellers of Tales Guild Meeting
Coming Tattoo Stories
Tips Overcoming Obstacles
Tidbits If Your Obstacle is Money - Start Saving Now!
1/23/2017 News Performance Opportunities at NSN Conference
This Week SIO Call-In LAB - What Story Are You Telling?
Coming Arizona Storytellers: Estamos Aqui
Tips Walk Around in the Places of Your Memory
Tidbits Thanks for the Memories!
1/16/2017 News Happy MLK Day
This Week Storytelling Secrets
This Week The Donald is Coming!
This Week From Memory to Story
Coming Arizona Storytellers: Estamos Aqui
Tips What If?
Tidbits I Talk to the Trees...
1/9/2017 News NSN Conference ~ Pre-Earlybird Registration
News Advanced Coaching
This Week Arizona Storytellers: Estamos Aqui
This Week The Storyline - Grandparents
This Week East Valley Tellers of Tales Guild Meeting
Coming The Donald is Coming!
Tips Who's Your Protagonist?
Tidbits Star Wars - The Hero's Journey - In Myth, Movies and Life
1/2/2017 News The Irish Storytelling Tradition - New Class at SMCC
News Register Now for Storytelling Classes
This Week Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson
This Week The Whole Story
This Week Tucson Tellers of Tales - Guild Meeting
This Week West Side Story Tellers Guild Meeting
Coming Arizona Storytellers: Estamos Aqui
Coming The Storyline - Grandparents
Coming East Valley Tellers of Tales Guild Meeting
Tips That Darn Cat!
Tidbits Ode to Ginger
12/26/2016 News It’s a Mystery!
News Tradition!
Coming Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson
Coming Tucson Tellers of Tales - Guild Meeting
Coming West Side Story Tellers Guild Meeting
Tips Building Your Repertoire
Tidbits A Different Face on Facebook
12/19/2016 News Only 3 Spaces Left - Put This Under Your Tree.
This Week Then It Got...Weird - Bloody Good Holiday Ball
This Week Arizona Storytellers: Holiday Spectacular
Tips Be Yourself
Tidbits It's A Wonderful Life - It's Yours
12/12/2016 News What Are You Doing Next Summer?
News 'Tis The Season
News NEW - Storytelling Showcases at NSN Conference
This Week Winter's Light - 19th Year!
Coming Then It Got...Weird - Bloody Good Holiday Ball
Coming Arizona Storytellers: Holiday Spectacular
Tips Practice, Practice, Practice.
Tidbits And Speaking of Practicing...
12/5/2016 News Winter Is Here!
News NEW - Storytelling Showcases at NSN Conference
News Airfares are Currently Around $600!
This Week East Valley Tellers of Tales Guild Meeting
This Week Tucson Storytelling Concert - Stories at the Rail Yard
Coming Then It Got...Weird - Bloody Good Holiday Ball
Coming Arizona Storytellers: Holiday Spectacular
Tips Create Your Own Stage! - A How To Guide
Tidbits Donna Washington on Audience Participation
11/28/2016 News Airfares are Currently Around $600!
This Week Arizona Storytellers: New Veteran Narratives
This Week An Evening with Liz Weir
This Week Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson
This Week Tucson Tellers of Tales - Guild Meeting
This Week West Side Story Tellers Guild Meeting
Coming East Valley Tellers of Tales Guild Meeting
Tips Create Your Own Stage - The Audience is Waiting!
Tidbits The Art of Asking
11/21/2016 This Week Liz Weir Concert in Tucson
Coming Arizona Storytellers: New Veteran Narratives
Tips Thanks. . .for All The Story Possibilities
Tidbits Q & A - Universal Appeal
11/14/2016 News England Storytelling Tour set for May 2017
News New Entry in Open Mic Opportunities
This Week Arizona Storytellers: Food and Family
Coming Arizona Storytellers: New Veteran Narratives
Tips Calling an Audible
Tidbits I'm Calling an Audible - Please Respond
11/7/2016 News Just a Reminder
News NSN Auction - - ONLY 3 MORE DAYS! Thru November 10th
This Week Journeys Storytelling Workshop: Your Own Hero's Journey
This Week East Valley Tellers of Tales Guild Meeting
This Week Glendale TELLABRATION!™ - Stories From The Heart of Arizona
Coming Arizona Storytellers: Food and Family
Tips First Person (and Second Person) Elevate Fact-Based Tales
Tidbits Based on A True Story
10/31/2016 News My Favorite Holiday!
News Just a Reminder
This Week Stew and Stories
This Week Arizona Storytellers: Craft Brewing & Craft Cocktails
This Week Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson
This Week Tucson Tellers of Tales - Guild Meeting
This Week West Side Story Tellers Guild Meeting
This Week Just Food - Storytelling Concert
Coming Journeys Storytelling Workshop: Your Own Hero's Journey
Coming East Valley Tellers of Tales Guild Meeting
Coming Glendale TELLABRATION!™ - Stories From The Heart of Arizona
Tips What's The Best Camping Stove?
Tidbits Be A Professional - Whether You Get Paid or Not
10/24/2016 News NSN - Conference & Call for proposals
Coming Stew and Stories
Coming Spooky Stories & Dinner on The Docks
Coming Just Food - Storytelling Concert
Coming Glendale TELLABRATION!™ - Stories From The Heart of Arizona
Tips What's The Story?
Tidbits Different Forms of Storytelling
10/17/2016 News Northlands Confabulation - Call for Proposals
News NSN - Conference & Call for proposals
This Week Arizona Storytellers - Let's Get Political 2
This Week Storyfind Workshop/Reception - Story Kinship: Exploring Connections
This Week Ghost Stories at Rail Yard: A Storytelling Concert for Grown Ups
Coming S'more Stories - Returning This October
Coming Just Food - Storytelling Concert
Tips Where are You on the Spectrum?
Tidbits Videos from Jonesborough still Available
10/10/2016 News YES YOU CAN!
News Northlands Confabulation - Call for Proposals
News NSN - Conference & Call for proposals
This Week Then It Got Spooky
This Week Full Moon Nature Walks and Stories!
This Week Journeys Storytelling Workshop: Your Own Hero's Journey
Coming Arizona Storytellers - Let's Get Political 2
Coming Storyfind Workshop/Reception - Story Kinship: Exploring Connections
Coming Ghost Stories at Rail Yard: A Storytelling Concert for Grown Ups
Coming S'more Stories - Returning This October
Tips The Last Thing They Hear
Tidbits A Personal Note - Just Do It!
10/3/2016 News Call for Proposals & Performances
News Northlands Confabulation - Call for Proposals
News NSN - Conference & Call for proposals
This Week Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson
This Week National Storytelling Festival - Live Streaming from Jonesborough
This Week Greek & Roman Myth Throw Down CANCELLED
This Week Arizona Storytellers - A Hard Days Night - Work Stories
This Week East Valley Tellers of Tales Guild Meeting
Coming Journeys Storytelling Workshop: Your Own Hero's Journey
Coming Arizona Storytellers - Let's Get Political 2
Coming Storyfind Workshop/Reception - Story Kinship: Exploring Connections
Coming Ghost Stories at Rail Yard: A Storytelling Concert for Grown Ups
Tips How To Improve Your Storytelling
Tidbits The Call of the Millennials: Please Like Us
9/26/2016 News Call for Proposals & Performances
This Week Tucson Tellers of Tales - Guild Meeting
This Week West Side Story Tellers Guild Meeting
Coming Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson
Coming National Storytelling Festival - Live Streaming from Jonesborough
Coming Greek & Roman Myth Throw Down CANCELLED
Coming Arizona Storytellers - A Hard Days Night - Work Stories
Coming East Valley Tellers of Tales Guild Meeting
Tips Do Not Saw The Air Too Much With Your Hand
Tidbits You Can't Win If You Don't Play
9/19/2016 News Call for Proposals
Coming Full Moon Nature walks and Stories!
This Week Myth Mob
This Week Storyfind
Coming Greek & Roman Myth Throw Down
Coming Arizona Storytellers - A Hard Days Night - Work Stories
Tips Start with CAN!
Tidbits New Glasses for Color Blind
9/12/2016 News The Music of Storytelling
This Week Storyline - Me, My Selfie & I
This Week Journeys Storytelling Workshop: Your Own Hero's Journey
This Week Tucson Storytellling Concert - Mark Your Calendar
Coming Myth Mob
Coming Greek & Roman Myth Throw Down
Coming Arizona Storytellers - A Hard Days Night - Work Stories
Tips Context
Tidbits Blind as a Bat - The Blind Leading the Blind - Tsk Tsk Tsk
9/5/2016 News Greek & Roman Myth Throw Down
This Week East Valley Tellers of Tales Guild Meeting
Coming Journeys Storytelling Workshop: Your Own Hero's Journey
Coming Tucson Storytellling Concert - Mark Your Calendar
Tips Stop - Look - Listen...THEN Re-Create
Tidbits Where There's Smoke, There's Dinner
8/29/2016 News Guild Meetings are Back!
This Week Executive Speaker Training
This Week Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson
This Week Tucson Tellers of Tales - Guild Meeting
This Week West Side Story Tellers Guild Meeting
Coming East Valley Tellers of Tales Guild Meeting
Tips Don't Let Your Index Cards Show
Tidbits Spend Your Money On Experiences, Not Things - It will Make You Happy
8/22/2016 News In The Meantime...
News Story Story Podcast
News NPR - A Treasure Trove
Coming Executive Speaker Training
Tips Don't Try So Hard
Tidbits Would You Take In A Mentally Ill Person?
8/15/2016 News South Mountain Institute - Classes Start in ONE Week
This Week Tucson Storytelling Concert - Stories at the Rail Yard
Tips Why, Why, Why?
Tidbits People Are Good and the World is a Good Place
8/8/2016 News South Mountain Institute - 2016 Fall Schedule Starts August 20th
This Week Arizona Storytellers - Let's Get Political - 1
Tips Poofread!
Tidbits Do Pandas Have Guns?
8/1/2016 News On a Personal Note
This Week Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson
Coming Arizona Storytellers - Let's Get Political - 1
Tips Creating Stories...from Nothing (Actually from Something)
Tidbits Pace Yourself - Another Angle
7/25/2016 News #NSNStorycon 2016 - Review
coming Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson
Tips Pacing
Tidbits Recognition
7/18/2016 News We're Off to See the Wizards
This Week Arizona Storytellers - Olympic Glory
This Week Are We Oversharing?
Tips One Size Does Not Fit All
Tidbits I'm Temporarily Out of Tidbits
7/11/2016 News NSN Conference - Just 10 Days Away
This Week Arizona Storytellers - FIFTH ANNIVERSARY - Growing Up
coming Arizona Storytellers - Olympic Glory
Tips The Digital Age & Storytellers
Tidbits Ten Mind-Blowing Interactive Stories
7/4/2016 News Happy Fourth of July!
