     Monday - November 5, 2018
Issue # 339

Got some news or information you would like to get out to the storytelling community?
Contact Mark Goldman -x602-390-3858x - Mark@Storytellermark.com

NSN 2019 Summit - Call for Presentations

The 2019 National Storytelling Summit Planning Committee invites you to submit proposals for consideration for the National Storytelling Network 2019 National Storytelling Summit. Please read the information below before proceeding to the proposal submission form. If you have any questions, please contact the NSN staff at events@storynet.org.

Theme for the Summit: Story Now!
Stories are powerful. Stories are persuasive. Stories, well told, can move people and change how they act, and how they think and feel about themselves and the world. Stories are now!
Now! From the boardroom to the classroom, and the page to the stage, personal stories and folktales are catalysts for change in nearly every aspect of our lives.
Now! We are witnessing the power of stories to tear down the walls that divide us, build bridges between people and cultures, and connect us, human-to-human.
Now! We invite you to join with other practitioners of this foundational art and share your expertise at the National Storytelling Summit – the premier annual gathering of the keenest minds in the world of storytelling. We are seeking proposals for presentations and workshops to:
Help tellers improve their artistic abilities, craft quality stories, and share them effectively;
  • Demonstrate effective ways to apply storytelling in fields such as healthcare, education, writing, technology, businesses, community development, etc;
  • Provide business/career advice for storytellers;
  • Share effective models to build bridges or create change through storytelling;
  • Showcase the intersections of storytelling with media and/or other art forms; and
  • Stretch the limits of storytelling, forecast new and exciting ways to use storytelling, or access new audiences.
  • Every story enthusiast is welcome! We need your expertise now!

Deadline: November 19, 2018

2019 New Voices Application - Stone Soup Storytelling Festival

Go from New Voices 2019 to Featured Performer 2020

The Call for the 5th Annual New Voices is open for the Stone Soup Storytelling Festival, April 26-28, in Woodruff. SC.

The New Voices event was created to give rising, professional-level storytellers the opportunity to be on the main stage and a chance to be selected as a Featured Teller for the following year’s Stone Soup Storytelling Festival. The festival committee will select 2020 Featured Tellers from 2019 New Voices. 

Applicant requirements:
  • Only professional-level storytellers who have never told as a featured teller at the Stone Soup Storytelling Festival may share stories in the New Voices events.
  • Submit an audio and/or video sample of your storytelling.
  • Perform a festival-quality story that is no more than 10 minutes long.
  • Submit a completed application and samples of stories.
  • Selected New Voices will come to the festival at their own expense, with no monetary compensation. You will, however, receive free admission to all festival activities. 
Think ahead! Do you have a collection of stories to perform at the 2020 Stone Soup Storytelling Festival if selected to return as a featured teller. Yes! Then you’re ready to take a whirl and experience the magic of New Voices.  
Email donnatellsstories@gmail.com for more information and an application form. 
Applications accepted October 1 - December 15. 

Storyrise in Goodyear! Opportunities to Tell

From Sean Buvala:

Hello all. In association with the Goodyear Arts & Culture Commission, my company The Small-Tooth-Dog Publishing Group is returning with another season of StoryRise this winter through spring.

I am in need of additional tellers for each night. We are actively seeking out a range of diversity and experience for these events.

Please also note that we have lined up a series of great workshops, presented by nationally-experienced leaders.

>>> If you'd like to tell or teach, would you please make contact with me at "staff @ smalltoothdog. com." The shows are curated and I will work with you to get your spoken-word or storytelling piece ready.

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This Week


Stew and Stories

Wednesday - November 7th 6:00pm-8pm
SMCC library community room

Celebrating Native American Heritage Month! Listen to Stories as you enjoy Stew and frybread from Emerson Fry Bread, in the South Mountain Community College Library Community Room. Free event!

Co-Sponsored by:
Office of Student Affairs
Office of American Indian Outreach Program
South Mountain Community College Storytelling Institute

For more information: 602.243.8026

FREE to the public!

Wordplay Cafe - Mesa

Thursday, November 8th at 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Nile - 
105 W Main St
Mesa, Arizona 

Tomás J. Stanton shared an event.
Hello Family! WordPlay Cafe is back this Thursday featuring the crazy talented Caress Russell. It is sure to be FIRE!
Workshop at 6pm, Open Mic at 7pm. Theme (if you dare) is
"I Almost Bleeped my Pants".
Also in the house are our house musicians Samuel Peña & Carly bates.
More info here

West Side Story Tellers at Glendale Library

Thursday November 8th - 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm 
West Side Story Tellers
Glendale Public Library,

5959 W. Brown, Glendale,  85301

Join The West Side Story Tellers who will present various tellers and stories in a one hour concert.

East Valley Tellers of Tales

Saturday, November 10th ~ 10am - Noon
Scottsdale Public Library 
Civic Center Drive, Scottsdale
Downstairs in the Gold Room

Join us to celebrate storytelling successes!

East Valley Tellers of Tales is a Phoenix area guild of Storytellers and Storylisteners. A truly safe place to share your story! We are an affiliate of the National Storytelling Network. Come and find out what this means, and how it benefits you!

East Valley Tellers of Tales is a group that provides a safe place to hear and tell stories, to learn about stories and storytelling, and enjoy fellowship with others. We support the personal and professional development of members, preserve and promote storytelling, and provide information about storytelling opportunities and events

Each month, our goal is to tell stories, listen to stories and celebrate. Join us!

Lunch Note: After the meeting, many of us gather for lunch. We invite all attendees to join us at Randy's Restaurant, NW Corner of Hayden & Chapparal in the Safeway Center.
Click here for details & info

Solo Showcase

Sunday - 11/11/18 - 7:00 pm
Space 55 - 1524 N 18th Ave Phoenix, AZ.

