     Monday - February 19, 2018
Issue # 302

Got some news or information you would like to get out to the storytelling community?
Contact Mark Goldman -x602-390-3858x - Mark@Storytellermark.com

Call for Proposals - Kansas City, Here I Come

NSN National Storytelling Summit

July 24-31, 2018
Kansas City Marriott, Country Club Plaza
Kansas City, Missouri

Theme: Communities, Conflicts, and Transformational Stories

Deadline for proposals: February 28, 2018
More info & forms

2018 Historical-Hysterical Storytelling Tour - New Itinerary!

                      Anyone can come along! - Not just for storytellers!


For the last two summers, I have taken several students and colleagues to England on our Historical-Hysterical Storytelling Tour. The first year was 10 days, all in England. This past summer, it was 11 days and we included Dublin, Ireland. This coming summer, in 2018, I have planned a very ambitious route!

14 days on the ground, visiting these sites:

  • Dublin - The home of Guinness Beer - and a few other historical venues
  • Edinburgh - The capitol of Scotland and one-time home to Robert Louis Stevenson, author of many stories, including Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
  • Nottingham - The home of Robin Hood, Earl of Locksley, near Sherwood Forest
  • Canterbury - the site of Canterbury Tales
  • London - Steeped with stories of its history and culture
  • Salisbury - Home of Salisbury Cathedral, with the tallest spire in Europe
  • Stonehenge - The ancient formation of spiritual stones

Seven cities and over twenty different venues that will surely delight us with stories of old and inspire us to create anew. I hope you will join me for this great story-adventure! (Itinerary subject to change, we may opt for Brussels & Dunkirk over Edinburgh)

Total estimated cost will be about $2949.00 - 

Learn more details about the trip here.

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This Week


Stories on the Outskirts of Ableism:
A Storytelling Workshop on Giving Voice to Disability

Friday - February 23 - 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Rio Salado College


Dont Miss This! - Kevin is AMAZING!

Walking a mile in anyone else’s shoes is easier said than done, especially if it is an ill fit or in any way involves sequined stilettos—and snow. Any difficulty with understanding, communication, and empathy is further compounded by the divide of disability. Those who are “temporarily able-bodied” and those who are not have very different perspectives. Storytelling, however, can help mitigate that experiential alienation. Towards that end, this workshop will deploy “tried and true” storytelling techniques—but with an emphasis on disability as source material. When telling a personal story, how do we recall the details hidden in our past? There will be an app for that.

Other components of the toolkit include creating imagery, working with humor, crafting dialogue, and such other elements that transform an experience into a story as "the invitation," where storytellers develop trust and enter into a conversation with their audiences. Professional Storyteller Kevin Kling will break down and analyze some of his own stories and then work with enrollees’ personal stories.

The first two hours of the workshop will be lecture/group exercise-based. The third hour will culminate in a showcase of selected participants’ works. (A videotape of personal “stories in progress” for enrollees who want to tell their stories will need to be sent to: keith.anderson@mesacc.edu by noon on February 16 for approval and selection. The stories should be between five and ten minutes long.) Enrollment will be limited to 60, divided equally between faculty, staff, students, and community members.

Map: http://www.riosalado.edu/locations/tempe/Documents/tempemap.pdf
Click here for info & Registration

Kevin Kling in a Free Concert

Friday - February 23rd - 7:00 pm - 8:15 PM FREE
Red Mountain Campus - RAP Center
7110 E McKellips Rd, Mesa, AZ 85215

Kevin is one of the funniest storytellers I know. His skill at crafting language is unparalleled! You will laugh, you will cry, you will enjoy. DON'T MISS HIM!
Kevin Kling is a well-known playwright and storyteller, and his commentaries can be heard on NPR’s All Things Considered. His plays and adaptations have been performed around the world. He lives in Minneapolis.
Kevin Kling, best known for his popular commentaries on National Public Radio’s All Things Considered and his storytelling stage shows like Tales from the Charred Underbelly of the Yule Log, delivers hilarious, often tender stories. Kling’s autobiographical tales are as enchanting as they are true to life: hopping freight trains, getting hit by lightning, performing his banned play in Czechoslovakia, growing up in Minnesota, and eating things before knowing what they are.
Kevin was born with a congenital birth defect — his left arm is about three-quarters the size of his right arm, and his left hand has no wrist or thumb. In 2001 Kevin was in a motorcycle accident and suffered brachial plexus injury (BPI). The brachial plexus nerves in his right arm were pulled completely out of their sockets. Currently, he has partial use of his left arm and cannot use his right arm at all.
Map of the Red Mountain Campus & RAP