This Week Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson
This Week Workshop with Glenda Bonin
Coming Arizona Storytellers - FIFTH ANNIVERSARY - Growing Up
Tips Refresh - Not Just for Your Computer Screen
Tidbits Start Saving Now for 2017!
6/27/2016 News NSN Conference Buddy Rate Expires on Thursday
This Week The Perfect Pitch
This Week Caminos: My Story, Our Voices
Coming Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson
Coming Workshop with Glenda Bonin
Tips If you had only played the father much older, and more angry than you did.
Tidbits Happy Birthday Karen!
6/20/2016 News Old Adage About Time Rings True
This Week Journeys Storytelling Concert at Whole Life Center
This Week Tucson Storytelling Concert - Mark Your Calendar - June 26th
Coming Workshop with Glenda Bonin
Tips Here's a TBT: Throw-Back-Tip.
6/13/2016 News NSN Conference 2016 - Buddy Rate
This Week Journeys Storytelling Workshop - Summer Stories
Coming Journeys Storytelling Concert at Whole Life Center
Coming Tucson Storytellling Concert - Mark Your Calendar - June 26th
Tips Hamilton Creator Nails the Writing Process
Tidbits And Speaking of the Tony Awards...
6/6/2016 News NSN Conference 2016
This Week Arizona Storytellers - Family
This Week East Valley Tellers of Tales - Last Meeting for Summer
Coming Journeys Storytelling Workshop - Summer Stories
Coming Tucson Storytellling Concert - Mark Your Calendar - June 26th
Tips If you want a Good Story...Just Ask Questions!
Tidbits Shakespeare's Globe - New Setting for Old Text
5/30/2016 News First Time in Four Years
News England Storytelling Tour is In the Books!
News AZ Storytellers Project Wins Top Honors at INMA World Congress
News Summer Heat Forestalls Storyfind Sessions
Coming East Valley Tellers of Tales
This Week Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson
This Week Arizona Storytellers - Stories About Stories
This Week Journeys Storytelling Workshop - Summer Stories
This Week Tucson Tellers of Tales - Guild Meeting
This Week West Side Story Tellers Guild Meeting
Coming Arizona Storytellers - Family
Tips Start Earlier
5/16/2016 News Did you miss me?
This Week Executive Speaker Training
This Week Arizona Storytellers - Summer at the Movies
This Week The Storyline
5/9/2016 News NSN Conference 2016 - Earlybird Special Pricing!
This Week How to Self-Publish Your Non-Fiction Book
This Week East Valley Tellers of Tales
Coming Executive Speaker Training
Coming Arizona Storytellers - Summer at the Movies
Coming The Storyline
Tips Think Story
Tidbits Follow the Cobblestone Road
5/2/2016 News Confabulation - Warmth in the Northlands!
News Congratulations SMCC Storytelling Graduates!
This Week Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson
This Week Seaglass Storytelling Workshop in Tucson
This Week West Side Story Tellers Guild Meeting
Coming East Valley Tellers of Tales
Tips Great Myths of the Future
Tidbits Storytellers Project Felt Far and Wide
4/25/2016 News Wish Me Luck - and Warm Clothes!
This Week Institute Graduation & Storytelling Concert
This Week Out Of The Box Storytelling
This Week Tucson Storytellling Concert - May 1st
Coming Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson
Coming Seaglass Storytelling Workshop in Tucson
Coming West Side Story Tellers Guild Meeting
Tips Observation - The Key to Creating and Recreating
Tidbits How Old is Old?
This Week Storyfind
Coming Seaglass Storytelling Workshop in Tucson
Coming Institute Graduation & Storytelling Concert
Coming Out Of The Box Storytelling
Coming Tucson Storytellling Concert - May 1st
Tips Babies, Puppies, Trains and Other Unexpected Interruptions
Tidbits Poetic Stories
4/11/2016 News England Storytelling Tour is Shaping Up!
Coming Storytelling Concert at Estrella Mountain
Coming Storyfind
Coming Tucson Storytellling Concert - May 1st
Tips One Peril of Working Alone
Tidbits Life Saving Hike
4/4/2016 News NSN Conference 2016 - Earlybird Special Pricing!
This Week From Storytelling to Stars: An Exploration of the Elder's Journey
This Week Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson
This Week Journeys Storytelling Workshop
This Week East Valley Tellers of Tales
Coming Storytelling Concert at Estrella Mountain
Tips Pourquoi? Because We Love to Tell Made-Up Stories!
Tidbits Once in a Blue Moon (or Pink or Green)
3/28/2016 News NSN Conference 2016 - Earlybird Special Pricing!
News The Story-Skilled Child - New Program from Sean Buvala
This Week AZ Live Storytelling
This Week Journeys Storytelling Concert at Whole Life Center
This Week Tucson Tellers of Tales - Guild Meeting
This Week West Side Story Tellers Guild Meeting
Coming From Storytelling to Stars: An Exploration of the Elder's Journey
Coming Journeys Storytelling Workshop
Coming East Valley Tellers of Tales
Tips Talk Story...With Your Colleagues!
Tidbits Two Newsletters are Better Than One!
3/21/2016 News New Book from Lorraine Calbow
News Storytelling World Awards - 2016
This Week Out Of The Box Storytelling
This Week Storyfind
Coming AZ Live Storytelling
Coming Journeys Storytelling Concert at Whole Life Center
Tips Six Word Stories
Tidbits Stories Without Words
3/14/2016 News NSN Conference 2016 - Earlybird Special Pricing!
News Ted Parkhurst Receives Award
This Week Journeys Storytelling Workshops...and Concert
Coming Out Of The Box Storytelling
Coming Storyfind
Coming AZ Live Storytelling
Tips Animate Inanimate Objects
Tidbits Tucson House Concert - The First of Many
3/7/2016 News Laura Packer - House Concert in Tucson
News Only Two Slots Left for England Tour!
News NSN Conference 2016 - Earlybird Special Pricing!
This Week World Folktale Throwdown at Estrella Mountain
This Week The Heart of It All
This Week Loren Russell Tells This Week
This Week East Valley Tellers of Tales
Coming Journeys Storytelling Workshops...and Concert
Tips Is Your Story “Kitchen Tested”?
Tidbits Mark's Kitchen-Tested No-Flour Oatmeal Pancakes
2/29/2016 News Leaping Lizards - and Years and Storytellers
News True Stories, Honest Lies - House Concert in Tucson
This Week AZ Live Storytelling
This Week Tucson Tellers of Tales - Guild Meeting
This Week West Side Story Tellers Guild Meeting
Coming World Folktale Throwdown at Estrella Mountain
Coming The Heart of It All
Coming Journeys Storytelling Workshops...and Concert
Tips Be Prepared!
Tidbits It Seemed Logical to Me
2/22/2016 This Week Out Of The Box Storytelling
This Week Storyfind
This Week Business Storytelling Workshops
Coming AZ Live Storytelling
Coming Tucson Tellers of Tales - Guild Meeting
Coming West Side Story Tellers Guild Meeting
Tips Focus on an Image
Tidbits And Speaking of the Journeys Storytelling Workshops...
2/15/2016 News World Folktale Throwdown at Estrella Mountain
This Week Return to the African Village & Oya's Market
This Week Journeys Workshops: Storytelling Out Loud
Coming Out Of The Box Storytelling
Coming Storyfind
Coming Business Storytelling Workshops
Tips First, You Must Believe You Can Float
Tidbits And Speaking of Great Tips...
2/8/2016 News Transition in Eloquence: A Unique Storytelling Workshop with Antonio Rocha
News Send Laura Simms to Lisbon!
News Joins us for Storytelling and Sightseeing in England!
This Week Arizona Storytellers: Good Neighbors
This Week Arizona Storytellers: Love & Heartbreak
This Week Antonio Rocha at Mesa Arts Center
This Week East Valley Tellers of Tales
This Week Arizona Storytellers: Stories From the Kitchen and Behind the Bar
Coming Return to the African Village & Oya's Market
Coming Journeys Workshops: Storytelling Out Loud
Tips Just a Pinch of Salt
Tidbits Living Out Loud with Regi Carpenter
2/1/2016 News Transition in Eloquence: A Unique Storytelling Workshop with Antonio Rocha
News Two-Saturday Classes Scheduled for SMCC!
This Week Folktales for Grownups
This Week Tucson Tellers of Tales - Guild Meeting
This Week Goodyear Cultural Arts Festival
Coming Arizona Storytellers: Good Neighbors
Coming Arizona Storytellers: Love & Heartbreak
Coming Antonio Rocha at Mesa Arts Center
Coming East Valley Tellers of Tales
Coming Arizona Storytellers: Stories From the Kitchen and Behind the Bar
Tips Some Tips Call for Repeating
Tidbits Heart Association - Heart Walk
1/25/2016 News Transition in Eloquence: A Unique Storytelling Workshop with Antonio Rocha
News Two Extra Slots Open!
News An Unexpected Turn Of Events
News Happy Anniversary!
This Week Seaglass Storytelling
This Week Out Of The Box Storytelling
Coming West Side Story Tellers Guild Meeting
Coming Tucson Tellers of Tales - Guild Meeting
Tidbits Act Like An Owner
1/18/2016 News More Two-Saturday Classes at SMCC!
News Storytelling Tour of England - NOW 10 DAYS
News New Hybrid Storytelling Class at Chandler-Gilbert Campus
This Week Arizona Storytellers: Lessons Learned / Lessons Avoided
This Week SMCC Faculty Concert
This Week Storyfind - The Three Sources Method
Coming Seaglass Storytelling
Tips Be Passionate
Tidbits New WEDNESDAY WORDS E-Newsletter
1/11/2016 News Storyteller to Run in Rock and Roll Marathon
News Storytelling Tour of England - Join us!
News NSN Conference 2016 - Pre-Earlybird Special Pricing!
News Storytelling Classes Start Next Week!
This Week A Man Would Be a Fool...
This Week Journeys Workshops: Storytelling with Liz Warren
Coming Arizona Storytellers: Lessons Learned / Lessons Avoided
Coming SMCC Faculty Concert
Coming Storyfind - The Three Sources Method
Coming Seaglass Storytelling
Tips Human Touch
Tidbits A Hush in the Room
1/4/2016 News NSN Conference 2016 - Pre-Earlybird Special Pricing!
News NSN Oracle Awards
News Storytelling Tour of England - Join us!
News Register Now for Storytelling Classes
This Week Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson
This Week East Valley Tellers of Tales
This Week West Side Story Tellers Guild Meeting
Tips Who's Your Hero?
12/21/2015 News Storytelling Tour of England - It Costs Less Than You Think!
News NSN Oracle Awards
News NSN Conference 2016 - Pre-Earlybird Special Pricing!
This Week Arizona Storytellers: Holiday Spectacular!
Tips That Moment When...
Tidbits Coloring Books - Not Just for Kids
12/14/2015 News Who's Next in Line?
News And Speaking of NSN...
News Buena Suerte
This Week Out Of The Box Storytelling
This Week Winter's Light - In Its 18th Year!
Coming Arizona Storytellers: Holiday Spectacular!
