     Monday, April 22, 2013
Issue # 52

Got some news or information you would like to get out to the storytelling community?
Contact Mark Goldman -x602-390-3858x - Mark@Storytellermark.com

-----------------------------HAPPY ANNIVERSARY
-----------This issue marks the ONE YEAR anniversary for this newsletter!

That's right, 52 weeks of News, Tips and Tidbits! I hope the articles have been interesting and useful. Thanks to everyone who has written to say you like "this" or "that".

Doing the newsletter is a little like doing a radio show. You're talking into the mic, but don't really know if anyone is out there, listening. I do know that there are a certain number of people clicking through and scanning the page. I don't always know if what you are reading is of interest, or useful in any way.

I would love to hear from you. Let me know what you think of the newsletter and the content. I know that many of you who receive it live outside the Phoenix area. Are the Tips and Tidbits of interest to you? I have a couple of ideas for new features that I hope to initiate at the end of the summer.
E-mail me with any suggestions or thoughts about what you would like to see - "More of this" - "Less of that". What's your feedback? I am listening.

In the meantime...here are some of my favorites tips:

Adventure Awaits!

Well folks, in just about 2 weeks and I will be winging my way to Ireland and England. Many of you know that I have made similar trips before. My last one was two years ago and I went to England, The Netherlands, Belgium and France.

My friend and I cycled around the country, camped out or stayed at youth hostels, and generally came and went when and as we pleased. No schedule, no constraints, no pressure.

This year we will be starting in Dublin, as the airfare was much cheaper to fly into Dublin versus London. It will be interesting to attend an open mic called "Milk & Cookies" in Dublin, just a few days after we arrive. Can't wait to soak up some of the Irish storytelling culture, then ferry over to England.

I'll be spending time in Salisbury (near Stonehenge) and then cycling across the country to Canterbury, one of my favorite places. It's like one big street fair every day with tourists and vendors crowding the streets and enjoying themselves (as long as the rain stays away!). I leave May 10th and return June 12th - that's right 4 1/2 weeks! Can't wait.

For those who wish, you may follow me on my blog. I'll be posting almost every day (or as often as possible). If you want to read about my previous trips, you can do that as well.
Here's the blog site: http://mark-goldman.blogspot.com/

Let the Coffee and Stories Begin!

Hey folks, let's all help our Storyteller friend and Coffee Entrepeneur Cassie Cushing get her Coffee and Stories, Kaleidescope Coffee shop going in Berkley, CA. Click on the link to vote for Kaleidescope Coffee and help Cassie get access to funding!

Click here to vote

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Coming Up


Fifth & Sixth Grade Student Concert - Save the Date!
Thursday - May 9th - Arcadia Neighborhood Learning Center
Culminating and celebrating a year of storytelling in the classroom, there will be a storytelling concert with the 5th and 6th graders I work with at ANLC. Several of the students in Nan Wilkinson's class will tell stories for the Night of the Arts at the school. We even have two students telling a "tandem" tale! I am very excited.

Also telling stories will be Nan Wilkinson, Nan's mother Ruth Shaw and me! We would love to have you attend and support our young tellers! The concert will be from 6:00 pm - 6:40 pm at the school in Scottsdale, on 62nd Street, just below Camelback.
Link to MAP Location

Check the calendar section for more details, but save the date now!

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Survey the Territory

What are you doing just before you go on to tell? Waiting nervously in the wings? Thinking about your grocery list? Hoping your loved one will enjoy your telling?

Here's a better idea: Survey the Territory

Donald Davis discussed this in a workshop earlier this year at South Mountain Community College. Donald stands out in the Lobby and greets people. He watches to see who is coming in. Families, large or small? Couples young or old? Teenagers? He wants to see what the audience is made up of.

Remember, storytelling is a collaboration between the teller, the story and the audience. So the best way to start this collaboration is to get to know your audience. Knowing them, and understanding more about them will help set the tone for your telling. If you are doing a full program, you may decide to alter the content, or the order in which you tell. You may decide to tell the "shorter" or "longer" version of a particular tale based on what you have observed.

Good storytellers always adjust their set according to subtle audience feedback and participation. The really good ones already have a "feel" for the audience before they start.

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You Do What?
The subject always comes up. You could be at a party, on an airplane, waiting in line somewhere..."What do you do?" For those of us who are focusing on Storytelling, the answer can sometimes be a dilemma. Most people think "storytelling" is reading to kids in the library. Most don't understand the vast array of options and categories that storytelling actually embraces. So, do you say you are a "Storyteller"? Do you use some other term or phrase? Two of my colleagues have written blogs about this topic. I think you will find them both interesting.

Susanna Holstein, aka "Granny Sue", is a long-time veteran of storytelling. Here is a recent blog from her website.


My friend and storytelling colleague Priscilla Howe is off to Chile for the summer, telling in English to school children there. Here is a recent blog about her response to the question. It's a good summary of what she does.

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Yarnball Storytellers Mic
Every Wednesday at  8 pm - PHOENIX

Odyssey Storytelling
First Thursday of each month - TUCSON

East Valley Tellers of Tales -Storytellers Guild
Second Saturday of each month - SCOTTSDALE

West Side Story Tellers -Storytellers Guild
Second Saturday of each month - GLENDALE

Lit Lounge - Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art (SMOCA)
Fourth Friday of each month - SCOTTSDALE

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All Newsletter content ©Mark Goldman
Got some news or information you would like to get out to the storytelling community?

Contact Mark Goldman -x602-390-3858x - Mark@Storytellermark.com


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