     Monday, August 10, 2015
Issue # 172

Got some news or information you would like to get out to the storytelling community?
Contact Mark Goldman -x602-390-3858x - Mark@Storytellermark.com

Call for Stories

The Storyline and Space 55 present "Heritage" a two-night storytelling show at Space 55 on Friday, September 18th and Saturday, September 19th at 8:00 P.M.

We are looking for a variety of stories that share how your life in the United States is shaped by you or your parents (or even grandparents and great grandparents!) having come here from somewhere else.
"Heritage" will be hosted and curated by Rachel Egboro, a local storyteller and co-producer of The Storyline.
We want to hear from you! If you have a story to tell, see below for some prompts. Once you're inspired, pitch your story by sending a brief synopsis or  voice memo to TheStorylineMail@gmail.com.
The selected stories will be workshopped and storytellers must be available on Sundays, September 6th and 13th from 2-4 for rehearsals.
We are accepting pitches until August 22nd and we cannot wait to hear from you!
Some Prompts***
  • How does your family look different in regards to holidays, food, education, marriage, religion, milestones, jokes or vacations?
  • Do you feel conscious about your heritage in certain situations?
  • When do you feel homesick?
  • What do you like about the "new" that's different from the "old"?
  • Have you ever felt ashamed about your heritage? How and when did you learn to feel pride?
  • Have your parents embarrassed you?
  • ***If you have a story idea beyond this list we definitely want to hear it!

E-Mail a brief synopsis to Rachel

SMCC Fall Classes Start August 24th

SMCC Classes start in just TWO weeks, so make sure you register now! 
In addition to your old favorites, the semester is jam-packed with some great new classes.

Here is the current lineup of classes:

The Art of Storytelling I
The Art of Storytelling II
The African Storytelling Tradition
Using Storytelling In Educational Settings
Using Storytelling In Healing Settings
Using Storytelling In Interpretive Setting
Using Storytelling in Advocacy Settings
Creating and Telling Personal Stories
Classes are filling up, don't get left out!
NOTE: Unfortunately it appears that I do not have enough registrations for a Storytelling II class at GCC this fall. Think about it for the spring!

Yarnball Announces Themes for Rest of 2015

Here are the Yarnball themes through the end of December 2015.
See you 8:00pm on Wednesdays at Lawn Gnome Publishing:

August 2015
05 Craigslist
12 Taking Sides
19 Roommates
26 Featuring Melissa Dunmore
September 2015
02 Substitute
09 Holiday
16 Pets
23 Innocent
30 Featuring Steve Maxwell
October 2015
7 Hair
14 Roots
21 Resurrection
28 Featuring ??
November 2015
4 Remember, Remember
11 War
18 Surprise
25 Featuring Jessi Balli
December 2015
2 Frozen
9 Siblings
16 Featuring Rachel Egboro
For more info, contact :
Rachel Egboro


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This Week


Life and Limb - TONIGHT and THIS WEEK

TONIGHT - MONDAY - 7:00 PM - The Only Evening Performance!
(Special $3 fee - FREE for performers with a resume!)

Storytellers Mark Goldman and Dustin Loehr have collaborated on a series of short, true-to-life stories about their lives as dancers and actors called "Life and Limb". Join us for this world premier as these two men reflect on a life in the arts, discovering hidden truths behind the songs, dances and roles of their past.

From the producers of UNCONDITIONAL and Footnotes of the Untellable Tale comes a new, true to life story. Collaborators Mark Goldman and Dustin Loehr, two combination storyteller-dancers now elevate their artistry, inviting audiences into a unique expression of “living your own story.”

"Life and Limb" is a Transformative Arts Productions (T.A.P.) and will have its premier at the Herberger Theater Center. Click the link at bottom for ticket and performance information:

$6.00 - (additional fees may apply when ordering in advance)
At the Herberger Theatre - 222 E. Monroe
Special Evening Preview
Monday, August 10 - 7:00 pm
(Special $3 fee - FREE for performers with a resume!)
Tuesday, August 11, 12:10 pm
Wednesday, August 12, 12:10 pm
Thursday, August 13, 12:10 pm
Tuesday, August 18, 12:10 pm
Wednesday, August 19, 12:10 pm
Thursday, August 20, 12:10 pm
More info

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Coming Up


Storyline - Favorite Things
Saturday - September 5th

“Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens…”

Join us at Space 55 for a few of our favorite things as Storyline returns for our first show of the 15-16 season.

