     Monday, June 2, 2014
Issue # 110

Got some news or information you would like to get out to the storytelling community?
Contact Mark Goldman -x602-390-3858x - Mark@Storytellermark.com

Conference Buddy System Saves You $50

For those who have not yet registered for the conference, you can still save $50 with the "Bring a Buddy" rate.  

Although the early-bird $75 savings has expired, folks can still get a $50 savings on a full conference registration by being the 'buddy' of someone already attending - call us at 800-525-4514.  If you are already registered, let your friends know about this opportunity to join us, and NSN will send you, as the buddy, a gift of appreciation as well.

There's a June 30th deadline for this special offer, so ACT NOW!

NSN Pre-Conference - Producers and Organizers SIG

We'll be "On the Air with Radio Storytelling" when the Producers and Organizer's Special Interest Group does its pre-conference. If you've ever wondered - What makes a good radio story? What makes a good radio series? What are the do's, don'ts and best practices of storytelling for the radio? Find the answer to these questions from Buck Creacy, Allison Downey and Jeff Gere - three hands-on producers of radio storytelling material.

$25 for PRO-SIG members
$40 for the curious
and yes, a little nosh (continental breakfast) is included in the price.

Teller-2-Teller Connections

New Transportation Win-Win Option for NSN Conference

Conference Attendees:
Get from the Airport to the Hotel & Back

Need to know how local tellers can provide transportation to and from the airport for visiting tellers during the conference? Want to spend time with a new teller-friend? You're only a click away!

Phoenix area Storytellers & Students: Here's your CALL TO ACTION
There are now 35 COMMENTS on the RIDE SHARE site. Go find a Teller and connect with them!

Want to spend time with a "seasoned" teller attending the conference?
Click on the link below to learn how you can get thirty minutes of "schmooze" time with many attendees at the upcoming NSN Conference, July 23-27!

Click here for all the info on Teller-2-Teller Connections!

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This Week


Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson

Thursday, June 5th

Stories of those who have survived “behind bars,” from imprisonment and institutionalization to the mental prisons we fashion for ourselves. Stories from the margins of disease, shame, guilt, anxiety and—finally—hope.
Storytellers: artist and performer, Will Clipman; slam poet, Lydia Havens; (soon to be) English and Rhetoric professor, Jessica Shumake; UA associate VP for institutional advancement, Sharon Kha; stand-up comedian, Ryan Malco; drummer, Kevin Lee Lopez; and journalist, Renée Schafer Horton
Fluxx Studio and Art Gallery - Tucson
416 E. 9th St.
Tucson AZ US
Fee: $10

Check the calendar section for details

East Valley Tellers of Tales

Saturday, June 14th ~ 10am - Noon
Join us to celebrate storytelling successes. 
East Valley Tellers of Tales is a Phoenix area guild of Storytellers and Storylisteners. A truly safe place to share your story! We are an affiliate of the National Storytelling Network. Come and find out what this means, and how it benefits you!
Click here for details & info

AZ Republic Live Storytelling

Thursday - June 5th
Big Ideas, Big Lessons: Stories of Entrepreneurship
Join us at the Central Arizona Supply Phoenix showroom for a night of inspiring, compelling stories of Valley entrepreneurs, the people with the vision, talent and boldness to help shape our city.
Featured tellers: Jeremy Smith of Central Arizona Supply, the Crafty Chica Kathy Cano-Murillo, Kendall Ong of Mane Attraction Salon, Kyle Clayton of Jackrabbit Janitorial, Brad Child of Madison's Hot Sauce, Sahar Mitchell of the Strange Family Circus and two more entrepreneurs TBA.
Light bites hosted by Central Arizona Supply, cash bar. Only 125 tickets available ($10).
Details: Stories begin at 7 p.m. 4750 N. 16th St, Phoenix. 602-444-8770. Ticket purchase mandatory.

Click here for Tickets

Tucson Tellers - Last Meeting Till Fall

Tucson Tellers of Tales will next meet on Saturday, June 7th at 9:00 a.m., at the Columbus Library on the southeast corner of 22nd Street and Columbus Boulevard. 