Storyline Slam - Choices

Friday - February 23rd - 7:00 pm
The Newton at Changing Hands Bookstore (Phoenix)

Ten storytellers share six-minute true stories based on a common theme. They are judged by the audience and the story with the most points at the end of the show receives a cash prize.
TICKET (admits one) is $6 in advance, $8 at the door from Changing Hands Phoenix.
Order at 602.274.0067 

Telling Tales - Learning Lessons - Tucson Concert

Saturday, February 24 - Doors open at 1:30pm, Show at 2pm
Caritas Center for Healing
330 E 16th St, Tucson, AZ 85701 
Southern Arizona Storytelling Presents
Storytelling for Grown Ups
Join Glenda Bonin, Jordan Hill, and Debra Olson-Tolar
for an afternoon of personal and traditional tales
Suggested Donation is $8 - proceeds go to the artists 
Questions/Reservations: Contact Debra Olson-Tolar 

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Coming Up


Myth Informed CANCELLED
We regret to inform all that this concert has been CANCELLED.

Jim May Coming to Tucson!
Saturday, March 3 - 9:30 a.m. 
Unscrewed Theater, 3244 E Speedway

Learn About the Art of Storytelling from Jim May, Master Storyteller and Award Winning Author
Tellers of Tales in Tucson is thrilled to be included on Jim May’s 2018 book tour. You will laugh, cry and be enchanted listening to the stories and experiences Jim May shares in his workshop. Jim is an expert when it comes to weaving a memorable story, and he is able to artfully share his philosophy about why we need stories to connect with each other now more than ever before.
TOT memberts: Free
Non-Members: Suggested donation of $5
Jim May’s book, Trail Guide For a Crooked Heart, has won a prestigious Anne Izard library award from the Westchester NY Library Foundation, as well as World Storytelling Award from the journal by the same name. His new chapter book for middle readers will be released this spring, The Further Adventures of The Boo Baby Girl (and her sidekick, Bootsie the bilingual cattle herding Chihuahua).

Flutterfest - Storytelling About Pollinators
Friday, Saturday & Sunday - March 9, 10 &11 - 9 AM - 2 PM
Desert Botanical Gardens - Phoenix

A new spring family festival is alighting in the Botanical Garden, filling the trails with stories and song. Hear tales about nature, make a treat for butterflies and other fluttery friends, visit the butterfly exhibit and dance like you have wings to live music. There will be lots to learn about pollinators and our natural environment and many fun surprises in store.

The SMCC Storytelling Institute is presenting THREE DAYS of storytelling on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, March 9, 10, and 11. The stories will be about pollinators: bats, bees, birds, butterflies, and the wind.  They will do 5 half-hour sessions each day, and each session will be devoted to one of the pollinators.

Open to the public on Saturday & Sunday. Friday is a separate day for special needs children. Come join the fun!

Here's the Schedule:

9:30 Bats
10:30 Bees
11:30 Birds
12:30 Butterflies
1:30 Wind

If you would like to tell, please let Liz Warren know.  They have assembled a good collection of stories for each session for you to choose from.
E-mail Liz

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1.    a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable.
"“I had fallen through a trapdoor of depression,” said Mark, who was fond of theatrical metaphors"

synonyms: figure of speech, image, trope, analogy, comparison, symbol, word painting/picture
"the profusion of metaphors in her everyday speech has gotten pretty tiresome"

2.    a thing regarded as representative or symbolic of something else, especially something abstract.

"the amounts of money being lost by the company were enough to make it a metaphor for an industry that was teetering"

Ah, metaphors, similes, figures of speech! Words and language; great tools of the storyteller. When you listen to great story tellers or spoken-word artists, one of the first things you notice (hear) is the language they are using; the words, the phrases. Their prose is made up of poetic lines that peek the interest of the audience. They spark the imagination of the listeners. They paint pictures that fill the minds of those who want to know, "What happens next?"

How can you find this type of creative language; phrases that make your audience lean forward with their ears perked up like a coyote, listening to the front, side and even to the back? 

Here's an exercise that I do with my Community College classes, but one could do it on your own too.

