     Monday - October 16, 2017
Issue # 284

Got some news or information you would like to get out to the storytelling community?
Contact Mark Goldman -x602-390-3858x - Mark@Storytellermark.com

England - Ireland - Scotland - Summer 2018!

Yes, we're going again! This time we're slated to visit Edinburgh, Scotland and then make our way down through northern England. We may bring coal to Newcastle, Look for Robin Hood in Sherwood Forest and then on to London and perhaps some additional shires (counties).

It's almost time to purchase the airline tickets, so if you are interested, contact Mark ASAP! (Itinerary subject to change)
Click here for more info

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This Week


AZ Storytellers Project - Saving Arizona's Kids

Monday - 10/16/17 - 7:00 pm
The Van Buren
401 W. Van Buren St. - Phoenix

Join us for a night of storytelling, education, and volunteerism as we hear tales-- some funny, some intense -- from the men and women working to prevent child abuse and neglect in our state. Tellers have created families, homes, and lives filled with love, despite challenges presented by abuse or neglect. The night also includes a call to action: An opportunity to learn more from non-profits on the front lines -- and how we can all help the state's most vulnerable.
Event: 5pm - 8:30pm - Storytelling at 7:00pm
Featured tellers:
Mary Jo Pitzl - Specialty Reporter at The Arizona Republic
Amy Carney - Former foster mom and mentor, current adoptive mom and writer
Kelly Hover - Volunteer Court Appointed Special Advocate
Dimon Sanders - Miss Arizona’s Outstanding Teen, formerly in foster care
The night's proceeds will go to the "It Shouldn't Hurt to be a Child" grant fund

Become a subscriber: All Arizona Republic and azcentral subscribers receive a complimentary, gourmet brownie from Fairytale Brownies at check-in. Click here to learn about other great subscriber perks. 

Accessibility Note: If you require ASL Interpretation Services for this event or a future Storytellers event, or if you require accommodations related to mobility or seating, contact Megan Finnerty at megan.finnerty@arizonarepublic.com.

Family Storytelling

Tuesday- Oct. 17th - 10:00am

A fun family-friendly gathering of storytelling, not reading! Moms, Dads, Aunts, Uncle, Grandparents, and any Caregivers. Free family-storytelling and craft event on Tuesday morning, October 17, 2017 at 10AM. Bring your under-12’s to this free event. This is an outdoor event in a working garden. Refreshments available for purchase for adults. Come a bit early for to allow for parking. 

Featuring professional storyteller Sandy Oglesby, craft with Mesquite Tree Studio and snack from BOONgarden.

Outdoor event so wear appropriate clothing! Free snack to kids, Beverages available to for purchase by adults. Please call ahead to reserve your spot. 623-932-2240
More info here

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Coming Up


Storyfind at SMCC
Storyfind - Finding and Crafting Fact-Based Stories
with Marilyn Torres
Saturday - October 21, 2017 ~ 1PM - 3PM 

Storyfind is a free monthly storytelling workshop series presented by the faculty of the SMCC Storytelling Institute. The workshops are on Saturday afternoons from 1:00 – 3:00 in PAC-739 at South Mountain Community College. 
Don’t miss this innovative workshop on finding and crafting Fact-based stories! Marilyn has honed her technique over many years of teaching students in The Art of Storytelling how to select subjects, research strategically, and choose the most compelling, visual details as they construct their stories using traditional story structure.

Sips & Stories (Sort of A Story Slam)
Monday - October 23 - 7:00pm Terroir Wine Pub
7001 North Scottsdale Road
(Scottsdale Rd. & Indian Bend)

Scottsdale Public Library’s first OFFSITE storytelling event at Terroir Wine Pub (7001 North Scottsdale Road, #157 Scottsdale, AZ 85253).
Wind down your workday with a glass of wine as everybody takes a turn telling a tale about A DATE GONE WRONG. Professional storyteller Mark Goldman will Emcee. Registration is required for this event. Come prepared to share a 5-minute story on the topic of "A Date Gone Wrong".
Click here to register

The Storyline Slam
Friday - 10/27/17 - 7pm
Changing Hands Bookstore - Phoenix
300 W. Camelback

Dan Hull is calling all storytellers and fans of great storytelling.

"We’ve opened our format up to include everyone with a story who wants to take the stage."

Anyone can sign up and has 6 minutes to tell a story based on the theme HAUNTED.

Five members of the audience will be the judges and the story with the most points at the end of the show receives a cash prize.

Come join us for this monthly celebration of the Phoenix storyteller scene, and maybe win some cash.

Dan says he may do an "online process" to put your name in the hat. More info coming soon.

Tickets: $6 online or $8 @ the door


Music in the Mountains & Ghost Stories Too
Saturday - October 28th - 7pm
North Mountain Visitor Center

Begins with an 8 a.m. drum circle and continues throughout the day with the top-notch folk/country/old timey music provided by local talent. West Side Story Tellers, with special guests Sandy Oglesby and Elly Reidy, will tell ghost stories at 7 p.m.