Join us November 11th, 7pm at Space 55 for The Solo Showcase, a night of all solo performance! Presenting storytelling and fictional performances developed in the Solo Workshop lead by Kim Porter.

Solo performances by:
Ann Harper
Chip Haubrock
Christian Baum
Julie LaJoe
Karen Burns
Rodney Dickerman
Stina Seig

Tickets are $10 and can be bought in or online at: 

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Coming Up


AZ Storytellers Project - Food and Family
Wednesday - November 14th - 7:00 pm
The Farm at South Mountain

As we prepare for Thanksgiving, we think about time spent around the table with our families. Join The Arizona Republic and azcentral.com for stories about the dishes that inspire us and the families that developed our palates. 
Emcee:  Megan Finnerty
Featured tellers: 
Deborah Ostreicher 
Rose Turman
Doug Robson
Liz Warren
Lupita Ley Hightower
Accessibility Note: If you require ASL Interpretation Services for this event or a future Storytellers event, or if you require accommodations related to mobility or seating, contact Kaila White at kaila.white@arizonarepublic.com
For more info & Tickets

Mexican Lizard Music Gathering (with stories too!)
Wednesday November 14th 5:45 pm-7:15 pm
Beatitudes Campus, 1610 W. Glendale, 85021

The West Side Story Tellers will be part of the musical jam that takes place every week at the Mexican Lizard Music Gathering, held at Beatitudes Campus, 1610 W. Glendale, 85021


Snap Judgement
Friday - November 16th - 8:00 pm
Piper Repertory Theater
Mesa Arts Center

Snap Judgment is the storytelling phenomena electrifying audiences nationwide. Created by Glynn Washington, produced by WNYC, and launched on NPR stations five years ago, Snap delivers a raw, intimate, musical brand of narrative – daring audiences to see the world through the eyes of another. Snap Judgment LIVE features the world’s finest storytellers, on stage, backed by the Snap Judgment band.
Tickets are $41 - available here

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Borrow Carefully

You should never steal. That's what our mothers told us, and they were right...most of the time.

Storytellers shouldn't steal someone else's story, especially a personal story. If you want to tell a folktale or fairytale you have heard, research it, find at least THREE different versions. Then, craft your OWN derivative version. Make it your own, not just a poor copy of someone else's.

But you CAN borrow techniques, and sometimes even concepts and ideas. You still have to make them your own when you craft a story. One of my students used this line in a story: "I could breathe in the turkey." It was a thanksgiving story. I wrote it down for use later. It was a great line and concept, "breathing in" an aroma. I use it in my version of Stealing Smells.

Pam Faro has amazed me many times with the way she uses pauses and breathing. I have borrowed those techniques and use them in many of my stories. When I craft a story, I remind myself about these techniques and ask myself, "Where can I use them to enhance my story?"

Kim Weitkamp has a way of looking at her audience that can actually "ask a question" or say, "Uh oh" without speaking a word. I stole that concept and now wonder, "When can I use just a look, instead of words?"

The great Bobby Norfolk tells his tales with sound and movement. He is the original "beatbox" man. He has sounds for all the animals, walking, running, sneaking, grabbing and all manner of happenings in his tales. Other people do that, but Bobby is the master. I wonder how I could use that effect? Could I make some sound with my voice that would enhance a part of my story? I can't do it the way Bobby does, but I wonder...

Last week one of my students told a fact-based story. When he got to the point in the story where one character is going to a dance, and he knew that a girl he liked would be there, the character said, "I'm going to meet my future!" What a great line. In addition to borrowing that sentiment, I may have to give him extra credit!

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A Way to Do Your Homework for Life ANYWHERE!
Last week's tip (read it here) from Mathew Dicks about writing down events that might spark a story got me thinking. He suggest a spreadsheet to enter thought provoking events. I realized that I already have a DATABASE on the internet. Why not use that, especially since you can use it ON YOUR PHONE, wherever you are!

So, I did a little bit of extra coding to implement the idea! You can now log in to the sight StoytellersDB.com, set up an account and start recording your story ideas! It's EASY PEASY! And if you haven't already tried it, I think it's the best way to keep track of all your stories, and when and where you have told them. Take a look-see, there's an overview, and video tutorials that show you everything you can do. I think it's quite brilliant---if I do say so myself!

Check it out!

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******************************* THERE'S A LOT GOING ON EACH MONTH ***************************

---------------------------------CALL TO MAKE SURE THE EVENT IS STILL ON

The Chatterbox Open Mic
Every Wednesday - 8:00 PM
Fair Trade Cafe
1020 N 1st Ave, Phoenix

Infuse Open Mic
Second Sunday of each month - Phoenix

FStorytellers - Female Story Tellers - Tucson
Usually sometime during the first week of the month - but check their website) at  7 pm - TUCSON

Odyssey Storytelling
First Thursday
 of each month (usually but check calendar) - TUCSON

Tucson Tellers of Tales - Storytellers Guild
First Saturday of each month (except July and August) - Tucson

West Side Story Tellers - Storytellers Guild
First Saturday of each month - GLENDALE *NO meetings in July & August

East Valley Tellers of Tales -Storytellers Guild
Second Saturday of each month - SCOTTSDALE - *NO meetings in July & August

Fourth Saturday of each month (usually - check calendar) - *NO meetings in June & July
SMCC Storytelling Institute
A monthly workshop designed to help storytellers build community and deepen repertoire.
See the Calendar

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All Newsletter content ©Mark Goldman
Got some news or information you would like to get out to the storytelling community?

Contact Mark Goldman -x602-390-3858x - Mark@Storytellermark.com


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