     Monday - November 19, 2018
Issue # 341

Got some news or information you would like to get out to the storytelling community?
Contact Mark Goldman -x602-390-3858x - Mark@Storytellermark.com


Happy Turkey Day to ALL!


May your travels be safe.

May your meals be satisfying.

May your gatherings be welcoming!

May your poems rhyme better than this.

DUE TODAY: NSN 2019 Summit - Call for Presentations

The 2019 National Storytelling Summit Planning Committee invites you to submit proposals for consideration for the National Storytelling Network 2019 National Storytelling Summit. Please read the information below before proceeding to the proposal submission form. If you have any questions, please contact the NSN staff at events@storynet.org.

Theme for the Summit: Story Now!
Stories are powerful. Stories are persuasive. Stories, well told, can move people and change how they act, and how they think and feel about themselves and the world. Stories are now!
Now! From the boardroom to the classroom, and the page to the stage, personal stories and folktales are catalysts for change in nearly every aspect of our lives.
Now! We are witnessing the power of stories to tear down the walls that divide us, build bridges between people and cultures, and connect us, human-to-human.
Now! We invite you to join with other practitioners of this foundational art and share your expertise at the National Storytelling Summit – the premier annual gathering of the keenest minds in the world of storytelling. We are seeking proposals for presentations and workshops to:
Help tellers improve their artistic abilities, craft quality stories, and share them effectively;
  • Demonstrate effective ways to apply storytelling in fields such as healthcare, education, writing, technology, businesses, community development, etc;
  • Provide business/career advice for storytellers;
  • Share effective models to build bridges or create change through storytelling;
  • Showcase the intersections of storytelling with media and/or other art forms; and
  • Stretch the limits of storytelling, forecast new and exciting ways to use storytelling, or access new audiences.
  • Every story enthusiast is welcome! We need your expertise now!

Deadline:TODAY - November 19, 2018

2019 New Voices Application - Stone Soup Storytelling Festival

Go from New Voices 2019 to Featured Performer 2020

The Call for the 5th Annual New Voices is open for the Stone Soup Storytelling Festival, April 26-28, in Woodruff. SC.

The New Voices event was created to give rising, professional-level storytellers the opportunity to be on the main stage and a chance to be selected as a Featured Teller for the following year’s Stone Soup Storytelling Festival. The festival committee will select 2020 Featured Tellers from 2019 New Voices. 

Applicant requirements:
  • Only professional-level storytellers who have never told as a featured teller at the Stone Soup Storytelling Festival may share stories in the New Voices events.
  • Submit an audio and/or video sample of your storytelling.
  • Perform a festival-quality story that is no more than 10 minutes long.
  • Submit a completed application and samples of stories.
  • Selected New Voices will come to the festival at their own expense, with no monetary compensation. You will, however, receive free admission to all festival activities. 
Think ahead! Do you have a collection of stories to perform at the 2020 Stone Soup Storytelling Festival if selected to return as a featured teller. Yes! Then you’re ready to take a whirl and experience the magic of New Voices.  
Email donnatellsstories@gmail.com for more information and an application form. 
Applications Due: December 15. 

New ONLINE VIRTUAL Storytelling Guild & Open Mic

The ZOOM Virtual Storytelling Guild We invite you to the new Virtual Storytelling Guild sponsored and hosted by Northeast Storytelling. The entire guild is online and we hope that it will include participants from all over the US and the World. We can all learn from each other!

We are storytellers who are interested in sharing stories, learning about storytelling, and enjoying peer feedback. We welcome tellers of traditional tales, historical stories, personal stories, stories with music, stories with puppets, rhymed stories, improv stories, crankies, and more. We invite you to sign in individually or to invite friends to join you for a storytelling party. Join us to tell a story, to discuss story techniques, etc. or just to listen to some great tales.

Our schedule as we begin this

Guild includes slots for five tellers, plus extra places for our “in the wings” tellers.
Each teller with a reserved spot will be assigned a 15-minute slot, which will typically look like this:
First teller (15 minutes) Story 10 min Optional Peer feedback and discussion 5 min
If the teller does not wish feedback, we will move on to the next teller.

One 20 minute slot will be available by request and however many five-ten minute slots we have time for.
It will be important for tellers who wish to reserve a slot to email one of the coordinators in advance to let us know to hold you a place. We will sign up the slots in the order in which we receive requests. If you wish to be on the waiting list, we will accept tellers to fill whatever time we have. For each meeting there will be a challenge subject to use for inspiration in selecting a tale you wish to tell. Stories not related to the challenge topic or works in progress will be welcomed as well. In the first two meetings, we will be trying out several different time frames.

The most popular slot and the agreed procedures will be decided by the group members. We expect the initial meetings to be for two hours via ZOOM video conference. If you wish to be part of one (or both) of the trial groups, please email Hope Lewis and/or Cris Riedel directly by December 1st, 2018. You can join us at the last minute, of course, but it would be helpful for us to have your name and email address.

