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Storytelling Tips: 
Creating, Crafting and Telling Stories

by Mark Goldman 

101 tips from professional storyteller Mark Goldman.

“Where was this book when I was starting out? It could have saved me a lot of learn-as-I-go work and would've kept me on a much more productive path. This book offers a gentle helping hand to anyone who is wanting to not just do storytelling but do storytelling well. Mark's writing is easy to read and enjoyable, but don't let that fool you. This book is packed full (and I mean packed) of fantastic hints, tips, advice, wisdom and best of all … stories. It should be on every storyteller's shelf.”
Kim Weitkamp, Speaker, Storyteller, Humorist, Author

“How I wish this was available when I was first starting out! Mark Goldman offers us a book, brimming with valuable insights, tips, and experiences, sprinkled with personal vignettes in Mark's accessible and approachable style. This is a guide for storytellers both on and off the stage. It will prove invaluable for beginners who want to get started on the right foot, and for seasoned tellers who understand that our colleagues are our greatest teachers. A must have for every performer!”
Karen Chace, Storyteller/Teaching Artist/Author

"A masterful work! Mark's 101 tips are funny, witty, and totally comprehensive! I wish I had this book when first starting my career! All the basic fundamentals of story/theatre are here compacted into this little power house volume! The man left no stone (or story) unturned!"
Bobby Norfolk, Storyteller and Author

“Inspiring, insightful, and practical … Mark Goldman defines how to craft, deliver and market storytelling in clear, accessible steps that are as entertaining as they are educational. Tellers of all levels of experience will find useful tips to apply right now to grow their performance skills and storytelling careers.”
Susanna Connelly Holstein, Storyteller and Story Coach

"Mark Goldman’s 101 Tips  for Creating, Crafting and Telling Stories brims with important ideas for both inexperienced and experienced tellers. They are gleaned from  Mark’s years as a storyteller and storytelling coach, and delivered with clarity and humor. Toward the end of the book, Mark suggests that a storyteller take a bow after each performance.  Among other things, he explains, bowing  gives the audience a chance to  show their appreciation for what you’ve done. Well, then, take a bow, Mark  Goldman."
Syd Lieberman, Storyteller, Coach and Recipient of NSN's Lifetime Achievement Award

“Not only is this book practical for storytellers of all levels, it is a joy to read. Mark knows storytelling, and shares his knowledge with skill, humor, and honesty. I look forward to being able to recommend it to fellow storytellers, students in my workshops, and to educators as well.”
Antonio Sacre, Storyteller and Author

“Mark's 101 snippets of sound advice are clearly written, touched with humor, and offered in a common-sense, easily accessible format. This book is a quick yet worthwhile read, gleaned from Mark's own steady growth and experience as a successful storyteller and educator. Gather a tip or two at a time, or make this book your evening's entertainment; it can become a self-coaching guide for any new or learning storyteller and a great enrichment tool for the experienced raconteur.”
Lynette Ford, Storyteller and Author of Affrilachian Tales: Tales from the African- American Tradition in Appalachia

“A sensational number of quality storytelling tips. You must buy it.”
Slash Coleman, Storyteller and Author

This handy book of ideas is perfect for beginning storytellers as well as more experienced, long–time tellers. Whether you want to begin a storytelling career on the right foot or invigorate an old one, you'd be wise to keep Mark's book by your bedside or in a handy spot in your office.”
Judy Sima, Storyteller, Author, and teaching artist

This book is filled with useful information and is reader-friendly. It’s like getting advice from a big brother.”
Jim May, Emmy Award-Winning Storyteller and Author

"You have made the decision to be a storyteller and you wonder where to start. Look no further than Mark Goldman’s new book Storytelling Tips: Creating, Crafting, and Telling Stories. It is a practical personal guide that will support your journey.  He makes the “how” and “why” of being a storyteller visible.  I highly recommend it."
Kevin D. Cordi, Ph.D., National Story/Storytelling Consultant, Assistant Professor, Ohio Dominican University, Co-Director of the Columbus Area Writing Project

Full Review By Storyteller Kevin Cordi, Ph.D.

