     Monday - July 23, 2018
Issue # 324

Got some news or information you would like to get out to the storytelling community?
Contact Mark Goldman -x602-390-3858x - Mark@Storytellermark.com

Another Crazy Week

Grades are in! School is out! And it's another crazy week for me. My planned roommate at the NSN Summit just dropped out and I need to find a roommate to share, or at least someone who will rent out a corner of their room for me to unfold my camping pad and crash for two nights.

I have sent out notices to all of my Facebook storytelling groups and the NSN Listserve too. Send good thoughts so I can find a solution vs. paying full price or a room for two nights.

I'm getting my story ready for Wednesday, for The Moth. My birthday is just about 6 weeks away, and I will be 70! So, the theme of AGE should work well for me. (Yeah. I know, hard to believe!)

Then I leave on Thursday for the Summit. I am honored that on Saturday, I will be receiving an Oracle Award for the Western Region for Service and Leadership. Thank you, Liz Warren, for nominating me, and thanks to Sean Buvala, Nancy Oreshack, Glenda Bonin and Marian Patterson Gianatti for your letters of support. This award means a great deal to me!

So sorry I will miss A Slice of Life: Stories and Cake. I love Fnfetti cakes!

I'll write a report for next week's Newsletter on the Summit, and what this year's "Gathering of the Tribe" brought forth!

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This Week


The Moth - Age

Wednesday - July 25th 8pm - 10pm
Crescent Ballroom - Doors open at 7

308 N 2nd Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85003

The Moth StorySLAM returns for a night of true, personal storytelling. 

AGE: Prepare a five-minute story about the onslaught of minutes and years. Age is a bonus for cheese and wine and professors but a serious detriment to athletes and bananas. Bring tales of the folly and vigor of youth or the wisdom of age. Expiration dates and age discrimination. Cougars, jailbait, sugar daddies. Stories of growing up too fast, battling the ravages of time or finding contentment in your bracket.

Tickets: $10

*Seating is not guaranteed and is available on a first-come, first-served basis. Please be sure to arrive at least 10 minutes before the show. Admission is not guaranteed for late arrivals. All sales final.
More info & tickets

A Slice of Life: Stories and Cake - Nature's Wonder

Thursday - July 26th - 7pm
The NEW Space55
1524 N 18th Ave,
Phoenix, AZ 85007

Friends and Story Enthusiasts - Come support Space 55's new curated storytelling series! It starts this Thursday and will be hosted by Kathy Nakagawa and John Perovich.
This month's theme: Nature's Wonder
This Month's Cake: Funfetti
This month's MC - Mario Avent
This month's tellers:
Amelia Lo
Jose Miller
Willie Mae
Dr. Travis May
And featured storyteller
Liz Warren, SMCC storytelling institute director.
There will be BOTH traditional and personal stories.

Want to tell at a future event? E-mail Kathy Nakagawa: nakagawa@asu.edu
Questions? email us

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Coming Up


Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson - RED FLAGS
Thursday, August 2nd - 7:00 pm
The Sea of Glass Center for the Arts
330 E. 7th Street

Odyssey Storytelling Presents: RED FLAGS
Curated by Adam Hostetler

Tickets at the door. $10 Adults, $7 Students Doors at 6:30.

Warning signs ignored. Hunches disregarded. Persistent doubts that refuse to go away. With the benefit of hindsight, our storytellers share true stories of red flags they should have heeded…or at least noticed..
Storytellers include:

Click here for details & info

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Cat Videos & Stupid Pet Tricks

Remember David letterman's "Stupid Pet Tricks"? It was the forerunner to today's Cat & Dog videos on Facebook. But don't count these ubiquitous displays of animal feats. They could make great stories!

When David Letterman did the segment on his late-night show, it was five to ten minutes long. He would interview the owner and get details about the pet, its background, how the pet learned the trick, etc. It all made a good story.

Does your pet have a special trick, or talent? Tell us the story!

I taught all of my rescue dogs (I've had three now) a special trick. They knew the difference between Kosher and Treif. Kosher food has certain parameters and has been blessed by a Rabbi. It is OK for Jewish people to eat. Treif is the opposite of Kosher and is NOT OK to eat. If I set out a treat and tell the dog it's Treif, she does not eat it. When I tell her it is Kosher, she goes for it! People would always ask, "How did you get him/her to do that?" With my male dog, I would say, "I circumcised him!"

My particular favorite in the video at right is the one with the dogs bringing in the groceries!

Perhaps you could combine your personal story about an animal with a folktale or fairytale. I reference Sean Buvala here, who has a wonderful story about a cat, when Sean was sharing an apartment in college. It's one of my favorites! Click here.

So, think about your own pet. What talents do they have? Could you describe it? Make a longer story out of it? Combine it with a few other short "tales" for a String-of-Pearls? 

Come on... you can do it... sit up now... that's it! Good boy... Good girl!

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Monopoly and WW II POWs
Stories are all around us! I found a great story on the Internet..

By the way, there are a lot of interesting historial stories on this site. Food for thought and story!

Monopoly and WW II POWs by Marilyn Turk

Beginning in 1940, many British and Canadian Airmen found themselves in the unfavorable position of being German prisoners of war. 
As a result, a special unit of the British secret service called MI-5 worked on ways to help these prisoners escape. One of the most important things the POWs needed were maps to show them how to find “safe houses” where they could go for food and shelter once they escaped.  
But paper maps had some disadvantages. They made noise when opened, they wore out quickly, and if they got wet, they were ruined. Then someone had the ingenious idea to print the maps on silk. It was durable, could be folded into tiny pieces and was noiseless. 
Only one British manufacturer, John Waddington Ltd., had perfected the technology of printing on silk. When contacted, the company was eager to contribute to the war effort. 
By pure coincidence, the same company was also the United Kingdom’s licensee for the American board game Monopoly.  Germany complied with the Geneva Convention by allowing humanitarian groups like the Red Cross to distribute care packages to the prisoners. One of the categories of items that could be included in those packages was “games and pastimes.”
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******************************* THERE'S A LOT GOING ON EACH MONTH ***************************
---------------------------------CALL TO MAKE SURE THE EVENT IS STILL ON

The Chatterbox Open Mic
Every Wednesday - 8:00 PM
Fair Trade Cafe
1020 N 1st Ave, Phoenix

Infuse Open Mic
Second Sunday of each month - Phoenix

FStorytellers - Female Story Tellers - Tucson
Usually sometime during the first week of the month - but check their website) at  7 pm - TUCSON

Odyssey Storytelling
First Thursday of each month (usually but check calendar) - TUCSON

Tucson Tellers of Tales - Storytellers Guild
First Saturday of each month (except July and August) - Tucson

West Side Story Tellers - Storytellers Guild
First Saturday of each month - GLENDALE *NO meetings in July & August

East Valley Tellers of Tales -Storytellers Guild
Second Saturday of each month - SCOTTSDALE - *NO meetings in July & August

Fourth Saturday of each month (usually - check calendar) - *NO meetings in June & July
SMCC Storytelling Institute
A monthly workshop designed to help storytellers build community and deepen repertoire.
See the Calendar

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All Newsletter content ©Mark Goldman
Got some news or information you would like to get out to the storytelling community?

Contact Mark Goldman -x602-390-3858x - Mark@Storytellermark.com


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