     Monday - December 18, 2017
Issue # 293

Got some news or information you would like to get out to the storytelling community?
Contact Mark Goldman -x602-390-3858x - Mark@Storytellermark.com

Rocky Mountain Storytelling Conference - Proposals DUE IN 4 DAYS

The Rocky Mountain Storytelling Conference is calling for Proposals for workshops and performances for their 2018 Conference on April 21st. Proposals are due on December 22nd, so now is the time!

The Conference is held in beautiful Golden, Colorado (where Coors Beer is made). The folks are very warm and welcoming and there are usually about 75 to 100 attendees. 

The 2018 theme is Change the Story, Change the World - Exploring Story’s Impact from folk and fairy tales to slams and personal stories. The featured performer and Keynote speaker will be Lyn Ford!


For the Holidays, Why Not Give the Gift O' the Green?

Here's a great gift for a good friend...or even YOURSELF!

This year, give the gift O' green. Join Pam Faro and Mark Goldman for the third annual Historical, Hysterical UK Storytelling Tour!

You'll laugh, you'll moan, you'll dance; tell stories, listen to stories, visit Ireland, Scotland and England; meet new people and hear the rich tales of people who grew up in a great culture of story!

The folks in the UK love stories. They'll tell you a story at the drop of a hat. And if need be, they will drop their own hat, just to regale you with a great tale, handed down through the ages, and told from the heart.

Imagine the delight of a loved one as they open your gift on Christmas Day and then again when they step onto the plane that will whisk them off to the magical, green UK for a full two weeks of the joy of story, history and fun in the UK!
Click here for the dates and all the details

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This Week


Arizona Storytellers: Holiday Spectacular

Wednesday & Thursday - December 20th & 21st - 7:00pm
Crescent Ballroom

On this night, we celebrate the stories that unite our communities, faiths and families. Join azcentral.com and The Arizona Republic for a night of holiday cookies, cocoa and tales in the beautiful Frank Lloyd Wright Ballroom.


Megan Finnerty, Director of the Storytellers Brand Studio and founder of the Storytellers Project

Garrett Mitchell, reporter, The Arizona Republic and azcentral.com

  • General Admission tickets ($14) & Students ($7) include hot chocolate and fabulous holiday cookies as our gift to you. Full cash bar. (No dinner.)
  • Supporter Seating tickets ($30) include hot chocolate and holiday cookies, plus priority seating in rows 2-4, a souvenir Arizona Storytellers Project glass from local maker Refresh Glass, and a holiday card with two free tickets to any 2017 show.
  • Self-park is free and is to the West of the property in the convention area. Valet is free, but tips are customary.
  • This night is best for children who understand the complexities of the holidays.
Megan Finnerty, director of the Storytellers Brand Studio
Alexus Rhone, associate producer with the Storytellers Brand Studio
Featured Storytellers:
Lorraine Longhi
Evan E. Roberts
Nate Romero
Kaden Sheffield
Rafael Carranza
Megan Finnerty
Become a subscriber: All Arizona Republic and azcentral subscribers receive a complimentary, gourmet brownie from Fairytale Brownies at check-in. Click here to learn about other great subscriber perks. 
Accessibility Note: If you require ASL Interpretation Services for this event or a future Storytellers event, or if you require accommodations related to mobility or seating, contact Alexus Rhone at arhone@gannett.com.

Info & Tickets

Storytelling at Phoestivus Open Air Market

Thursday - December 21st - 8:pm
Phoenix Open Air MArket
721 N. Central Ave., Phoenix 85004

The Phoestivus market features over 150 local artisans, producers, farmers, food trucks and community partners and reaches more than 6,000 attendees.

There will be a short Holiday Storytelling show performed at the market at SoundBite, a food truck that features a drop-down live entertainment stage produced by Short Leash Hot Dogs and KJZZ.

The Market will be held from 5pm-10pm and the Storytellers will perform from 8pm to 8:45pm. 


Thursday December 14
HOST: Megan Finnerty


  • JJ Hensley
  • Mark Goldman
  • Weldon Johnson
  • Megan Finnerty 

Thursday December 21
HOST: Joanna Brathwaite


  • JJ Hensley
  • Mark Goldman - with a NEW atory!
  • Weldon Johnson
  • Dianna M. Náñez






PARKIING: There is free parking north of the Market off of Mckinley between Central and 1st. 
There is also more parking in the lot South of Pierce - I believe it is $6.  It is a huge lot that should be easy to find parking.

Music & Stories with Sule Greg Wilson

Friday - December 22 -8:45 pm
Fiddler's Dream Coffee House
1702 E Glendale Ave, Phoenix AZZ 85020 

Musician and Storyteller Sule Greg Willson performs and does what he does best - Plays Music and Tells Stories! Join him for a short set at 8:45 pm at the iconic Fiddler's Dream Coffeehouse! He informs us that some of the stories will be seasonal.

