     Monday - June 18, 2018
Issue # 319

Got some news or information you would like to get out to the storytelling community?
Contact Mark Goldman -x602-390-3858x - Mark@Storytellermark.com

Early Bird Registration for the 2018 National Storytelling Summit!


Registration for the 2018 National Storytelling Summit is NOW OPEN! 
Earlybird extended to June 20th.

NSN is offering a special early bird discount for a limited time only, so don’t wait, register today! The Storytelling Summit will be held in Kansas City, Missouri at the Marriott Country Club Plaza Hotel, July 26-28, 2018.

The 2018 Summit theme is “Communities, Conflicts, and Transformational Stories.” The Summit is a great chance to see over 20 performances, award-winning keynote speakers and participate in over 25 workshops over a four-day period, conducted by the “cream-of-the-crop” of storyteller presenters. Also come join as we honor our top Storytellers with our International ORACLE Awards on Saturday, July 28 at noon.
The vision of the Summit is to bring together all the individuals, organizations, businesses and institutions who seek to advance their skills, knowledge and showcase their talent from across the world. It is also a great time to see old friends and meet new ones through our networking events, that will encourage sharing information, mentoring, long-lasting collaborations and friendships. You will meet individuals using storytelling in all of its forms and mediums at the National Storytelling Summit.


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This Week


The Great Storytelling Mashup of 2018

Friday - June 22nd 7pm - 9pm
Changing Hands Phoenix
300 W Camelback Rd, Phoenix, Arizona 85013

Local storytelling hosts come together for a night to share a story, a song, and a stage. The Storyline SLAM host, Dan Hoen Hull has collected an all star lineup composed of hosts from THE MOTH: Phoenix StorySLAM at Crescent Ballroom, The Storytellers Project, Bar Flies, Chatterbox, Vinyl Voices, Untidy Secrets Storytelling, and The Whole Story! Each storyteller will share a story and play a music video that inspired the story. 
Purchase tickets through the link below for $6 or at the door for $8. 
Featured Storytellers:
Jessie Balli (Chatterbox)
Rachel Eseoghene Egboro (The Whole Story)
Megan Finnerty (The Storytellers Project)
Elle Murtagh (Vinyl Voices)
Sarah Maria Rainier (Untidy Secrets Storytelling)
Amy Silverman (Bar Flies)
Sarah Ventre (The Moth SLAM)
Joy Young (The Storyline SLAM)

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Coming Up


Build Your Business with Better Storytelling
Monday - June 25th - 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm
Southwest Valley Chamber of Coommerce
289 N Litchfield Road, Goodyear 85338

Find, Craft and Tell Your Great 5-Minute Business Story!

The "elevator speech" is dead and your networking "commercial" won't work in the real world. In their place, you need a pile of well-crafted, time-adjustable stories of your work and purpose, each ready to be matched to the right people at the right time.

In this low-theory, high-activity workshop, you'll learn why you need to know the difference between anecdotes and stories. You'll experience your memories triggered to find your stories. Finally, be guided in the process to outline, craft and tell one of your newly-created stories with another person. You'll leave with customized and immediately useful content.

Taught by Sean Buvala of The Small-Tooth-Dog Publishing Group LLC.

A light lunch will be provided but registration with the Chamber is required 623-932-2260. Lunch begins at 11:30 followed by the workshop at Noon. 
More Info

The Moth - Endings
Wednesday - June 26th 8pm - 10pm
Crescent Ballroom - Doors open at 7

308 N 2nd Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85003

The Moth StorySLAM returns for a night of true, personal storytelling. 

ENDINGS: Prepare a five-minute story about the final scenes. The last day of school, the dramatic breakup, or the last time you saw your dog. Doors closing, windows opening. When it's all said and done, how did it go down?

