     Monday, January 20, 2014
Issue # 91

Got some news or information you would like to get out to the storytelling community?
Contact Mark Goldman -x602-390-3858x - Mark@Storytellermark.com

Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day

NSN Extends Pre-Earlybird Through Today!

SAVE on Pre-EARLYBIRD Registration
DEADLINE Extended through Today

  • Become a member of NSN for $60
    ---You can save 10% ($6) if you are a paying Guild member
    ---(in Phoenix, it's EVTOT or West Side Story Tellers)
    ---AND you get a free book from August House! A GREAT VALUE!
    ---FULL TIME STUDENTS with ID - You can join for $30!
              Some restrictions apply for students
    ---Members get a $100 discount off of the conference price of $430
    ---Seniors and Students with IDs get an additional $75 off!
  • SAVE EVEN MORE - Sign up for PRE-Earlybird Registration
    ---Register by January 15, 2014, and save an additional $15 off the standard early-bird price.
  • SPREAD OUT PAYMENTS - By registering early, you also may elect to pay in 6 monthly installments January–June, 2014
                  Having trouble sorting out your options?                   
      Call Mark Goldman TODAY - 
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This Week


AZ Rep @ Crescent Ballroom - Mondays

Every Monday in January, the Arizona Storytellers Project takes over the Crescent Ballroom. 
On the first three Mondays, a mix of musicians and those in the Valley's music industry will tell a story about their lives in the Valley's rock, jazz, blues, rap and electronic scenes. The musicians will also perform a song, VH1 Storytellers-style. 
On the last Monday, they will host a big night on the ballroom stage with musicians and industry-insiders focusing stories on the theme: New Year, New Risks - Stories of daring behavior and dramatic changes.
Featured tellers include: 
Jan. 20 
Ed Masley of The Breakup Society
Gabe William of Bears of Manitou
Jan. 27
Ryan Sadler of Sad Mariachi
Nicole Laurenne of The Love Me Nots
Danny Zelisko of Danny Zelisko Presents
Maya Anjelica Murillo

Full bar and dinner menu available. 
Details: Each night runs from 7 to 9 p.m. Crescent Ballroom, 308 N. 2nd Ave, Phoenix.

For more, visit azcentral.com/storytellers or crescentphx.com

Faculty Concert - SMCC Storytelling Institute

Wednesday - January 22 - 7pm
Join Sean Buvala, our featured teller, and Doug Bland, Harriet Cole, Kelly Davis, and Penny Morningstar for the SMCC Storytelling Institute's annual faculty concert in Performance Hall at 7:00 p.m. Marilyn Torres and Liz Warren will be there, too!

NSN Fringe Lottery Drawing at the Concert
Thirty-seven folks have submitted applications to do a Fringe Performance at NSN's National Storytelling Conference here in Phoenix in July this year! Many of those applications came from some of our own Arizona tellers!

During the concert, there will be a lottery drawing for these Fringe slots. Twelve regular slots will be drawn and twelve "alternates" will be drawn in case of dropouts or unavailability. Don't miss the LIVE fun!
Check out the calendar section for more details.

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Coming Up


The Race Card - Stories of Race and Identity

Sunday - January 26th
Community Christian Church starts off the 2014 Storytelling Concert Series with Stories of Race and Identity. Join Pastor Doug Bland and a host of great tellers!

The stories begin at 7 pm.
Check out the calendar section for more details.

Arizona Tales - Honoring Dean Cook
Saturday - February 1st
The West Side Storytellers are hosting a storytelling concert on February 1st. It will be a special event to honor one of their favorite members - Arizona Folklorist, Dean Cook! There will be storytelling by the West Side Story Tellers, music, a flute workshop with Loren Russell and a pot luck supper. All held at a special venue called Barbara's Place in Tolleson.

5:00 pm - Flute Workshop
Led by Native American flute player and storyteller Loren Russell (bring your own flute) (Fee: $10)

6:00 pm - Pot Luck Supper (please bring a dish to share)

7:00 pm - Storytelling & Music Concert
Special appearance by storytelling folk music artists Lon Austin & Andy Hurlbut.   
Fee: Please bring Canned Food To Benefit Aqua Fria Food Bank
Check out the calendar section for more details.

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Barry White Said it Best

My first, my last, my everything.

Those lines from Barry White are important for storytellers. We tell new students, "Don't try to memorize the whole story. Memorize the first and last lines. That's a good start, but we need to go further than that. Before we memorize them, we have to do a good job at crafting them.

There are many roles that your first line(s) fulfill. They should set the scene and the mood. They need to make your audience want to hear more. They can convey who you are and where you are going to take the audience. They should engender trust from the listeners. Will they want to go on this journey with you?

Your last line, too, is crucial. It is the last thing the audience hears. It is one of the most important things they will remember. Make sure you say it clearly, with the intention that you want. And make sure you have clearly decided what that intention is.

The last line can wrap up the story. It can make everything clear; answer the question that was posed at the beginning or in the middle of the story. It can pull all the parts of the story together. It should give the audience a sense of closure and satisfaction. You can challenge the audience to think, or decide for themselves how things turn out, but make sure they have a solid basis for that, so you don't leave them hanging or angry and unfulfilled.

To sum it all up: Your "first", your "last" should be memorized, but like your "everything" in the middle, they should be especially well crafted.

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Dropouts and Stayers - I Applaud You Both!
This is my second semester teaching The Art of Storytelling at Glendale Community College. Last week was the start of classes and I am excited to meet all the new students and learn about their goals and fears concerning the class.

Between the two classes I have, there have been six students who have dropped out after the first week. One dropped due to non-payment, but some have dropped after seeing how much work the course entails. A couple of people dropped after Tuesday, and a few more dropped after Thursday's class, which was devoted to going over the syllabus and clarifying the work and assignments.

To the folks who dropped: I applaud you! Yes, I honor your decision. If you felt that there is too much work, too many assignments, you don't think you have the time or the energy to participate fully in this course - I salute you. Whether it is storytelling, or some other class, if you believe it's too much, you have made a wise choice.

To those who are staying, yet still have some trepidation and fear about what the semester holds; how will you stand in front of the class and tell your stories; how will you tackle the work to be done - I also salute you. You have decided to dive in, regardless of your anxiety, and attempt to learn something new. You have also made a wise decision. 

Like two tellers who tell similar stories, but with different voices - your choices are your own, and you each carry wisdom in the moment. I applaud both!

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------------------------------------THERE'S A LOT GOING ON EACH MONTH
---------------------------------CALL TO MAKE SURE THE EVENT IS STILL ON

Homebase Poetry
First Sunday of each month - Phoenix

Infuse Open Mic
Second Sunday of each month - Phoenix

Yarnball Storytellers Mic
Every Wednesday at  8 pm - PHOENIX

FStorytellers - Female Story Tellers
Every Second Wednesday (usually but check calendar) at  7 pm - TUCSON

Odyssey Storytelling
First Thursday of each month (usually but check calendar) - TUCSON

Storyline: Origins
Fourth Friday of each month - PHOENIX

Lit Lounge - Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art (SMOCA)
Fourth Friday of each month - SCOTTSDALE

Tucson Tellers of Tales - Storytellers Guild
First Saturday of each month (except July and August) - Tucson

East Valley Tellers of Tales -Storytellers Guild
Second Saturday of each month - SCOTTSDALE

West Side Story Tellers -Storytellers Guild
Second Saturday of each month - GLENDALE

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All Newsletter content ©Mark Goldman
Got some news or information you would like to get out to the storytelling community?

Contact Mark Goldman -x602-390-3858x - Mark@Storytellermark.com


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