Mark Goldman’s latest book Storytelling Tips: Creating, Crafting and Telling Stories provides valuable instructional tools to engage and learn the art of storytelling. It covers all facets of the art of being a storyteller. However, the ideas are presented not as chronological ‘must do’ activities, but instead Mark invites the reader to do what they are comfortable with and to roam around in the text and find what works for the needs of the storyteller.

He peppers the work with the sage advice of professional storytellers, but what is especially inviting is that Mark shares his process of development as he recommends the activities. For example, in an activity called “There’s Always Another Side to the Tale…and the Tail,” we hear Mark sharing the value of switching POV, including a cameo of his dog. Unlike some instruction guides, Mark is ever present in this work and we are rewarded because of it.

One of the more powerful reminders is called “The Endowment Exercise” (p. 125) where Mark shares how renown theater expert Uta Hagan speaks to the power of an actor to place all their energy with the use of props such as a tea cup. He shares how the teacup may look like a store bought copy, but in the hands of the actor is must be used as the script demands. However, at the end of the activity, Mark reminds us that storytellers need to do this through the imagination because the physical cup is not there. He values what makes storytelling unique to the teller.

Mark’s book helps us embody what it means to be a storyteller. He makes the craft visible. It is a useful and valuable guide that I will keep with me as I journey to understand this art.

Full Review by Storyteller Fran Stallings

Because each of Goldman's 1-2 page tips is as appealing as a crunchy tortilla chip, it's tempting to munch through a lot of them at one sitting! But to get the real good of his experienced advice, try to take them just one or two at a time and really digest them, because they pack a lot of nutrition.

Compiled from two years' worth of weekly online newsletters, these tips reflect wisdom gleaned from colleagues' workshops as well as Goldman's own work as a teller, teacher, and coach. He has sorted them into General advice, Creating stories, Crafting stories, and the Telling process itself.

A beginning teller will find several conferences' worth of good information here! A veteran teller will probably find some novel gems too, as well as being reminded of good ideas that should be tried again. Goldman has a knack for coloring each tip with concrete, specific examples that make his point better than a generalized description--and prove that he knows the value of a good story.

This book is highly recommended for tellers at all levels of experience.

Full review by New Mexico Author, Poet, and Artist Jeff Warren

Mark Goldman's book is completely delightful and engaging. While his subject is storytelling, his understanding of the power of expression will be useful for anyone who wishes to communicate effectually onstage or off. It is a comprehensive well-crafted text for anyone on the techniques of speaking effectively in public or privately.

The author has a gift for writing in simple easy-to-absorb language, utilizing humor and his own life experiences. At the same time, he conveys his ideas with great sophistication which is a clear compliment to the reader. I especially admire the structure of the book. Most of the many chapters are short--often just a page and a half.

He is especially skilled at embracing an idea and expanding in simple exacting terms. This keeps the momentum going and makes the volume an easy and enjoyable read. As a former actor turned artist/poet, I am in awe of Goldman's understanding of how one can develop and harness their own unique power of expression. I highly recommend this one!

Full review by Jo Radner, Storyteller & Book Reviewer for NSN's Storytelling Magazine

Mark Goldman has been publishing an insightful, practical, online, weekly newsletter of storytelling tips (at since 2012. Two years of those newsletters are now a book of advice, organized helpfully into categories. Novice tellers will find Storytelling Tips especially useful, but since the pieces are lively, with many anecdotal examples, even experienced performers may turn page after page addictively. (As Samuel Johnson famously remarked, people “more frequently require to be reminded than informed.”) Who can’t use superb prompts for creating stories? Vivid examples of first lines? A cogent pronouncement about when not to accept a gig? A thoughtful meditation about how to accept critical feedback? All this and much more. Enjoy this engaging miscellany!