Tickets: $10

*Seating is not guaranteed and is available on a first-come, first-served basis. Please be sure to arrive at least 10 minutes before the show. Admission is not guaranteed for late arrivals. All sales final.
More info & tickets

Stories and Cake - Great Men
Thursday - June 28th - 7pm
The NEW Space55
1524 N 18th Ave,
Phoenix, AZ 85007

Friends and Story Enthusiasts - Come support Space 55's new curated storytelling series! It starts this Thursday and will be hosted by Kathy Nakagawa and John Perovich.
This month's theme: Great Men
This month's MC - Mario Avent
This month's tellers: TBD
There will be BOTH traditional and personal stories.

Want to tell at a future event? E-mail Kathy Nakagawa: nakagawa@asu.edu

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Create Your Own Stage! - A How To Guide

There was a tip from 2016 about a fortune cookie I received. ..
It said: You create your own stage. The Audience is waiting.
And then, this follow up about creating your own space:

Wherever you may be performing, you must create an atmosphere that is conducive to the process of storytelling. Whether it be on a stage in an auditorium, a classroom, a breakout room at a conference, under a canopy at an outside fair, or a street corner where you may be busking, How can storytellers create a space where listeners will feel welcome and want to join you in creating a story? And remember, this must happen BEFORE you tell your first story. There are several things to consider. The first, and most important, as always, is: who is your audience?

Your audience: Is your audience mostly adults, children, teenagers, mixed? What are the demographics, or "make up" of the audience? Are they from an urban or rural area, the deep south, the bible belt?  Are they middle-management executives or a group of church-going housewives? One must always consider the audience, not only in choosing stories, but also, how you will be perceived. And this starts even before you walk into the space!

Your introduction: How will you be introduced? Who will introduce you? Have you written an introduction? Will the MC be reading it word-for-word? Do they know you? Will they be speaking off-the-cuff? What are the things you WANT the audience to know about you? What are the things you DON'T WANT them to know? Will this audience welcome you if they are told you recently won an award for the "sexiest story slam", or would it be more prudent to leave out that information? I dislike having the MC "read" an introduction; I also dislike reciting a long list of accomplishments. I prefer to spend a few minutes with the MC to make sure they are comfortable letting the audience know the two or three most important things about you. And make the "last" thing that the MC says be on the lighter side, or even a humorous, perhaps cryptic statement. 

"And before becoming a storyteller, Mark travelled all over the country as Winnie-The-Pooh - and perhaps he will tell you a story about that! Please welcome, Mark Goldman."

Your entrance: How will you come into the space / walk onstage? Where will you be just before you come into the space? I absolutely abhor when performers come from the farthest place away from the stage, walking slowly to the front! Don't make your audience wait for you. Be close to the stage when the MC is about to finish the introduction, so you are there, ready to go. If the MC is center stage, it's always nice to connect with them, with a handshake or hug, or even a simple nod/bow to them. Those first few seconds, yes - seconds, as you enter or come on, tell the audience something about you. Have energy, smile, maybe even nod, point or wave to a friend in the first few rows. Be warm and inviting. Show the audience they can expect something wonderful.

Engage your audience: Smile! Greet them warmly. If appropriate, it can help to thank them and let them know you are happy to be in their city, or with their organization. Share something that connects you to them: "Over the years, I have adopted three shelter dogs, and it's great to be here with you folks who work so hard to rescue and find forever homes for all the animals." Now I have them in the palm of my hand.

Children: An entirely different animal than adults! You will want to decide if they will sit on the floor, in chairs, in rows or a half circle. What will be the best configuration? If it's a classroom, discuss with the teacher(s). If it's outside, choose a place with the least distractions. Keep your entrance and beginning short and sweet. "You all look great today. Are you ready to hear some stories?" Don't keep them waiting with long-winded explanations about storytelling. Don't give them time to get distracted. Get to it! 

Your story intro: Now you need to set the stage for them to listen to your story. If you are at a storytelling conference, and your audience is made up of all storytellers, you may not need an intro to your story. You may want to simply take a moment, breathe, and then begin the story. Or perhaps you want to engage the audience, to make sure they are with you. A question or statement can work as a teaser to get them interested and want to hear more.