Tips NO! I Don't Know and I Don't Like
Tidbits Tidbits
12/7/2015 News Storytelling Tour of England - It Costs Less Than You Think!
News Yarnball
This Week East Valley Tellers of Tales
Coming Out Of The Box Storytelling
Coming Winter's Light - In Its 18th Year!
Coming Arizona Storytellers: Holiday Spectacular!
Tips Get It In Writing!
Tidbits You Gotta Have Heart!
11/30/2015 News Storytelling Tour of England - Sooner Than You Think!
News Yuma Storytelling Festival
News Kaleidoscope Coffee Grand Opening this Saturday! (in CA.)
This Week Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson
This Week Tucson Tellers of Tales - Guild Meeting
This Week Myths and Folktales of Norway with Harriet Cole
This Week Storyfind - Finding and Crafting Holiday Tales
Coming East Valley Tellers of Tales
Coming Winter's Light - In Its 18th Year!
Coming Arizona Storytellers: Holiday Spectacular!
Tips Personal Stories - A Powerful Communication Tool
Tidbits Based on A True Story
11/16/2015 News NSN Workshop Proposals Due Wednesday - November 18th
News Storytelling Tour of England - THIS SUMMER!
This Week Joyce Story at White Tank Mountain Regional Park
This Week Yuma Storytelling Festival
This Week South Mountain Storytelling - TELLABRATION!™
This Week Women Storytellers
This Week Workshop and Book Signing
Coming Winter's Light - Mark Your Calendar!
Tips The Heart of a Teacher
Tidbits And Speaking of Good Teachers/Coaches...
11/9/2015 News NSN Auction - - ONLY 3 MORE DAYS!
News Storytelling Tour of England - THIS SUMMER!
News The Valley Losing Story
This Week Storiestrella!
This Week Joyce Story at White Tank Mountain Regional Park
This Week Stew and Stories
This Week The Last Two-Saturday Class Starts Nov. 14
This Week Glendale - TELLABRATION!™
This Week AZ Storytellers: Food and Family
Coming South Mountain Storytelling - TELLABRATION!™
Coming Book Signing and Workshop
Tips Turn Anything Into a Story
Tidbits Battle Marks Veteran's Stories in Ink
11/2/2015 News NSN Auction Now On!
This Week Myth Informed: Lego Hero’s Journey
This Week Joyce Story at White Tank Mountain Regional Park
This Week Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson
This Week West Side Story Tellers Guild Meeting
This Week Glenda Bonin at Empire Ranch Roundup
This Week AZ Storytellers: Sisters
Coming Glendale - TELLABRATION!™
Coming South Mountain Storytelling - TELLABRATION!™
Tips Not so Fast ... Not so Fast!
Tidbits A Dream Realized!
Coming Book Signing and Workshop
10/26/2015 News Another Two-Saturday Class Starts Oct. 31st!
Coming Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson
This Week Arizona Storytellers - Fall Frights
News Diana Monell - Telling on High
This Week Haunted - Underground Stories
This Week Spooky Stories & Dinner on the Docks - Tucson
This Week Joyce Story at White Tank Mountain Regional Park
This Week Out Of The Box Storytelling
Coming Taking the Stage: A Five-Session Workshop w/ Dan Hoen Hull
Coming Tucson Tellers of Tales - New Meeting Site
Coming Glendale - TELLABRATION!™
Coming South Mountain Storytelling - TELLABRATION!™
Tips The Ebb and Flow of a Story
Tidbits Happy Birthday Laura Packer (tomorrow)
10/19/2015 News NSN Proposals Due in November
News Exciting New Book from Sean Buvala & Wife!
News Two More Two-Saturday Classes
This Week Joyce Story at White Tank Mountain Regional Park
This Week Storyfind Workshop with Mark Goldman
Coming Arizona Storytellers - Fall Frights
Coming Haunted - Underground Stories
Coming Spooky Stories & Dinner on the Docks - Tucson
Coming Taking the Stage: A Five-Session Workshop w/ Dan Hoen Hull
Coming Tucson Tellers of Tales - New Meeting Site
Coming Glendale - TELLABRATION!™
Coming South Mountain Storytelling - TELLABRATION!™
Tips The First Skill - Listening
Tidbits About TELLABRATION!™
10/12/2015 News Myth Informed: Classic Moves
This Week Workshop with Dan Hoen Hull:
Coming Joyce Story at White Tank Mountain Regional Park
Coming Storyfind Workshop with Mark Goldman
Coming Arizona Storytellers - Fall Frights
Tips Be Vewy, Vewy Careful
Tidbits Videos From Jonesborough Festival
10/5/2015 News Exciting New Book from Sean Buvala & Wife!
This Week Myth Informed: Classic Moves
This Week East Valley Tellers of Tales
This Week Two-Saturday Classes Pack a Wallop!
News Mark Your Calendars - Storyfind Workshop with Mark Goldman
Coming Workshop with Dan Hoen Hull: Storytelling Secrets
Coming Joyce Story at White Tank Mountain Regional Park
Tips The Martian - Great Movie and Great Advice
Tidbits Book Signing and Workshop
Tidbits GCC Storytelling Students
9/28/2015 News NSN Workshops and Fringe Proposals Due Soon
This Week Hot Coffee Series: Storytelling Lecture
This Week Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson
This Week Live Streaming from Jonesborough
This Week Tucson Tellers of Tales - Meeting & Workshop
This Week Solo Performance Workshop - Kim Porter.
Coming Joyce Story at White Tank Mountain Regional Park
Coming Greek & Roman Myth Throw Down
Coming East Valley Tellers of Tales
Coming New Two-Saturday Classes Pack a Wallop!
Coming TELLABRATION!™ - Mark Your Calendars!
Tips Not Everything is a Story
9/21/2015 News SIO Call-In LAB - Recording Now Online
News Lots of NEWS and DEADLINES for NSN Grants/Proposals
News First and Last - CANCELLED
This Week Myth Informed
This Week Writers Read
This Week Out Of The Box Storytelling
This Week Storyfind - New Monthly Event at SMCC
Coming Joyce Story at White Tank Mountain Regional Park
Coming Hot Coffee Series: Storytelling Lecture
Coming COMING ATTRACTIONS - Greek & Roman Myth Throw Down
Coming TELLABRATION!™ - Mark Your Calendars!
Tips Just Do It!
Tidbits GCC Storytelling Students
9/14/2015 News New Two-Saturday Classes Pack a Wallop!
News Lots of NEWS from NSN
This Week Arizona Storytellers - Adventures in the Outdoors
This Week Joyce Story at White Tank Mountain Regional Park
Coming Myth Informed
Coming Writers Read
Coming Storyfind - New Monthly Event at SMCC
Coming First and Last
Coming COMING ATTRACTIONS - Greek & Roman Myth Throw Down
Tips Microphones - Friend or Foe?
Tidbits GCC Storytelling Students
News New Two-Saturday Classes Pack a Wallop!
News Storyfind - New Monthly Event at SMCC
News COMING ATTRACTION - Greek & Roman Myth Throw Down
This Week East Valley Tellers of Tales
This Week Tucson Tellers of Tales - Next Guild Meeting
Coming Arizona Storytellers - Adventures in the Outdoors
Coming Writers Read
Coming Myth Informed
Coming First and Last
Tips It's Not Really a Dinosaur
Tidbits Happy Birthday Michael D.!
8/31/2015 News Donald Davis Workshop - Sept 11-13
News Tellers and Readers Needed
This Week Arizona Storytellers - Growing Up
This Week Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson
This Week West Side Story Tellers Guild Meeting
This Week Storyline - Favorite Things
Coming East Valley Tellers of Tales
Coming Writers Read
Coming First and Last
Tips Common Sense - Not so Common
Tidbits Auditions for Essential Theatre Company
8/24/2015 News Tickets to Timpanogos Available
News Still Time To Register - Storytelling in Advocacy
News Call for Stories & Tellers
News Tellers and Readers Needed
News Auditions for Essential Theatre Company
This Week Out Of The Box Storytelling
Coming Arizona Storytellers - Growing Up
Coming Storyline - Favorite Things
Tips Just Keep Dancing
Tidbits Local Theatre Director Pens Book on Nagasaki
8/17/2015 News Call for Stories & Tellers
News Tellers and Readers Needed
News Register Now for SMCC CLasses
This Week Life and Limb - Three Shows Left
Coming Out Of The Box Storytelling
Coming Storyline - Favorite Things
Tips Never Work with Animals or Kids
Tidbits Hell's Bell's - Even Pirates Can Smile - NOW!
8/10/2015 News Call for Stories
News SMCC Fall Classes Start August 24th
News Yarnball Announces Themes for Rest of 2015
Coming Storyline - Favorite Things
This Week Life and Limb - TONIGHT and THIS WEEK
Tips Connect the Dots
Tidbits Update
8/3/2015 News NSN - Long Days Full of Content and Joy
News SMCC Fall Classes Start August 24th
News Three Weeks Until the Fall Semester
This Week Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson
This Week East Valley Tellers of Tales
Coming Life and Limb - NEXT WEEK!
Tips Never Stop Learning!
Tidbits If You See This Pirate…
7/27/2015 News Four Weeks until the Fall Semester
News SMCC Fall Classes Start August 24th
News Call for Storytellers at ANLC
This Week Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson
Coming East Valley Tellers of Tales
Coming Life and Limb - Mark Your Calendars
Tips Good Advice from a Crotchety Old Father
Tidbits Jonesborough Guild on a Storytelling Adventure!
7/20/2015 News Life and Limb - Mark Your Calendars
News Summer Slowdown
Tips Story Inspiration - The Signs are Everywhere
Tidbits On the Edge of Our Seats Cheering
7/13/2015 News Arizona Storytellers: 4th Anniversary Show!
This Week Everyone's Invited - Tucson Tellers Celebration & Potluck
Tips Stretch, Plie, Balance, Warm-Up
Tidbits This Guy PRACTICED A LOT - And Warmed Up!
News Advanced Storytelling Class at GCC This Fall!
News Mazel Tov
This Week Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson
This Week Super Hero Squirrely Shirley: Ready to Save the Wetlands!
This Week EVTOT - Guild Meeting
Coming Arizona Storytellers: 4th Anniversary Show!
Coming Everyone's Invited - Tucson Tellers Celebration & Potluck
Tidbits Things are not always what they seem...
6/29/2015 News Going to the NSN Conference?
News Tucson Tellers Celebration & Potluck
News Heat Respite Provides Opportunities to Tell
This Week Joyce Story at White Tank Mountain Regional Park
Coming Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson
Coming Super Hero Squirrely Shirley: Ready to Save the Wetlands!
Coming EVTOT - Guild Meeting
Coming Arizona Storytellers: 4th Anniversary Show!
Tips More Weight, More Reps, Longer, Faster
Tidbits Safety & Support = Comfort & Community
6/22/2015 News Bring a Buddy and Save $50 at NSN
News Opportunities to Tell - All Summer Long!
