     Monday, July 29, 2013
Issue # 66

Got some news or information you would like to get out to the storytelling community?
Contact Mark Goldman -x602-390-3858x - Mark@Storytellermark.com

THREE Weeks left to register for Fall Storytelling Classes!

Classes start August 17th, so make sure you register now!

Here is the current lineup of classes:
   Art of Storytelling I
   Art of Storytelling II
   Creating and Telling Personal Stories
   Multicultural Folktales II
   Establishing a Family Storytelling Tradition (NEW!)
   Volunteerism for Education: A Service Learning Experience

Classes are filling up, don't get left out!
Do you have one of those friends who is always saying, "That storytelling stuff sounds interesting. I think I could do that." Why not get them involved and recommend taking one of the above classes?

Plan Now for Next Summer's Storytelling Tour!

After having bicycled England for four summers, I am organizing a Storytelling Workshop Tour for the summer of 2014. If you love to tell stories, talk about stories, craft stories, have fun and sightsee, then this tour is for you. The plan is to spend two weeks touring these iconic sites, but don't panic, this tour is on trains and busses, not bikes, so anyone can come and enjoy. Listeners can join in too!

The tour and workshops will be lead by me and my friend and colleague, Pam Faro.
Click here to learn more
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This Week


Workshop with Layne Gneiting

Story Strategies for Business & Leaders
Saturday, August 3, 2013 - 10:00am - 12:00pm (in Mesa, AZ)

In this interactive, 2-hour seminar, you will discover . . . 
    1. The art and science behind story.
    2. How stories influence.
    3. Strategies for crafting memorable (and influential!) stories.
Seminar is limited to 20 participants!
Layne Gneiting PhD is a story strategist with advanced degrees in Speech Communication and Performance Studies. He taught at Arizona State University for fourteen years, and studied story in business culture, popular culture, and life. In addition to leading seminars, Layne has led multi-week story residencies, performed across the country and given workshops as far afield as the British Isles. 

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Coming Up


Workshops with Sean Buvala
Sean has three more workshops scheduled in the coming weeks. There is one more Small Group Coaching session on August 6th. These sessions are a great way to get some focused coaching, and also learn from others that are being coached.

There are two Executive Speaking Training, one in August and one in September. These intensive two-day workshops are geared for anyone who has to speak to other people in any situation. Sean has trained lawyers, CEO’s, CFO’s, teachers, administrators, theater majors, sales people, pastors and ministers, college and high-school students, health-care professionals, call-center workers, miners, government workers, HR pros, marketing specialists, construction workers, “techies” and storytellers in both private coaching and public workshops.

If you know an executive, or someone who fits the profile above and could use Sean's training, pass along the information!
Check out the calendar section for more details.

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What Stories May Come...

Vincent van Gogh wrote

“I dream my painting and I paint my dream.” 

What if we did the same as storytellers?

Does Morpheus bring sweet, soft colors and puffy clouds you can climb to and dance on? Or, perhaps, dark dungeons from which escape seems impossible as you scream without sound.

Whatever the case, dreams are the stuff that stories are made of. 

Night dreams OR day dreams can be the inspiration for a story. Even a nightmare can spur your creative spirit to craft a tale. Do you dream of flying; of walking on water; of slaying a dragon? Turn it into a story. Do you day dream of finding your one true love; of making tons of money; of being famous? These too can be the seeds of a great story.

When you embark on this crafting journey, you may not have the ending, or all the details. That's okay. Start with the images from your dream. Then move on to formulating the story.

The hero's journey works well for turning dreams into narratives. Begin with the character and the setting. What's the problem or challenge? What's the obstacle or struggle? How does the character deal with or overcome the odds? What crucible must they endure? What lesson(s) do they learn?

Now connect the rich images from your dream to the structure of your story.

You can even mix dreams and reality:

I had a dream the other night. I was in the...I met...I tried to...
When I awoke, I knew I had to...I wanted things to be different from my dream, so I...
In the end, what I discovered about both dreams and reality is that...

And isn't that partly what stories are about...mixing dreams with reality?

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Storytelling Websites and Resources
Colleague Karen Dietz (Just Story It) has alerted me to another great site with storytelling resources. It's from the University of North Texas, and is maintained by Elizabeth Figa, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, School of Library and Information Sciences. 

The site has tons of links on:

General Storytelling
Finding Stories
Breathing Techniques and Tutorials
Personal Narratives
Tale Type, Motif Indexes, and Folklore Research
Resources on Fables and Proverbs
Ethics & Copyright Resources
And much, much, much, more.
There are over 500 links and references! Keep this page bookmarked!
Check out the site
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Odyssey Storytelling
First Thursday (usually - but check calendar) of each month - TUCSON

East Valley Tellers of Tales -Storytellers Guild
Second Saturday of each month - SCOTTSDALE

West Side Story Tellers -Storytellers Guild

Second Saturday of each month - GLENDALE

Lit Lounge - Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art (SMOCA)
Fourth Friday of each month - SCOTTSDALE

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All Newsletter content ©Mark Goldman
Got some news or information you would like to get out to the storytelling community?

Contact Mark Goldman -x602-390-3858x - Mark@Storytellermark.com


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