Children: "You all know that stealing is wrong, right? Do you think someone can 'steal a smell'? Well, let's listen closely as I tell you the story of Stealing Smells"

Teens: "Have you ever been accused of stealing something, but you didn't do it? I know I have. Sometimes it's hard to prove you didn't do it. And sometimes people won't even listen to you. You know, I've got a story about that. It's called Stealing Smells."

Adults: "Stories come from all over the world. And sometimes, one story can originate in many different places and cultures. The story I am about to tell you has origins in India, Peru, and even Europe. I would like to share with you my version of Stealing Smells"

Busking - Street Performing: Energy, Energy, Energy! - You will not only have to create the space, you will probably have to find and gather your audience - much like the circus "barker" who calls out to the passers-by.
"Ladies and gentlemen - gather 'round to hear some fantastical stories!
Stories of kings and queens, witches and wizards, the high and mighty, and the downtrodden too,
and maybe a story of people... just like you!
Come near, come near, and you will hear:
stories that make you laugh, stories that make you cry,
and stories that make you remember that look in her eye -
the sound of that voice - the feel of his skin -
stories for everyone - come closer, come in."
All of this has to do with you! You are the creator of your own stage. Let the light shine on you so your audience can see and hear your stories!
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Dreams or Reality?
We've all had that nightmare. You're on stage. Everyone is watching and waiting for you to start. You have no clothes on. There is no lectern to hide behind. You can't remember your story - not even the title! Your mind is blank. 
As a storyteller, THIS is your Naked and Afraid Moment!

For those who want their one-hour of fame, there is an even worse scenario. It's the TV show on the Discovery channel called Naked and Afraid. If you happen to be amoung the unknowing, it has been on since 2010 (that's eight seasons)!

The premise: Two people, one man and one woman are left in a remote place with no clothes, no food and only a machete and a pot; sometimes a fire starter, but often, not. They are to try and survive for 21 days. If they make it, do they get a big prize or a big pile of money? NO. They get what might be considered "bragging rights". Oh boy, that makes it worth it. Here's a preview:

Let me just say that I do watch this show, It is interesting to see how resourceful the participants are, and mostly, whether they can cooperate and work as "partners" or not. Often, the relationship breaks down under the pressure of limited resources and grueling weather and circumstances. Their experience makes for an interesting story for them to tell their friends and grandchildren.

I often have watched other adventure shows, and wondered, "Would I do that?" This is one show that I know, "I WOULD NOT!" I know my limitations. It's not so much about being naked (although I believe most people would change the channel if I were on). Forget naked. I couldn't deal with the tons of bugs; the bare feet walking on thorns; the lack of food; having to kill your own food; build your own shelter and everything else one can think of.

I do go camping, but I have a tent, I carry some dehydrated food, or go to a nearby bakery for my "pain aux raisin" every day. I am well aware of my limitations and what would be prudent at my age to brag about!

I'll gladly watch others attempt this challenge, while I sit in the comfort of my Barcalounger, enjoying Biscos & milk!

Then, I'll tell THEIR story to anyone who's interested.

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------------------------------------THERE'S A LOT GOING ON EACH MONTH
---------------------------------CALL TO MAKE SURE THE EVENT IS STILL ON

Infuse Open Mic
Second Sunday of each month - Phoenix

FStorytellers - Female Story Tellers - Tucson

Usually sometime during the first week of the month - but check their website) at  7 pm - TUCSON

Odyssey Storytelling
First Thursday of each month (usually but check calendar) - TUCSON

Tucson Tellers of Tales - Storytellers Guild
First Saturday of each month (except July and August) - Tucson

West Side Story Tellers - Storytellers Guild
First Saturday of each month - GLENDALE *NO meetings in July & August

East Valley Tellers of Tales -Storytellers Guild
Second Saturday of each month - SCOTTSDALE - *NO meetings in July & August

Fourth Saturday of each month (usually - check calendar) - *NO meetings in June & July
SMCC Storytelling Institute
A monthly workshop designed to help storytellers build community and deepen repertoire.
See the Calendar

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All Newsletter content ©Mark Goldman
Got some news or information you would like to get out to the storytelling community?

Contact Mark Goldman -x602-390-3858x - Mark@Storytellermark.com


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