Please Contact Us:
Hope Lewis: Hope3944@gmail.com
Cris Riedel: crisriedel05@gmail.com

Here are the dates and times of the initial VSG meetings:

Wednesday, December 5th, 7;00PM EST
Challenge topic: Surprise!

Saturday, December 8th, 2:00PM EST
Challenge topic: Enchantment

Looking forward to hearing from you!

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This Week


Storyline Slam - Holidaze

Friday - November 23rd - 7:00 pm
Changing Hands - Phoenix

 The lineup for The Storyline Holidaze SLAM at 7:00pm on Friday, November 23rd at The Newton:
3.    Jennifer Gresko
4.    Sharon Tewksbury-Bloom
5.    KC Miller
6.    Robin Engel
7.    Ted Jachimowicz
8.    Alexis McKenzey
9.    Michael Savarese
10.  Stina Sieg
At least two more names will be drawn at the beginning of the show on Friday, November 23rd. 
TICKET (admits one) is $6 in advance, $8 at the door from Changing Hands Phoenix.
Order at 602.274.0067 

Online here

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Coming Up


The Moth - Beginnings
Wednesday - November 28th, 8pm - 10pm
Crescent Ballroom - Doors open at 7

Theme: Beginnings

Prepare a five-minute story about a beginning. Dawn, step one, day one, birth or re-birth. Initiations and inaugurations. Tabula rasa. A new leaf, a new loft, a puppy, a job, parole. New car smell. A makeover so magical your own mama don't know you! Quantum hops, burning and building bridges, cleaning house, pulling up roots or a fresh coat of paint. Your nouveau reach. A blank sheet of paper...
Put your name in the hat, ten tellers will be selected.

*Seating is not guaranteed and is available on a first-come, first-served basis. Please be sure to arrive at least 10 minutes before the show. Admission is not guaranteed for late arrivals. All sales final.

$10 - Advance purchase recommended
More info & tickets

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Thanks. . .for All The Story Possibilities

A reprint of a Thanksgiving tip that is never out of date.

On Thanksgiving, we are always asked, "What are we thankful for?" I am suggesting that we might use this as another opportunity for story creation. Think about both the good times and the not-so-good times in your life. With each incident, there's probably a story that goes along with it. Especially the not-so-good times. One of the ways that storytellers can make lemonade out of lemons is to tell the story! Here are just a few of mine:

  • I am thankful for the time that the chorus put one over on me and I was left on stage with one brown shoe and one black shoe. (The Dance General)
  • I am thankful for the time my nephews were five years old and came to see me in Disney On Parade. (Winnie The Pooh & Nana) 
  • I am thankful for the time I was scared half to death on the Colorado river. (Big Water)
  • I am thankful for the time I was scared half to death in the train station in Antwerp Belgium. (Big Escalator)

Have a Happy Thanksgiving this year, and don't forget about the times in your life that you are thankful for, because they gave you a great story to tell?

Storytelling Students: Extra Credit: Think of a not-so-good time in your life that you could be grateful for because it left you with a good story. Craft that story under 7 minutes and be prepared to tell it in class on Thursday, November 29 or Tuesday, December 4. Email me a 3-4 sentence explanation of your story and I will put you on the list. Possible 50 points (NOT AUTOMATIC).

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Thanksgiving Fun
I have often mentioned my friend and colleague Karen Chace and her blog, Catch the Story Bug. Among other things, on most holidays she shares information, fingerplays (for the kiddies) and great stories on holiday subjects. Her blog is SEARCHABLE, so if you need info or stories on a specific subject, this site is one of the great places to go!

Here's a link to her site with a search on "Thanksgiving" that has a cornucopia of storytelling "stuff"!

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******************************* THERE'S A LOT GOING ON EACH MONTH ***************************

---------------------------------CALL TO MAKE SURE THE EVENT IS STILL ON

The Chatterbox Open Mic
Every Wednesday - 8:00 PM
Fair Trade Cafe
1020 N 1st Ave, Phoenix

Infuse Open Mic
Second Sunday of each month - Phoenix

FStorytellers - Female Story Tellers - Tucson
Usually sometime during the first week of the month - but check their website) at  7 pm - TUCSON

Odyssey Storytelling
First Thursday
 of each month (usually but check calendar) - TUCSON

Tucson Tellers of Tales - Storytellers Guild
First Saturday of each month (except July and August) - Tucson

West Side Story Tellers - Storytellers Guild
First Saturday of each month - GLENDALE *NO meetings in July & August

East Valley Tellers of Tales -Storytellers Guild
Second Saturday of each month - SCOTTSDALE - *NO meetings in July & August

Fourth Saturday of each month (usually - check calendar) - *NO meetings in June & July
SMCC Storytelling Institute
A monthly workshop designed to help storytellers build community and deepen repertoire.
See the Calendar

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All Newsletter content ©Mark Goldman
Got some news or information you would like to get out to the storytelling community?

Contact Mark Goldman -x602-390-3858x - Mark@Storytellermark.com


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