     Monday, June 22, 2015
Issue # 165

Got some news or information you would like to get out to the storytelling community?
Contact Mark Goldman -x602-390-3858x - Mark@Storytellermark.com

Bring a Buddy and Save $50 at NSN

Bring a Buddy to the 2015 National Storytelling Conference in Kansas City, MO! Your buddy can call the office at 800-525-4514, give your name, and save $50 on a full registration. You'll get a copy of Flora Joy's "Storytelling Delivery Skills" workbook as thanks for sharing the storytelling love!

Opportunities to Tell - All Summer Long!

Phoenix Area Tellers/Students Take Note!

Grace Lutheran Church in Phoenix is hosting their Tenth Annual Heat Respite, June 15-August 28, Monday-Friday, 9 am-5 pm.
Their mission during the summer months is to provide a space for heat relief for those who would otherwise be on the street, while building community through the sharing of meals, water, community resources, and ourselves. They have 150-200 people come through their doors every day of the program. 
Outreach Coordinator Richard Ricketts writes, "This year we are trying to facilitate connections to the community and each other through performance and sharing. To this end we will be hosting civil dialogues, chaplains, musicians, comedians and storytellers."
They are reaching out to the storytelling community to perform or host a small workshop.  At the moment the ideal time would be 10am-Noon, but if someone was really interested in other times, they can make accommodations.
If you are interested or would like more information please contact the church.
Richard Ricketts
Grace Lutheran Church Outreach Team
1124 N Third Street, Phoenix AZ 85004
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This Week


Arizona Storytellers: Stories of Entrepreneurship

Wednesday - June 24th
mod on Central
2828 North Central Avenue

Join azcentral.com, The Arizona Republic and Alliance Bank of Arizona at a chic new co-working space for a night of inspiring, compelling stories of Valley entrepreneurs and non-profit leaders, the people with the vision, talent and boldness to help shape our city. 
Featured Tellers:
Tim Cleary, co-founder of Elevate Phoenix 
Georgeanne Bryant, owner of Francis boutique
Sam Alpert, co-founder of David and Sam PR. Now, Senior VP of Development at Junior Achievement
Ron Foligno, founder of Ghosticorn Apparel 
Jennifer Adams, interior designer and founder of Jennifer Adams Worldwide, Inc.
Hailey Frances, co-founder of The Dog Party
Rosanna Fierros,  founder of Family Friend Care Consultants
Michael Heller, co-founder Plus2 Technologies
Sign Language Interpretation Services Available!
If you require ASL Interpretation services for this event or a future Storytellers event you plan to attend, please contact Melissa Farley at Melissa.Farley@ArizonaRepublic.com with your request. 

More info here

Out Of The Box Storytelling

Women Storytellers
Saturday, June 27th - 10am - Noon (doors open at 9:30 am)

Anne McDowell has organized another event:
Out of the Box Storytelling - Women Storytellers.

A place for Christian women to get together to hear and tell of the wonders that God has done in their lives or (with permission) in the lives of others.  This is a fun, exciting new way to hear six 8-10 minute personal, uplifting, faith-promoting stories about the wonders of God, and enjoy a delicious brunch! They offer fun, laughter, and a chance to win door prizes!

It's at Dobson’s Restaurant at Dobson Ranch Golf Course in Mesa from 10am - 12 Noon.
Click here for details

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Coming Up


Joyce Story at White Tank Mountain Regional Park

Joyce Story will be telling at the Nature Center of the White Tank Mountain Regional Park.

Joyce tells mesmerizing nature stories. They are all original, fact-based stories about the flora and fauna of the Sonoran desert.
20304 W. White Tank Mountain Rd, Waddell, AZ 85355
Joyce will also be doing programs on:
June 30th at 10:00 am
Mark your calendars for fall.
September 1st at 11 a.m.  
September 15th at 11 a.m.
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Don't Just Customize - Personalize

We've had many discussions regarding playing to your audience, and that you need to know who they are and shape your stories for them. You could go a step further than customization, you could personalize.

I often tell The Faithful Wives to groups of women as it is a story about strong women. Recently, I took the story up a notch. I met a woman named Liz, who I discovered was taking lessons in fencing and swordplay. She had asked for a story, so I changed the middle of the story in this way.

But it was Lady Elizabeth that came to the Duke and said she had a better idea. Elizabeth was a fiery redhead who could wield a sword as well as any man in the castle, and she was a clever as a fox.

My "audience" was one person (oh yeah, did I mention she was a redhead?), and I believe she will remember the story for a long time. But you could do this in a large group too. Personalize some part of it for the group, OR for an individual in the group. If there is a "star" in the group, the leader or organizer, personalize something for them so they can stand out.

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Combination Stories Delight and Deliver

Yesterday, I posted on Facebook about loading up on medication for my knee pain for 4 days and feeling more nauseous each day until I decided to stop all medication. Storyteller Mary Grace Ketner (co-curator of The Fairytale Lobby) suggested it sounded like the story of The Very Noisy House. This reminded me that one can combine personal stories with traditional stories and come up with some very creative efforts. Local storyteller and coach, Sean Buvala has done this with amazing results. Here's a recording of a great combination story by Sean, recorded a few years ago in Hawaii.
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------------------------------------THERE'S A LOT GOING ON EACH MONTH
---------------------------------CALL TO MAKE SURE THE EVENT IS STILL ON

Infuse Open Mic
Second Sunday of each month - Phoenix

Yarnball Storytellers Mic
Every Wednesday at  8 pm - PHOENIX

FStorytellers - Female Story Tellers - Tucson
Usually sometime during the first week of the month - but check their website) at  7 pm - TUCSON

Odyssey Storytelling
First Thursday of each month (usually but check calendar) - TUCSON

Third Friday (usually) of each month - PHOENIX

Tucson Tellers of Tales - Storytellers Guild
First Saturday of each month (except July and August) - Tucson

West Side Story Tellers - Storytellers Guild
First Saturday of each month - GLENDALE *NO meetings in July & August

East Valley Tellers of Tales -Storytellers Guild
Second Saturday of each month - SCOTTSDALE

Homebase Poetry
Has changed to a random schedule  - Phoenix
Make sure you check the Faceboook page

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All Newsletter content ©Mark Goldman
Got some news or information you would like to get out to the storytelling community?

Contact Mark Goldman -x602-390-3858x - Mark@Storytellermark.com


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