     Monday - August 6, 2012
Issue # 15

Got some news or information you would like to get out to the storytelling community?
Contact Mark Goldman -x602-390-3858x - Mark@Storytellermark.com

Just Stories - A Treat and A Triumph!

The Just Stories Online Festival was a huge success! There were 43 tellers telling 70 stories over a three-day period. It was  all about Bringing the Races Together With Stories. As each story was posted, each teller was available online to view comments  and respond with real-time chat. These were many of the top tellers around the world, telling personal stories and other tales that addressed the theme of race relations. Some were very powerful, some were also humorous, but all had great significance for a world troubled by scisms and gaps between cultures. These stories and tellers all hoped to use this forum to Bridge the Gap.

Here are some stats, growing even bigger with each day:
Fans: 2313
Friends of Fans - potential to reach: 305,568
People talking about the JS Festival: 1409
Weekly reach: 44,132
The good news is that although the Festival itself and the interactive segment are over, the stories are still available to watch! The stories will make you laugh and cry, and hopefully begin to help us think differently about how we can all connect through story.
You can view the stories by going to the Just Stories Youtube channel and scrolling through the list. 

Storytelling Magazine

The August/September issue of Storytelling Magazine has arrived! If you haven't received yours in the mail, it should be there soon. In addition to great articles and regular features, this issue has a special section on bullying. There are stories, and articles about using story to deal with and stop bullying. It's a great resource.

What, you say? You don't get the magazine because you are not a member of NSN? That's easy enough to change. You can become a member for as little as $60, and there are MANY benefits to membership. Go to the membership section of the NSN website to learn more about it. http://storynet.org/membership/index.html
Are you a member of East Valley Tellers of Tales, or The West Side Storytellers? If so, you get an additional 10% discount off of your membership. 
For more info, contact:
East Valley: Contact Mark Goldman mark@storytellermark.com
West Valley: Mark Compton Mark.Compton@usa.net
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This Week


EVTOT - This Saturday

This Saturday, August 11th ~ 10am - Noon

East Valley Tellers of Tales is a Phoenix area guild of Storytellers and Storylisteners. We are an affiliate of the National Storytelling Network. Come and find out what this means, and how it benefits you!

We meet the second Saturday of each month to hear great stories and celebrate Storytelling Successes. Everyone is welcome; all tellers and listeners. Afterwards, many of us meet for lunch at a nearby restaurant. Everyone is welcome to join us.
Click here for details & info

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Salt to Taste

Here's another cooking metaphor that I love, and use for life and storytelling. Tellers often ask me: How loud should I be? Where should I stand? Should I get closer to the audience? Should I move around? Should I do lots of gesturing? Should I spend more time introducing the story? Etc., etc., etc.

Storytelling is different in every situation. You are different, the audience is different, and the story becomes a little different each time. What do you do? Remember this mantra: Salt to taste!

Just as in cooking, you don't add salt if the food already has a high salt content. You adjust accordingly. If you don't have a mic, you may have to speak louder. If the mic is too "hot", you may need to back off a little, and even adjust your projection. If you are "popping your Ps" you should probably back away from the mic. If the audience is on three sides, vs. all in front of you, you will need to find a way to let everyone see your face and make contact with all listeners.

We've all read instructions on pre-packaged food that says, "Microwave on high for 3 minutes." But depending on the power of your microwave oven, you may need to add or reduce the time. 

So upon arriving at your venue, check out the oven, the burners on the stove, the lights, the mic, and the audience. You know how to cook your story...now just salt to taste!

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A World of Storytelling Radio
Ever thought it would be nice to tune in and listen to stories on the radio, all day long, 24-7? Well now you can, on the Internet.

Storyteller Buck Creacy has created an Internet radio station called A World of Storytelling Radio. Right now it is being heard in 110 countries. The station turned one year old on August 2nd, and is now number 18 on the charts in Talk Radio!

You can be part of it! Want to have your stories heard on the station? There is a one-time registration fee of $25. There is an additional processing fee of $2 for each three minutes of story. So a five and 1/2 minute story costs $6 to process into the radio format. No additional fees after that! 

AND RIGHT NOW, Buck has a Special: contact him and sign up before Labor Day, and get the first 12 minutes processed for FREE!

You can listen by going here: http://www.live365.com/stations/storytellingradio?play=2

To learn more, and get registered, contact Buck here:

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East Valley Tellers of Tales -Storytellers Guild
Second Saturday of each month - SCOTTSDALE
Scottsdale Public Library (Civic Center Branch)
10:00 am - 12 Noon
Gold Room

Storytellers Open Mic
First Sunday of each month - PHOENIX

Terra Java Coffeehouse - 3619 E. Indian School Rd. in Phoenix 
1:30 pm - 3:00 pm

Odyssey Storytelling
First Thursday of each month - TUCSON
Fluxx Studio and Gallery, 416 E. 9th St., Tucson, $7 - 
7:00 pm

Lit Lounge - Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art (SMOCA)
Fourth Friday of each month - SCOTTSDALE
It’s a little bit This American Life and a little bit rock-n-roll! Every fourth Friday, some of the most engaging writers and performers in Arizona, and the nation, will share their funny, compelling and TRUE stories fused together by kicky, live music!
7:00 pm

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All Newsletter content ©Mark Goldman
Got some news or information you would like to get out to the storytelling community?

Contact Mark Goldman -x602-390-3858x - Mark@Storytellermark.com


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