     Monday, April 29, 2013
Issue # 53

Got some news or information you would like to get out to the storytelling community?
Contact Mark Goldman -x602-390-3858x - Mark@Storytellermark.com

Lots Going On

There's a lot of storytelling going on. Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson this week. Yarnball Storytellers every Wednesday. Workshops from Sean Buvala. A new event from a "couch surfing" colleague. Student Storytelling Concert next week. Don't get left out. Check out the calendar section frequently for all events.

Do you have an event you want listed? It's easy to submit the info. Click here.

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This Week


Advanced Group Coaching for Oral Storytellers

Another Group Coaching Workshop this Wednesday, May 1st. You can't beat the price of $20 to get some classic coaching from Sean Buvala! - Pre-Registration is REQUIRED


Thursday - Odyssey Storytelling in Tucson

This curated Storytelling event in Tucson is in it's 11th year! Six people are invited to tell ten minute personal stories on a theme in front of an audience. The stories are not read or memorized, they are told from the life experiences and creativity of the teller. The theme for this month is "MOMMIE DEAREST, THE LOVE OF FAMILY".

Event Details

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Coming Up


NEXT WEEK - Student Storytelling Concert
Thursday - 5/9 - Arcadia Neighborhood Learning Center
Culminating and celebrating a year of storytelling in the classroom, there will be a storytelling concert with the 5th and 6th graders I work with at ANLC. Several of the students in Nan Wilkinson's class will tell stories for the Night of the Arts. Here's a teaser of the lineup:

Natasha - Rise and Shine - an original pourquoi story
Violet - The Day I Got My Point Shoes - a young girl's dream
Donny - Monty's Double - a true WW II spy story
Zoey - Why I pay My Mom 15¢ for a Salad - a family tale
Luke - Luke The Talking Horse - an original tale of horsing around
Anthony - our standout from last year's class - he will certainly surprise and delight us
Zoey & Natasha - The Paper Bag Princess - told in tandem!

Also scheduled to tell stories (time permitting) will be Nan's mother Ruth Shaw and me! Please attend and support our wonderful young tellers! The concert will be from 6:00 pm - 6:40 pm at the school in Scottsdale, on 62nd Street, just below Camelback. (Room 209)

Link to MAP Location

Check the calendar section for more details, but save the date now!

Adventures in Storytelling
Only one week away from my next trip to Ireland and England. 

For those who wish, you may follow me on my blog. I'll be posting stories almost every day (or as often as possible). If you want to read about my previous trips, you can do that as well.

Here's the blog site: 

The Desert Chronicles - A Storytelling Event
There's a new event in town, hosted by Danny Johnson, a colleague from Couchsurfing.org. Danny has just started this gathering, set for the first Monday of each month. The theme for May 6th is OUT OF MY COMFORT ZONE. Check out the info and contact Danny to attend. (6:30-9:30)
Click here for details & info

How to Write a Press release
Sean Buvala gives an informal presentation to teach you the basic of creating a press release.


Small Biz Story Slam
Sean Buval presents another great Small Biz Story Slam on Saturday, June 1st, at Gangplank Avondale. Names in the hat by 7:10 pm, show starts at 7:30 pm.

Theme: Friends and Foes


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Fact Checking - Do Your Homework

Several years ago I drove up to Flagstaff to meet a friend. She was traveling by car with some other folks and coming to Arizona. I told her to stop at Denny's, and wait for me. We agreed on a time to meet. I drove north on I-17, entered Flagstaff and went to the Denny's right off the main drag. I waited. And waited. And waited. 

I wondered where she could be and called her cell phone to find out what was up. She said, "I'm here at Denny's, where are you?"  I barked back at her, "I'm here at Denny's, where are you?!" It seems that there were two Denny's in Flagstaff. They had stopped at the one on the east side of town off of I-40. I was at the one on the west side of town.
I didn't know. I didn't check. I didn't even think to check - big mistake!
Don't make assumptions. When crafting a story, check everything. Check facts, check dates, check pronunciation, check everything. Do your due diligence. Ask yourself, "Might this be misconstrued in any way?" Don't leave anything to chance. Make sure you know the facts and are telling with confidence.
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Life Happens Between Meals
Most of you know that despite the fact that I am a “spice wimp” and can tolerate absolutely no hot, spicy food, most of the time…I LOVE food. Life is what happens while waiting between meals! By the same token…Stories happen at meals!

The great Katherine Windham had a wonderful story about Hobo Pie, the pie that their family served to a hobo who came to the back door one day during a family meal. Our own local teller, Nancy Jennings has a wonderful story about Mama’s Lemon Icebox Pie. She even made a beautiful photo book out of that story.
Story and food make great partners! Think of all the stories that have been told around the dinner table, or even in the kitchen while your mom or grandmother made a meal, or baked a special treat with tender loving care. Favorite recipes conjure up memories and stories of family history that are told over and over again. 
Here's a site from Laura Packer called Cookpot Stories. She has quotes, stories about food and recipes too!
Here's a recent blog post from Kim Weitkamp called The Story of Food. A delectable tale of her Mom's Chicken Plantation and Shoo Fly Pie...as only Kim can tell it. Recipes are included! 

And don't forget our own Cassie Cushing, recently transplanted to Berkly, CA. Her goal is to open a storytelling coffee shop, Kaleidoscope Coffee. Let's help her get some funding by voting for her. It's easy and quick. Just go to this site and click on the voting icon. It's that simple. You can vote once a day, every day! What a great story that will be when she opens the doors! Click here for the page to vote.

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Yarnball Storytellers Mic
Every Wednesday at  8 pm - PHOENIX

Odyssey Storytelling
First Thursday of each month - TUCSON

East Valley Tellers of Tales -Storytellers Guild
Second Saturday of each month - SCOTTSDALE

West Side Story Tellers -Storytellers Guild
Second Saturday of each month - GLENDALE

Lit Lounge - Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art (SMOCA)
Fourth Friday of each month - SCOTTSDALE

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All Newsletter content ©Mark Goldman
Got some news or information you would like to get out to the storytelling community?

Contact Mark Goldman -x602-390-3858x - Mark@Storytellermark.com


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