This Week Arizona Storytellers: Stories of Entrepreneurship
This Week Out Of The Box Storytelling
Coming Joyce Story at White Tank Mountain Regional Park
Tips Don't Just Customize - Personalize
Tidbits Combination Stories Delight and Deliver
6/15/2015 News Phoenix in Ireland
This Week Joyce Story at White Tank Mountain Regional Park
This Week Storyline - Father: Hero, Villain, Human
This Week Youth Story Journey Workshop
Coming Arizona Storytellers: Stories of Entrepreneurship
Coming Out Of The Box Storytelling
Tips Memorialization
Tidbits A Sense of Humor
6/8/2015 News Join the Tribe This Summer!
news Support a NEW FACE at the Conference
News Advertise in the NSN Conference Program!
News Happy Birthday Marilyn
This Week Arizona Storytellers: Stories of Phoenix Restaurant Greats
This Week East Valley Tellers of Tales
Coming Joyce Story at White Tank Mountain Regional Park
Coming Youth Story Journey Workshop
Tips Peaks and Valleys
Tidbits Proof
6/1/2015 News Story Swap at Westin Kierland
This Week Joyce Story at White Tank Mountain Regional Park
This Week Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson
This Week Super Hero Squirrely Shirley: Ready to Save the Wetlands!
This Week Tucson Tellers - Next Guild Meeting
This Week West Side Story Tellers Guild Meeting
This Week Sea-Glass Storytelling Workshop
Coming Arizona Storytellers: Stories of Phoenix Restaurant Greats
Coming East Valley Tellers of Tales
Coming Youth Story Journey Workshop
Tips If You're Not Irish - Forget About It!
Tidbits Another Summer O' The Green!
5/25/2015 This Week Out Of The Box Storytelling
Coming Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson
Coming Tucson Tellers - Next Guild Meeting
Coming West Side Story Tellers Guild Meeting
Coming Sea-Glass Storytelling Workshop
Coming Arizona Storytellers: Stories of Phoenix Restaurant Greats
Coming Youth Story Journey Workshop
Tips Where do Stories Come From?
Tidbits Story Crossroads - Utah 2016
5/18/2015 News Farewell Syd - It Was an Honor and a Privilege
Coming Out Of The Box Storytelling
This Week Arizona Storytellers: Stories About Stories
Coming Odyssey Storytellers Needed!
Coming Sea-Glass Storytelling Workshop
Tips Who's Not There?
Tidbits The Art of Possibility
News School's Out --- and in Two Weeks - SCHOOLS' IN!
This Week Arizona Storytellers: School's Out
This Week Executive Speaker Training
This Week Storyline - On The Road
Coming Arizona Storytellers: Stories About Stories
Tips How to Pick a Good Knee Surgeon...
Tidbits Teachings of the Torn Meniscus
This Week EVTOT - Guild Meeting
This Week Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson
Coming Arizona Storytellers: School's Out
Coming Executive Speaker Training
Tips Improv Stories - The Next Level
Tidbits What Could I Possibly Learn from a Storytelling Class?
4/27/2015 News Pain, Drugs, Rock & Roll and Newsletters
This Week SMCC Celebration
This Week West Side Story Tellers No MEETING in MAY
This Week Tucson Tellers - Debra Olson Tolar at Next Guild Meeting
Coming EVTOT - Guild Meeting
Coming Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson
Tips Having the Audience Decide the Ending
Tidbits Anatomy of a Story
4/20/2015 News Three Cheers!
News Join the Storytelling Tribe in Kansas City This Summer!
This Week Joyce Story at White Tank Mountain Regional Park
This Week Save The Frogs with Sandy Oglesby
Coming SMCC Graduation
Coming West Side Story Tellers No MEETING in MAY
Coming Tucson Tellers - Next Guild Meeting
This Week Out Of The Box Storytelling
Tidbits These Are a Few of My Favorite Things
Tidbits Tidbits
4/14/2015 News Join the Storytelling Tribe in Kansas City This Summer!
This Week It's Something About the Shoes
This Week Storytelling at Estrella Mountain
This Week Arizona Storytellers: Stories of Phoenix Design
This Week Bad Buddhist Returns
This Week Storyline - Where The Wild Things Are
Coming Joyce Story at White Tank Mountain Regional Park
Coming Save The Frogs with Sandy Oglesby
Tips You Charge for Telling Stories?
Tidbits Show, Don’t Tell - But Wait...There's More
4/6/2015 News Join the Storytelling Tribe in Kansas City This Summer!
News NSN Brimstone Awards - We Need Your Help!
This Week Arizona Storytellers: Stories of Phoenix Coffee Culture
This Week EVTOT - Guild Meeting
This Week Joyce Story at White Tank Mountain Regional Park
Coming Storytelling at Community Christian Church
Coming It's Something About the Shoes
Coming Arizona Storytellers: Stories of Phoenix Design
Tidbits And Thirteen Makes a Storyteller's Dozen
3/30/2015 News Appreciations - From Me
News Kansas City - Here We Come!
News New Blog Post About Using Action in Coaching and Crafting
This Week Joyce Story at White Tank Mountain Regional Park
This Week Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson
This Week West Side Story Tellers Guild Meeting
This Week Tucson Tellers - Next Guild Meeting
Tips Chapter Pauses
Tidbits My Path to Storytelling
3/23/2015 News What I Did On Spring Break
News Storytelling Language: In Search of Your Words
This Week Five Star Feast
This Week Out Of The Box Storytelling
Coming Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson
Coming Tucson Tellers - Next Guild Meeting
Coming West Side Story Tellers Guild Meeting
Tips Don't Wait for Carnegie Hall!
Tidbits TSA - Different Strokes
3/16/2015 News FREE DANISH!
News Pam Faro and Mark Goldman to hold Denver House Concert & Workshop
This Week Storyline
This Week Joyce Story at White Tank Mountain Regional Park
This Week One Story - Many Voices
This Week Glendale Festival
Coming Five Star Feast
Coming Out Of The Box Storytelling
Tips Questions Can Ground You in the Story
Tidbits Let's Rally 'Round Lady D
3/9/2015 news The Times, They Are a Changin' (But Not For AZ)
News TOMORROW! - Delux Storyteller Luncheon
This Week Joyce Story at White Tank Mountain Regional Park
This Week Pam Faro to Present Lenten Storytelling Program in Scottsdale
This Week EVTOT - Guild Meeting
The Tucson Festival of Books
Coming Liz Warren Telling @ MIM
Coming One Story - Many Voices
Coming Five Star Feast
Coming Storytelling Language: In Search of Your Words
Tips Be Story-Vigilant
Tidbits World Bank Hires Storytelling Consultant
3/2/2015 News Pam Faro and Mark Goldman to hold Denver House Concert & Workshop
News Storytelling Language: In Search of Your Words
News Parkhurst Brothers 2015 Catalog is Here!
This Week WomenFolk: Stories by and about Women!
This Week Arizona Storytellers: Project Fashion Night
This Week Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson
This Week Tucson Tellers - Next Guild Meeting
This Week West Side Story Tellers
This Week Stories of Cactus League
Coming Pam Faro to Present Lenten Storytelling Program in Scottsdale
Coming Joyce Story at White Tank Mountain Regional Park
Coming EVTOT - Guild Meeting
Tips Stop, Look, Listen ... Feel, Sense, Remember ... Craft
Tidbits It's Something About the Shoes
2/23/2015 News Oracle Awards - Nominations Due SUNDAY - March 1st
This Week Nature Stories by Joyce Story
This Week Water Logged
Coming Arizona Storytellers: Project Fashion Night
Coming Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson
Coming Tucson Tellers - Next Guild Meeting
Coming West Side Story Tellers
Tips The Movie of My Story
Tidbits The Power of Storytelling
2/16/2015 News Oracle Awards - Nominations Due March 1st
News National Teller Lyn Ford in Phoenix This Week!
This Week Return to the African Village & Oya's Market
This Week Storyline
Coming Nature Stories by Joyce Story
Tips Story Preparation Worksheet
Tidbits Want to Learn More About Crafting The Language of Your Story!
2/9/2015 News National Teller Lyn Ford in Phoenix
News Storytelling Language: In Search of Your Words
This Week Arizona Storytellers:
This Week EVTOT - Guild Meeting
This Week Arizona Storytellers:
Coming Return to the African Village & Oya's Market
Coming MARK YOUR CALENDAR for These Other Events Coming Up This Month!
Tips The Age of Vinyl - Don't Take The Scratches Out
Tidbits Teachers Celebrate Teaching
2/2/2015 News Happy Groundhog Day
News Alan Brott Now Telling on High
This Week Stories for Grownups - African Tales
This Week Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson
This Week West Side Story Tellers
This Week The Pearly Gates or the Fiery Gates?
Coming Arizona Storytellers:
Coming EVTOT - Guild Meeting
Coming Arizona Storytellers:
Tips It Ain't Over Till It's Over
Tidbits And Speaking of the Super Bowl ...
News Time to Save the Date in Kansas CIty
This Week Seaglass Storytelling
Coming Stories for Grownups - African Tales
Coming Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson
Coming Save the Date - BEFORE You Get Caught in Between!
Coming Arizona Storytellers:
This Week Celtic and Native American Legends:
Tips Can't See the Tree for the Branches
Tidbits Story By Story
1/19/2015 News Happy Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
News Storytelling Classes Start Tomorrow
Coming Save the Date - BEFORE You Get Caught in Between!
This Week Faculty Concert - Thursday Evening!
This Week Dustin Loehr Hosts A Special Story Circle
This Week Seaglass Storytelling
This Week Celtic and Native American Legends:
Tips Story and Song - A Great Marriage
Tidbits Ways to Market Storytelling
Tidbits Here's A Great Deal From Parkhurst Brothers Publishers
1/12/2015 News THURSDAY IS THE LAST DAY - SAVE $100 on the Conference
News Storytelling Classes Start January 20th
News A Great Deal From Parkhurst Brothers Publishers
This Week Storyline
Tips Another First Person Triumph!
Coming Faculty Concert - Mark Your Calendars
Coming Dustin Loehr Hosts A Special Story Circle
Coming Seaglass Storytelling
Coming Celtic and Native American Legends:
Tidbits 8 Classic Storytelling Techniques for Engaging Presentations
1/6/2015 News Newsletter Contents
News Happy New Year - I'm on Amazon!
News ONE WEEK LEFT! - 2015 Discount Deadline Nears
News Storytelling Classes Start January 20th
This Week EVTOT - Guild Meeting
This Week Sea-Glass Storytelling Workshop
Coming Faculty Concert - Mark Your Calendars
Tips Sometimes ... Less is More
Tidbits Nancy Duarte: How to Tell a Story
12/29/2014 News Some Thoughts at the End of the Year
12/22/2014 News Newsletter Contents
News Aaaarrrggghhh!
News You Are Special
News Arizona Storytellers: Wintertime Tales
This Week The Lit Lounge - Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art
Tips Tip for This week...