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Storyseeds...A Different kind of Prompt

Friend, colleague, Storyteller and trainer Laura Packer has begun to post "Storytelling Seeds". Slightly different from a story prompt such as: The first time you rode a bike; the first time you left home; The last time you moved to a new home, etc. 

Storyseeds are more like the beginning of a thought, or perhaps a question. These are all recent posts by Laura:

  • Are you sure your reflection didn't just wink at you?
  • A willow falls in love with a stream.
  • Are you sure you’re awake?
  • They leaned over, their heads almost touching as they peered at the petri dish. His hair smelled like hope and mystery. "Is... is it waving at us?"
  • He turned the corner before you could get a good look, but was that really...
  • Are you sure your reflection didn't just wink at you?
  • A willow falls in love with a stream.
  • Are you sure you’re awake?
  • They leaned over, their heads almost touching as they peered at the petri dish. His hair smelled like hope and mystery. "Is... is it waving at us?"
  • He turned the corner before you could get a good look, but was that really...
Here's an idea that I had:
Consider a photo...what does the image conjure up? There cold be many aspects and ways to interpret it. Then, consider all the different ways to begin the story. Don't worry about what comes next...just begin:
  • The city was waking up, and the mist of clouds began to rise toward the sky. Was today the day that he would be successful?
  • She turned onto the bridge, half shrouded in the low mist of clouds. She gave no thought to driving into the fog, as she had done it many times before. But as she emerged on the other side, what she saw was not what she expected.
  • He stood at the center of the bridge, bathed in the clouds. He stared into nothingness...all around him. Even the water below was shrouded in the mist. "Good", he thought. "I'm glad I can't see it." He breathed in the moisture. He could taste the tears of a thousand sorrows that had stood on that bridge before. He stepped up on the ledge and breathed again, as he held the cold, steel railing damp with the morning dew. And then...
  • She awoke on a rocky surface. Her whole being was in that kind of haze when you're not sure if you have really woken up, or if you are still in the dream. She had no idea of how she got there, or where she was. As far as she could see, there were clouds. She saw a sun rise in the far-off distance, and then, as the clouds began to slowly lift, they revealed a bridge, and then water, and then, a city. A city that shone gold in the sunlight's reflection.

You can fid your own: Pick ANY book off of a shelf; open it to a random page; read the first sentence from a paragrah. Or read the last sentence. Continue on from there.

Look around the room. What do you see? Begin a story by describing what you see. The ideas to begin a story are endless.

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Light in the darkness.
Also from Laura Packer... A recent post of Holiday Cheer!

So there I was, checking out at the supermarket, not noticing that the line was closed. The cashier didn't comment until the customer in front of me was cashed out and only then did she tell me the line was closed, she couldn't help me. Mildly miffed, I moved over to the next lane.

The woman in front of me stepped aside and said, "I saw you waiting there, why don't you go in front of me? I have more than you do." I thanked her and did (I only had a few things). When she noticed my Hanukah candles and matzoh ball mix she smiled. I smiled too and told her she was my Hanukah moment of light, since she was being so kind.

She beamed and told me about her best friend who is Jewish, and how they celebrated both Hanukah and Christmas together, then she wished me a Happy Hanukah and I wished her a Merry Christmas.
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------------------------------------THERE'S A LOT GOING ON EACH MONTH
---------------------------------CALL TO MAKE SURE THE EVENT IS STILL ON

Infuse Open Mic
Second Sunday of each month - Phoenix

Chatterbox Open Mic
Every Wednesday at  8 pm - PHOENIX

FStorytellers - Female Story Tellers - Tucson
Usually sometime during the first week of the month - but check their website) at  7 pm - TUCSON

Odyssey Storytelling
First Thursday of each month (usually but check calendar) - TUCSON

Tucson Tellers of Tales - Storytellers Guild
First Saturday of each month (except July and August) - Tucson

West Side Story Tellers - Storytellers Guild
First Saturday of each month - GLENDALE *NO meetings in July & August

East Valley Tellers of Tales -Storytellers Guild
Second Saturday of each month - SCOTTSDALE - *NO meetings in July & August

Fourth Saturday of each month (usually - check calendar) - *NO meetings in June & July
SMCC Storytelling Institute
A monthly workshop designed to help storytellers build community and deepen repertoire.
See the Calendar

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All Newsletter content ©Mark Goldman
Got some news or information you would like to get out to the storytelling community?

Contact Mark Goldman -x602-390-3858x - Mark@Storytellermark.com


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