Jack Lasseter is the featured teller, and at the conclusion of his performance, the group will discuss how long format telling differs from shorter material and how to incorporate stories into presentations.  This will be of particular interest to storytellers thinking about joining a speakers bureau and/or doing presentations for business groups.
Tucson Tellers of Tales does not meet during the months of July and August. The fall meeting schedule will resume in September.  Announcements about the new schedule (including details about time, place and meeting subjects) will be posted in August.  
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Coming Up


Bad Budhist
Friday June 13th and Friday June 20th

Storyline: where the themes of our lives intersect. A monthly real life storytelling showcase exploring our complex interconnections through the simple act of storytelling.
Join us either June 13th or June 20th for a showcase of two storytellers that are considered masters of their craft by Lawn Gnome Publishing owner Aaron Hopkins-Johnson. This month's theme is "Bad Buddhist". This showcase will be presented in the best theater for intimate and honest theater - New Times 2013 Best Blackbox Theater Award recipient - Space 55.
Space 55 Theatre is located at 636 E. Pierce Street, Phoenix, AZ 85004. The show is part of the late night theater series and begins at 8:00pm. Tickets are $10.
For more information check out space55.org

From Mark Goldman

Save The Date - Saturday June 21st

Craft a Story - Old or New - Any Genre

Two Half-Day Workshops ---- Attend Either or BOTH!

$49 for each ... or ... $79 for BOTH

  • A 4-hour workshop that will take participants through the entire story crafting process from beginning to end. Mark will use a tested "flow chart" technique to help you "map out" your story, your characters, their relationships and all the pieces in between.
  • And a half-day workshop will focus on the elements of performing your storyEach participant will be given time to tell their story, get coached and re-tell the story.

  • Click here for more info
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Ask These Questions...At Least TWICE

Inside the Actor's Studio, a mainstay on public television for years, presented host James Lipton showcasing the lives and careers of many famous actors. At the end of the hour-long interviews he would ask ten questions of the guest. 

These questions were adapted from a questionnaire presented on a French interview show that Lipton had seen and admired, called "Bouillon de Culture" hosted by Bernard Pivot. Lipton (and Pivot) both knew that this series of questions revealed a tremendous amount about the person's thoughts, feelings and beliefs.

  1. What is your favorite word?
  2. What is your least favorite word?
  3. What turns you on creatively, spiritually or emotionally?
  4. What turns you off?
  5. What is your favorite curse word?
  6. What sound or noise do you love?
  7. What sound or noise do you hate?
  8. What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?
  9. What profession would you not like to do?
  10. If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?

You can use these questions in storytelling too. But you must ask them at least twice..

First, of yourself:
Knowing yourself is one of the most crucial tools of storytelling. Understanding what motivates you to tell, what stories you choose, how you choose to shape and craft them are essential to being a good storyteller. The more you know about who you are, the better it is for you to make clear decisions about your storytelling.

Second, of your characters:
These same questions will offer insight into the “character” of your characters. What motivates them? Why do they say and do the things that they do? What do they believe in, or not believe in? They will open the door to the essence of your characters. When you know the answers for each character, you have a rich story supported by a rich “back story”.

P.S. These are only the beginning questions. What else might you need to understand about the characters in your story? 


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Commencement Speech - It's All Stories!

This video was posted about three weeks ago. Since then, there have been over 1.5 million views. This University of Texas at Austin 2014 Commencement speech by Admiral William H. McRaven is a triumph! It breaks the rules...but it follows them too, just as he suggests in his speech.

Normally, good speakers should highlight no more than three points, as that is what most people can remember and take away from an event. McCraven breaks that rule and presents ten points, but each one is solidly backed up by a personal story (short!)...and stories are the best way to have people listen, and remember. And he is a great storyteller!

It's just over 19 minutes. Watch and learn...and don't forget to make your bed!

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------------------------------------THERE'S A LOT GOING ON EACH MONTH
---------------------------------CALL TO MAKE SURE THE EVENT IS STILL ON

Homebase Poetry
First Sunday of each month - Phoenix

Infuse Open Mic
Second Sunday of each month - Phoenix

Yarnball Storytellers Mic
Every Wednesday at  8 pm - PHOENIX

FStorytellers - Female Story Tellers
Every Second Wednesday (usually but check calendar) at  7 pm - TUCSON

Odyssey Storytelling
First Thursday of each month (usually but check calendar) - TUCSON

Storyline: Origins
Third Friday (usually) of each month - PHOENIX

Lit Lounge - Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art (SMOCA)
Fourth Friday of each month - SCOTTSDALE

Tucson Tellers of Tales - Storytellers Guild
First Saturday of each month (except July and August) - Tucson

East Valley Tellers of Tales -Storytellers Guild
Second Saturday of each month - SCOTTSDALE

West Side Story Tellers -Storytellers Guild
Second Saturday of each month - GLENDALE *NO meetings in June, July & August

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All Newsletter content ©Mark Goldman
Got some news or information you would like to get out to the storytelling community?

Contact Mark Goldman -x602-390-3858x - Mark@Storytellermark.com


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