Tidbits The Nature of Creativity
Tidbits Twas the Night Before Christmas
12/15/2014 News Newsletter Contents
News January 12th Deadline to SAVE at NSN 2015
This Week Dan Hoen Hull Hosts Storyline
This Week Winter's Light at Community Christian Church
Coming Arizona Storytellers: Wintertime Tales
Coming The Lit Lounge - Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art
This Week Women Storytellers
Tips Scrambled Eggs with ... Zucchini?
Tidbits Tiny Mini Stories from Dhara Kothari
12/8/2014 News Newsletter Contents
News January 12 Deadline to SAVE at NSN 2015
News FOUR DAYS LEFT for Parkhurst Brothers BOOK SALE
News Loren Russell at Wild Horse Pass
Coming Dan Hoen Hull Hosts Storyline
Coming Women Storytellers
This Week EVTOT - Guild Meeting
Coming Plus ... Mark Your Calendars for These Upcoming December Events:
Tips Branding - Just a Thought
Tidbits NSN Blog Features AZ Tellers and MORE
12/1/2014 News Newsletter Contents
News NSN Members SAVE on 2015 Conference Registration
News NSN Interim Executive Director Sought
News Books for The Holidays!
News Loren Russell at Wild Horse Pass
This Week Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson - Moving Their Venue
This Week Tucson Tellers - Next Guild Meeting
This Week Myths and Folktales of Norway with Harriet Cole
Coming EVTOT - Guild Meeting
Coming Mark Your Calendars for These Other December Events:
Tips December - The Best Month for People Watching
Tidbits Another Reason Belle Should NOT Marry Gaston!
11/24/2014 News Newsletter Contents
News NSN Members SAVE on 2015 Conference Registration
News NSN Interim Executive Director Sought
This Week A TELLABRATION!™ EVENT - Storytelling Concert
This Week YarnBOWL Storytelling Challenge
This Week Giving Thanks!
Coming Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson - Moving Their Venue
Coming Tucson Tellers - Next Guild Meeting
Coming Myths and Folktales of Norway with Harriet Cole
Coming EVTOT - Guild Meeting
Tips Personal Intro to Story Can Help Bridge Gap
Tidbits Laura Packer's Blog - Traditional vs. Personal
11/17/2014 News NSN Members SAVE on 2015 Conference Registration
News NSN Interim Executive Director Sought
This Week A TELLABRATION!™ EVENT - The Beaded Lizard
This Week A TELLABRATION!™ EVENT - Storytelling Concert
This Week A TELLEBRATION!™ EVENT - South Mountain Storytelling Institute
This Week Terrible Holidays - A Concert
This Week Dan Hoen Hull Hosts Storyline
This Week Women Storytellers
This Week Tucson Tellers of Tales TELLABRATION!™ EVENT
Coming A TELLABRATION!™ EVENT - Storytelling Concert
Coming YarnBOWL Storytelling Challenge
Coming Myths and Folktales of Norway with Harriet Cole
Tips Write It Down!
Tidbits Six-Word Story Challenge...and the Winner Is...
11/10/2014 News ONLY 48 HOURS LEFT
Coming A TELLABRATION!™ EVENT - The Beaded Lizard
Coming A TELLABRATION!™ EVENT - Storytelling Concert
Coming A TELLEBRATION!™ EVENT - South Mountain Storytelling Institute
Coming Terrible Holidays - Opportunity to Tell
Coming Dan Hoen Hull Hosts Storyline
Coming Women Storytellers
Tips Who's Your Audience?
Tidbits Six-Word Story Challenge Contest
11/3/2014 News NSN Members SAVE on Conference Registration
This Week Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson
This Week AZ Rep - Native Stories
This Week EVTOT - Guild Meeting
This Week Song Telling: An Evening of Music & Storytelling
This Week Fear Itself - Frightful Events
Coming A TELLABRATION!™ EVENT - The Beaded Lizard
Coming A TELLABRATION!™ EVENT - Storytelling Concert
Coming A TELLEBRATION!™ EVENT - South Mountain Storytelling Institute
Coming Terrible Holidays - Opportunity to Tell
Coming Women Storytellers
Tips Toss It - Don't Trash It!
Tidbits Forbes Article Sheds Light on Dark Audiences
10/27/2014 News S'more Stories - This Friday!
News NSN 2015 Conference Proposals Due Soon!
This Week West Side Story Tellers
This Week Tucson Tellers - Next Guild Meeting
Coming Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson
Coming AZ Rep - Native Stories
Coming EVTOT
Coming Song Telling: An Evening of Music & Storytelling
Coming Fear Itself - Frightful Events
Coming Terrible Holidays - Opportunity to Tell
Tips Lost and Found...or Not
Tidbits Tell Scary Stories!
10/20/2014 News S'more Stories Returns - October 31st
News NSN 2015 Conference Dates Set
This Week West Side Story Tellers - An Evening of Story & Song
This Week SMoCA Lounge on Oct 24! 7:00 PM
This Week Mythic Heroes - Presented by Friends of CG Jung
This Week Women Storytellers
Coming Terrible Holidays - Opportunity to Tell
Tips Jump Sideways - Then Jump Back
Tidbits I Have Fallen In Love Again!
10/13/2014 Coming ENGLAND Tour Dates Set
News NSN 2015 Conference Dates Set
This Week Donald Davis Week at South Mountain Storytelling Institute
This Week Dan Hoen Hull Hosts Storyline
Coming AZ Rep - Valley Leadership Turning Points
Coming Women Storytellers
Coming West Side Story Tellers - An Evening of Story & Song
Coming SMoCA Lounge on Oct 24! 7:00 PM
Coming S'more Stories Returns - October 31st
Coming Terrible Holidays - Opportunity to Tell
10/6/2014 News Donald Davis Concerts & Workshops Next Week
News All-Day Workshop - Writing as a Second Language
This Week Myth Informed
This Week Teen Lit Lounge
This Week East Valley Tellers of Tales
Coming Dan Hoen Hull Hosts Storyline
Tips Sean Buvala Nails It
Tidbits I Could Be A Poet
9/29/2014 News Donald Davis Concerts & Workshops - In TWO weeks!
News All-Day Workshop - Writing as a Second Language
This Week Greek & Roman Myth Throw Down
This Week Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson
This Week Tucson Tellers - Next Guild Meeting
This Week NO MEETING THIS WEEK - West Side Story Tellers
Coming Teen Lit Lounge
Coming EVTOT
Tips Practice Sense Memory
Tidbits School's Answering Machine Tells it Like It Is!
9/22/2014 News Be a Part of the Greek & Roman Myth Throw Down
News Donald Davis Concerts & Workshops - Mark Your Calendars
This Week Lit Lounge at the Crescent Ballroom
This Week Women Storytellers
Coming Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson
Tips Will The Real Storyteller Please Step Forward
Tidbits Bad Reviews Increase Business - And Get a Lot of Traction
9/15/2014 News Be a Part of the Greek & Roman Myth Throw Down
News Donald Davis Concerts & Workshops - Mark Your Calendars
This Week Celtic Harvest Festival
This Week Sean Buvala Presents: First and Last - Storytelling Concert
Coming Lit Lounge at the Crescent Ballroom
Coming Women Storytellers
Tips The Name Game
Tidbits The Foreign Storyteller
9/8/2014 News Prepare Yourself for the Shark Tank – Business Storytelling
News Greek & Roman Myth Throw Down
This Week AZ Rep - Stories of our Phoenix Families
This Week Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson
This Week EVTOT
Coming First and Last - Storytelling Concert
Tips Use and Trust Your Image Engine
Tidbits JIBO - Interactive Personal Robot
9/1/2014 News Let The Storytelling Begin!
This Week West Side Story Tellers
Coming AZ Rep - Phoenix - Stories of our Phoenix Families
Coming Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson
Coming EVTOT
Coming First and Last
Tidbits The Boomer List - Timeline of a Generation
Tips Tell, Tell, Tell - Tell Well!
8/25/2014 This Week AZ Rep - Phoenix - Our City, Our Stories
This Week Good 'n Plenty at Lit Lounge
This Week Women Storytellers
Tips Take a Tip From the Reality Shows
Tidbits Monologue - Substitute Story
8/18/2014 News Don't Get Left on the Cutting Room Floor
News Community Christian Church Announces Storytelling Schedule
This Week AZ Rep - Phoenix - Our City, Our Stories
Tips Pronunciation...The DEFINITIVE Answer!
8/11/2014 News Personal Stories - Get on the Bandwagon
News Hundred Foot Journey Serves up Delicious Feast
Coming AZ Rep - Phoenix - Our City, Our Stories
Coming Mythic Heroes: Exploring Archetypes In West African Storytelling Today
Tips To Err is Human...and We All Do It!
Tidbits Jonesborough - A Goal...Maybe...but Don't Miss the Obvious
8/4/2014 News Happy Birthday Sandy Oglesby
News Book - Book - Book
News Storytelling Classes Start August 25th
This Week Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson
This Week EVTOT
Coming AZ Rep - Phoenix - Our City, Our Stories
Tips I'd be Delighted!
Tidbits Harriet Cole Strikes a Nerve!
7/28/2014 News NSN Conference Highlights
News It's Real - I Held it in My Hand!
News Teller-2-Teller Rides High at Conference!
Coming Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson
Coming Next Saturday - EVTOT
Tips Stress Reduction Through the Hero's Journey
7/21/2014 News NSN Conference Starts THURSDAY with FREE Session
News Books Available at Conference
News Guild Table is the Place to Hang Out
News Network and Schmooze with Hundreds of Storytellers
7/14/2014 This Week Free Workshop-Sneak Peak: Publish and Profit with Your Non-Fiction Book.
News Thelma Speed Now Telling On High
News Still Time to Register for Thursday Afternoon Master Classes at NSN
News We Need Drivers! You Get Benefits!
Tips The BEST Tip I Can Give You
Tidbits A Little Turn and Voila!
7/7/2014 News Showcases Highlight Tellers in the Western Region
News We Need Drivers! You Get Benefits!
This Week AZ Republic Live Storytelling
This Week Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson
This Week East Valley Tellers of Tales
Tips The Last Thing They Hear
Tidbits My Desk Looks Like His
6/30/2014 News "Tellers of Tales" Founder Now Telling on High
News Last Day for Buddy System to Save $50
News We Need Drivers! You Get Benefits!
Coming Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson
Coming Women's Storytelling Soars
Coming Mentoring for Self-Publishing with Sean Buvala
Tips The Last Time I Saw Paris
Tidbits Sound Advice
6/23/2014 News Conference Buddy System Saves You $50
News Teller-2-Teller Connections
News I'm Doing A Happy Dance!
This Week The MOST of Lit Lounge - A HUGE Event
Tips Give The Organizer What They Want...or Maybe NOT?
Tidbits Stories from Ireland
6/16/2014 News Conference Buddy System Saves You $50
News Teller-2-Teller Connections
This Week AZ Republic Live Storytelling
This Week Bad Buddhist at Space 55
Coming Executive Speaker Training
Coming The MOST of Lit Lounge - A HUGE Event
Tips Combine Character Actions and Narrative Voice
Tidbits Magnificent Maleficent!
