     Monday, November 16, 2015
Issue # 186

Got some news or information you would like to get out to the storytelling community?
Contact Mark Goldman -x602-390-3858x - Mark@Storytellermark.com

NSN Workshop Proposals Due Wednesday - November 18th


The call for Workshop Proposals for the 2016 National Storytelling Conference, July 21-24 in Kansas City, MO will open within the next few days and be due November 18
This year’s Conference theme is:  Spotlight on Storytelling.
The proposal and reference forms with full details are available at www.storynet.org/conference.
Questions?  Contact karin@storynet.org or call 1-800-525-4514, ext. 303.
Deadline: November 18, 2015, 5 pm EST (3 pm MTN).  Good luck!

Storytelling Tour of England - THIS SUMMER!

       For three years, I have wanted to conduct a Storytelling Tour of England

                                        NOW IT'S FINALLY HAPPENING!


Space is LIMITED. I can only take 12 people
And I already have 4 students signed up!

After having bicycled England for four summers, I am finally organizing this Storytelling Workshop Tour for the summer of 2016. If you love to tell stories, talk about stories, craft stories, have fun and see the sights with friends, then this tour is for you. The plan is to spend eight days touring these iconic sites, but don't panic, this tour is on trains and busses, not bikes, so anyone can come and enjoy. Listeners, spouses, partners and friends are welcome too!

The tour and workshops will be lead by me and my friend and colleague, Colorado Storyteller Pam Faro.


Click here for all the details!

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This Week


Joyce Story at White Tank Mountain Regional Park

Tuesday, Nov. 17, 11 a.m.
Joyce Story will be telling mesmerizing nature stories. They are all original, fact-based stories about the flora and fauna of the Sonoran desert.

White Tank Mountain Regional Park - Nature Center
20304 W. White Tank Mountain Rd, Waddell, AZ 85355

Yuma Storytelling Festival

Friday - Nov. 20th
Yuma Quartermaster Depot State Historic Park

Laurina Bergqvist‎ has done a yeoman's job of organizing the very first Yuma Storytelling Festival! Laurina lives in Yuma and is currently a student in East Tennessee State University's Storytelling Program. She has lined up a great program of tellers including Arizona's own Glenda Bonin and Debra Olsen-Tolar, and True Thomas from the Los Angeles area.

There will be classroom performances in the schools, and concerts and workshops at the Quartermaster Depot State Historic Park. 
More info

South Mountain Storytelling - TELLABRATION!™

Friday, November 20 - 6:30pm - 8:30pm

Another "Celebration" of storytelling. Join South Mountain Storytelling Institute Faculty and Students for a great night of storytelling.
This is a TELLABRATION!™ event and another great happening in a series of storytelling gatherings to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the South Mountain Community College Storytelling Institute!
Click here for map

Women Storytellers

Saturday - November 21st - 10am-Noon
Anne McDowell has organized another event: Out of the Box Storytelling - Women Storytellers. A place for Christian women to get together to hear and tell of the wonders that God has done in their lives or (with permission) in the lives of others.  This is a fun, exciting new way to hear six 8-10 minute personal, uplifting, faith-promoting stories about the wonders of God, and enjoy a delicious brunch! They offer fun, laughter, and a chance to win door prizes!

It's at Dobson’s Restaurant at Dobson Ranch Golf Course in Mesa from 10am - 12 Noon.
Click here for details

Workshop and Book Signing

Saturday, November 21, 2015
Book Signing & Workshop

Peregrine Book Company - 219A North Cortez, Prescott, AZ 86301 - 928.445.9000

It's only a 1.5 hour drive to Prescott!

2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Storyteller, Author and Coach Mark Goldman will tell stories, conduct a workshop and have a book signing for his book, Storytelling Tips: Creating Crafting and Telling Stories. 
When I Was Your Age: Connecting Through Family Stories
Sharing our experiences and feelings through storytelling is the best way to connect with people. Telling personal and family stories is how we bond with and learn from our families and others. Stories handed down from generation to generation help preserve family history and memories. Family stories help give children a sense of “who they are” and “where they fit”; an all-too-often forgotten element of life. Mark Goldman will walk participants through the process of how to find and craft their personal and family stories.

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Coming Up


Winter's Light - Mark Your Calendar!
Winter's Light at Community Christian Church
Sunday - December 20th - 7:00 pm

For the last eighteen years, storytellers from diverse faith traditions gather together each December to tell stories and light candles in a show of unity and hope. "Winter's Light" is a joyous, multi-cultural, inter-faith storytelling event for the holidays.

Stay tuned for more details - but MARK YOUR CALENDAR!

