     Monday - October 15, 2018
Issue # 336

Got some news or information you would like to get out to the storytelling community?
Contact Mark Goldman -x602-390-3858x - Mark@Storytellermark.com

Northlands Confabulation - Call for Proposals

Call for Workshops, Showcases & Fringes for the
2019 Confabulation!
in Madison, Wisconsin - April 26–28, 2019

Proposals Due TODAY - October 15, 2018

In psychiatry, confabulation (verb: confabulate) is a disturbance of memory, defined as the production of fabricated, distorted, or misinterpreted memories about oneself or the world, without the conscious intention to deceive.
Don't let the above definition deter you! This is one of the most prestigious and well-run conferences in the storytelling community.
Download Guidelines Here

Tejas Call for Proposals

Workshop and Fringe Performance Proposals
Texas Storytelling Festival on March 7 to 10, 2019 in Denton, Texas.

Workshop Proposals
Workshops at the Festival are 90 minutes in length and cover a wide range of topics that help our participants grow as storytellers and listeners. If you have a great idea for a presentation, be sure to submit a proposal. Remember that many of the people that attend the Festival are storytellers, but there are also educators and librarians, clergy, and therapists. The Workshop Selection Committee is eager to hear from you.
Fringe Performance Proposals
The maximum length of any story in the Fringe Performance is 20 minutes. Performances can be on any imaginable topic from edgy to enlightening. The storytellers are selected by a random drawing to fill slots in the Fringe Fest block. This is your big chance to strut your stuff! Don't let the opportunity pass you by.
More Details
You may submit a workshop proposal and a fringe performance proposal, but you may present only one (if both are selected). Please indicate your preference on the forms. Storytellers chosen will need to register and pay for the full festival or a full day admission. After the workshop presenters will be mailed a check.

High-resolution photo (300 dpi. JPEG preferred) for our festival program, website and social media should be submitted with your application or emailed to tsa@tejasstorytelling.com

Submit forms to Beverly at tsa@tejasstorytelling.com or mail to: Tejas Storytelling Association, P.O. Box 2806, Denton, TX 76202-2806 or FAX to 940-380-9329

Workshops - Contact Tim Couch at timothy7774@att.net 
Fringe -  Contact Fran Stallings at fran.stallings@icloud.com
Remember deadline for Workshop and Fringe proposals is Tuesday, October 23, 2018.
Workshop Word Document – CLICK HERE
Fringe Word Document – CLICK HERE
Fringe PDF Document – CLICK HERE
If you would prefer having the information pages and application forms mailed to you, please call Beverly at the TSA office: 940-380-9320

Liars Contest

Do you have an 8–to-10-minute whopper to share?

Come be a part of this year’s Texas Storytelling Festival Liars Contest on Saturday, March 9, 2019.

The first eight people to email Contest Producer and Liar Extraordinaire, Sheila Phillips, at zoolady@airmail.net will be the participants. Subsequent applications will be retained in the order received and will be called upon to fill any vacancies that may occur. What we need from you:

  • Name
  • Email
  • Phone
  • Hometown
  • 45-word bio

High-resolution photo (300 dpi. Jpeg preferred) for our festival program, website and social media

NSN J. J. Reneaux Mentorship Award Applications

Are you – or do you know – a talented younger storyteller who could benefit from a year’s work with an experienced professional mentor?

If so, NSN wants you to know that we are now accepting applications for the 2019 J. J. Reneaux Mentorship Award – a grant that provides $1250 to enable a year’s work between a storytelling mentor and a gifted younger teller (18-30 years old) (Yikes - That means I'm out of the running!).

Two of the past recipients are our own Dustin Loehr (2009) and Cassie Cushing (2015)!

Check out the award description and application instructions at https://storynet.org/about-nsn/awards/j-j-reneaux-award/j-j-reneaux-mentorship-award/.

DEADLINE for applications: MIDNIGHT (EDT), OCTOBER 26, 2018.

Please share this announcement far and wide!  Applicants need not be current members of NSN.

For more information, email Jo Radner at jradner@american.edu.

NSN 2019 Summit - Call for Presentations

The 2019 National Storytelling Summit Planning Committee invites you to submit proposals for consideration for the National Storytelling Network 2019 National Storytelling Summit. Please read the information below before proceeding to the proposal submission form. If you have any questions, please contact the NSN staff at events@storynet.org.