This evening’s storytellers will include: Melissa Dunmore, Rachel Egboro, Dan Hoen Hull, Nate Romero and …  

Tickets are $10 @ Space55.

More info

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Connect the Dots

It's not "Paint by Numbers" but you do need to connect the dots, Remember that old game?

As often said, there is no "template" or real "formula" for creating a story. There are some guidelines (Beggining, Middle, End) and there are some clearly defined plot lines.

Please see Loren Niemi's The New Book of Plots. This is a wonderful boook with great insights to storytelling and a specific list of many "plots" that may help you decide on a structure for your story. And the updated version has exercise at the end of each chapter to help you place your story in a particular mode.

But if we go back to the basics of storytelling, one of the most important thinigs we need to do is connect the dots.

This means paying attention to at least three things:

  1. What's the story about?
  2. Does each part connect to the what the story is about?
  3. Does each part connect to the previous and subsequent part?

What's the story about?
I have often said that this is crucial. Once again, I will cite Doug Lipman, the Storytelling Coach, who asks us to understand what is the Most Important Thing (MIT). Keep this simple! Remember, it's not about the succession of events: this happens then that happens.

What is the underlying theme? Is it about true love; unrequited love; forgotten memories; how anger destroys things; the indomitable human spirit? This is a decision that must be clearly made. Remember, after much crafting and many, many tellings... THIS MAY CHANGE! I mentioned recently that Bill Harley discovered after several years of telling a story, that it was really about something different than he had thought!

Does each part connect to what the story is about?
Find a way to make each part or section of your story connect to the MIT. Make sure it is linked, and not somewhere out there in left field, like an unused appendage. Be careful of veering to far away from the main trunk of your story to a branch or limb so far out, the audience (or you) may fall off.

Does each part connect to the previous and subsequent part?
Make sure there is a logical progression from one dot to the next. This doesn't necessarily mean chronological. There can be flashbacks or flash forwards, but make sure the navigation has some clarity; that each piece follow and leads in an understandable way.

It can be helpful to list all of the scenes or moments in your story on a sheet of paper and follow the connections. Even better - put each moment on a sticky note and place them all on the wall. Make note of how each one connects to each of the concepts identified, and to each other. If the flow doesn't fit, try changing the order. Add or delete pieces. But make sure you connect all the dots!

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Thank you all for your heartfelt reponses to my having been diagnosed with Bell's Palsy (away from home and in the middle of the NSN Conference).

Some of you have asked if there is any pain. There is not... accept the anguish of slurring my words. This is difficult for one who makes his life with words and storytelling.

I am posting two pics here. The first is day three and the second is today, day ten. I am feeling better today, and although it may be psychological (that's OK too) I feel as if I have just a tinge of difference and control on the left side of my face. Can you see it?


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------------------------------------THERE'S A LOT GOING ON EACH MONTH
---------------------------------CALL TO MAKE SURE THE EVENT IS STILL ON

Infuse Open Mic
Second Sunday of each month - Phoenix

Pink Slip Open Mic
Every Monday at  8 pm - PHOENIX

Yarnball Storytellers Mic
Every Wednesday at  8 pm - PHOENIX

FStorytellers - Female Story Tellers - Tucson
Usually sometime during the first week of the month - but check their website) at  7 pm - TUCSON

Odyssey Storytelling
First Thursday of each month (usually but check calendar) - TUCSON

Third Friday (usually) of each month - PHOENIX

Tucson Tellers of Tales - Storytellers Guild
First Saturday of each month (except July and August) - Tucson

West Side Story Tellers - Storytellers Guild
First Saturday of each month - GLENDALE *NO meetings in July & August

East Valley Tellers of Tales -Storytellers Guild
Second Saturday of each month - SCOTTSDALE

Homebase Poetry
Has changed to a random schedule  - Phoenix
Make sure you check the Faceboook page

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All Newsletter content ©Mark Goldman
Got some news or information you would like to get out to the storytelling community?

Contact Mark Goldman -x602-390-3858x - Mark@Storytellermark.com


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