     Monday, June 24, 2013
Issue # 61

Got some news or information you would like to get out to the storytelling community?
Contact Mark Goldman -x602-390-3858x - Mark@Storytellermark.com

This Week


AZ Republic Live Storytelling

TONIGHT - June 24th
June's theme:
Suddenly everything was different - Leadership Turning Points

Valley leaders will share stories of turning points, moments when they overcame adversity of all kinds to create new futures filled with realized potential. You'll hear inspiring stories of triumph, stories that focus on the moment of empowerment that leads to growth, change and fulfilled promise.

Tonight's lineup includes:
Danny Ortega – Lawyer
James Garcia – Activist and Playwright  
Micheal Weakley – Deputy Director of 1n10
Rosemary Ybarra-Hernandez – President and founder of AGUILA Youth Leadership Institute
Carrie Severson – President and founder Severson Sisters Foundation
Erika Andiola – Dreamer, Activist 

Details: 7 p.m. – Monday, June 24: Upstairs ballroom at the Hotel Palomar at CityScape at First Street and Washington Avenue in Phoenix. $10. $5 for students. Admission is limited to 125.
Ticket purchase mandatory at brownpapertickets.com. A portion of the proceeds benefits Republic Charities.

Yarnball Storytelling - Last of the Season

Wednesday - June 26
Lawn Gnome Publishing invites storytellers to prepare a 5 to 8 minute, first-person story on the theme, addressing it literally or metaphorically in the tradition of The Moth or stories that could be heard on NPR's This American Life. HOsted by Dan Hoen Hull. This Wednesday will be the last Yarnball for the season (returning in August), so don't miss it!

This week's theme: THE END - (for now)
Check the calendar section for details

The Lit Lounge - Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art

Friday - June 28
Lit Lounge - There will be writers and performers from Arizona and across the nation, sharing funny and compelling TRUE stories, fused together with live music. Friday, June 28, will feature SNL writer Cindy Caponera, actress Hilary Shepard, Arizona Republic contributing editor Megan Finnerty and more!

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Tell Stories You Love - But Wait, There's more

Remember in All in the Family. when Edith would start to tell Archie a story, then after several minutes, he would yell, "Get to the point!" Remember that? You should.

Recently, long-time teller Antonio Sacre posted on Facebook: "Want to be a storyteller? Choose a story that matters to you & ask if there's anyone else besides friends & family that needs to hear it."

I have often said that the one piece of advice most often offered by seasoned tellers is, "Tell stories you love!" But that's not enough. You have to tell a story that the audience will love. How can you know? You can never know 100% for sure, but here are two criteria that you should use.

Does your story have a universal theme? 
Is it something that most people can relate to? Would the audience be interested beyond the specifics of your story? Here's an example:

At one open mic, a young woman told a personal story about the time her mother was left at a gas station on a family road trip. It had the beginnings of a universal theme, getting stranded, forgetting one of your group. The problem was that the girl stayed focused on how her family always thought this was so funny, and it had become a, "Remember the time when Dad, left Mom behind?" story. There was no place that she brought the audience in. She didn't find a way to translate what everyone was feeling into universal terms. She just kept saying, "It was so funny." Not to us.

Is this story appropriate for this audience?
Know your audience! You most likely wouldn't tell a Blue Beard variant to a group of six-year olds. Is your story something that this particular audience can relate to? What are their expectations? Are they there to be entertained? Are they a business audience, wanting to learn something new? Are they senior citizens, wanting to hear stories that remind them of their lives? Make sure you pick and tailor your stories to your audience.

Here's a little tip. If you practice your story with your family and friends, and they love it, find someone who fits your potential audience demographics and tell them the story. If they are rolling their eyes, and about to turn into Archie Bunker, it's time to change your story.

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Measures of Story - Sean Buvala
Crafting a story is a lot like baking. You've got your ingredients. You mix them together. Then bake. Did it come out the way you wanted? Does it taste the way you thought it would. Is the actual story you cooked up a little different than what you envisioned in your mind?

Have no fear! Master Chef Sean Buvala is here!

It's hard for me to believe, but Sean Buvala published this book, Measures of Story: How to Create a Story from Floats and Anecdotes two years ago! It's a great, easy read with solid information about crafting a story.

Using the baking metaphor, Sean takes you through a step-by-step process for crafting a story from all the little bits and pieces (ingredients) you have lying around. And Sean has some great "take action" activities that will help mopve you along with the process.

It's available in paperback ($8.97) or as an E-book ($3.99) from Amazon. You can't go wrong!

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Yarnball Storytellers Mic
Every Wednesday at  8 pm - PHOENIX

Odyssey Storytelling
First Thursday of each month - TUCSON

East Valley Tellers of Tales -Storytellers Guild
Second Saturday of each month - SCOTTSDALE

West Side Story Tellers -Storytellers Guild
Second Saturday of each month - GLENDALE

Lit Lounge - Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art (SMOCA)
Fourth Friday of each month - SCOTTSDALE

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All Newsletter content ©Mark Goldman
Got some news or information you would like to get out to the storytelling community?

Contact Mark Goldman -x602-390-3858x - Mark@Storytellermark.com


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