Theme for the Summit: Story Now!
Stories are powerful. Stories are persuasive. Stories, well told, can move people and change how they act, and how they think and feel about themselves and the world. Stories are now!
Now! From the boardroom to the classroom, and the page to the stage, personal stories and folktales are catalysts for change in nearly every aspect of our lives.
Now! We are witnessing the power of stories to tear down the walls that divide us, build bridges between people and cultures, and connect us, human-to-human.
Now! We invite you to join with other practitioners of this foundational art and share your expertise at the National Storytelling Summit – the premier annual gathering of the keenest minds in the world of storytelling. We are seeking proposals for presentations and workshops to:
Help tellers improve their artistic abilities, craft quality stories, and share them effectively;
  • Demonstrate effective ways to apply storytelling in fields such as healthcare, education, writing, technology, businesses, community development, etc;
  • Provide business/career advice for storytellers;
  • Share effective models to build bridges or create change through storytelling;
  • Showcase the intersections of storytelling with media and/or other art forms; and
  • Stretch the limits of storytelling, forecast new and exciting ways to use storytelling, or access new audiences.
  • Every story enthusiast is welcome! We need your expertise now!

Deadline:November 19, 2018

2019 New Voices Application - Stone Soup Storytelling Festival

Go from New Voices 2019 to Featured Performer 2020

The Call for the 5th Annual New Voices is open for the Stone Soup Storytelling Festival, April 26-28, in Woodruff. SC.

The New Voices event was created to give rising, professional-level storytellers the opportunity to be on the main stage and a chance to be selected as a Featured Teller for the following year’s Stone Soup Storytelling Festival. The festival committee will select 2020 Featured Tellers from 2019 New Voices. 

Applicant requirements:
  • Only professional-level storytellers who have never told as a featured teller at the Stone Soup Storytelling Festival may share stories in the New Voices events.
  • Submit an audio and/or video sample of your storytelling.
  • Perform a festival-quality story that is no more than 10 minutes long.
  • Submit a completed application and samples of stories.
  • Selected New Voices will come to the festival at their own expense, with no monetary compensation. You will, however, receive free admission to all festival activities. 
Think ahead! Do you have a collection of stories to perform at the 2020 Stone Soup Storytelling Festival if selected to return as a featured teller. Yes! Then you’re ready to take a whirl and experience the magic of New Voices.  
Email donnatellsstories@gmail.com for more information and an application form. 
Applications accepted October 1 - December 15. 

Storyrise in Goodyear! Opportunities to Tell

From Sean Buvala:

Hello all. In association with the Goodyear Arts & Culture Commission, my company The Small-Tooth-Dog Publishing Group is returning with another season of StoryRise this winter through spring.

I am in need of additional tellers for each night. We are actively seeking out a range of diversity and experience for these events.

Please also note that we have lined up a series of great workshops, presented by nationally-experienced leaders.

>>> If you'd like to tell or teach, would you please make contact with me at "staff @ smalltoothdog. com." The shows are curated and I will work with you to get your spoken-word or storytelling piece ready.

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This Week


The Moth - Disguises

Thursday - October 25th 8pm - 10pm
Crescent Ballroom - Doors open at 7

Prepare a five-minute story about your undercover self, about obscuring the real you- with a fake mustache, a nurse's uniform, a cloak, a girdle or a giant hotdog costume. Mental disguises, like the Ph.D. you earned to appease your mother; or the "sensitive guy" persona you put on to get with the ladies. Undercover cops and chameleons. Pranks and mistaken identities. Wolves gussied up like lambs and lambs tarting-it-up to pass as mutton. The Trojan Horse, The Mighty Oz and now you!

Doors open at 7pm - Stories start at 8pm.

Put your name in the hat, ten tellers will be selected.

*Seating is not guaranteed and is available on a first-come, first-served basis. Please be sure to arrive at least 10 minutes before the show. Admission is not guaranteed for late arrivals. All sales final.

