     Monday, July 20, 2015
Issue # 169

Got some news or information you would like to get out to the storytelling community?
Contact Mark Goldman -x602-390-3858x - Mark@Storytellermark.com

Life and Limb - Mark Your Calendars

Storytellers Mark Goldman and Dustin Loehr are busy preparing for their latest story collaboration, "Life and Limb". Join this world premier as these two men reflect on a life in the arts, discovering hidden truths behind the songs and dances of their past.

From the producers of UNCONDITIONAL and Footnotes of the Untellable Tale comes a new, true to life story. One year after embarking on the creation of Life and Limb, collaborators Mark Goldman and Dustin Loehr transcended unforeseen circumstances. These two combination storyteller-dancers now elevate their artistry, inviting audiences into a unique expression of “living your own story.”

Played out in the sacred spaces of performance: onstage, backstage and even the very lives of two performing artists, Life and Limb takes root in the power of theater in real time and real people.

"Life and Limb" is a Transformative Arts Productions (T.A.P.) piece and will have its premier at the Herberger Theater Center. Click the link at bottom for ticket and performance information:

$6.00 - (additional fees may apply when ordering in advance)
Monday, August 10, Special Preview Performance - 6:00 pm
Tuesday, August 11, 12:10 pm
Wednesday, August 12, 12:10 pm
Thursday, August 13, 12:10 pm
Tuesday, August 18, 12:10 pm
Wednesday, August 19, 12:10 pm
Thursday, August 20, 12:10 pm
More info


Bring a Buddy and Save $50 at NSN
Bring a Buddy to the 2015 National Storytelling Conference in Kansas City, MO! Your buddy can call the office at 800-525-4514, give your name, and save $50 on a full registration. You'll get a copy of Flora Joy's "Storytelling Delivery Skills" workbook as thanks for sharing the storytelling love!
More info

Summer Slowdown

The summer here in "The Valley of the Sun" has slowed down just a bit. Most of the community colleges have finished all classes. The storytelling calendar has fewer events than the other three seasons (however, there are still many ONGOING events happening every month or week.

Now is a good time to check out two weekly events at Lawn Gnome Publishing, 
905 N 5th St, Phoenix, Arizona 85004.
Mondays - Pink Slip Open Mic.
Wednesdays - Yarnball Storytelling

These are some great venues to test out new material and get some reactions from your audience!

Check the CALENDAR - AND

Click here to request a calendar listing

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Story Inspiration - The Signs are Everywhere

Where do stories come from? Our imagination! Sometimes the imagination needs a catalyst, something that piques our interest. Where does that inspiration come from? Just look around you.

It might be a young girl with lavender hair in the middle of the square in Dublin. It might be the immensity of Stonehenge in England. It might be a small hat in a shop in San Diego; one side a crown, the other a frog.

Or it might be a sign along the street.

Oxley Woodwind & Brass
Repair Specialist

The sign caught my eye. I pulled over to inquire. The storefront was empty. A workplace no longer in existence. I wrote down the name. I searched online. I called the number; out of service. Then, my imagination began to expand.

Who was this man, Oxley? How long did he own this shop? How long had he been repairing instruments? How did he learn his craft? How did he become a "specialist"? What happened to him and the shop? Why or how did it fade away?

These are some of the many questions I had. The answers, whether real or created out of the deep recesses of my mind, could be the makings of a good story. 

So keep your eyes and your imagination open to the signs that are everywhere!

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On the Edge of Our Seats Cheering

Watch the two minute American Ninja Warrior video at right. 

Were you leaning forward, on the edge of your seat? Were you rooting for the contestant to finish and win? Like watching a good sports match, football, tennis; a movie about a woman who hikes the Pacific Coast Trail, or a horse that wins the Triple Crown, Even though we may know the outcome, we still are involved and we want the hero to prevail. We feel like we are there and can share in the triumph.

A well told story can do the same thing.

It makes us feel as if WE are PART of the story; we are THERE. It can make our adrenaline pump, just as if we are competing for the prize. It can make us feel the sorrow and the agony of defeat. It can make us feel the will to try again and again. It can make us feel the regret of a love that was lost, or the elation of a love that was found.

A well told story can help us to experience things we have not, or remember the experience of things in our past. A well told story can make us feel "we are there!" 

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------------------------------------THERE'S A LOT GOING ON EACH MONTH
---------------------------------CALL TO MAKE SURE THE EVENT IS STILL ON

Infuse Open Mic
Second Sunday of each month - Phoenix

Pink Slip Open Mic
Every Monday at  8 pm - PHOENIX

Yarnball Storytellers Mic
Every Wednesday at  8 pm - PHOENIX

FStorytellers - Female Story Tellers - Tucson
Usually sometime during the first week of the month - but check their website) at  7 pm - TUCSON

Odyssey Storytelling
First Thursday of each month (usually but check calendar) - TUCSON

Third Friday (usually) of each month - PHOENIX

Tucson Tellers of Tales - Storytellers Guild
First Saturday of each month (except July and August) - Tucson

West Side Story Tellers - Storytellers Guild
First Saturday of each month - GLENDALE *NO meetings in July & August

East Valley Tellers of Tales -Storytellers Guild
Second Saturday of each month - SCOTTSDALE

Homebase Poetry
Has changed to a random schedule  - Phoenix
Make sure you check the Faceboook page

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All Newsletter content ©Mark Goldman
Got some news or information you would like to get out to the storytelling community?

Contact Mark Goldman -x602-390-3858x - Mark@Storytellermark.com


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