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The Heart of a Teacher

I listen to Dave Ramsey, the financial guru on the radio. The other day he answered a query from a listener about, "What questions should I ask when looking for and hiring a financial advisor?"

Dave replied that there are really no specific questions one can ask to find the right person. But he did say, "You need to find someone with the heart of a teacher. The role of a financial advisor is to advise. You are the one who should be making your own decisions."

I think this is also sound advice for storytellers looking for a coach.

"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime."

Like that old saying, a good coach has the heart of a teacher and should find ways to help the teller understand what it is they want to accomplish, so they can make their own decisions regarding their story. A coach, or any other "critic" who says, "I think you should start the story this way" does little to assist the teller in understanding "why". Most often someone who tells you that is really saying, "If I were telling that story, this is how I would do it." But here's the problem, YOU are the one who is telling the story. You are the one who should make the decision, and understand how you came to that decision.

The process of teaching takes much longer than the process of merely "telling" someone what they should do. One might ask, "But isn't it really more expedient to just tell them?" Even if the suggestion is sound, without understanding and integrating the "why" of something, a person (or teller) will only be a reflection of the "advisor" vs. being themselves.

That being said, there are times when it might be helpful to give direct advice. Dave Ramsey always tells callers, "Don't buy whole life insurance. It's a terrible product." But he also usually tells them "why" he believes that. In the same way, a storytelling coach may tell you, "You need to speak louder." This is a practical matter of fact (not a matter of opinion). If they can't hear you, they won't be able to listen to your story.

Years ago, I was being coached by Doug Lipman, The Storytelling Coach. I was struggling with the tale I told. Doug asked me what the story was about. I gave him some glib answer. Rather than telling me what HE thought the story was about or what I should do, he said, "I'm not sure that's not what I heard." That set my mind spinning, but in a good way. For the next six months, I was constantly thinking about my story and trying to figure out (for me) what the story was about. One day it hit me. "Yes, THAT'S it!" Once I had understood and made that decision, the story, and all of its pieces, fell into place.

So when you need help, look for someone who will not just give you an answer. Look for someone who will give you ways that YOU can find YOUR answer. Someone with the heart of a teacher.

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And Speaking of Good Teachers/Coaches...
This book teaches the values of honesty and kindness.

Storyteller, author and coach Sean Buvala and his wife Michelle have come out with a new book, Apples for the Princess.

Cut-paper and cloth illustrations enhance, this rare, seldom-heard fairytale, recreated by Sean and Michelle. It's a story about kindness and honesty intended for both little and big kids. 

"Well as you say, so it is." Is this a warning or a blessing from of the old wizard that our young our heroes encounter on the road to the castle, home of the very sick princess? Use this book, with its adaptation of a classic Grimm fairytale, to explore the values of honesty and kindness. 


Watch the Video Trailer for the Book
How should we treat others? Find out as three boys discover that it is important to treat all people with respect and courtesy. When they forget, frog-filled, pig-packed chaos ruins their great plans to bring the healing apples to the princess! Will any of them succeed on their journey? 
This is a “read it with me!” book for younger children. For older independent readers, we think you'll find this book is best for those 8 years old and beyond. 
Want to publish your own book?
Sean truly has this book publishing process down. He can teach you how to do the same with your own book or story. Contact Sean to find out when the next series of classes are, or how to get started with your first phone coaching session to learn what's involved.
--E-Mail Sean.
Click here for the Amazon.com link for Sean's book
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------------------------------------THERE'S A LOT GOING ON EACH MONTH
---------------------------------CALL TO MAKE SURE THE EVENT IS STILL ON

Infuse Open Mic
Second Sunday of each month - Phoenix

Pink Slip Open Mic
Every Monday at  8 pm - PHOENIX

Yarnball Storytellers Mic
Every Wednesday at  8 pm - PHOENIX

FStorytellers - Female Story Tellers - Tucson
Usually sometime during the first week of the month - but check their website) at  7 pm - TUCSON

Odyssey Storytelling
First Thursday of each month (usually but check calendar) - TUCSON

Third Friday (usually) of each month - PHOENIX

Tucson Tellers of Tales - Storytellers Guild
First Saturday of each month (except July and August) - Tucson

West Side Story Tellers - Storytellers Guild
First Saturday of each month - GLENDALE *NO meetings in July & August

East Valley Tellers of Tales -Storytellers Guild
Second Saturday of each month - SCOTTSDALE

Fourth Saturday of each month (usually - check calendar) - SMCC Storytelling Institute
A monthly workshop designed to help storytellers build community and deepen repertoire.
See the Calendar

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All Newsletter content ©Mark Goldman
Got some news or information you would like to get out to the storytelling community?

Contact Mark Goldman -x602-390-3858x - Mark@Storytellermark.com


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