6/9/2014 News Conference Buddy System Saves You $50
News Conference Program Ads - Reservations Due TOMORROW!
News Teller-2-Teller Connections
This Week Bad Buddhist - Two Fridays
This Week East Valley Tellers of Tales
Coming Executive Speaker Training
Coming The MOST of Lit Lounge - A HUGE Event
Tips The Devil is in the Details. . .Or is it Feelings?
Tidbits Chicken Soup for the Chicken
6/2/2014 News Conference Buddy System Saves You $50
News NSN Pre-Conference - Producers and Organizers SIG
News Teller-2-Teller Connections
This Week East Valley Tellers of Tales
This Week Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson
This Week AZ Republic Live Storytelling
This Week Tucson Tellers - Last Meeting Till Fall
Coming Bad Budhist
From Mark Goldman
Tips Ask These Questions...At Least TWICE
Tidbits Commencement Speech - It's All Stories!
5/26/2014 News NSN Pre-Conference - Storytelling in Organizations
News Teller-2-Teller Connections
This Week Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson
Coming AZ Republic Live Storytelling
This Week Women Storytellers Celebrate One Year Anniversary!
Coming The MOST of Lit Lounge - A BIG Event
Tips Does the Language Fit?
Tidbits CARPE STORY - A NEW WORKSHOP From Mark Goldman
5/19/2014 News New Designation for Storytelling
News Western Showcase Tellers Announced for NSN Conference
News Teller-2-Teller Connections gets you from Airport to Hotel & Back
This Week AZ Republic Live Storytelling
Coming Summer Classes Start Next Week
Coming Women Storytellers Celebrate One Year Anniversary!
Tips The Reviews Are In - Now What?
5/12/2014 News YES & SHE Pre-Conference
News Teller-2-Teller Connections gets you from Airport to Hotel & Back
Coming Women Storytellers Celebrate One Year Anniversary!
Coming AZ Republic Live Storytelling
Coming Summer Classes Start in TWO Weeks
Tips Miracles...Large and Small
Tidbits Kangaroo Care - Now THAT'S a Great Story!
5/5/2014 News Teller-2-Teller Connections
nEWS Congrats to New Institute Graduates
This Week East Valley Tellers of Tales
This Week West Side Story Tellers
Tips Start Telling by Listenng
Tidbits Writen a Book? - Want to Write One and publish it?
4/28/2014 News Liz Warren Receives NSN Oracle Award
News NSN Conference Update
News Last Three Days of the Contest
This Week Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson
This Week SMCC Graduation!
Tips Tell, Tell, Tell
Tidbits Mentoring for Self Publishing with Sean Buvala
4/21/2014 News EXTRA - Liz Warren Receives Award
News Five Winners So Far - The Contest Continues
News NSN Conference Update
This Week PVCC Festival of Tales
This Week Arizona Springs
Coming Mark Your Calendars - SMCC Graduation!
Tips More Than A Graphic Model - It's a Process
Tidbits What Kind of Workshop Do YOU Want?
4/14/2014 News The Contest Continues - Four Winners So Far
News NSN Conference Update
Coming Executive Speaker Training
Coming PVCC Festival of Tales
Tidbits Design Your Own Workshop!
Tips Who's The Hero Here?
4/7/2014 News The Contest Continues - Win a T-Shirt
News NSN Conference Update
This Week East Valley Tellers of Tales
This Week West Side Story Tellers
This Week Women Storytellers
This Week Make Way for Monarchs: An Evening of Storytelling
Tips Clothes Make the Man (or the Woman)
Tidbits Five Types of Stories to Tell for Businesses
3/31/2014 News Kevin Brooks - On to a New Adventure
News NSN Conference Update
This Week Stew and Stories
This Week Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson
Tips What If?
Tidbits The Newsletter Contest Continues
3/24/2014 News My 100th Newsletter Issue Today!
News NSN Conference Update
News Make Your Reservations NOW - Storytelling Tour in China
Tips Near. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Far
Tidbits Az Teller Ty Nolan on Best Seller List
3/17/2014 News NSN Conference Update
Coming Next Monday - Issue #100!
This Week One Story - Many Voices
Tips Wag First - Then Bark
Tidbits The Tellin' O' The Green
3/10/2014 News NSN Conference Update
This Week AZ Republic Live Storytelling
Th FST! - Female Storytellers - Tucson
This Week Story Rise - Luncheon Concert
This Week Women Storytellers
The Tucson Festival of Books
This Week Irish Storytelling
Coming One Story - Many Voices
Tips First Person Elevates Fact-Based Tales
Tidbits Safe - Supportive - Caring
3/3/2014 News NSN Conference Update
News Happy Birthday Liz Warren
This Week * * * Concert Cancellation
This Week Odyssey Storytelling - Ten-Year Anniversary
This Week East Valley Tellers of Tales
This Week West Side Story Tellers
Coming AZ Republic Live Storytelling
Coming FST! - Female Storytellers - Tucson
Coming Story Rise - Luncheon Concert
The Tucson Festival of Books
Tips What's The Best Camping Stove?
Tidbits Storytellers Helping Storytellers
2/24/2014 News Opportunity to Perform at the NSN Conference
News Kentucky Storytelling - Showcase Your Talents!
Coming Marketing for Storytellers - Workshop with Sean Buvala
Tips Shallow End of Pool Best for Beginning Tellers Too
Coming Odyssey Storytelling - Ten-Year Anniversary
Tidbits Extravaganza Rocks the House!
2/17/2014 News Opportunity to Perform at the NSN Conference
News Kentucky Storytelling - Another opportunity to showcase your talents!
News Loren Russell Performs
This Week 75 Stories for Turning 75
This Week Phoenix Rising—Up From the Ashes
Coming Odyssey Storytelling - Ten-Year Anniversary
This Week Return to the African Village & Oya's Market
Tips Personification - Make it Personal
Tidbits A Tease - But Creative and Funny
2/10/2014 News Join NSN and save even MORE on Conference Registration
This Week A Full Week with Bobby Norfolk!
This Week AZ Rep - Stories From the Kitchen, the Bar and the Heart
Coming Return to the African Village & Oya's Market
Coming Marketing for Storytellers - Workshop with Sean Buvala
The Tucson Festival of Books
Tips Your First Bike!
Tidbits The Hero's Journey - Muppet Style
2/3/2014 News Join NSN and save even MORE on Conference Registration
This Week Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson
This Week East Valley Tellers of Tales
This Week West Side Story Tellers
This Week A Full Week with Bobby Norfolk - Starts SATURDAY!
This Week Games and Storytelling Workshop
Coming AZ Rep - Stories From the Kitchen, the Bar and the Heart
Coming Return to the African Village & Oya's Market
Coming Marketing for Storytellers - Workshop with Sean Buvala
Tips Rubric, Rubric, I've Been Thinking
Tidbits Storytelling, Empathy and Neurochemistry
1/27/2014 News Fringe Performers Chosen
This Week AZ Rep @ Crescent Ballroom - TONIGHT
This Week Arizona Tales - Honoring Dean Cook
Coming A Full Week with Bobby Norfolk
Coming Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson
Coming Return to the African Village & Oya's Market
Tips Memories are Made of This
Tidbits Voice, Body, Face, Eyes - Wow!
1/20/2014 News Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day
News NSN Extends Pre-Earlybird Through Today!
This Week AZ Rep @ Crescent Ballroom - Mondays
This Week Faculty Concert - SMCC Storytelling Institute
Coming The Race Card - Stories of Race and Identity
Coming Arizona Tales - Honoring Dean Cook
Tips Barry White Said it Best
Tidbits Dropouts and Stayers - I Applaud You Both!
1/13/2014 News Last Three Days to Save on NSN Conference
This Week AZ Rep @ Crescent Ballroom - Mondays
This Week FST! - Female Storytellers - Tucson
Coming Women Storytellers
Coming Faculty Concert - SMCC Storytelling Institute
Tips Rejection is Good
Tidbits What (and where) Do I Need to Improve?
1/6/2014 News Save $$ on the NSN Conference - July 24-27
News SMCC Spring Classes Start in NEXT WEEK!
News Storytelling Tour in China
This Week Rising Tide Workshop CANCELLED
This Week AZ Rep @ Crescent Ballroom - Mondays
This Week Back for 2014 - Yarnball Storytelling
This Week Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson
This Week East Valley Tellers of Tales
This Week West Side Story Tellers
Coming Executive Speaker Training - January 13th & 14th
Tidbits Another Tip-Bit - What would you do?
12/30/2013 news Storytelling Continues to Grow in Arizona
News NSN Conference - Updates
News SMCC Spring Classes Start in Two Weeks!
Coming Rising Tide Workshop CANCELLED
Coming Your Phoenix Area Storytelling Guilds
Tidbits Reach to Your Roots for Inspiration
Tips Make a List & Check it Twice - For Your Gig!
12/23/2013 News NSN Conference - Updates
News SMCC Spring Classes Start in Three Weeks!
Coming Mark Your Calendar - Rising Tide Workshop
Tips Don't Get Cocky - The Best Advice I Ever Got
Tidbits Donna Washington Was My First!
12/16/2013 News NSN Conference - Updates
News Two Books from Local Teller Ty Nolan
This Week Winter's Light at Community Christian Church
This Week AZ Rep Live Storytelling
Tips Regroup and Recover - It's Not Magic
Tidbits Syd Lieberman Tedx Talk
12/9/2013 News NSN Conference - Updates
This Week Phoenix Phabulous Experience
This Week East Valley Tellers of Tales
This Week No West Side Storytellers
This Week Phoenix Festival of the Arts
Coming Tough Choices for the Holidays
Tips What's This World Coming To? Great Personal Stories!
Tidbits Human Rights Day
12/2/2013 News NSN Conference - Updates
This Week Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson
This Week FESTIVAL OF TALES AT Paradise Valley
Coming Phoenix Phabulous Experience
Coming East Valley Tellers of Tales
Coming Phoenix Festival of the Arts
Tips Clasp Your Hands - Get Two, Two - Two Stories in One
Tidbits Sean Buvala - The Demon Cat
11/25/2013 News Giving Thanks. . . A Few Days Early
News NSN - One Step Closer to Kansas City Move
News NSN Conference - Updates
Coming Phoenix Festival of the Arts
Tips Rule #3 - Don't Tell
Tidbits Scheherezade - A Manual
11/18/2013 News NSN Conference - Updates
News Donald Davis Workshop - Place & People
Tips Where are You on the Spectrum?
