     Monday, May 27, 2013
Issue # 57

Got some news or information you would like to get out to the storytelling community?
Contact Mark Goldman -x602-390-3858x - Mark@Storytellermark.com

On Holiday in England - The Blog is Up

I'm in Salisbury now after a couple of days of riding and camping just north. Been very windy and cold. Did have a day of calm and sunshine, so I cooked breakfast at the campground. Here's another classic pic of fried eggs, hashbrowns and ciabata toast. I have begun to blog about the trip and will posat more stories as I catch up.
Read the blog here

Liz Warren Blogs About Irish Studies Abroad

Liz Warren is back in Ireland with another Irish Studies Abroad class. She will be blogging once again about their adventures, the storytellers they experience and their OWN stories. Make sure you follow their exploits, as Liz's descriptions are like whole lessons in each post. She will be starting to blog soon, but first, read the entire blog from 2011. You'll learn a lot!
Read Liz's Blog
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This Week



The Most of Lit Lounge - Thursday, May 30th

Join Lit Lounge producer-coordinator Tania Katan as she brings the most engaging writers, performers and musicians in the nation together, getting  them on one BIG stage and offering you the MOST of this wildly popular story-performing series for the one-year anniversary!

Molly McCloy, L.A. Drama Critics' Circle Award-winning playwright Kim Porter, NEA Award-winning performer Jeff McMahon, Award-winning author Hillary Carlip and more! A peek at the musical guests (with more to come!): Where Are All the Buffalo and Doug Bale!

Advance tickets are strongly suggested as Lit Lounge events sell out quickly!

Read Randy Cordova's AZ Rep Article about Tania Katan and the Lit Lounge

Member tickets: $8 at 480-499-TKTS (8587) - Non-member tickets: $10.

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Are You Listening - To Your Audience?

We often say that to be a good storyteller, you first have to be a good listener. This is true, and listening to other tellers is the first step to understanding how to be a skilled teller.

Once you start telling though, you must add a slightly different kind of listening skill - you must listen closely to your audience. The relationship between you and your audience is one of the most important parts of the storytelling triad. The audience will tell you what you need to know. Where you need to go, where you need to slow down, speed up, shift gears and much more. 

Listening while telling is a learned skill, and not easy, so you must start right away and practice. Listen not only with your ears, but with your eyes, all your senses, your entire body. If you are telling and you get that strange sensation in the back of your neck, that little tenseness that tells you something is not quite right. Listen closely! Then take action.

Here's a story. - When the Marx Brothers were about to make a film, they took the show on the road. Most of their movies started out as stage plays anyway. They toured each show across the country. Each night, one of the things they "listened" for was, "Where did the audience laugh?" When they were finally ready to make the movie, they actually "paused" the dialogue in the places where they knew the audience would laugh. This way, everyone in the movie theatre heard the next lines. It was a brilliant strategy!

Here's another story, even more relevant. At a recent performance I attended at the Salisbury Music and Art Festival, a group of very talented dancers, trampoline artists and clowns did a one-hour show. It started out with a huge crowd, and lots of kids sitting on the ground, down front. After the first, well-paced twenty minutes, the tone of the show slowed. It slowed down to a death march. The kids started to wander about, and then the parents would pull them off to another venue. By the time they were done, almost all of the kids and one quarter of the audience had left. THAT should have told them something!

You may need help at first. Ask friends or coaches to listen with you. Compare notes afterwards to see what you heard, or what you may have missed. It is a skill that will be most valuable as you move along in your telling!

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A Captive Audience for Your Storytelling
Do you love to tell historical stories? Do you like to add little tidbits of information, little asides to your stories? Do you have a sense of humor? Do you like people (essential for storytelling). Would you like to tell to a captive audience for an hour? For three hours? All day? Three days a week? Every day?

Then being a Tour Guide might be the job for you! Don't laugh...good tour guides are highly respected, can often set their own schedules and can also receive decent tips from tour-goers.

The two guides we have had so far, one for Trinity College and the other for a day in the Irish country were excellent guides and storytellers.

Check out the possibilities for sites in your town or area, and also tourist attractions and historical monuments. Here in Phoenix, check out the next time the SMCC Storytelling Institute offers the course in Storytelling in a Variety of Settings. You might be surprised!

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Yarnball Storytellers Mic
Every Wednesday at  8 pm - PHOENIX

Odyssey Storytelling
First Thursday of each month - TUCSON

East Valley Tellers of Tales -Storytellers Guild
Second Saturday of each month - SCOTTSDALE

West Side Story Tellers -Storytellers Guild
Second Saturday of each month - GLENDALE

Lit Lounge - Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art (SMOCA)
Fourth Friday of each month - SCOTTSDALE

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All Newsletter content ©Mark Goldman
Got some news or information you would like to get out to the storytelling community?

Contact Mark Goldman -x602-390-3858x - Mark@Storytellermark.com


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