     Monday - December 10, 2018
Issue # 344

Got some news or information you would like to get out to the storytelling community?
Contact Mark Goldman -x602-390-3858x - Mark@Storytellermark.com

Happy Birthday Melvil

Today is Melvil Dewey's birthday. He is responsible for, among others, this number: 398.2.

The Dewey Decimal System (DDC) was copyrighted in 1876 for use in libraries. It is the way books are classified and displayed on the shelves. If you wanted to find a book, pre-computer era, you used the "card catalogue". You looked up the book alphabetically in a huge set of drawers with small cards listing each book in the library. That card listed a DDC Number. You then went to that number section in the stacks, i.e.200-300. Your book could be found in "numerical order" on the shelf.

One of the innovations of the Dewey Decimal system was that of positioning books on the shelves in relation to other books on similar topics. Before the system was first introduced, most libraries in the US used fixed positioning: each book was assigned a permanent shelf position based on the book's height and date of acquisition. Library stacks were generally closed to all but the most privileged patrons, so shelf browsing was not considered of importance. The use of the Dewey Decimal system increased during the early 20th century as librarians were convinced of the advantages of relative positioning and of open shelf access for patrons.

For storytellers, the important number and section of the library is 398.2 - Folk tales and Fairytales. Happy Birthday Melvil!

ETSU Opportunities

Masters Degree in Storytelling
A special opportunity for all NSN members Looking for a Master’s Degree in storytelling? NSN has an arrangement with East Tennessee State University (ETSU) to offer NSN members in-state tuition when attending classes in storytelling.

This means if you live in Oregon, for example, you can now attend the summer institutes and regular classes in the storytelling program at ETSU for Tennessee tuition rates – a significant savings! Visit the ETSU website for information on the Storytelling Program at ETSU. Apply for admission and sign up for your classes through ETSU. Complete the Contract Voucher and send it to the NSN office. The form may be submitted electronically or printed and mailed to the address listed on the form.

Enjoy the classes!

Faculty Position Open in Storytelling
The Department of Communication and Performance at East Tennessee State University seeks an Assistant or Associate Professor of Storytelling and Storytelling Program Coordinator. This position carries full-time, tenure-track status starting August 15, 2019, pending availability of funds.
We seek an energetic and inspiring faculty member with strong academic credentials and proven storytelling performance experience. This faculty member will contribute to our Communication & Storytelling Studies master’s degree program by training students in the art & craft of storytelling. We aim to hire someone who understands, and will help our students understand, storytelling not only as folk and traditional art, but also as contemporary practice with socially transformative potential. We seek someone with a strong commitment to interdisciplinarity, intersectionality, cultural equity, and ethics of storytelling practices.

Click here for more info

2019 New Voices Application - Stone Soup Storytelling Festival

Go from New Voices 2019 to Featured Performer 2020

The Call for the 5th Annual New Voices is open for the Stone Soup Storytelling Festival, April 26-28, in Woodruff. SC.

The New Voices event was created to give rising, professional-level storytellers the opportunity to be on the main stage and a chance to be selected as a Featured Teller for the following year’s Stone Soup Storytelling Festival. The festival committee will select 2020 Featured Tellers from 2019 New Voices. 

Applicant requirements:
  • Only professional-level storytellers who have never told as a featured teller at the Stone Soup Storytelling Festival may share stories in the New Voices events.
  • Submit an audio and/or video sample of your storytelling.
  • Perform a festival-quality story that is no more than 10 minutes long.
  • Submit a completed application and samples of stories.
  • Selected New Voices will come to the festival at their own expense, with no monetary compensation. You will, however, receive free admission to all festival activities. 
Think ahead! Do you have a collection of stories to perform at the 2020 Stone Soup Storytelling Festival if selected to return as a featured teller. Yes! Then you’re ready to take a whirl and experience the magic of New Voices.  
Email donnatellsstories@gmail.com for more information and an application form. 
Applications Due: December 15. 

New Voices Northlands Confabulation Scholarships

Conference Scholarships to Northlands' Confabulation!
Madison, WI - April 26-28, 2019

Northlands Storytelling Network is offering “New Voices” Conference Scholarships to anyone 18 years and older who is new to storytelling and is interested in improving their skills and/or using storytelling in their respective fields.

Recipients of the scholarships will be paired with others at the conference who will act as guides and resources during the conference. Up to four scholarships may be awarded. Members of the Northlands Scholarship Committee will judge applications and determine scholarship winners. Winners will be notified as soon as possible after the application deadline.