$10 - Advance purchase recommended
More info & tickets

So You Want To Publish Your Book

Thursday, October 18th at 7:00 P.M.
Goodyear, AZ (Location: Goodyear Library, 14455 W Van Buren, Goodyear)

Sean Buvala and Small Tooth Dog Publishing are presenting a workshop!
Publishing is a business and we’re a publisher. However, our workshop is fun and we want you to come away with KNOWLEDGE and information. In 75 minutes, you will be getting training, not sales pitches. Note: attending this workshop does not guarantee that we’ll publish your book. We are not a vanity publisher and we’re not operating a “dream factory.” We have a normal acquisitions process. Come to our workshop to learn what you can about being an authorpreneur!
Join Us at a Workshop! You’ll Get 75 Educational, Fun, and Interactive Minutes.
You’ll Learn All This and More:
  • How Publishing is Changing.
  • How to View Your Books Differently.
  • What You Need to Get Rid of Right Now.
  • Why Writing the Book is the Easy Part.
  • How to Interact with Money and Time.
  • What to Build Today to Succeed Later.
Presented with Features:
  • Harsh Realities Presented in a Humorous and Gentle Manner.
  • Four Options and Two Formats for Publishing Your Next Book.

To register for the October 18 workshop, send an Email with your name to staff@smalltoothdog.com with the subject line of Goodyear Pub Workshop.


Saturday, Oct. 20 10 AM-11:30 AM
Viscount Suite Hotel 4855 E. Broadway Tucson  85711  

Hosted by Tucson Sisters in Crime. 
Speaker: Ethel Lee-Miller 
Why, What, How, When to blog with the purpose of expanding, entertaining, and/or informing your audience. Give me 60 minutes I’ll share 60 tips about blogging in today’s writing, speaking, and publishing arena. Plus a workable schedule to give you time to blog AND still have time and sanity for your creative crime writing. Q&A welcome. More info to come.
Contact Ethel or Tucson Sisters in Crime http://www.tucsonsistersincrime.org/events/ 
Fee: $20 for members, $25 for guests.
surround parking. Lunch included

Storyfind - Finding and Telling Scary Stories

Saturday - October 20, 2018 - 1:30-3:30
SMCC - Pac 740

Finding and Telling Scary Stories with Travis May
From goose-bumps to spine tingling, this workshop will help you craft stories for Halloween and beyond. Join
Travis for tips on finding and telling stories with just the right amount of fright.
Travis May is the Institute’s Storytelling for Workforce Faculty member. Travis found his home as a storytelling instructor and feels storytelling is more than just telling stories, it is a way of life. He enjoys incorporating storytelling to engage learners in cultural and community awareness. 
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Coming Up


Ojai Storytelling Festival
October 25-28, 2018
Libbey Bowl and Ojai Art Center
Ojai, California

The 18th Annual Ojai Storytelling Festival will feature acclaimed storytellers:  Diane Ferlatte, Kevin Kling, Willy Claflin, Clare Murphy, Glenis Redmond (poet extraordinaire), Scott Ainslie (blues musician), the Chameleons (mimes), and Moth Winners from Los Angeles.

Ojai is about a two-hour drive north of Los Angeles

This year's festival will be overflowing with entertainment: music, poetry, mime, scary stories, and humor. With Halloween just around the corner, it's the perfect place to be. Whether it's a night of hilarious laughter, a journey of imagination, a tale filled with suspense and mystery, a program your children will never forget, a ribald night of tales for adults, or a workshop that inspires, the 18th Annual Ojai Storytelling Festival has something for everyone. Come join us for a weekend of riveting tales under the oaks and beneath the stars.

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Be Vewy, Vewy Careful

Here's a recycled, but important tip from October of last year. If you're too young to remember, that's the character Elmer Fudd at the right. He used to say, "Be vewy, vewy careful."

In the news industry, they're called "sound bites". Often, a sound bite is not only NOT the "whole" story, it's not even the "right" story. Many times, a sound bite is used to "spin" a story a certain way, sometimes to the detriment of the person in the story. As Elmer Fudd says, "Be vewy, vewy careful", about what you read on the internet (or anywhere else" that may not be the whole story.

That said, certain types of sound bites, or cryptic phrases can be used by storytellers to "set up" the listeners to think one way, and then later reveal that it meant something else. Once again, Elmer's advice is crucial here. Be careful and wise about how and when these are used.

