     Monday, April 21, 2014
Issue # 104

Got some news or information you would like to get out to the storytelling community?
Contact Mark Goldman -x602-390-3858x - Mark@Storytellermark.com

EXTRA - Liz Warren Receives Award

This just in (Monday 5 pm) from NSN:

Liz Warren has received the 2014 NSN Western Region Service & Leadership Award! The award will be presented at the 2014 NSN Conference in Phoenix (Mesa), Arizona, July 24-27.

More about this next week! 

Five Winners So Far - The Contest Continues

Only TEN Days Left to Win a Prize.
Win a T-shirt, a drink, and breakfast or lunch at the Conference!

There's still time to get in on the fun!

You didn't have to read all the newsletters to know the answers. The answers can be found in the Newsletter Archives by clicking on the 
Click to Select Previous Newsletters and Topics button above.

Click here to see the questions and contest rules

NSN Conference Update

Ride Share and Room Share Section of Conference Website is now available and active! - CLICK HERE
The hotel is less expensive this year, but you can save even more by sharing a room - It's great way to make new friends!

Advertise in the Conference Program - CLICK HERE
Reach over 300 attendees with your message - the rates are very reasonable!

NEXT WEEK - Look for new info about TRANSPORTATION!


Students and Seniors - Special Pricing
Earlybird Registration DEADLINE - MAY 15
Save BIG BUCKS when you register early.
As little as $255 for Seniors or Students BEFORE May 15
(after may 15 - prices go up $75)
Click here for Registration
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This Week


PVCC Festival of Tales

Saturday - April 26

Paradise Valley Community College students are bringing books to life through the art of storytelling during the Spring Festival of Tales, Saturday, April 26, 2014, from 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Kranitz Student Center (KSC).
Storytelling sessions (10am, 11 am & 1 pm); arts and crafts; face painting; live music; food available for purchase.
In its 12th semester at PVCC, the Festival of Tales is a fun day of reading, literacy and cultural activities for local children that include arts and crafts, games, face painting and music. More than 2,000 new books will be given away to participating children. The Festival of Tales engages community college students in the teaching and learning process through storytelling. 

Arizona Springs

Saturday April 26, 6-8pm

A FREE storytelling concert presented by West Side Story Tellers, honoring the beauty of our beautiful Arizona spring time.

With Loren Russell, Joyce Story, Mark Compton, Lon Austin, Andy Hurlbut, Donna Martin, Susan Sander

Location Details:
Beatitudes Campus of Care
1610 W. Glendale Ave.

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Coming Up


Mark Your Calendars - SMCC Graduation!
May 2 - Friday 6:00 PM

FREE - “Storytelling Concert & Graduation” Presented by the SMCC Storytelling Institute. 
Join the students and Faculty of the SMCC Storytelling Institute as the celebrate the graduation of their storyteller students. Each graduate will share a story.
Location Details:
SMCC Library Community Room
7050 S. 24th Street
Phoenix AZ 85042 US
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More Than A Graphic Model - It's a Process

It happened last week, and again this week. Last Monday, both Sean Buvala and I talked about heroes in our newsletter blogs. Then, on Saturday, colleague and friend Pam Faro posted in her A-Z blog with a piece about "Questions" regarding the "Storytelling Triangle", which I had already begun to write for THIS newsletter. Well, I guess it just means we're all in good company!

We're all familiar with the "Golden Triangle" of storytelling. In order for storytelling to take place, one has to have a Teller, a Story and an Audience. They are all equally important, and the relationship between all three is of utmost importance.

But wait, there's more! 

This graphic "map" for storytelling should be your guide for all performances, both planned and unplanned. Pam's blog (read it here) has some great questions about each of the elements. And, as she says,

"Often it’s the case that specific answers are not even what is needed – but the questioning process itself is what leads you forward, deeper and farther into your story selecting, preparation, and telling!"

Here's my "story" example:

A few months ago I was at Delux, the gourmet burger restaurant owned by my friend Lenny Rosenberg (32nd and Camelback for those who might be interested). 
We were in his office, and on the way out, passed by the private dining room where a group of eight business women were having a dinner meeting. Lenny stepped in to check on them, and pulled me in and introduced me as “a great storyteller”. The ladies couldn’t resist asking me to share a story with them. –
NOW – What do I do?
I had about five seconds (maybe six) to decide if I should tell, and then what story. The quick questions:
Teller? – Me. Lenny had already pumped up my abilities, and we had already shared a laugh or two. Rapport had been established.
Audience? – High-powered, strong, decisive (and by the sound of their laughter, fun-loving) business women.
Story?The Castle of the Faithful Wives (clever, strong women who save the lives of their families).
So I asked them (a calculated measure to see if they were really ready for a story), “How about a story about strong women?” — I think I had them in the palm of my hand.
I kept it short, two to three minutes, and made sure that the reveal of the “women carrying their husbands away from the castle, on their backs” was both humorous, and drove home the point of clever, strong women.
They laughed, cheered in triumph, and gave me (and the story) a great round of applause.
The Golden Triangle was glowing bright.
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What Kind of Workshop Do YOU Want?
What do YOU want in a storytelling workshop? What will help you the most at this point in your telling? What if you could design a workshop just for you?

Well now you can!

Sometime in May or June I will be presenting a Storytelling Workshop based on WHAT YOU NEED. All I need is for you to E-mail me and tell me what you need. Tell me what will be most useful to you. Here are some possible ideas...you fill in the rest with your own:

  • Best Length: Half-Day - All-Day
  • Best Location: east valley - central valley - west valley
  • Price range - willing to pay:
  • Possible topics
    -- Where do I start with story creation?
    -- Developing the language of the story.
    -- Developing characters and back story.
    -- Working on story line.
    -- Timing - Pacing.
    -- Gestures - Body language
    -- Using your voice - highs, lows, projecting
    -- Finding and differentiating character voices
    -- Choosing a Point Of View
    -- Beginnings - Endings.
    -- What's the story about?
  • I want to walk away with: ?????

I will review all the requests and create a workshop that will accommodate as much of what you tell me.

Now is your chance to get just what you want!

Click here to E-mail me your needs

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------------------------------------THERE'S A LOT GOING ON EACH MONTH
---------------------------------CALL TO MAKE SURE THE EVENT IS STILL ON

Homebase Poetry
First Sunday of each month - Phoenix

Infuse Open Mic
Second Sunday of each month - Phoenix

Yarnball Storytellers Mic
Every Wednesday at  8 pm - PHOENIX

FStorytellers - Female Story Tellers
Every Second Wednesday (usually but check calendar) at  7 pm - TUCSON

Odyssey Storytelling
First Thursday of each month (usually but check calendar) - TUCSON

Storyline: Origins
Third Friday (usually) of each month - PHOENIX

Lit Lounge - Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art (SMOCA)
Fourth Friday of each month - SCOTTSDALE

Tucson Tellers of Tales - Storytellers Guild
First Saturday of each month (except July and August) - Tucson

East Valley Tellers of Tales -Storytellers Guild
Second Saturday of each month - SCOTTSDALE

West Side Story Tellers -Storytellers Guild
Second Saturday of each month - GLENDALE

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All Newsletter content ©Mark Goldman
Got some news or information you would like to get out to the storytelling community?

Contact Mark Goldman -x602-390-3858x - Mark@Storytellermark.com


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