Who May Apply:

• Adults ages 18 year and older, interested in using storytelling in their respective fields, i.e., education, psychology, museum education, environmental education, healing arts, law, religion, business, theater, freelance storytelling, library services, etc. • Recipients may only receive the scholarship twice within a five-year period. Winners Receive: • Free conference registration. • 2 nights (Friday & Saturday) shared lodging with another scholarship recipient. • Friday lunch and dinner and Saturday lunch and dinner (complimentary breakfast at hotel)

• Membership to Northlands Storytelling Network for one year. Additional Requirements: • Must provide own transportation to/from conference.
• Meet with the New Voices coordinator and other scholarship recipients over breakfast Saturday morning. Application:

Please provide the following information:
• Name, Address, City, State, Zip
• Telephone Numbers (home and cell)
• Email Address
• Employer/Job Title
• Year of Birth
• Answer the following questions:
   1. How did you hear about the New Voices Scholarship?
   2. Why are you interested in attending the Northlands Storytelling Conference?
   3. Have you ever received a Northlands Scholarship? If so, in what year?
   4. Have you ever attended a regional or national storytelling conference?
       If so, in what year and the name of the conference?
   5. Describe your experience with storytelling and/or story listening.
   6. How can storytelling be used in your present or desired line of work?

Email your application to: northlands.storytelling@gmail.com List “Scholarship” in subject line

Application Must be Received by: January 31, 2019 


NSN Summit - Fringe Performance Opportunity

The Fringe @ the NSN is back for its 13th Season! Explore the limits of storytelling at the National Storytelling Summit. July 25-27, 2019 Fremont, California 

Want to present 55 minutes of your most compelling, riskiest, experimental or work in progress storytelling? How about joining forces with a friend(s) to create an ensemble performance event? Think of all the possibilities: 55 minutes of autobiography, performance art, folktales, stand-up, puppetry, dance or your favorite long form story!

What is the Fringe? The NSN Fringe follows the standard Fringe Festival model by providing the opportunity for you to experience many aspects of a typical Fringe Festival including the selection process and performance framework. In keeping with the Fringe principle of an un-juried selection process, Fringe performers for the 2019 National Storytelling Summit will be selected by lottery.

Deadline for submission: Midnight on January 31, 2019 CST
Click here for more info

Next Generation NSN Summit Scholarships

The National Storytelling Network (NSN) is offering Scholarships to students and young adults interested in attending our 2019 National Storytelling Summit. Recipients of the scholarships will be paired with others at the Summit that will act as guides and resources during the Summit. For more information contact Judy Sima (judy@judysima.com or 248-644-3951).

Who May Apply?
Adults ages 18-35 (graduated or no longer attending high school), interested in using storytelling in their respective fields (i.e., education, psychology, museum educator, environmental educator, healing arts, law, religion, business, theater, freelance storytelling, etc.)

Click here for more info

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This Week


The Moth - Instincts

Thursday - December 13th, 8pm - 10pm
Crescent Ballroom - Doors open at 7

Theme: Instincts

Prepare a five-minute tale involving your animal instincts. Tell us about your intuition or sixth sense, a premonition or other intangible instruction from your deep down insides. Spidey sense, bar room brawls, or the hunch that leads you to a great sublet or away from a traffic jam.
Put your name in the hat, ten tellers will be selected.

*Seating is not guaranteed and is available on a first-come, first-served basis. Please be sure to arrive at least 10 minutes before the show. Admission is not guaranteed for late arrivals. All sales final.

$10 - Advance purchase recommended
More info & tickets

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Coming Up


Arizona Storytellers Project - Holiday Spectacular
Wednesday December 19th - Arizona Biltmore 
Thursday December 20th - Arizona Biltmore 

TWO NIGHTS of Holiday Spectacular

On this night, we celebrate the stories that unite our communities, faiths and families. Join azcentral.com and The Arizona Republic for a night of holiday cookies, cocoa and tales in the beautiful Grand Ballroom.