A student of mine began his "fact based" story:

"My name is Tom, and I was the property of Benjamin Franklin."

He then continued on to tell us all the ways that he was treated by Franklin: "Had to sleep in the barn; only got fed once a day; was punished with a beating when he didn't obey, etc."

What were we all thinking? That Tom was a slave... but in fact, the teller revealed at the end of the story that Tom was Franklin's dog. This was a very effective technique, using the "assumption" that we all had to show us the analogy of the way a dog is treated to the way slaves were treated. It was well done.

The caveat here is that once an image is placed into the listeners' minds, it may be hard to change. Consider the following statement.

The man insisted that the girl sleep in his bed!

What's your initial reaction? What are you thinking, feeling? As a "sound bite" it could be very disturbing. If one goes further, the image of the man could get worse and worse.

They argued. Their voices got louder. The girl did not want to and said, "There is NO way I will do that!" The man countered, "I will just find a way to force you to."

Pretty strong words, evoking high emotions, right? The longer one continues with this thread, the harder it may be to come back from a dangerous feeling or assumption.

But what if THIS were the scenario:

The man insisted that the girl sleep in his bed! "You are the guest in my house. the couch is too hard. I insist that you take the comfortable bed and I take the couch!"

Well, now, that's a whole different kettle of fish - isn't it?

It can be an effective technique, But we always have to ask ourselves, "What will the listeners be feeling? Do I want them to feel, assume that? If I go too long, will I be able to get them back? Will it all SERVE the story?

Stories that start one way and later shift can be very effective. But remember to "Be vewy, vewy careful!"

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Immitate the Swagger
I’m a woman who imitated the swagger of an entitled white male — 
and it got results

Here's a great story from Judith Taylor about gender behavior and gender roles. I think it has implications and applications for storytellers.

Imitating white male swagger can help women understand its durable power and sway. I know, because I tried it.
A few years ago, my sociological imagination awoke when watching Friday Night Lights, the once-popular teen drama about football in Texas, in response to the figure of Coach Taylor, a handsome, mostly angry, but putatively good-hearted leader.
Coach Taylor and I could not be more different. He is a short-tempered, unilateral man of few words, who doesn’t believe anyone deserves an explanation. As a professor, I explain my decisions, grading, data and assigned readings to a fault. In seminars, I ensure each student is heard, and has a full chance to participate and be part of the scholarly conversation. If students seek my counsel, I follow up with more readings or questions to make sure I have helped them.
Imagine then, my puzzlement watching a leader whose monosyllabic brevity accrues such respect. Paper and pen in hand, I observed Coach Taylor, making note of his phrases. In coaching meetings he would end conversations with the sentence, “We’re not going to do that.” He responded to student concerns with “Nope. Not gonna do it” or “You’re better than this!” “Stay away from dumb, gentlemen,” and “Don’t quit.”
Read the rest of the story here.
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******************************* THERE'S A LOT GOING ON EACH MONTH ***************************

---------------------------------CALL TO MAKE SURE THE EVENT IS STILL ON

The Chatterbox Open Mic
Every Wednesday - 8:00 PM
Fair Trade Cafe
1020 N 1st Ave, Phoenix

Infuse Open Mic
Second Sunday of each month - Phoenix

FStorytellers - Female Story Tellers - Tucson
Usually sometime during the first week of the month - but check their website) at  7 pm - TUCSON

First Thursday of each month (usually but check calendar) - TUCSON

Tucson Tellers of Tales - Storytellers Guild
First Saturday of each month (except July and August) - Tucson

West Side Story Tellers - Storytellers Guild
First Saturday of each month - GLENDALE *NO meetings in July & August

East Valley Tellers of Tales -Storytellers Guild
Second Saturday of each month - SCOTTSDALE - *NO meetings in July & August

Fourth Saturday of each month (usually - check calendar) - *NO meetings in June & July
SMCC Storytelling Institute
A monthly workshop designed to help storytellers build community and deepen repertoire.
See the Calendar

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All Newsletter content ©Mark Goldman
Got some news or information you would like to get out to the storytelling community?

Contact Mark Goldman -x602-390-3858x - Mark@Storytellermark.com


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