Tidbits Coaching Works
11/11/2013 News NSN Conference - Updates
This Week Peek Backstage and get a Glimpse of The Artistic Process
This Week Women Storytellers
Coming Executive Speaker Training - November 18-19
Tips There's Always Another Side to the Tale. . .and the Tail
11/4/2013 News NSN Conference - Updates
News NSN Auction
This Week Dustin Loehr Premieres Footnotes - This Week & Next
This Week Odyssey Storytelling - Thursday
This Week East Valley Tellers of Tales
This Week West Side Story Tellers
Tips Rhyme, Rhythm and Meter
Tidbits Another Tip-Bit
10/28/2013 News NSN Conference - Updates
News New Story Circle in East Valley
News The Future of Storytelling
Coming AZ Republic Live Storytelling
Coming Dustin Loehr Premieres Footnotes
Coming Odyssey Storytelling Announces 2014 Themes
Tips Re-Charge Your Storytelling Engine
TIdbits Not the Three Little Pigs!
10/21/2013 News NSN Conference - Updates
This Week Storytelling Church Celebrates Endangered Species
Tips Step Outside The Box (of your comfort zone)
Tidbits Too bad you missed it…I’m glad you did!
10/14/2013 News Historical-Hysterical Storytelling Tour - Summer 2014
News UPDATE - Caleb Winebrenner's Book
Coming Executive Speaker Training - October 21-22
Coming Storytelling Church Celebrates Endangered Species
Tips A Treasure Trove
Tidbits Family Stories Help Children Thrive and Survive
10/7/2013 News Fire & Light - NSN Conference Update
This Week The Winners Perform!
This Week Stories Connect Us All
This Week East Valley Tellers of Tales
This Week West Side Story Tellers
Coming Executive Speaker Training - October 21-22
Tips Planning for More Than One
Tidbits Halloweeeeeeeen
9/30/2013 News Here's to the Heroes & Deceivers!
News The Ballad of Ronnie Calloway - Jonesborough Premier
This Week Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson
This Week AZ Republic Live Storytelling
This Week Greek & Roman Myth Throw Down
This Week Tap-Tap-Tap
Coming Stories Connect Us All
Tips What's in Your Pocket?
Tidbits Breaking Bad Star's Advice to Actors
9/23/2013 Coming Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson
News More Storytelling Crowd Sourcing!
This Week Storytelling Concert to Video Stream Online
Coming AZ Republic Live Storytelling
Coming Greek & Roman Myth Throw Down
Coming Tap-Tap-Tap
Coming Stories Connect Us All
Tips Lather, Rinse, Repeat! - Now Say it With Me!
Tidbits There Must Be a Narrative
9/16/2013 This Week Celtic Harvest Festival
This Week Women Storytellers
Coming Berkeley Storytelling Concert to Video Stream Online
Tips One Bite At-A-Time
Tidbits How To Be a Storyteller
9/9/2013 News NSN Moving to Kansas City
News 2014 NSN Conference & Fringe Update - PHOENIX
This Week East Valley Tellers of Tales
This Week West Side Story Tellers
This Week Stories of Marriage at Community Christian Church
Tips Back to the Beginning
Tidbits Visioning - Well Worth the Effort
9/2/2013 News Summer is Over - We Hope
This Week Back for the Fall - Yarnball Storytelling
This Week Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson
Coming East Valley Tellers of Tales
Coming West Side Story Tellers
Coming Women Storytellers
Tips Ac-cen-tuate the Positive
Tidbits Silent Stories
8/26/2013 News Where's Waldo? Where Are You?
Coming Storytelling Church Sets Schedule
Tips Try Going Backwards
Tidbits She's At It Again!
8/19/2013 News Robbed - of More Than Things
News Whiteboards Are Fun
This Week AZ Republic Live Storytelling
This Week Workshops with Sean Buvala
This Week The Lit Lounge - Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art
Tips Don't Wait for a Story to Find You
Tidbits Stories Connect Us All
8/12/2013 News NSN 2013 Conference Review
News August 29th Deadline for AZ Teaching Artist Roster "Intent"
This Week Storytelling Workshops at Lawn Gnome
Coming AZ Republic Live Storytelling
Tips No Coach Available? - Reverse Roles
Tidbits Storytellers Hired This Morning From Facebook!
8/5/2013 News NSN Conference - 2014 in Phoenix
News The Organization that Supports YOU!
This Week Advanced Group Coaching for Oral Storytellers
This Week East Valley Tellers of Tales
Coming AZ Republic Live Storytelling
Tips Networking - Increase Your Reach Exponentially
TIdbits Insights from A Fringe Performance
7/29/2013 News THREE Weeks left to register for Fall Storytelling Classes!
News Plan Now for Next Summer's Storytelling Tour!
This Week Workshop with Layne Gneiting
Coming Workshops with Sean Buvala
Tips What Stories May Come...
TIdbits Storytelling Websites and Resources
7/22/2013 News Who Wants Storytelling Books?
This Week AZ Rep Live Storytelling Celebrates Two Years!
This Week The Lit Lounge - Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art
Coming Workshops with Sean Buvala
Tips Just Walk Away, Renée
Tidbits If you want to build a ship...
7/15/2013 News SMCC Fall Classes Start In Five Weeks!
News Another Announcement About Storytelling Classes
Coming AZ Rep Live Storytelling Celebrates Two Years!
Tips A Superlative Prompt
Tidbits The 'Eyes' Have It
7/8/2013 News ANNOUNCING - England Storytelling Tour - Summer of 2014
This Week Advanced Group Coaching for Oral Storytellers
This Week Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson
This Week Layne Gneiting Workshop
This Week East Valley Tellers of Tales
Tips Show Us The Face Behind the Mask
Tidbits The Fairy Tale Lobby - Come on in!
7/1/2013 News Rabbit - Rabbit - Rabbit
News AZ Teaching Artist Roster - August & September Deadlines
Coming Advanced Group Coaching for Oral Storytellers
Coming Next Friday - Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson
Coming Next Saturday - EVTOT
Tips What a Superlative Idea!
Tidbits Answers for Students...From Students
6/24/2013 This Week AZ Republic Live Storytelling
This Week Yarnball Storytelling - Last of the Season
This Week The Lit Lounge - Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art
Tips Tell Stories You Love - But Wait, There's more
Tidbits Measures of Story - Sean Buvala
6/17/2013 News Cassie Cushing Wins NSN Conference Scholarship
News June 30th Deadline for Conference 'Buddy Rate'
Coming AZ Republic Live Storytelling
Tips The Girl with the Lavender Hair
6/10/2013 News A Little Thinner - But Here
News On Holiday in England - The Blog is Up
Tips What's That Knocking at the Door?
6/3/2013 News On Holiday in England - The Blog is Up
News NSN Conference - Two Months Out
News Yarnball Themes Set for June
This Week Saturday - EVTOT
This Week Thursday - Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson
This Week Saturday - West Side Story Tellers
Coming Mark Your Calendars
Tips The Language of Latka
Tidbits Free Coaching Contest!
5/27/2013 News On Holiday in England - The Blog is Up
News Liz Warren Blogs About Irish Studies Abroad
Tips Are You Listening - To Your Audience?
Tidbits A Captive Audience for Your Storytelling
5/20/2013 News On Holiday in England
This_week 5 Minutes to Story Glory Workshop - FREE
Tips Cheers! - Take a Tip From The Brits
5/13/2013 News On Holiday in England
News Joyce Story Publishes New Book
This_week 5 Minutes to Story Glory Workshop - FREE
Coming The MOST of Lit Lounge - A BIG Event
Tips Curiosity
Tidbits Harry Connick Nails American Idol
5/6/2013 News Three Storytellers Graduate!
News Ireland and England Await
This Week How to Write a Press release
This Week Storytelling Concert with 5th & 6th Grade Students
This Week Saturday - EVTOT
This Week Saturday - West Side Story Tellers
Coming 5 Minutes to Story Glory Workshop
Coming The MOST of Lit Lounge - A BIG Event
Tips Networking - Just Do It!
4/29/2013 News Lots Going On
This Week Advanced Group Coaching for Oral Storytellers
This Week Thursday - Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson
Coming NEXT WEEK - Student Storytelling Concert
Coming Adventures in Storytelling
Coming The Desert Chronicles - A Storytelling Event
Coming How to Write a Press release
Coming Small Biz Story Slam
Tips Fact Checking - Do Your Homework
Tidbits Life Happens Between Meals
4/22/2013 News Adventure Awaits!
News Let the Coffee and Stories Begin!
Coming Fifth & Sixth Grade Student Concert - Save the Date!
Tips Survey the Territory
Tidbits You Do What?
4/15/2013 News Find Your Story - And Success
This Week AZ Republic Live Storytelling
This Week Going Native - Savoring the Southwest
Tips Tell Your Story at the Kitchen Table
Tidbits Where to Find It
4/8/2013 News EVTOT Newsletter Now ONLINE
This Week WEDNESDAY April 10th - Folk Tales for Grownups
This Week Saturday - EVTOT
This Week Saturday - West Side Story Tellers
This Week Feast on the Street & Storytelling
Coming AZ Republic Live Storytelling
Coming Student Concert - Mark Your Calendar!
Tips As Everyone Knows...
Tidbits Brother Blue Award to Jo Radner
4/1/2013 News Green - Green - Green - There Be Stories Here!
This Week Thursday - Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson
Coming WEDNESDAY April 10th - Folk Tales for Grownups
Coming Saturday - EVTOT
Coming Saturday - West Side Story Tellers
Coming Feast on the Street & Storytelling
Tips It Just Makes Scents!
Tidbits Adventures in Storytelling
3/25/2013 News Some Foolishness - But No Fools
Coming WEDNESDAY April 10th - Folk Tales for Grownups
Coming Student Concert - Mark Your Calendar!
TIps POV Changes Everything
Tidbits Writer David Mamet Talks About Story and Drama
3/18/2013 News Getting Together - Without Any Pants
This Week Moms' Night Out
This Week Lit Lounge
This Week The Holy Fool at Community Christian Church
Tips Kayakers & Storytellers - Point Positively
Tidbits The Very Hungry Caterpillar
3/12/2013 News The Clock Strikes Again!
This Week Lit Lounge
Coming Moms' Night Out
Coming The Holy Fool at Community Christian Church
Tips Sticky Notes - A Tool for Perspective
Tidbits Mandy Patinkin
Living in an Imagined Reality
3/4/2013 News Just in Case You Missed The Blog
This Week Tuesday
This Week Wednesday - Folk Tales for Grownups
This Week Thursday - Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson
This Week Saturday - EVTOT
This Week Saturday - West Side Story Tellers
The Tucson Festival of Books
Coming Group Coaching with Sean Buvala
Tips Willing Suspension of Disbelief
2/25/2013 This Week TOMORROW - Take Me Out to the Ballpark
This Week SUNDAY March 3rd - Storytellers' Open Mic at Terra Java
Coming Next Tuesday - March 5th
Coming Next WEDNESDAY March 6th - Folk Tales for Grownups
Coming Next THURSDAY - Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson
The Tucson Festival of Books
Tips There's a Story Behind That
Tidbits NSN Blog - Woo Hoo!