Megan Finnerty, Director of the Storytellers Brand Studio and founder of the Storytellers Project.
Kaila White, Reporter for the Arizona Republic

Ernesto Ortiz
Anwar Newton
Joe Finnerty
Elizabeth Montgomery
Teresa Strasser

South Mountain Aglow
Saturday - December 22 -5:30 pm -9:30 pm
South Mountain Environmental Education Canter
10409 S. Central Ave - 
Phoenix AZ 85042

Once again, we light up the darkest night of the year, the Winter Solstice, with a beautiful half-mile, luminaria walk along our Judith Tunell sidewalk trail, featuring artwork from local youth, with entertainers, food trucks, and a vendor market for last minute gifts!

FREE for all ages!
This year, for Storytelling, we're going to be gathering around an actual fire to tell our stories! The theme for the stories is going to be "Don't let the Light Go Out" with the usual time parameters of between 5 and 10 minutes. We're pretty informal -- no master of ceremonies, just a "who wants to tell next" approach. If you are interested in telling a story or two at this event let either Phyllis Ralley pralley@msn.com or Harriet Cole hcdove@gmail.com 


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Re-Charge Your Storytelling Engine

Stuck? Can't think of a story idea to craft? It happens. Here's a tip from 2013 that may help.

How many new storytelling students have voiced that lament? How many of US have ever felt that way? Even experienced tellers get "tellers block" from time to time. Here are a few ways to pull yourself out of the doldrums, refresh your spirit and re-charge your storytelling engine:

  • Music
    Playing music changes your mindset. My go-to genre is Show Tunes. They energize me. I sing along out loud, and with the shows I have done, remember the great times and fun. Often, I remember small incidents that I can turn into stories.
  • Exercise
    I ride my bike, sometimes around the neighborhood, sometimes on the canal. Exercise gets the body going. Take a look around you, see what stories may be lurking, “just around the corner.”
  • People Watching
    Europeans know how to do it. Just sit and observe. One of the best ways is to sit at a small café or coffee shop. Inside or outside, you’ll see lots going on. Watch people interacting with friends, loved ones, and even strangers. What are they talking about? Can you eavesdrop? Can you make up a story about them?
  • Pets
    Walk the dog, or just sit with your pet. Watch how they play. My dog can play fetch for hours. Cats can make a cardboard box their playground for an entire afternoon. I wonder what they are thinking. There’s great subject matter here – especially if you approach it from the first person, point-of-view of your pet!
  • Housework
    Kill two birds with one stone. Washing dishes (by hand) can send you straight to the food that was on it the night before. Or maybe you just start to think about “where did that mug come from? Who gave that to me?” Or even, “Why did my ex and I split this set of plastic patio-ware? Neither of us has a complete set?” Now there’s some fodder for a tale!
Those are just a few concepts. The idea is to get away from obsessing about crafting a story, so you can clear your mind, then fill your mind - then go back to crafting!
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Your're Invited!
Yes - You're invited to join Pam Faro and I next summer on our

Historical, Hysterical, Scotland, Ireland, England, Storytelling Tour!

This year we will spend 14 days on the ground, exploring Dublin, Edinburgh, London, Canterbury, Salisbury, Stonehenge and many more iconic sites.

We'll all tell stories as we travel through the countryside and meet the locals who will tell stories to us!

Don't miss this great Vacation/Education/Storyfication! May 11th - May 26th.
More about our trip here!

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******************************* THERE'S A LOT GOING ON EACH MONTH ***************************

---------------------------------CALL TO MAKE SURE THE EVENT IS STILL ON

The Chatterbox Open Mic
Every Wednesday - 8:00 PM
Fair Trade Cafe
1020 N 1st Ave, Phoenix

Infuse Open Mic
Second Sunday of each month - Phoenix

FStorytellers - Female Story Tellers - Tucson
Usually sometime during the first week of the month - but check their website) at  7 pm - TUCSON

Odyssey Storytelling
First Thursday
 of each month (usually but check calendar) - TUCSON

Tucson Tellers of Tales - Storytellers Guild
First Saturday of each month (except July and August) - Tucson

West Side Story Tellers - Storytellers Guild
First Saturday of each month - GLENDALE *NO meetings in July & August

East Valley Tellers of Tales -Storytellers Guild
Second Saturday of each month - SCOTTSDALE - *NO meetings in July & August

Fourth Saturday of each month (usually - check calendar) - *NO meetings in June & July
SMCC Storytelling Institute
A monthly workshop designed to help storytellers build community and deepen repertoire.
See the Calendar

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All Newsletter content ©Mark Goldman
Got some news or information you would like to get out to the storytelling community?

Contact Mark Goldman -x602-390-3858x - Mark@Storytellermark.com


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