     Monday, November 26, 2012
Issue # 31

Got some news or information you would like to get out to the storytelling community?
Contact Mark Goldman -x602-390-3858x - Mark@Storytellermark.com

Cyber December Coaching Discount

It's Cyber Monday. . .

Yes---This is shameless promotion - but hey - It's MY newsletter

Purchase Coaching Sessions NOW at a discount - GOOD THRU ALL OF 2013! You can purchase one-hour sessions NOW for the discounted rate of $25/Hour (Plus CC processing fees). That's 15% off of my current fees of $30/hour! I will be raising my rates for coaching in 2013 to $45/hour, so if you BUY NOW, you'll be saving $25 off of the new rate

Buy as many as you like
use them yourself or give them as GIFTS
Use them ANYTIME between now and the end of 2013!
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This Week


West Side Story Tellers at Beaded Lizard - Wednesday

Join Mark Compton and the members of the West Side Story Tellers and local folk musicians at the Beaded Lizard in Glendale for a night of music and storytelling begining at 7:30 pm.
Click here for details & info

NEW - Small Business Story Slam

Sean's Buvala presents the Small Business Story Slam this Saturday, December 1st at 7:00 pm. The theme: It Actually Happened! Tell us what really happened in your business life. Was it too good to be true or not good enough? Best thing ever or the nightmare on biz street? Surprise or planned? Prep your story to fit the theme & toss your name in the hat. You get five minutes to wow the crowd or drop the cold truth on 'em. Let's go, small biz warrior, bring it. 
Click here for details & info

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Coming Up


Great Arizona Story Slam Returns
The Great Arizona Story Slam returns on Saturday, December 8th as part of the Phoenix Festival of the Arts. The theme is Connections. Stories about connections with people, places, animals, or anything else. Who or what are you connected to? How have those connections affected your life? What are the sad, funny, amazing stories about your life connections you have? 
Click here for details & info
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Leftovers - Mix and Match

Like many of you, I had leftover food from Thanksgiving, turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes and spinach casserole. Yes, I had the same meal the next day. I also mixed and matched. Two days later, I made myself an omelet using the creamed spinach from the casserole. I realized that we can do this with stories too.

Sometimes, we'll pull out a leftover story and tell it to a new audience. We might change it slightly, have a little more mashed potatoes and a little less stuffing. Or we can mix and match and re-purpose. Maybe a turkey sandwich with cranberries. Maybe a spinach casserole omelet. Or maybe take stuffing and add some frozen vegetables for a completely new dish!

Local teller and coffee entrepreneur Cassie Cushing did that recently with amazing results. She took a mélange of three Aesop's fables, The Boy Who Cried Wolf, The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing and The Wolf and the Lamb, and turned them into a completely new saga with quirky twists and turns, as only she can do. She took some leftover ingredients and cooked up a whole new gourmet dish. And it was quite tasty!

What's sitting in your storytelling refrigerator or freezer? Look way in the back, there, hidden behind that old fairytale. Pull it out, defrost it, and cook up a brand new dish.

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Not the Only Game in Town
I certainly appreciate those of you who faithfully log in each week to read this newsletter. There are lots more newsletters and blogs out there from many seasoned tellers. Here are just a few of my favorites:

Priscilla Howe
Priscilla uses puppets and humor to tell her stories. She has been all over the world, has a great blog, and recently started offering a newsletter with insights and tips. This week, she posted a tip in both her newsletter and on her blog, and she asked if it was "kosher" to do that. I say "YES!", Like my tip above, it's offering her dish in different ways to different folks. And it's probably one of the few "kosher" things in her home state of Kansas!

Laura Packer
One of my new best friends, Laura came to Phoenix last January for the NSN board meeting and in addition, presented a workshop on Story Improv that changed my telling forever. Laura does a lot of work in Corporate Storytelling. She and her partner, Kevin Brooks recently received Massmouth's Brother Blue and Ruth Hill Award. Her blog, True Stories and Honest Lies provides favorite qoutes and many perceptive articles.

Doug Lipman
Doug has written several books, and is known as The Storytellers' Coach. For over thirty years he has offered tellers unique ways to improve their crafting and understand their storytelling. The workshop I took from him was eye opening! Sign up for Doug's eTips Newsletter for some great tips and insight!


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East Valley Tellers of Tales -Storytellers Guild
Second Saturday of each month - SCOTTSDALE

Storytellers Open Mic
First Sunday of each month - PHOENIX

Odyssey Storytelling
First Thursday of each month - TUCSON

Lit Lounge - Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art (SMOCA)
Fourth Friday of each month - SCOTTSDALE


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All Newsletter content ©Mark Goldman
Got some news or information you would like to get out to the storytelling community?

Contact Mark Goldman -x602-390-3858x - Mark@Storytellermark.com


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