2/18/2013 News A Story-Full Week
Tips Self-Appreciation
Tidbits Four Minutes of Pure Delight
2/11/2013 News Report from Timpanogos
This Week Connie Regan-Blake
This Week AZ Republic Live Storytelling
This Week Yarnball Storytelling
This Week Return to the African Village & Oya's Market
Coming Lit Lounge
Tips Find Your Home
Tidbits Twenty Skills A Storyteller Needs
2/4/2013 News Sad News - Diane Wolkstein Now Telling On High
News Bye Bye Cassie
News Timpanogos Bound. . .
This Week Lineup for This Week:
Coming Mark Your Calendars for Connie Regan-Blake
Coming AZ Republic Live Storytelling
Coming Return to the African Village
Tips Pick Three
1/28/2013 News Happy Birthday Sean Buvala!
News Sandy Oglesby - on Ira Glass - on Storytelling
This Week Free Stuff
Coming Next Week
Tips Idioms - A New Approach to Pourquoi Stories
1/21/2013 News Out Sick
Tips Measuring Success
1/14/2013 News 2013 Off to a Great Start!
This Week A Diverse Lineup This Week
Tips Be on the Lookout - Stories Are Everywhere
Tidbits The Power of Story
1/7/2013 News Start The New Year Right - Join NSN
This Week Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson
This Week EVTOT - This Saturday
This Week West Side Story Tellers - New Meeting SIte & Schedule
This Week Rising Tide Workshop - This Saturday!
Tips Go Over The Top. . .Then Dial It Back
12/31/2012 News IT'S THE LAST DAY OF 2012!
News Cassie Cushing to Call California New Casa
News SMCC Spring Classes Start in Two Weeks!
Coming More Events Coming up
Tips Advice for Storytellers
Tidbits Come On In to the Fairy Tale Lobby
12/24/2012 News Year Ends with Great Storytelling Bash at Biltmore
This Week Merry Christmas and Two Storytelling Events
Coming Rising Tide Workshop - Mark Your Calendar
Tips Aesop Had It All Wrong
Tidbits Six TED Talk Videos on Storytelling
12/17/2012 News Happy Birthday Glenda!
This Week A New Gig in Town
This Week Arizona Republic Live Storytelling
Coming Lit Lounge
Coming Connie Regan-Blake at SMCC in February
Tips A Dose of My Own Medicine
Tidbits Storyteller/Fringe Performer Writes for Psychology Today
12/10/2012 This Week Group Coaching with Sean Buvala
This Week Winter's Light at Community Christian Church
Coming Arizona Republic Live Storytelling
Tips Learn from the Masters
Tidbits Learn from These Masters
12/3/2012 News But Wait...There's More!
This Week The End of the World - In Tucson
This Week EVTOT - This Saturday
This Week Great Arizona Story Slam Returns
Coming Coaching with Sean Buvala
Tips If They Can't Hear You, They Won't be Listening
Tidbits Guest Blogger's Great Story - An Audience of One
11/26/2012 News Cyber December Coaching Discount
This Week NEW - Small Business Story Slam
This Week West Side Story Tellers at Beaded Lizard - Wednesday
Coming Great Arizona Story Slam Returns
Tips Leftovers - Mix and Match
Tidbits Not the Only Game in Town
11/19/2012 News Stories Stories Stories
This Week Lit Lounge
Coming Group Coaching Offers Opportunity for Insights
Tips Thanks. . .for All The Story Possibilities
Tidbits Thanksgiving Fun
11/12/2012 News Great Holiday Items at NSN Online Auction
This Week Other Concerts & A Workshop
This Week Arizona Republic Live Storytelling
Tips The George Costanza Effect
Tidbits Thanksgiving Stories
Tidbits Keynote from Bill Harley
11/5/2012 News The Feast of Life - Winter's Light to Follow
This Week Myth Informed - Classic Moves
This Week EVTOT - This Saturday
This Week Coaching with Sean Buvala
Coming Concerts & A Workshop
Tips Back-Chaining
10/29/2012 News Weeping Woman on TV
Coming November Rocks
Tips Make Love - Not War
Tidbits Make Your Audience Fall In Love With You
10/22/2012 This Week Items of Note
Tips My Favorite Tip - Salt to Taste
Tidbits My Favorite Tidbit - Bill Harley at TEDx
Tidbits Bill Harley
10/15/2012 News A Week of Excellence
This Week Donald Davis Week
Tips Mnemonic Progressions
Tidbits Practice - Revisited by Seasoned Tellers
10/8/2012 News Happy Birthday Doug!
News Thoughts on Jonesborough
This Week TONIGHT - TONIGHT - TONIGHT - Myth Informed
This Week Group Coaching with Sean Buvala
This Week Two More Concerts
This Week EVTOT - This Saturday
Coming Donald Davis
Tips Are YOU Having Fun?
10/1/2012 News Rabbit, Rabbit, Rabbit!
Tips Stories Abound. . .Just Look Around!
Tidbits Storytellers' Database - Planning and Tracking Your Stories
9/24/2012 News Jonesborough Storytelling Festival
40th Anniversary
News Storytelling in Motion
Tips One of These Things is Not Like the Others
Tidbits NSN Blog - Another Great Resource
9/17/2012 News We are Living in Interesting Times
Coming Events in the Next Two Weeks
Tips Know When to Fold 'Em
Tidbits Ira Glass on Storytelling
9/10/2012 News CBS Sunday Morning Highlights Storytelling
Coming SMCC Faculty Concert Kicks Off Four Months of Events
Tips Sage Words - from Bill Harley
Tidbits I'm in Love with These Two Women
9/4/2012 News A TimpFeast at Timpfest
This Week EVTOT - This Saturday
This Week West Side Story Tellers - This Saturday
Tips Beginnings
Tidbits Five More Tellers Added to Expert Section
8/27/2012 News On the Light Side
This Week StoryRise in Avondale - This Friday
Tips How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
Tidbits Curated Articles – A Great Resource
8/20/2012 News Story Retreat Inspires Awesome Telling
News Storytelling Institute Classes Start This Week!
This Week Sold Out Lit Lounge - Plan Ahead for Next Month!
Coming Timpanogos - Catch a Bundle of Great Tellers
Tips Just Folks
Tidbits Tellers - Teachers - Learners
8/13/2012 News SMCC Fall Classes Start Next Week!
News AZ Republic Live Storytelling Schedule Set for Year
Coming Executive Speaker Training - Aug 23-24
Coming Save The Dates - Bowties are Coming Our Way!
Tips The Endowment Exercise
Tidbits Send Your Senses Soaring!
8/6/2012 News Just Stories - A Treat and A Triumph!
News Storytelling Magazine
This Week EVTOT - This Saturday
Tips Salt to Taste
Tidbits A World of Storytelling Radio
7/30/2012 News SMCC Fall Classes Start August 20th!
This Week Just Stories ~ A LIVE Online Facebook Conference ~ August 1-3
Coming OPEN MIC at Terra Java - Last of Summer
Coming Sacred Storytelling Workshop
Tips Why This Story?
Tidbits Expert Advice
7/24/2012 News Talk Story Camp - Hawaiian Paradise
Coming August 1-3 ~ Just Stories - A LIVE Online Facebook Conference
Coming Story Retreat in Flagstaff - REGISTER NOW
Tips Where are you? BE you can begin.
Tidbits Who's Your Hero?
7/16/2012 News AZ Teaching Artist Roster - Changes in Policy
This Week Arizona Republic Live Storytelling
Coming August 1-3 ~ Just Stories - A LIVE Online Facebook Conference
Tips Smell, Taste, and Touch - The Forgotten Senses
Tidbits Storytelling Ethics - A Great Model
7/9/2012 News Advocacy for Storytelling is Every Storyteller's Role
This Week This Saturday, July 14th ~ 10am - Noon
Coming Two Weekend Workshops in Flagstaff - REGISTER NOW
Tips Dehydrate Fruits & Vegetables for Use Later
Tidbits New Books Have Wealth of Information
7/2/2012 News Miles to Go Before I Sleep
Coming Two Weekend Workshops in Flagstaff - REGISTER NOW
Tips Differentiating Character Voices
Tidbits Elizabeth Ellis
6/25/2012 News Get Out of Town - Two Weekend Storytelling Workshops in Flagstaff
News Lit Lounge - Tellers Wow Scottsdale Venue
This Week Story Rise This Friday
Tips Walk Like a Man (or a Wolf)
Tidbits Taking on a Persona
6/18/2012 News Storywall Update
News Join NSN This Week - Get a Free Book!
This Week Arizona Republic Live Storytelling
This Week The Lit Lounge - Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art (SMOCA)
Coming Story Rises Again!
Tips Backwards, Forwards and Sideways
Tidbits Great Resource for Multicultural Stories
6/11/2012 News Stories - No Campfire
News Liz & Liz - Guest Editors for Storytelling Magazine
News Mama Java's is now Terra Java
Coming Arizona Republic Live Storytelling
Coming The Lit Lounge - Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art (SMOCA)
Tips Pause and Effect
Tidbits She’s done most of the work already!
6/4/2012 News Mark Goldman Named New Ad Rep for NSN Magazine
News UPDATE - The Lit Lounge
News Talk Story Camp in Hawaii - July 20-22
This Week This Saturday, June 9th ~ 10am - Noon
Coming Arizona Republic Live Storytelling
Tips Build a Back Story with Significant Objects
Tidbits Sarah Kay at TED
5/29/2012 News Redesigned Story Intensive
News Lit Lounge - New Storytelling Venue - Opens June 22
News Executive Speaker Training
This Week Arizona Republic - Live Storytelling Night
This Week Storytellers' Open Mic at Mama Java's
Coming Storytelling Under the Stars:
Creation Myths and Legends
Coming Arizona Republic Live Storytelling
Tips Feedback - Just a Suggestion
Tidbits The Hero's Journey - Global Cycling Adventure
5/21/2012 News Thinking You Can't Attend? Contact Me.
News Campfire Stories in Flagstaff
News School's Out - I Miss Them Already
Tidbits Ken Burns on Story
5/14/2012 News Summer Story Intensive ~ 8-Week Clinic Starts June 5
News AZ Teaching Artist Roster Application Process Begins
News SMCC Summer Classes Start the Week of June 4th
This Week Bay Area Storytelling Festival
Coming Arizona Republic Live Storytelling Night - May 31
Tips Cotton Mouth?
Tidbits Bill Harley - Stories Out Loud - TEDx Talk
5/7/2012 News Tell Me Something Good - Exploring the Genres of Oral Storytelling
News My Two Favorite TV Shows - And Why
This Week This Saturday, May 12th ~ 10am - Noon
Tips Take Your Time - It's Not A Race
Tidbits 100 word challenge
5/1/2012 News Mother/Daughter Graduation
News GRAND SLAM Coming Soon
News Sean Buvala Releases Another E-book:
This Week Storytellers' Open Mic at Mama Java's
Coming Arizona Republic Live Storytelling Night - May 31
Tips Here's a tip for Story Creation
Tidbits Database Helps Keep Track of When & Where
Coming National Storytelling Network (NSN) Conference
Coming Timpanogos Summer Storytelling Festival - Aug 30 - Sept 1 - Orem & Provo, UT