Focus in on ONE object. I start with fruits and vegetables. Let's take an avocado. We usually go around in a circle, with each student taking ONE aspect, using each sense: sight, sound, touch, smell, taste, describe the item using a metaphor or a simile. You can try each one by itself.

Sight: This avocado is as green as the rolling hills of Ireland
Touch: This avocado has the skin of an alligator
Sound: The wind whistles past this avocado, skipping lightly over it's bumps.
Smell: This avocado has the scent of dark green and light green all at once.
Taste: The thrice tastes of the avocado: The outside is rough and bitter; the inside is smooth and creamy; the pit is as hard as my ex-lover's heart!

After you have done this with several different items, focus on your story. Try to use each of the senses (one at a time) in a metaphor or simile to describe a character, a setting or an object in your story.

Jack was as lazy as the hare who took a nap in the middle of the race with the tortoise!
That cow would not give milk! She was as stubborn as an old mule and as dry as the desert could be.
Jack and his mom were so poor that even the rats went to bed without dinner.
The sight of those "magic" beans made Jack's head start spinning like a carnival carousel.
That con man saw Jack coming from a mile away; a brain as small as one of his beans; and a cash cow, money-on-the-hoof.
As jack and the cow neared, kicking up the dry, dusty road, the con man began to salivate with impending glee. That spot on the path became the oasis he had been waiting for.

Etc., etc., and so forth!

I use a thesaurus too, to find other words or phrases to spark a good metaphor!

Try with adjectives too: as tall as, wide, smart, dumb (as a box of rocks), beautiful, fast, creative, silky,, etc.

Use your "image engine": See Jack, staning there, with the cow tethered to himself. What's the image that comes to mind? What does he look like?

GCC STUDENTS: For extra credit - Send an e-mail to mark@storytellermark.com with a metaphor or simile about our STORYTELLING CLASS. EX: Our storytelling class is a three ring circus with acrobats, jugglers, trapeze artists and a clown as the ringmaster! Note: You can't use a circus in YOUR metaphor. - Possible five points.

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From Donna Washington - Language, Literacy and Storytelling
Telling to Sixth Graders
February is always an exhausting month for me. My running joke is that even people who didn’t know they needed a performer of any kind suddenly need a black one in February!

I work with all kinds of audiences. Sixth grade is one of my favorites.
Sixth Grade Is A Funky Year For Most Kids.  It Is A Transitional Year From Childhood Into The First Blush Of The Teenage Years. 
They are going through a hormonal obstacle course on the inside.  Some are changing drastically on the outside, others aren’t changing at all and everyone is noticing.
All sorts of things that never bothered them before become of paramount importance.
For some, their arms and legs outgrow the rest of their bodies, leaving them awkward and clumsy.  Girls tend to sprout up, often leaving many of the boys behind.  Everybody starts developing towards full maturity and the blessings and curses of that tend to make pretty much everyone wish they were in someone else’s body.
This is the year some parents notice that their child is getting a bit more ‘sassy’.  These tweens need more space and less space and they vacillate between young people and children...
Click here for the entire blog - AND a BONUS video of a friend and colleague with a story for sixth graders...with their reactions afterwards.
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------------------------------------THERE'S A LOT GOING ON EACH MONTH
---------------------------------CALL TO MAKE SURE THE EVENT IS STILL ON

Infuse Open Mic
Second Sunday of each month - Phoenix

FStorytellers - Female Story Tellers - Tucson

Usually sometime during the first week of the month - but check their website) at  7 pm - TUCSON

Odyssey Storytelling
First Thursday of each month (usually but check calendar) - TUCSON

Tucson Tellers of Tales - Storytellers Guild
First Saturday of each month (except July and August) - Tucson

West Side Story Tellers - Storytellers Guild
First Saturday of each month - GLENDALE *NO meetings in July & August

East Valley Tellers of Tales -Storytellers Guild
Second Saturday of each month - SCOTTSDALE - *NO meetings in July & August

Fourth Saturday of each month (usually - check calendar) - *NO meetings in June & July
SMCC Storytelling Institute
A monthly workshop designed to help storytellers build community and deepen repertoire.
See the Calendar

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All Newsletter content ©Mark Goldman
Got some news or information you would like to get out to the storytelling community?

Contact Mark Goldman -x602-390-3858x - Mark@Storytellermark.com


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