It's FREE!
More info here

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Music Hath Charms

Music hath charms to soothe the savage breast…and it has the ability to trigger very sharp memories, the places where stories can be born.

Sometimes, there is more than just ONE memory. When I hear “Georgy Girl", it triggers two very distinct recollections of different times in my life.
My best friend and I were walking our dates home from the midnight showing of the film, Georgy Girl, in Chicago, the winter of 1966. We were all students at ballet school and danced along the sidewalk as we hummed the movie’s theme song and watched our breath materialize in the cold, crisp air of the night. Standing outside the dormitory where the girls lived, we shivered as we said goodbye to them. Was it the cold that made our knees shake, or just our nerves as we both wondered, would either of us get a goodnight kiss?
After driving almost fifteen hours and 800 mles from Three Rivers, Quebec to Richmond, Virginia, my troup of eleven girl chorus dancers and I arrived just in time to don our costumes, pass out our music, “Georgy Girl” to the band and do the opening dance number at the Virginia State Fair. I thought we were in luck when the band was one we had previously worked with in Pennsylvania; Claire Trevor and the York Spring Garden Band! I stood off stage and motioned to the conductor for the tempo. He nodded in agreement, turned to the band and promptly began to play our music twice as fast as it was supposed to be. It was like something out of a slapstick movie being played at high speed. We couldn’t lift our knees high enough, or get all the steps in, as we raced through the number. The audience was laughing, we were not!
Any song from Fiddler on the Roof brings back images and many backstage stories from two different tours of the show that I danced in. Those memories spark others from other shows I did, all the people I knew and the places I traveled when I was in the theatre. Even just a few notes can trigger a flood of recollections that could be turned into a string of pearls for telling.
Go ahead, listen to anything on the radio. Tune in to an oldies station and see what images come up. Baby Boomers, what memories come to mind when you hear, “I want to Hold Your Hand”, or “Satisfaction”? 
And then there’s that ONE song that I can’t help rockin’ to the beat when I hear it! And I can see the faces of the teachers at that school dance, wondering just what WERE the lyrics that the Kingsmen were singing in “Louie Louie”?
GCC Students: Use the comment section below to write a short paragraph about a piece of music that reminds you of a time/story. SHORT - 5-6 sentences (PROOFREAD your response). Respond in the COMMENT section below before 2pm Tuesday and receive up to 15 extra credit points.
Other readers are also encouraged to respond...and I will give you extra credit too!
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Storyscope - Open, Inviting, Comforting
Last week I attended one of the Storyscope events. John Genette has partnered with Jennifer Linde, Leah Marche and Judy Schwiebert to develop a fascinating model for community sharing and belonging. It's more of a place to "share" your story vs. "Telling" your story. The group of attendees breaks into smaller "circles" of 6-8 people. Each person in the smaller groups shares their story based on a particular theme. The theme for October thru December is "Home".

Here's the additional component: The event starts with an artistic presentation by a poet, dancer, or other artists who present their rendition of "Home". There are other interludes throughout the event where a different artist shares their art. And there is an artist who closes the evening. There is also some sharing in the larger group after the small circles come back together in one group.

They named the project "Storyscope" because they believe that all the stories shared are like a kaleidoscope of memories and emotions.

The event is very open and inviting, and extremely comforting. I highly recommend attending!
Click here for more info

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------------------------------------THERE'S A LOT GOING ON EACH MONTH
---------------------------------CALL TO MAKE SURE THE EVENT IS STILL ON

Infuse Open Mic
Second Sunday of each month - Phoenix

Pink Slip Open Mic
Every Monday at  8 pm - PHOENIX

Chatterbox Open Mic
Every Wednesday at  8 pm - PHOENIX

FStorytellers - Female Story Tellers - Tucson
Usually sometime during the first week of the month - but check their website) at  7 pm - TUCSON

Odyssey Storytelling
First Thursday of each month (usually but check calendar) - TUCSON

Tucson Tellers of Tales - Storytellers Guild
First Saturday of each month (except July and August) - Tucson

West Side Story Tellers - Storytellers Guild
First Saturday of each month - GLENDALE *NO meetings in July & August

East Valley Tellers of Tales -Storytellers Guild
Second Saturday of each month - SCOTTSDALE - *NO meetings in July & August

Fourth Saturday of each month (usually - check calendar) - *NO meetings in June & July
SMCC Storytelling Institute
A monthly workshop designed to help storytellers build community and deepen repertoire.
See the Calendar

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All Newsletter content ©Mark Goldman
Got some news or information you would like to get out to the storytelling community?

Contact Mark Goldman -x602-390-3858x - Mark@Storytellermark.com


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